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[Russia]: Message to Sweden


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018

To: Stefan Löfven
Cc: Vladimir Putin
Subject: Relations

Encrypted Document(s)

Dear Stefan Löfven,

Congratulations on becoming the Prime Minister of Sweden. I hope you have an excellent term! I hereby invite you to the Russian Federation to speak with myself Dmitry Medvedev regarding the relations between our nations and many topics regarding the globe and safety of the baltic region.

I look forward to hearing a reply soon,
Dmitry Medvedev
Prime Minister of the Russian Federation



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Dear Dmitry Medvedev,

I am very thankful for your letter of congratulations and I certainly will do everything I can to ensure my term serves the Swedish people, ensures the fight for human rights continues and protects the nations I do dearly love.

I would love to come and visit you in Russia and I shall leave by chartered flight as soon as possible. Would you please do me the pleasure of providing a security detail for my visit? as, embarrassingly, I am unable to provide my own personnel at this time.

Please let me know when you have an address for my meeting and I will travel by local taxi to the destination. Many thanks again.

Stefan Löfven
Prime Minister



Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018

To: Stefan Löfven
Cc: Vladimir Putin
Subject: Relations

Encrypted Document(s)

Dear Stefan Löfven,

All security arrangements have been made for your arrival. Once you are in Russia please make your way to 32/34 Smolenskaya-Sennaya Square, Moscow. Where I shall meet you along with the Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

I look forward to hearing a reply soon,
Dmitry Medvedev
Prime Minister of the Russian Federation



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The Swedish delegation sends details of the travel arrangements over to the Russian authorities, the Prime Minister boards a direct flight to Moscow with taxi provisions at the other end to take him to the venue. Throughout the fight the Prime Minister would draft various topics to bring to the agenda as well and changing to appropriate attire.

Stefan, in the bathroom mirror, would practice introducing himself before arrival.


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
With the Swedish flight inbound, Air Traffic Controllers would give priority to the Swedish plane slotting it in place. Once landed, Russian Federal Security Service Agents would greet and escort the Swedish delegation to the taxi stand where a taxi would be waiting. Once entering the vehicle, the Russian agents would enter their own vehicles before giving the taxi an escort to 32/34 Smolenskaya-Sennaya Square, Moscow where the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister would be waiting in the reception area for the vehicles to arrive.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
As the Prime Minister steps out the vehicle he would button the front of his grey suit and straighten his tie before walking up the stairs and into the reception area. The Prime Minister travels alongside his Strategic Advisor
Isabella Löven.

The Prime Minister would extend a hand to the Russian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister to introduce himself:
“It’s an absolute pleasure to be here, Russia is gorgeous and Moscow in particular is filled with history. It’s a fantastic city. My name is Stefan and this is my colleague Isabella, we’re both thrilled to meet you”


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
Dimitry would speak while shaking the hands of Isabella and Stefan "Welcome to Russia! The pleasure is all mine, this is the foreign minister Sergey Lavrov" he'd pause to allow sergey to shake the hands "Please do follow me, can I get you anything?" offering the question to the two swedish before leading the way into the conference room with numerous Russian and Swedish nibbles laid out on a table.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“Thank you, thank you. Oh I would love a coffee if that’s possible? It’s beautiful weather today. I must say I’ve been overwhelmed with the response to my Administration taking power - we’ve had numerous invites for bilateral meetings alongside being taken seriously on an international stage. Sweden has a long way to go but we’re not walking there.”

Stefan and Isabella take a seat, both of which taking numerous files and notepad from their bags, notes are taken throughout the meeting.


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
Pots of Tea and coffee would be brought into the room for the delegations to help themselves alongside iced cold water. Dimitry would speak up while nodding in agreement with the Swedish counterpart "Of course! That is great to hear, it is always nice to have friendly faces and administrations contacting you on your rise to power. That is great to hear that Sweden is being taken seriously on the international stage however I must warn you about the Republic of Brazil...they are a sour topic as such, they have some hatred towards Sweden for previous administrations such as blocking of the Gripen and some sort of ICBM attack on the Brazilian Embassy in Sweden!" Dimitry would pause letting Sergey speak "Yes Brazil are a sour topic..they ended talks with us once we refused to sell them equipment as they asked without setting up prior relations with us which I think is a bit odd. I know Russia is a leading Arms Manufacturer within the globe however we feel the need for relations with nations before selling, wouldn't you agree?"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“I absolutely agree, nations are so quick to establish diplomatic missions, arms sales and trade routes without any negotiate and any contractual agreements. It’s scary. The Brazilians came across as very immature and way out of their depth in the discussions regarding Australian sanctions... almost as if they panicked. States with power-crazed leadership are only going to cause trouble and if my experience stands for anything I’d suggest keeping an eye on them. They’ll grow and they’ll be out for blood”

Stefan helps himself to a black coffee, sipping from the cup once he finishes talking. Isabella would make notes as they speak and listen closely to ongoing conversation.


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
Dimitry and Sergey would just nod in agreement taking notes as the conversation continues "I totally agree. We haven't had any contact with them since, the South American region is a worrying one, Argentina is the prominent nation in that area and have quite a say in what happens. Hopefully Russia and Sweden can hopefully deter any happenings in the baltic region with strong friendships and strong words!"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“Absolutely, gents, in all honesty the amount of bullets you have in your pocket are worthless if you cannot sit at a table with another state and argue your side. I absolutely see a future with Russia and the cooperation in the Baltic region, speaking on behalf of my administration it would be an excellent addition to ongoing disputes to have a reasonable and fair addition from the Russian delegation. From speaking to you the last couple of minutes I can already determine a stable mind a safe partnership with Russia.”

Isabella nods and Stefan comments on the current state of affairs.

“We need to ensure our own safety before we wade into muddy water too deep for our boots but Sweden will do absolutely everything we can to deter the potential for military action. Should that mean scolding world leaders on an international platform then so be it. We’re bound to make enemies in the process, that’s diplomacy”


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
“Oh of course, Military action for me is always a last resort. I’d rather sit down and speak with nations, however sometimes some nations don’t speak so military action and sanctions have to be used instead” Dimitry would pause to let Sergey speak “I agree if Sweden and Russia can work together for the better of the Baltic region then that brings joy to one of our goals for regional peace and security”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Isabella recieves notification from the minister representing Sweden in the Australian feud regarding the comments made by Poland and Russia supporting each other. She promptly writes a note to pass to Stefan reading ‘Do not mention Poland’.

The note is read, folded and tucked into his notepad whilst he speaks.

“I’m very glad to hear it, I suppose you have immense plans for the Baltic Sea in particular? I note your focus is on the Baltic region specifically - what ideas do you want to throw around?”


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
“Currently we are in talks with Poland regarding an International Security Organisation, at the moment the focus is on the Baltic Region & Eastern European Security and Peace as well as fruitful trade within the areas. Hopefully this will be something Sweden faces in the future of course, it would be splendid to have more nations in the region to join and support the causes as well as Security, Peace and humitarian aid in the globe”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Stefan nods, noting mentally the proximity of Poland to Sweden before continuing...

"Absolutely, protection on one of our major borders is a huge focus for us, how are your relations with Poland? I presume your nations are very close with the establishment of this ISO?"

He smiles before throwing some nibbles into his mouth and straightening his tie.


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
“Yes of course, protection is our number one priority. Relations with Poland are on a perfect scale, what are your relations with Poland like? If any?”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"To my knowledge we've had very little dialogue with Poland, other than the debate regarding Australia - we're intrigued about their political position especially with them being a very close neighbour of ours"


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
“It sounds strange but they in my opinion show the same political position as ourselves”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I see. I must say your political techniques appear to be polar opposites"

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