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Spain | Message to Brazil


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"That would be greatly appreciated, the Peace force is not just focused on Infantry, or Vehicles, we also need logistical support and supplies. The Republic of Spain was elected to lead the GAPFOR-Romania, as such we would like to ask if it would be possible for Brazil to provide logistical personnel and construction materials to build key point around the DMZ? Spain could provide you with transportation in the form of a Transport Dock, which would leave Spain and pick your personnel in Brazil."



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
"Hmm, I believe that can be arranged, however, I must ask a few questions before a decision can be made.

How many personnel would Spain require and how many personnel can Spain provide transport for? Depending on the amount, The Imperial Brazilian Army can offer the necessary personnel and logistical support for the Peacekeeping Operations.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We would need around 800 logistics personnel from Brazil to help the GAPFOR-Romania stabilize and begin preparations to build temporary accommodations in their Border, as well and normal materials to build the bases. Our landing platform can accomodate around 543 fully-equipped soldiers and 130 APCs or 33 MBTs, since we wont be needing APC's or MBTs from Brazil, I believe that could be swaped with an assortment of construction vehicles and materials. South Korea and Britain will be providing military forces for the missions, however I believe that they will also send Logistic Personnel, it could also provide our nations with a much needed cooperation for future GAFORs"
