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[Sweden]: Call to Egypt


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

A telephone call is made to the Egyptian Ministry of Trade, or equivalent department, by the Swedish Secretary of the Economy, Wille Blomqvist.
This telephone call is made in line with the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995, which also covers telephonic communication, causing a 'SECURE' encryption level to be appended.

Thomas R. Jones

Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995
Feb 4, 2021
The Trade Minister was currently in his office, waiting for an email from Korea. Once he heard that a call was coming, however, he picked up the phone, checked who it was, and spoke clearly.

"Good day, Secretary Blomqvist. What may I do for you?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The call is immediately encrypted by the National Security Office, as standard procedure with calls from cabinet offices, particularly when it is pertinent to national security and the bilateral relationship with whom the call is made.

"Trade Minister Mustafa El-Rifa, let me first thank you for taking my call at what is undoubtedly an extremely busy time for you and your team... I trust you are keeping well? I was hoping I could grab you for a few moments to discuss matters of great importance concerning the two of our nations?"

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"Thank you, Secretary. I am very well, thank you. And of course, you may talk to me on whatever you wish. Though, as I am the Minister of Trade, I expect it is about trade."

The Minister sat back, and waited for the answer.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The Secretary chuckles briefly before answering the question.

"Yes Minister, absolutely about trade, thank you for taking the time to talk to me... As you know Sweden has an impressive position in the global economy, we have a substantial investment portfolio and a strong reserve - however war is not cheap and with the looming investments required to ensure the security of South Africa, we're ever closer to working on a knife edge. Which is in-part why I have called you, Minister, we are gravely concerned that the closure of the Suez Canal is going to begin to have economic consequences for European nations that rely on the route for international trade! I was hoping you have some sort of insight you could let me into?"

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
The Minister would sigh. "Secretary, in the event of a war with Turkey, we would have to... play all our cards, is the expression. This does not mean we will close the Canal, but the new law gives us the power to. I can assure you that we would never close the Canal to all trade unless it is absolutely necessary- for example, an invasion of Egypt."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I see, I see, perhaps the media have managed their usual tricks but I was under the impression your President had announced the closure of the canal? Is this not the case?

Nonetheless the incumbent government of Turkey is fractured and dangerous, I can tell you unconditionally that you have the full support of my office in the event that Turkey decide to turn their attention to Egypt. Economic sanctions have historically been of great success against power-hungry states who up to now will stop at nothing to assert their dominance. The downing of a civilian aircraft is just the beginning, I can promise you that. They're one to keep an eye on!"

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"Thank you, Secretary, for your support. Just to clarify," the Minister would check the news before continuing, "the Suez Canal Act gives us the power to close the Canal, deploy forces in the Canal, and search and impound ships in transit through the Canal. This Act is directly solely against Turkey and its allies and traders, not, as some people may think, the world economy."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"That's reassuring Minister, I have to say the announcement of the act gave me a bit of fright... should we expect to see a military presence in the Suez Canal following this act coming into force? and if that is the case, should our merchant vessels expect to be boarded during transit? - I suppose what I am seeking, Minister, is that Egypt and Sweden can begin working more closely to ensure that we both have our needs met when it comes to matters of international and bilateral trade?"

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"Well, Secretary, if, say, Sweden decided to make a trade agreement with us, we could do a similar agreement with the ASEAN one- in the event of a closure, ships heading to and from your nation will be exempt from the rules. But our current position is that, should an invasion of Egypt occur, the Canal would be closed to prevent any military action there, and the Coast Guard would start blocking both ends. You can also expect the pilots- people who guide ships through the Canal- to be unavailable. However, Egypt would be delighted to have some kind of agreement with Sweden."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"A bilateral trade agreement is certainly something we'd be invested in discussing with you, although I grow slightly concerned with the recent comments via social media - it appears as though your government has some concern over whether or not it can trust Sweden?"

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"Ah, you have seen them. Well, I believe the Ministry of Foreign Affairs holds that an Embassy is for a nation, and since South Africa is probably not going to be sovereign in the next few months, the Embassy should be closed, or at the very least turned into a Consulate."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I see, I see. Whilst I have you, I appreciate this is some stretch from our usual areas of business and I suppose I ask you on more of a personal than professional level. What is your opinion on the current Swedish occupation of South Africa? From what I've gathered from our cabinet meetings we're in the very early stages of establishing a new democratic government reflecting international core values and the reception by the locals seems to be positive thusfar. Our troops have seen a substantial amount of gifts and gratuities welcoming our personnel into the state."

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"Well, I can't speak for the government, but, if the South African people want it, we shall support it- but we have not yet heard from the new South African administration. Egypt should consult them first before making our decision."

He thought for a moment.

"And personally, I do support it. Sweden can do a better job at democratic principles than South Africa."

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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Oh the incumbent South African government have been extremely supportive and we've seen overwhelming support throughout our time in South Africa so far. We are encouraged that this bring real and genuine opportunity to develop the country from a formally neglected state in terms of domestic infrastructure and defence for the people that truly deserve it.

I understand at present there's heavy work on a 'Civilian Focus Program' which encompasses all areas of societal needs for heavy investment. I truly believe that there's a better South Africa afoot, even more so with the promised decrease in income tax following the early investment years. I am excited, I have to say."

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"Ah, that'll be extremely beneficial to the South Africans. It seems like you're doing a good job in South Africa. We may even be able to help out; we're building up our military, but we're getting more aircraft and personnel every month.

"Now, if you want a trade agreement, I'm sure we can arrange something. The threat of Turkey to the Middle East has not gone away, and in the event that we have to close the Suez... an agreement could help you out, exempting you from any closures, similar to one we are currently discussing in ASEAN."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I know the Department of Defence is keen for foreign nations to be involved, and I have no doubt that Egypt would be welcomes into the coalition with open arms.

We absolutely want a trade agreement with Egypt, not just to avoid economic issues as a result of a Suez Canal closure but also to reaffirm our intention to continue a close working relationship with Egypt as a whole. I trust this conversation is only the first of many between our governments. What requirements do you currently have form imports and exports? is there anything specific you would like from Sweden?"

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
The Minister didn't answer immediately. Instead, he checked his papers on world trade, and found all of Sweden's main exports.

"Well, we are interested in vehicles and machinery from you, to grow a vital sector in our industry. As for what we can give, I would suggest metals and chemicals, but of course you can choose whichever you want. We have electrical equipment, paper, metals, chemicals and transport equipment.

"Of course, an agreement would remove some or all of the tariffs Egypt and Sweden have, I trust. And an arrangement relating to the Suez can also be discussed further.

"Also, I can check with the Ministry of Defence. We have recently acquired transport aircraft, and we are able and willing to assist your operations in South Africa, should you ever need it."

Feb 4, 2021
As he waited for the Swedish to reply, the Minister scribbled down a memorandum and handed it to his secretary. The memo was sent to the Prime Minister, who directed it to the Commander of the Air Force. As soon as they could confirm that Sweden had agreed to Egyptian deployment in South Africa, the wheels would be set into motion.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"These terms are agreeable, I would suggest that we make best use of vessels transporting this cargo and ensure that make a journey to and from port full of cargo - this will double our profits in the long run as well as making the best economical decision for use of the ships. Afterall, there's no point them travelling half way across the world empty!2

Thomas R. Jones

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