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[Sweden]: Call to Thailand


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

A telephone call is made to the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or equivalent department, by the Ambassador for Sweden to Thailand, Jon Åström Gröndahl.
This telephone call is made in line with the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995, which also covers telephonic communication, causing a 'CONFIDENTIAL' encryption level to be appended.


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
As both Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs are currently unavailable, the phone call will connect to Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norachit Sinhaseni instead. At this moment, he would hear the phone call is ringing and answer the call. "Hello, this is Norachit Sinhaseni, Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. May I know if there is anything I can help with?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Secretary, what a pleasure to have gotten through to you! I trust I have caught you at a good time? My name is Jon Åström Gröndahl, Ambassador for Sweden to Thailand. I was hoping we could have an opportunity to discuss our relationship together as well as global affairs? I strongly believe that Stockholm has neglected the Asian continent and we're keen to develop a strong working relationship between key partners."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Ah! Jon, Ambassador from Sweden, I had heard your name about being an Ambassador here, and yes! We can discuss our relationship, I heard that the ministry planned to contact Sweden too, but the thing here is a bit busy, you know, ASEAN stuff, and we haven't contacted every nation in Asia yet, so this is a great time for us. What should topic should we discuss first? Relationship right? Well, I think you can start now. I will listen carefully and answer honestly."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Yes, we have heard a lot about the ASEAN model and I think this is a great place to start are discussions. Whilst we hold a close relationship many of the member states and in honesty, part of Stockholm wishes it was within the regional sphere to partake, we are extremely encouraged to see regional growth in this sector. I suppose what's important for me to understand is what your objectives are as the incumbent government of Thailand? Is regional growth your current focus or are you open to international cooperation, trade and investment?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Yeah! Regional growth is our focus too. the main objective is to improve international relations in a variety of countries which we believe we can use to strengthen the diplomatic power and national stability, after that we will use it to attract more tourists to our country, so we can share culture and increase the relationship of the people! Honestly, the ministry does everything for friendship right now. Thai people start to make friends with everyone in the world, you know, The Land of Smile is here, and I hope it will be like this forever. Can I ask you? What is the current situation in your country? I have heard much news about conflict."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"That's fantastic - it's always a great encouraging start when governments are open and upfront about their intention to make friends around the globe and honestly, Thailand has long had a reputation of prosperity on the global stage... something I hope continues for many years to come! Sweden has gone through a troubling period, I will be frank about that, we have recently moved forces into South Africa and began the reform of government under Swedish guidance. It's a difficult and time consuming process but something we believe will benefit South Africa greatly.

Sweden has the largest economy and investment portfolio in the world, something we intend to put our full weight behind while investing into the dire needs of South Africa. W have begun with working with our partners in Israel to bring free healthcare for minor injuries, vaccinations and immunisations which will soon be rolled out to include the training of doctors, nurses and other medical staff, investments in construction and development of major hospitals and a number of other socio-economic changes.

Whilst we're on the subject, what is your opinion on the Swedish movement in South Africa? Can I rely on your support?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Yes, you can rely on our support. We have had seen South Africa as the first to act hostile, and I believe there isn't that much reason for South Africa to act like that at first. What you do is reforming South Africa's government system, is a good thing to make South African meet with a brighter future and Sweden don't disappoint because Sweden invests in South Africa with healthcare support, which is the best thing to do right now since many people might suffer from the conflict. Is there any reason you asked us at first about rely on our support? Is there anything we can help with?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Oh no reason in particular, we are keen to establish the global opinion on our actions. Historically we have had a bad reputation by the globe following Argentina's manipulation of the global platform to support this unlawful moves during the Antarctic Conflict - fortunate that ship has sailed and we've since been able to prove out innocence during that conflict. Although we lost one hundred and twenty men aboard HSwMS Sno which was sunk by the Argentina Navy.

I suppose we would be keen to see some Asian countries involved in the humanitarian efforts in South Africa. We have already seen Israel provide medical and policing support from the Israeli Defence Force whom are currently deploying as part of Operation Pyrite. I would be keen to see some cooperation between Sweden and Thailand inside this operation - would you be interested in that?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I'm so sorry about the past. At least we need to move on. Regarding humanitarian efforts in South Africa, I believe the other Ministry would be interested in it. Luckily, The Minister give me the power in the Foreign Affairs Ministry right now. We can help Sweden with that. South Africa is a long way from here. I have a document file about the army, it says 601 Transport Squadron is the current transporter for the Air force, is operating Lockheed C-130E Hercules. The basic specification of this Airplane say 3,800 kilometers is its range, but it doesn't mention this is the maximum range, I guess there is a way to increase its range. Do you know anything about airplanes?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Air travel at such a substantial distance may be extremely difficult - I know Sweden possessed air-to-air refuelling capability in Marion Island, just south of South Africa, however it won't be able to reach an appropriate point to refuel due to the distance of the Pacific Ocean between us. We currently have control of two major naval bases at either end of South Africa. I believe the closest would be Naval Base Durban.

From my instruction from the Department of Defence we could so with a company-sized deployment from Thailand capable of performing a reconnaissance role in the northern region of the country, something Swedish forces are currently in the process of doing. Is this something you have capacity to do? and do you have the means to travel by sea? Our replenishment vessel has a much further range than our aircraft and we'd be able to refuel at sea if range is a difficulty?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Honestly, I think I can find a better solution. We have 2 Thai McDonnell Douglas DC-30 left in Don Mueang Airport, which hadn't schedule to have any flight yet. We can use this Thai McDonnell Douglas DC-30 to transport Personnel there as well as cargo. Its max payload is 46,180 kg, and its cargo room layout is 26 LD3. I believe we can even support some medical equipment. Everyone personnel in an army is well trained. We have a fund of 50,000 USD per person for the basic program. I believe we can help you with many things now. Since you mentioned the north area of the country, we can land the Airplane in Pretoria, which is 9,000 kilometers from Don Mueang Airport. The range of this Airplane is 9,600 km. What is your opinion on this?



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"You'll be cutting it fine if an emergency were to be declared onboard but nonetheless a talk that can absolutely be completed. I must forewarn you that at present we do not have forces in Pretoria Air Force Base, so it will be down to the Royal Thai Armed Forces to secure the perimeter and search the facility for personnel present. Our intelligence suggests that the South African Armed Forces consisted of no naval vessels, no aircraft and only 15,000 personnel which have since given up arms in support of the Swedish movement.

However, if you're able to secure the air force base we will have the capacity to spread the Civilian Focus Program into the north as well - This is a brilliant idea!

How many personnel will you be deploying to join us?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"We can deploy as many as 798 personnel, 6 crew, and 20 Air Attendant. All the personnel equipment can be store inside the cargo. Since you mentioned Sweden doesn't have force at Pretoria Air Force Base, we should prepare some Infantry to secure the place. Let me do calculate a moment." Norachit Sinhaseni would take his time to prepare information. "Okay, I am finished. I hope that doesn't make you wait too long. This is the force we will send.
1. 1st Infantry Regiment with 500 Personnel
2. 1st Combat Medical Battalion with 148 Combat Medic
3. 1st Long Range Reconnaissance with 70 Personnel
4. 1st Signal Battalion with 20 Personnel
5. 1st Combat Engineer Battalion with 60 Combat Engineers.
You don't have to worry much since they are well trained. I don't know what I should do next with the Soldier. I will send the information of this operation to all other ministries since it is my work to report them, and the Defense Ministry will make the plan next, wait a moment, please." Norachit Sinhaseni would send a message to other ministries. "I am finished. You have something to discuss with me next?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Wow, that would be phenomenal! I will instruct the Department of Defence to include you in the operation orders for Operation Pyrite and we can begin the rollout of the program in both Cape Town and Pretoria upon the Israeli's and your arrival at the respective locations! I must forewarn you that we have seen an overwhelming amount of support for the Swedish Armed Forces in South Africa at present and I can only presume that will be echoed onwards to the Thai forces deployed as part of the operation as well... although this naturally presents a security risk as locals line the fences of the military bases in an attempt to pass gifts, gratuities and even just to meet the stationed troops.

I must tell you that whilst we're in a state of war, we're keen to remain in the 'good books', so to speak, with the locals. So please ensure your troops remain vigilant but polite with the local population! I look forward to our forces working together!"

The Ambassador flips through the pages of his notebook before continuing...

"I should ask you about your opinion on the current no-fly and no-sail zone imposed by the United States of America in international and territorial waters off the coast of Israel and Lebanon what's your opinion on this?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Yes, I can ensure that our troop is vigilant and polite to the local population. It will be good for us if we are kind to the local population regarding people's relationships." Norachit Sinhaseni would think the answer for a moment before "I will answer regarding Ministry opinion. We see this as a normal security action for America. in the past, America has always played a big role, so it is normal for them to take action like this. This decision for America might be urgent, so they can not think much like we have decided to ban travel to the Middle East Region, which gives us a little time to decide. I haven't been informed much about it since things here started to be busy at that time." Suddenly the message is sent from the Defense ministry "That's faster than I expected. The Defense Ministry message me that they will try to prepare personnel as soon as possible for the operation. I will message them again to remind them to keep troops vigilant and polite."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Yes, I am just concerned that the United States has taken what appears to be unlawful action in international waters... and certainly unlawful action in a foreign states territorial waters without their consent. It has frankly baffled Stockholm that this has not received more attention, the Americans are acting as if they're world police by bullying foreign nations to submit to their aircraft carrier's strike group!"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Yes, I agree with that! Just because America is big, but that doesn't mean they can act as world police. Honestly, imagine that the United States does that to your country, send an aircraft carrier's strike group around your waters, and force your nation to submit to their Aircraft Carrier without your consent! If the United States does that to our country, we won't have much decision. I mean, they have Aircraft Carrier that can harm our nation over the sea is horrifying, and we will try to work with them since we won't the conflict to happen." Just after he finished, the door got knocked, and someone would open the door and speak in Thai. "Hey, sorry to disturb you, just to remind you that Krit has arrived at the Global Assembly meeting room." "Hopes he will do his work at his best." Norachit Sinhaseni reply, before talking back to Ambassador Jon. "Sorry for the disturbance. Have you heard about Emergency Resolution on Occupation of South Africa?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Absolutely, I am concerned that the United States are beginning to think they can bully their way around the globe, something Sweden certainly will not accept. Please be assured Minister that whilst you work with Sweden as a key partner, not only in South Africa but also in the future, that you will long be held in good faith - we would not allow the likes of the United States to bully their way into your territorial waters."

The Ambassador also receives a brief memorandum regarding the Emergency Resolution on the Occupation of South Africa.

"Yes, I have just received word about this resolution. I find it quite hypocritical that South Korea present this resolution after all they occupied North Korea without the Global Assembly's direction. Seems the United States is using yet another bully tactic to control the globe. May I ask, Minister, what is your opinion on the proposed resolution?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Well from, what I have read from the Resolution, there is a way to get through the Resolution:
From Recognizing section.
1. You should restore and ensure public order and safety,
2. do not force the inhabitants of territory occupied by it to furnish information about the army of the other belligerent
3. do not compel the inhabitants of occupied territory to swear allegiance to the hostile Power.
4. respect people's rights, the lives of persons, and private property, as well as religious convictions and practice
5. Don't Pillage
6. Don't confiscate their private property
7. Don't give the population penalty that they can't regard as jointly and severally responsible.
I should talk about my opinion as well. Korea is World Power, and they would do things that World power would do, which is to participate in events that are currently happened in the world to maintain the power.
I can't promise you to help Sweden all-time in the GA meeting, but I trust in Ambassador there that he will make the Consequences turn out to be the best outcome."


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