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[Sweden]: Call to Germany


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Security Classification: SECURE
Document Classification and Security Act 1995​

A telephone call is made to the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Per Anders Thöresson, Ambassador for Sweden to Germany.
This telephone call is made in line with the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995, which also covers telephonic communication, causing a 'SECURE' encryption level to be appended.


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
The phone call is received by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since no formal Ambassador had been assigned for Sweden, Klaus Kinkel the Minister for Foreign Affairs has decided to take the call himself. He waits for the signal from his phone that the line is secure and picks up the receiver.


*** Security Classification: SECURE CONFIRMED ***

"Hello this is Klaus Kinkel Vice Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs. How may we help you today?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Vice Chancellor, a pleasure to speak to you! I am Per Anders Thöresson, Ambassador for Sweden to Germany at the Embassy in Berlin. I was looking to discuss the future of the Swedish and German relationship, if I could have a moment of your time?"



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
"Absolutely! You can have as much time as you need. I'm sure we have much to discuss."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Marvellous, well, first and foremost I'd like to congratulate you and your administration on appointment to government - this is the first step to enable you to make real change to Germany and I for one am very excited to see where your beautiful country is led to under your guidance. Sweden has, for a long time, had a neutral relationship with previous German governments and we seek to develop this relationship into something more fruitful.

What are your priorities both domestically and internationally?"



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
"Our administration is looking to forge closer ties with all of our European Neighbors. Peace and Stability in Europe is first and foremost. The potential problems of the future especially in regards to terrorist activities can be more readily solved with a coordinated effort. This of course means communication between countries will be critical. This is one of the reasons we have been shuffling in new ambassadors to better handle this. Secondly, we are looking to expand our economic capacity domestically. We are currently rebuilding our merchant fleet in order to better facilitate trade. So that means we are currently in the market for Cargo Vessels. We would also like to send Joachim Rücker to be our ambassador in Stockholm if that is permitted. The address we have for the embassy is Skarpogatan 9 - P.O. Box 27832 - 115 93 Stockholm - Sweden is this right?"

"I also ask the same question to you, What are your priorities both home and abroad?"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I am encouraged by your focus in Europe, Sweden has for a long time been a frontrunner in the construction of integrated friendships within Europe to stand stronger together and deter the common threats from the east. We are too in the very beginning of the development of a national security initiative which has seen extensive funding in and establishment of the National Security Office to assist in the combat against domestic and international terrorism; we are world-leaders in the focus of intelligence-led operations acting proactively rather than reactively.

You are more than welcome to send your Ambassador to Stockholm and the address of your Embassy is correct. You also have a number of Consulates available to you in Gothenburg, Helsingborg, Jönköping, Kalmar, Luleå, Sälen, Uddevalla and Visby.

At the moment we are very focussed on the ongoing resolution regarding Antarctica and are hopeful that the redistribution of historically claimed territory will bring some peace to those that tragically lost their lives following their murder. and their families. I understand you are a member of the Global Assembly, what is your view on the current conflict?"



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
"First of all let me offer my condolences to the families of the sailors who tragically lost their lives on board the HSwMS Snö. We were horrified when we read the initial reports. The thought of those brave men and women struggling to survive in those frigid waters is too horrific to comprehend. We feel that that Argentina acted with wanton disregard for all basic maritime safety laws. They acted aggressively against another nation within that nations own coastal waters. We find this wholly unacceptable. We feel you have been more than generous in offering to return historical claims and relinquish your power over Antarctic territory in the interests of global peace. We feel that the proposal put forward by your Ambassador Ostap Antonovych Ilchuk and Ambassador Adams of the United States is perfectly acceptable."

"We hope that once this horrible mess is all sorted we could work together on a joint science ventures at your laboratories on the continent. Hopefully some good can come from this tragedy."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Thank you, the death of the crew aboard the HSwMS Snö has been a devastating loss to our country and we are outraged that the Argentina government continue as if they are completely innocent despite consciously lying to the media, editing recordings of the brutal murder and manipulating the Global Assembly. It is completely out of order and is a clear disrespect to the countless families that've lost their loved ones in the line of duty. I have no resistance in saying that the Argentina government are guilty of murder and consciously disregard maritime law and courtesy in pursuit of territorial and military dominance irrespective of our demands for peaceful resolution."

The Ambassador pauses, clearly getting choked up at the thought of one hundred and twenty service men and women being slaughtered by shards of sharp metals before freezing to death in the obscenely cold waters of Antarctica - a frightening death.

"If Sweden can rely on your vote in the Global Assembly, I am absolutely certain that arrangements can be made for German science to be conducted within Swedish territory in Antarctica - afterall Germany has always been at the very forefront of technological advancement and we'd be honoured to facilitate this in an uninhabited goldmine of potential like Antarctica"



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
Vice Chancellor Kinkel nervously clicked a pen in his right hand as he thought about what to say next. He was pleased to hear what the Swedish ambassador had to say. They clearly saw eye to eye and he was grateful for that. But he worried what might happen if rogue governments like the one in Argentina continued to operate with reckless abandon.

He paused for a moment. He sat the pen down and said, "You have our full support ambassador. Let this be the first step in a new friendship between our two countries."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The Ambassador smiles, nodding his head "I am encouraged by your support Vice Chancellor and it is clear that Germany is a trustworthy companion to Sweden."

He sighs as he reads the next line of his agenda "I am confident, given our agreement, that I disclose to our our growing concerns with the aggressive nature of France. Recently we saw the deployment of both the Swedish Royal Air Force and Swedish Royal Navy in a rapid response capacity as a French Carrier Strike Group, submarine and air assets began the unannounced penetration of Norwegian territorial waters and airspace - during the interception they acted in a manner that was nothing short of dangerous and put many lives at risk as they performed frankly illegal aerial stunts and failed to identify themselves in their aggression invasion of sovereign territory. Fortunately Sweden operates one of the largest radar networks on the globe and their deployments were quickly detected and intercepted.

Now, I understand you have a decent border with France, how is your currently relationship and your experience with their sitting government?"



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
"This is the first I'm hearing about the goings on in the North Sea. We have been trying to contact the French Government but ran in to some difficultly in find exactly who to contact for any sort of diplomatic talks." The Vice Chancellor shuffles through some papers around his desk. He fumbled with his keyboard trying to get his inbox open looking for the communication attempts with France. "I have the name Jean-François Fontaine at their office of Internal Affairs. I have sent communications in an attempt to set up formal relations but no response yet."

"With this new information, I am beginning to think I might be being ignored. I know our two countries have a long checkered past but I was hoping to have a cheery relationship with all of our European neighbors."

Chancellor Kinkel sighed before he made his next obervation.

"I'm afraid I am getting a similar reaction from the eastern side of Europe. This is all starting to feel like the beginnings of a new Cold War."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Ambassador Thöresson nods in agreement, shaking his head in the wake of the French governments line of destruction "I'm afraid I have to agree with you, Vice Chancellor, and we have reached a stage where we're no longer taking risks with aggressive state actors, as you can probably expect given the violation of our national security previously... In Sweden have have the Swedish Strategic Defence Network who operate an extensive range of radar systems, maritime monitoring and tracking equipment and air defence; this network is the only one of it's kind globally.

I tell you about this because I'd like to offer a proposal that will potentially give both of us some insight into the inner workings of this volatile French government whilst also maintaining our own national security and resource our intervention capability should any hostile threats begin to penetrate our borders. I would very much like to ask whether you would permit the deployment of Swedish radar systems to the Germany-France border in order to monitor their airspace and cooperate with our already expansive network to provide extremely early warning capability; enabling rapid reaction assets to get in position as soon as possible. Of course, in return for your cooperation we'd be happy for you to have access to this system to enable your monitoring of your own border and whilst I am unaware of your rapid reaction capability, I'd be happy to draft a preliminary defence agreement in-which I offer the services of the Swedish Royal Air Force to respond to any impending threat on German air space. What do you think?"



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
Chancellor Kinkel began carefully taking in proposal laid before him. He knew would have to run this by Chancellor Helmut Kohl and the Defense cabinet. This would be a undertaking that might change Europe he thought to himself. He wondered about how this conversation would be talked about in university history courses decades from now. Would he be the man who through diplomacy helped peace along throughout Europe? Maybe he was the man who had an opportunity to change Europe through a single action with a friendly neighbor against aggressive nation before things got out of hand. So many actions and reactions he had to consider but time would be a huge factor no doubt.

"I will need to speak personally with Chancellor Helmut Kohl. He is likely to want to meet in person with your Prime Minister to discuss the matter. Our military is currently being retooled after the last administration let is essentially in ruins. We have very limited ground capabilities and almost no air defense to speak of let along anything resembling an sort of rapid reaction capacity. This is all soon to change though. Our military defense budget approved earlier this year will allow us to modernize quite substantially. We are currently recruiting infantry, tankers, and air personnel."

"I do think that the proposal laid out is in both of our best interests Ambassador Thöresson. But I do fear how it will be received in Paris and elsewhere in Europe. If you dont mind me asking, what is your current relationship with our other European Neighbors?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"We are committed to building a lasting and strengthened relationship with Europe in order to counteract hostile actors in a cooperative stance, at present we have excellent relationships with all our close neighbours. I can understand that the allowing of foreign forces to act within your borders is a somewhat controversial move and many are resistant to do so; I can assure you though Vice Chancellor that the personnel required to operate our radar systems are minimal and often simply a Fireteam of three to six personnel depending on how many radars the Department of Defence determine are necessary to cover your borderline.

If you have no air defence at all perhaps this would be a good move for Germany in the fact that this arrangement is mutually beneficial. Sweden will operate air defence radar capability in order to expand the Swedish Strategic Defence Network and in return we will reciprocate with the provision of rapid-reaction air defence... if required I could even enquire whether a rapid reaction squadron could temporarily be stationed in Germany, if you would prefer them within your home territory? If not, they are well versed deploying from Sweden, there's just the travel time to consider."



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
"It is going to be sometime before our air defenses are any where near a rapid-reaction state. Not to mention the costs involved and trying to find the proper air craft to fit the role. If France were to act aggressively in our airspace, I'm afraid we would be horrible unequipped to deal with the situation. Your offer would help alleviate those fears at least for the time being until our forces are ready for action. I do believe this will tie our two countries together in a true Brotherhood. I think we will have a much easier time acquiring the necessary land for your radar systems through our parliament if we have a more formal treaty between our two nations. This treaty would be one of mutual defense. We could also offer the weight of our defense industry being able to negotiate for much better pricing for anything you might need from us. We could also take your lead on the proper Aircraft to purchase as well as suggestions as best to deploy them."

He eyed the fresh cup of coffee his assistant was bringing him. He mouthed a quick thank you to the young man. He took a small sip and said, "Would Sweden be interested in such a treaty?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I understand, I understand. Well, how about this, I am more than happy to have such a treaty in place between Sweden and Germany; whilst I give you chance to draft such an arrangement I will liaise with the Department of Defence to see what assets we can offer to Germany in order to bolster your aerial national security to allow you to build up. We would be looking to deploy a much more substantial temporary positioning in Germany to ensure the security of your entire country during this time, including the establishment of a full radar network rather than one just along the border of yourselves and France alongside the positioning of Rapid Reaction Squadrons in a handful of locations in Germany enabling us to effectively intercept aerial and even naval threats. I will forward you a conclusive prospective deployment which you can approve your decline as you see fit.

In addition, perhaps you would be interested in an advisor from the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters to come over to Germany and provide you with the necessary advice in respect to the development of your armed forces? We would expect this official to receive the necessary protections as a Military Attaché."



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
"Honestly Ambassador Thöresson, Its a shame we aren't a traditional Nordic Country. Because the Nordic Council seems to be exactly what we are looking for in terms of international partnership, freedom of movement, and defense coordination. Is there anyway a non-Nordic might become apart of the Nordic Council? Perhaps there is something similar to an observer status that often defense coordinates use for their out side members? Either way, if membership were on the table, I am sure getting things through parliament will be a breeze."

"I also love the idea of taking on an advisor from your Armed Forces Department. I would like him to assist Volker Rühe our Minister of Defense as he and his staff our currently looking at new military aircraft as well as purchasing new ships for our naval fleets. I think there is a tug of war in our ministry of defense with military people from both Eastern Germany and Western Germany all trying to have it their way. I think a voice from the outside will do the whole defense department good. He will have all of the protections and accommodations as a Military Attaché. Just let me know if he requires anything else. I would warn him though, there are plenty of salty old Generals in that department."

"Also lets assume that we are able to get the preverbal green light for our radar installations. Did you have any locations in mind for optimal placement? If so I can go ahead and start checking the availability of those locations and finding out what extra paperwork might need to be filled out before hand."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Vice Chancellor I cannot stress enough how the Nordic Council is more of an ideology and a focus on protecting the Nordic culture rather than the exclusive region. The council was the first international organisation of modern times and as you say incorporates a number of different areas of focus from immigration to defence. The Nordic Council is extremely exclusive and is currently going through the motions of complete regeneration to better incorporate the European community into the future of the organisation. I have absolutely no doubt that, upon agreement of the other founding member, Norway, we can look to incorporate Germany as an observer state in the interim whilst you develop your armed forces into that of an internationally deployable entity."

The Ambassador would forward a memorandum to the Secretary General, Emilie Dahl, notifying her of the interest in membership given by the German Vice Chancellor.

"Excellent, I know the Department of Defence has pre-arranged Major Frank Sundqvist of the Swedish Royal Air Force - the DoD will arrange for him to come over to Germany immediately in order to begin the analysis of your Armed Forces, I trust you will arrange him to receive the appropriate security clearance to have access to such information?" a slight chuckle comes from the Ambassador before he continues "Don't worry Vice Chancellor, myself and Major Sundqvist have been good friends for many years and he certainly doesn't take any shi-... intimidation." he smiles again, making brief notes in his notepad before continuing.

"Vice Chancellor, we have a pre-written agreement for this type of arrangement, in this circumstance it's essentially the leasehold of land to the Kingdom of Sweden for the duration of our deployment. Once we agree on the positioning I will have the Department of Defence forward you the relevant document. At the moment we are looking at just two location: slightly south of Weinlache, Görlitz and south of the L545 in Scheibenhardt. These two locations would give us full and complete coverage of Germany in addition to the systems we already have in place in Sweden and our other close allies. The written agreement will include exhibits displaying the defined borders of leased territory."



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
"We are currently taking steps for bringing up our military to modern day standards. We wouldn't want to feel like a dead weight in any alliance. I want to assure you that we are trying in every way to become a force that Nordic Council can one day fully rely on. But the building of military hardware and the recruitment of troops takes time. We will also need to increase our revenue streams if we are ever going to be able to pay for military modernization. This is where I think we can both help each other. I can have both of your sites at Weinlache and Scheibenhardt leased for 15 years to start with the option to renegotiate the terms at the end of the lease. We would like to get one billion dollars annually for lease of the sites. This will help us kick start our military expenditures."

"We are delighted to have Major Frank Sundqvist come and help out our military. He will have full security clearance and we will have him working closely with Lieutenant General Rolf Portz our Inspector of the Air Force. They will meet at Nörvenich Air Base tomorrow at 1100 hours. He is welcome to stay as long as he feels is necessary. I look forward to hearing his suggestions especially regarding which Air craft we should look into purchasing."

"I would also like to discuss trade if you don't mind. What are you currently exporting? Is there anything you are looking to import?"


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