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[RU]: Phone-call to Romania

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020





To: Russian Minister of Defence, Russian Minister of Commerce (HeadlessSeeker)

Subject: Purchase of Equipment


Hello. We are interested in acquiring 10 SS-26 Iskander's from Russia for use in the Romanian military, as well as 4 SA-10E "Grumble" S-300PMU2s. I hope we can come to an agreement.

Best Regards,
Vlad Dracula, Chief of Defense


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Protected by SIN Version 1995

A Phonecall from the Russian Ministry of Defense to the Romanian Minister of Commerce would occur some time following the email. The call would be from the office of the MOD themself. The man making the call sat quietly in a dark room in the MOD building. A Guard from Alpha Group stood outside his office door which was locked. His window was locked. No one but him was to be in knowledge of this phone call.
Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020

The phone would be picked up. Vlad Dracula would speak from his private home in Iasi. "Hello. This is chief of defense Vlad Dracula. I presume you are calling in relation to our inquiry?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Protected by SIN Version 1995

"Yes, that is what I am calling about. I am afraid your request for that 9K720 Iskander and S-300PMU-2 will have to be denied. The reasons for this are simple. The Iskander is an incredibly new piece of equipment, one which will not be for sale for some time. Secondly, we do not feel comfortable with the sale of the S-300 system in Romania following the war between you and Moldova. The reason we are uncomfortable is because of the perceived instability of your nation and that you did not consult us prior to making moves. For that reason, we can only offer you the Scud-D and S-200VE "Vega-E". Both are adequate for your purposes. However, should you make progress with us in the future these valuable pieces of equipment will become available to you."

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"We see no reason why we should consult with Russia when making moves that do not pertain to it. If you are not willing to sell us this equipment we will find a more reasonable supplier."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Protected by SIN Version 1995

"I don't think you understand. You made moves on a former Soviet State, which we consider to be within our sphere of influence. We consider Romania to be within our sphere as well. Thus, what you did pertains to us entirely. You decided to bring instability to our sphere which by extension makes us look bad. We are willing to overlook this fact in favor for building better relations in the future. However, your attitude in this moment demonstrates to us that you are seemingly unwilling? You will not find many who are willing to supply you if you go down this path. But, we can give you a path forward. You failed to take Moldova. But with the right help, who knows what is possible? it pays to have powerful friends."

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"I'm sorry but I believe you are mistaken. Romania is not under anyone's sphere of influence aside from its own. However, a relationship with Russia could be highly beneficial, and we see that. If Russia is willing to recognize that Romania is outside of their circle of influence, I'm sure we could build our relationship as partners instead of as subjects."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Protected by SIN Version 1995

"You are right, a relationship with us would be highly beneficial to you. However, if you want to be partners then you will need to contact us in regards to military matters that involve post Soviet states. You may view Moldova as rightfully Romanian, but we view Moldova as being a part of our sphere of influence. It reflects poorly when this sort of thing happens. If you wish to purchase equipment from us then we need some concessions. You will not use said equipment against our sphere of influence unless you have spoken with us on the matter. We will also need te stipulation that you will not resell the equipment to Nordic Council nations." Kelly the Mad

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