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[Russia]: Message to Sweden


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“Well my perception of Russia so far are grand and respectful... catering and supportive. My experience of Poland so far is their bullying and manipulation, disrespect and immaturity. The complete opposite of this fine state. I have to say I’m surprised by your security agreements with Poland”


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
“I can make sure that isn’t the proper behaviour of Poland that we have experienced. With the Australian situation, I can understand both sides of the stories. I completely agree with Australia asking for no arms in the embassies however, in the eyes of the General assembly it is sovereign land and them laws shouldn’t apply to nations embassies however, Australia isn’t apart of the General assembly and don’t have to abide by the rules of said organisation.

Now on the other hand, correct me if I am wrong most police forces within the globe don’t shoot to kill? My understanding is that the British Special Operations Command, shoot to disarm and the same goes with my nation police forces. The Polish Ambassador was shoot getting into a Russian Vehicle as we made our exit towards the Airport to leave the nation. I can understand that the Australians felt insecure about the weapons however in my eyes I believe nations should be able to defend themselves with whatever weapons that seem fit. I totally agree Assault rifles are a no go however side arms that are concealed from the public eye doesn’t pose a threat unless shown to be used which then that’s a different case, so I get the Polish are feeling a bit skeptical in this situation”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“ The situation in Australia is complex to say the least, what isn't acceptable is the Polish attempt to manipulate my representatives and blatantly scream abuse on the global stage? You surely can't condone that behaviour?

It's embarrassing.“


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
“Of course, I’ll happily speak to the Polish if you wish?”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“If you think you’re able to amend their behaviour, absolutely. I may be new in office but I have a huge amount of experience in politics and I’ve seen this several times... with the upmost respect for your now ally, states that act this way make very dangerous decisions that can jeopardise the safety of the world.

The sooner it’s nipped in the bud, the better”


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
“I do believe we will be able to change their course of behaviour and action, I shall get onto President Putin shortly to discuss this.

I believe while we have you hear, we can talk about this contractual agreement for embassies? I was a bit alarm reading the email however I do agree with certain aspects”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“I must admit the action by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs was fairy extreme but I wholeheartedly support the action of my administration as the goal is clear - saving lives and ensuring the protection of foreign representation within Sweden. I need Sweden to remain a safe haven and this is definitely the most effective way of ensuring this safety.

Our contractual agreements are unique to each and every nation which allows a truly bilateral relationship built on trust and friendship.”


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
“Some others may not agree with Sweden being a safe haven especially after previous ICBM Attacks however I’m sure we can work together as a region to ensure all nations are safe!

Would it be possible to construct one right now with both of us here?”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“Yes previous governments have let our reputation down however I am certainly focused of repairing our bad history with positive change. This is just the start of my plans.

Of course, of course - as I said each agreement is unique between states, is there anything in particular you’d like mentioned in the agreement?”


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
“The use of arms, so we can clarify what use of arms are allowed? Particularly ill be quite happy if my agents are allowed their side arms! I find it unnecessary for assault rifles and weapons of a higher caliber. Of course these weapons will never never be shown unless the situation calls for it but I do believe if and when we start on regional peace and security they won’t have to use their sidearms at all”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“Absolutely, I completely agree with you, assault rifles are not required for business as usual operation. However I do believe we should have a clause allowing the provision of assault rifles should the sending state declare a national emergency or be in a time of war?

I don’t want either of us to be in a situation where we’re forced to close our diplomatic missions due to a silly feud. These missions are not for us, as governments, they’re to serve our people abroad and I think it’s absolutely essential to keep these buildings open as long as possible.”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“I’m really glad we’re on the same page, I’m looking forward to a strong relationship with Russia. What are your views on diplomatic post, are there any clauses you wish to be in writing in this respect?”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Okay, Sweden has a handful that we have as standard to ensure fair communications to representatives abroad. Have a look at this draft and tell me what you think - you may add or remove clauses as you see fit."

Swedish Agreement on Diplomatic Missions and Operational Protocols
Kingdom of Sweden bilateral mission to the Russian Federation

The states names above are present for the establishment of the Swedish/Spanish diplomatic mission and appropriate bilateral. The details named hereon-in have been agreed and ratified by both member states as a contractual agreement for the establishment of missions at home and abroad. Variations to any of the following articles must be ratified by both member states unless stated otherwise.

[1.1] The Kingdom of Sweden accepts the establishment of an embassy at the address of Gjörwellsgatan 31, 112 60 Stockholm, Sweden

[1.2] The Russian Federation accepts the establishment of an embassy at the address of Ulitsa Mosfilmovskaja 60, 115 127 Moscow, Russia

[1.3] Both parties recognise the land as sovereign territory of occupying state and will respect the physical boundaries laid out by registration of the land. Local emergency service workers, government officials and military personnel may not be restricted access to public areas of any premises.

[1.4] The removal of foundation premises require 4 week notice. Following an Article 1.4 Eviction Notice both parties will withdraw, within the 4 week grace period, from either nation. No justification is required for an eviction to be enacted.

[2.1] Either state are permitted to expand their mission within a member state providing the agreement of the home statement is given. Further premises defined include any other building outside the boundary of the foundation premises (embassy).

[2.2] The removal of foundation premises require 4 week notice. Following an Article 2.2 Eviction Notice both parties will withdraw, within the 4 week grace period, from the additional premises. No justification is required for an eviction to be enacted. This does not require a foundation premises to be evicted, only a defined 'further' premises.

[2.3] Both parties recognise the land as sovereign territory of occupying state and will respect the physical boundaries laid out by registration of the land. Local emergency service workers, government officials and military personnel may not be restricted access to public areas of any premises.

[3.1] Either member state permits the free movement of staff throughout the home state without obstruction, unreasonable tariff, taxation. Foreign representation should be free from threat, risk or harm throughout their time serving the diplomatic mission.

[3.2] Foreign representation are to receive diplomatic immunity from the date this agreement is ratified. Immunity is only to 'expire' once an Article 1.4 Eviction Notice grace period has ended.

[3.3] Foreign representation from both state should be permitted to purchase a personal residence alongside being treated as a citizen of the home state in all aspects otherwise stated.

[3.4] Representatives must be first approved by the home state, this includes the 'swapping' of key personnel.

[4.1] Both member states permit the localised protection of their diplomatic mission premises - the use of guards should not be restricted in any way once access is permitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent government department).

[4.2] The keeping of weaponry is permitted on site on the provision that all they are recorded by the home state and all weaponry is kept securely, out of public view. The type of weaponry kept on site is subject to approval by the home state.

[4.3] Firearms defined: Protection staff are only permitted to be in possession of a sidearm unless one of the two member states has declared a national emergency and/or a state of war. Provision of additional firearms must not restrict access or the daily running of any foundation or further premises.

[4.4] The discharge of any firearm will immediately remove diplomatic immunity from the dispensing personnel pending local investigation by the home state. The use of any firearm should be used proportionately with the assessment of any threat, risk or harm to life or limb. All firearm discharged must be proportionate, accountable and justified or may be subject to prosecution.

[4.5] Termination of Weaponry Certificate under Article 3.4 may be enacted by any member state at any time, without reason. There is a 1 week grace period for all weaponry defined in the Termination of Weaponry to be removed by the home state, failure to comply will leave personnel registered to the firearm (under Article 3.2) subject to prosecution.

[4.6] No weaponry should be used against any home state government official, representative, emergency services worker, military personnel or sovereign citizen.

[4.7] Use of weaponry should be a last resort and local law enforcement should be contacted should use of force need to occur.

[5.1] All post to and from any diplomatic mission should be clearly labelled within a blue bag. Home states are not permitted to access foreign states post without consent. The diplomatic bag should not be opened or detained at any time.

[5.2] Article 5.2 Termination of Diplomatic Post may be enacted if a national emergency is declared or if war is declared against the foreign state. 3 day grace period is to follow enactment.

[5.3] Home state shall permit and protect free communication as part of the mission for official purposes.

[6.1] Should Article 1.4, Article 2.2, Article 4.4, Article 5.2 be enacted the victim state may call for negotiations at any time, this will immediately pause any grace period in effect pending the result of negotiations.

[7.1] Any amendments may be commanded by any signatory of this agreement however is subject to approval of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

[7.2] Amendments will be clearly marked and dated at the end of the agreement for easy referral.

[7.3] Post-amendment the agreement will need to be re-ratified by both original signatories unless physically impossible (the reason for which should be noted).

SIGNED: __________________________ Kingdom of Sweden
SIGNED: __________________________ Russian Federation


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
"That seems fair to me" Dimitry would grip to his finest pen signing his name on behalf of the Russian Federation before continuing to speak "Now that the embassy situation is now cleared up, would Sweden be open to a Free Trade Agreement and Trade Routes by shipment?"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The Swede follows suit, signing the agreement and filing this with Isabella. They smile before going on...

“Absolutely, a Free Trade Agreement is a fantastic idea and trade routes would definitely promote economic growth in the Baltic, however my understanding is that these vessels need to be funded by government... is this correct? We simply do not have the money to produce commercial vessels at the moment”


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
“Gesture of good will, I’ll have some produced for you! To show that russia means peace and security and economic growth within the Baltic region”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“Oh that is very, very kind of you! Well in that case we’d absolutely love to engage in positive free trade with the Russian Federation”

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