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[Sweden]: Message to Britain


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I am glad you have mentioned the subject of military cooperation, particularly with the North Sea being a focal point for recent hostile events and the proximity to our closest ally, Norway. The region has always been a priority focus for the Nordic Council Committee for Defence and Intelligence and I have to be honest with you, the United Kingdom has always been at the very forefront of committee-related meetings. I was going to bring something similar up during our time together however your mention ties the two subjects up nicely..."

"I work closely, as you can expect, with Secretary General Emilie Dahl from the Nordic Council Secretariat and the questions surrounding the future of the organisation have always hung in the balance; modernisation and betterment for the future primarily. As you know the Nordic Council are extremely well equipped for rapid reaction in and around Scandinavia in particular however we retain capacity among our allies to respond to threats throughout Europe in a timely fashion by air, sea and land. I am overtly aware that the United Kingdom also retains such capacity and in many aspects it is clear your reach extends internationally, similar to that of Sweden; this is something that hasn't gone unnoticed by the Secretariat and the question was raised some time ago: would the United Kingdom be willing to join the Nordic Council as we look to alter the way the organisation operates particularly in Europe?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Jessica's eyes widened slightly, somewhat surprised by the invitation that would bring the United Kingdom into the Nordic Council despite not been of Nordic Ancestry. She gave it a couple minutes of thought before directly addressing the query. "I admit, the United Kingdom has observed the Nordic Council bloc in envy, when it first grew with yourselves, Norway and Finland it certainly showed as a prospect, it is unfortunate you were quickly let down but I judge you are in discussion with the new Norwegian Government about them re-joining the council? Sorry -- went a little bit off topic from your question. We would be interested in the possibility of joining, but I think we'd have a bit to answer too given we're not actually Nordic" she laughed. "Equally, I do think from what we've seen, the UK and Sweden tends to operate in similar capacities. My suggestion would be if you could send us a copy of what we would be expected to sign to join the Council, I presume we would be an observer state?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Margot chuckles in turn, nodding her head as she flips a page in her notepad "I have to say the early stages of the Nordic Council had the alliance flourishing when we had strong support from the Norwegian, Finnish and Danish governments filling the chambers with ideas and developments however we're sad to see that there has been less interest with the recent elections. You are correct in asking about the Norwegian Government whom have immediately resumed their position as a founding member and I am keen to see the council develop to its former status." she pauses briefly darting her eyes up to Jessica "I am excited for you to be apart of the Nordic Council, I have to be honest. The United Kingdom has an unbelievably strong history with Scandinavia and our seafaring ancestors, the Vikings, who had an extremely strong presence in the British Isles and as I understand a huge part to play in the history of the kingdom."

"The Nordic Council operates by a number of different treaties and agreements - you are invited as a full member state of the council with the view to modernise the currently regionalised organisation to better incorporate the history of Scandinavia and the Nordic region in continental Europe and surrounding isles. Whether you, and your legislature, agree to full membership is completely up to you and we would take no offence in settlement for observer state status... The governing agreement is the Stockholm Treaty which currently has no differentiation of powers between full and observer states so as far as I and the council are concerned you would be no different to any other nation that joins.

Whilst the Stockholm Treaty governs the Nordic Council there's also the Allemannsrett Area agreement which sought to see uniformity in freedom of movement and foreign travel; alongside the Nordic Concordant which is essentially a defence agreement between those in the council. Both of these require separate ratification should you be interested. Nonetheless, it's probably best you read through the conspectus which covers everything you need to know."

Margot slides over a small leather folder, engraved with the Nordic Council logo, and within was documents of the Nordic Council Conspectus.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The folder was retrieved and Jessica returned a smile, "Thank you", a gentle pause as she looked up from the folder to Margot. "I am glad to hear of the successes of the Nordic Council and the invitation to the group, no doubt the British Cabinet will be grateful to hear of your continued support and desire for cooperation. If you are happy to leave this with me, I will liaise with the government in relation to the prospect on joining, review the Conspectus and get back to you within a timely fashion. Despite my personal support for it, unfortunately I answer to others." she grinned, "There is a lot for us to consider and work through which I will make sure is done with haste, and regardless of the decision, I would very much like to see us working together closer in time to come. Aside from, of course, Norway, do you have any other countries in your mind as to which you would like to see join or be invited to the Nordic Council? I ask, mostly out of curiosity."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I very much look forward to the decision of cabinet, I understand that decisions of this scale can't be made purely on your lonesome... kind of defeats the purpose of democracy. I cannot stress enough how the membership of Britain within the Nordic Council would be a monumental stepping stone into bilateral cooperation between our nations; the council has an abundance of plans to ensure it can best serve it's member states and the globe... for this to happen the member states need international deployment capability including that of a blue-water navy which are few and far between at the moment." she pauses briefly before continuing "At present the intention of the council is very much to remain Europe-focussed and preferably with states that link nicely into our ideology of democracy - we are in no rush to fill seats and membership with remain extremely exclusive. At present we are in close negotiation with Germany to better equip ourselves with continental European affairs, part of that discussion will potentially see them occupy an observer state position in the council with the view to incorporate them fully into the chambers once they retain the international deployment capacity we require."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"I will deliver the agreements to the cabinet myself and ensure these are read and properly considered. It'd be a fundamental change for the country and no doubt a positive one especially on the grounds of cooperation. Whilst that is under way and decisions are made within the British Government, and your mention of navy. I wonder your thoughts on arranging a joint UK-SWE training exercise? I feel that would be a good case study to do especially to back up the concept of joining the Nordic Council. There's a number of options we could take, potentially having warships work together in simulated war games or something along those lines. I would be open to hear any other ideas you may have in that regard if it was an option for yourselves?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The Secretary nods her head, making notes as she goes along with the British, nodding in turn as she listens to the continuing conversation "I'm glad you've mentioned this..." she finished writing her sentence before darting her eyes back up "We have just completed extensive training of the Swedish Royal Air Force by means of operational deployment that has proven invaluable to the continued capabilities of rapid reaction, surveillance and maritime patrol - you are correct in that we have continued to show our commitment to regional security with Great Britain by way of preventing and intercepting upcoming threats by means of intelligence sharing and reactionary abilities. In recent months the naval attention that the Norwegian Sea, North Sea and English Channel has received from foreign states with no clear objective in the area is a cause for concern to say the least and at the very forefront of combatting this trend is the Swedish Royal Navy and undoubtedly the British Royal Navy. We have recently deployed HSwMS Carl XVI Gustaf and the Carrier Strike Group tasked to ensure her security for the core purpose of training - perhaps there is a way we could see this Carrier Strike Group work closer with the British Royal Navy in a joint exercise or perhaps a joint-purpose operational deployment?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Jessica smiles, nodding as she takes in the information "Oh definitely, the United Kingdom currently has a carrier group in the .. Indian Ocean? Yes, Indian Ocean, that is the one. It has been at sea for a couple of years now with multiple crew changes but its tour is due to end at the end of this year, to be replaced by a new group. If your own strike group is already at sea, a joint operation or exercise there could be ideal. The last I heard, our Carrier Group was on stand by due to the developing situation in Africa. Either we could do it that way, or for a longer duration is have a couple of our ships meet with your group and join up with it for the tour. We would be happy to work any angle, really." Jess smiled.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Well, I am not sure about your deployment lengths however we are looking to keep the HSwMS Carl XVI Gustaf deployed for as long as possible to not only enable our personnel to get the adequate experience of life at sea but also to give Sweden the extended arm reach into the southern hemisphere. Perhaps we can encompass an exercise and the joint operation at sea. It's no secret that whilst we're deployed at peacetime there is ample opportunity for us to train extensively; I would be eager to hear your input on a large scale exercise that would incorporate almost every accent of the Carrier Strike Group - this would range from the air to the sea incorporating helicopters, fighters; frigates and submarines. What do you think?

Id we're going to commit, let's commit."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Our Strike Group is expected to return home in December so that is ample opportunity, I believe. It will then be replaced by Maritime Group Two, it's mostly for a maintenance period as the ships currently at sea have been deployed since early 1995. At the moment they are based in the Ocean just west of Diego Garcia, might I inquire as to where your fleet is heading and we can perhaps arrange for them to meet somewhere between for an exercise. I think those activities would be amazing in terms of cooperation, especially if the United Kingdom were to join the Nordic Council. But we are pretty much available when you are." she smiled.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"We would like to see this take place as soon as possible, initially we'd like to begin with an aerial operations to better enhance the Search and Rescue capabilities of the Swedish Royal Navy as Britain is very much the world leader in this field. At present we are attempting to arrange the refuelling of our fleet in the Mediterranean Sea which is proving difficult given these assets currently sit idle off the coast of the Antarctic following Operation Molybdenum, however as soon as this obstacle is resolved we could see this begin literally as soon as our vessels meet at an rendezvous point."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"In that case, I'd like to suggest Diego Garcia as the rendezvous point as that would offer logistics to keep the fleets operating. To cover your fueling issue, we would be happy for you to carry out a refuel at Gibraltar if that is sufficient. We will be able to provide the facility to refuel again at Diego Garcia for the exercise. Would Sweden like to host and lead the efforts for the exercise? We are happy to participate in any way possible." Jess smiles.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
There was a gentle pause whilst Jess waited for a response from her Swedish Counterpart but she let her impatience get the best of her. "As much as I enjoy formal talks, you don't really get to know a person. Are you free Saturday evening for a few drinks?" she cheekily asked, somewhat recalling strict instruction to ensure that relations with the UK and Sweden were of more value than the UKs reputation with other countries. Perhaps something was planned but for now, it'll give Jessica a break from real work and have a closer contact from someone within the Swedish Government that has power.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Diego Garcia sounds perfect, I will inform the Department of Defence of your permit into Gibraltar which is perfect to permit our travel onwards. I will leave the Carrier Strike Group in the very capable hands of the commanding officer whom will undoubtedly liaise with your own commanding officer for the progression of this exercise, which we have named Exercise Iron Trident, we intend for this to be the most comprehensive naval exercise we've ever conducted and will give both our forces invaluable training in the use and operation of a Carrier Strike Group and all its components" she paused, raised her eyebrows and scurries her fingers through the pages of her diary.

"I am free Saturday... a few drinks sounds great. Girls night!"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Fantastic, I best make sure to update the Defence Secretary to ensure all arrangements are in place and allow conversation to continue between the people that know best." she smiled. "It certainly sounds promising, I had once been on an aircraft carrier, amazing things. Not as a member of it, I think I was just in the way more than anything but it was an amazing experience. Absolutely huge." shuffling up in her chair to retain her comfort "If you've never been on one, I would recommend it. Even if it's just to sit in the Captains chair and pretend to be in charge" Jessica laughed, before turning back to her invitation "Oh, a girls night sounds fantastic. An excuse to get away from the childre--" clearing her throat and grinning to correct herself "An excuse to relax a little". She wasn't that desperate to escape her children after all. "I honestly couldn't make a place to recommend though, but I keep getting told there's more to life than work and kids.. apparently!"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I'd love to take you to Sturecompagniet, it's one of the largest exlusive nightclubs in Stockholm, we'll be able to enjoy ourselves... maybe my husband can put the kids to bed tonight. Now this Antarctica madness is over I'm not tied to this bloody office." Margot closes her folder and leans back in the chair "I believe they're open in the afternoon as a sort of... bar... perhaps we could take this conversation over there? I'm sure they have a booth we can talk in?"

"I think it's about time my husband put the rats..- sorry, children, to bed for once. I need to let me hair down!"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"That sounds perfect, I'll make sure my husband knows I'm on a very important business meeting." laughed Jessica "Maybe, unless you have anything more to discuss business wise, we could call it here and meet up a little later? I'd rather freshen myself up before heading over to the bars.. got to make myself look the part!" she spoke enthusiastically, quite excited for a break and to build up new business relations. "It'd also mean I can make it until 7pm before going home because of been such a light weight" she joked "It's been a while since I've just gone out for a bit of fun, so if you're free tonight, could say around 7pm meeting up and meet at the bar or something?" Jessica leaned forward and took a sip from her water and giggled "Besides, at least I can drink whatever I want there without worrying how I look".



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Absolutely. I'll see you this evening at Sturecompagniet! Let me write down my personal phone number so you can contact me if you get lost!" she laughs before whipping a white post-it note from a block on her desk and a pen to complement, on this she would write her personal mobile phone number. This had certainly never been done before with the rest of the world making use of the government landline to contact government officials and personal telephone numbers definitely weren't ever passed out. None the less Margot would stand from her seated position and smile.

"I will see you in a few hours. I will clear my schedule and ring Jon, my husband, I'm sure he'll be thrilled about daddy daycare." She laughs, clearly not caring whether he husband wanted her to go out or not. From here Margot would walk the Ambassador out of the building, providing she had nothing else she wished to discuss, and walked her to the outside pavement before returning to collect her belongings and returning home.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"I can't wait." smiled Jessica, before leaning forward and retrieving the number. Promptly sending a text to the phone for Margot to have hers. Adjusting her outfit slightly, Jessica stood up from the chair "Make sure to tell him it's a super important meeting regarding national security. I'm sure he'll understand." she laughed, obviously only joking despite the fact she was probably going to tell her husband the same. Whilst the idea of spending time out of work would benefit for relations between the countries, it wasn't something she wanted to advertise. In her line of work, it could be career ending.

With nothing further to discuss, she offered her farewell and departed for the embassy to finish off before returning home to get ready for the night ahead. Rather excited about getting some time to herself away from work, the aspect of going out with friends was missed due to the workload. It was well overdue.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Margot would save the phone number into her personal phone, smiling as she did, this well and truly prompting a more personal relationship with Jessica rather than the day-to-day rubbish that came with being the immediate liaison between a nations diplomatic mission and central government. Margot darts her eyes to Jessica's comment "Yes... I heard the infamous Jager Bomb is about to detonate in the centre of Stockholm!" before chuckling to herself, she too was not afraid to lie to her husband to have a well deserved drink but none-the-less didn't want to appear so sordid in front of what is currently a colleague.

Within moments Margot would follow the Ambassador out, ensuring she locked her office door behind her, and on the way out offering a brief rundown of tasks she needed completing to her assistant who sat perched and primed outside her office doors behind her own desk. The list was short, but prepared her workload for the next day and ensured that the department continued operating as expected whilst she was away from her desk. Following this she would make her way to the secure staff carpark where she would drive home to get ready, sending a quick text message to Jessica upon arriving.

"Just got home, will text you when I'm ready! xx"
