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[Sweden]: Message to Congo


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Dear Marini Okereke (Minister of Foreign Affairs),

The past year has been a complicated and difficult season with a variety of different conflicts fracturing relationships worldwide, particularly those within Africa. Now, more than ever, I strongly believe we need to begin to intertwine and rekindle our relationships within the continent with the view to remove vicious lies from the surface of international politics; hopefully beckoning the existence of a strong bi-lateral relationship between South Africa, Sweden and Congo. Congo is of particular significance to South Africa given the close proximity opening doors for cooperation, investment, trade and foreign affairs hence I would like to propose we meet at your earliest convenience. If you deem appropriate I would like to invite you to my office in South Africa or alternatively I am available for a telephone or video call.

I very much look forward to your reply.

Håkan Juholt
Governor-General of South Africa
Office of the Governor-General of South Africa
Kingdom of Sweden

Kelly the Mad

Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020


To: Office of the Governor-General of South Africa

Subject: Diplomatic Meeting


Thank you for reaching out to us to arrange a diplomatic meeting, it is something we have been looking to schedule ourselves for some time. Minister Okreke should be able to fly out to South Africa to meet at your earliest convenience. Matters of discussion can be disclosed upon our arrival.

Best Regards,
Marini Okereke, Minister of Foreign Affairs.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Dear Marini Okereke (Minister of Foreign Affairs),

I am pleased to hear from you so quickly - I would be happy to host you, and you delegation if you so choose, at my office of 120 Plein St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa. Please ensure that you bring a form of identification to present to security staff on site who will be expecting your arrival. I will ensure that the local police make the necessary arrangements at the local airport to ensure your safe arrival in the most dignified manner possible.

Håkan Juholt
Governor-General of South Africa
Office of the Governor-General of South Africa
Kingdom of Sweden

Kelly the Mad

Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
The charter flight would slowly land on the tarmac at Cape Town airport. The door would open and a staircase would descend. The first person to climb down would be a security guard armed with a submachine gun, then Marini Okereke, then one more security guard. With a confident and bold stride, she would walk up towards the policeman waiting for her. She would bring out her government ID, declaring her as a member of the Emperor's staff. Abruptly, the first security guard would bring his submachine gun to bear.

Two dozen shots would ring out across the airport, causing a small panic. A final, louder shot would punctuate those before it.

The second security guard took out a handkerchief, wiping the viscera off of his Smith & Wesson Model 500. The single shot had been a precaution to ensure that Ms. Okereke would no longer sabotage Congolese diplomacy. Her body was riddled with holes, blood pooling beneath her, and half of her head had been vaporized by the massive bullet spit forth from the revolver. Both security guards about-faced and marched back onto the charter flight, which set back off for the Congo.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Immediately upon the sounds of the shots vibrating through the airport terminal it would not take long for armed police to be alerted to the presence of firearms. In a heartbeat radio communications would make their way through all local channels followed shortly after by an emergency button activation at the security checkpoint by a witnessing officer; all regular communications were interrupted by sheer panic from the officer who screamed through his radio, his voice broken only by the emergency tone which would always send chills up the spine of any officer, let alone during a genuine activation... "OFFICER NEEDS HELP, VIP TERMINAL, SHOTS FIRED!" he would scream as loud as he could. The punctuating shot giving him the opportunity to peer around the corner to scope exactly what'd happened, by this point adrenaline would pumping through his body like he'd never experienced in his life, his hands shaking as a result. Shortly after observing the offenders making their way back to the aircraft he would life this radio once again "OSCAR-THREE-FOUR, CONTROL, TWO MALE OFFENDERS FROM THE CONGO FLIGHT, ARMED, ONE CASUALTY."

Officers would begin to sprint to the terminal, not only to preserve life but also to assist the lone unarmed officer in the terminal. Once at the doorway to the terminal the kitted armed officers would line the walls to the double doors, using the fire observation glass to gain information on the situation in the room before they breach. It would take a matter of moments for the officers to swarm the terminal and begin their systematic search of the room prior to setting at the jettison where the offenders were last seen destined for the doorway to the Congo flight.

With the airport being... well... exactly that, the aircraft would not be able to simply make its way off the ramp, onto a taxiway and back to the runway at free-will. Particularly because of the requirement for ground crew to assist in the pushback procedure and Air Traffic Control for the authorisation to make it's way across the airport. In a matter of seconds the airport would be in complete lockdown with all aircraft not otherwise committed with a take-off would be ordered to hold their current position or go-around for those landing. The aircraft destined for the Congo would remain exactly where it was. Armed officers would begin setting up their position with use of a ballistic shield as they begin to approach the aircraft doorway - "ARMED POLICE, APPROACH THE DOOR WITH YOUR HANDS ATOP OF YOUR HEAD!".

Meanwhile additional armed officers, all of which trained in traumatic wound care would begin advanced first aid on Minister Marini Okereke who lay on the floor riddled in bullets. Very quickly the officer would identify the traumatic head injury incompatible with life.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
The two security guards would each light cigars and take shots of vodka before dropping all of their weapons in a pile. With the lighter, they would set ablaze a suitcase full of sensitive documents, splashing on the rest of the vodka to urge on the flame. Being the only two government-affiliated people left on the plane, they would take a moment before yelling out of the door in French:

"We are putting down our arms, we come in peace, we will do you no harm. Lower your weapons."

As they yell this, they monitor the blaze, seeing that it has reduced the papers to ash. Taking the former Minister of Foreign Affairs' laptop, they would smash it to pieces, tossing it onto the fire. After a moments time, they would take a fire extinguisher from the plane and put it out. They had every intention of giving themselves up.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
With none of the armed officers speaking French and the smell of smoke engulfing the jettison they would shout out again in English for the personnel to hear "ARMED POLICE, APPROACH THE DOOR WITH YOUR HANDS ATOP OF YOUR HEAD!" - with audible confirmation they were still onboard the aircraft the team would line the walls on the basis that if they approached with firearms one of the teams would have the opportunity to neutralise them before the offenders had any opportunity to redirect their fire to the opposite side. The teams were ready with their weapons poised at the entryway to the aircraft, where presumably the smoke from the fire onboard would be pouring out - an officer would radio the control room for the fire department to be on stand-by.

"ARMED POLICE, SHOW YOURSELVES NOW!" they would scream out with one last opportunity before the decision would be made to escalate use of force.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
With all sensitive information destroyed fully, the guard would nudge open the door with his foot. The first man, hands above his head, would walk out in front of the doorway.

"We are now unarmed! Do not shoot!" He yelled out in French.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
One team would train their rifles onto the guard immediately upon coming into view, the officer at the front of the team would activate a laser sight shining into the centre of the guards chest enabling a visual representation of the officers capability. Whilst the guard was clearly speaking a foreign language the officer would wave his arm, clearly directing the guard to continue walking towards him.

"KEEP WALKING, DO NOT MOVE YOUR HANDS!" he would shout down the jettison.

Once the guard was close enough a third team, at the back of the jettison would dive into his body forcing him into the ground - one officer would immediately cross his legs and push them towards the centre of his back whilst another would take the wrist, twist it and bend it back towards the shoulder bond effectively rendering his body useless as they kept the guard restrained in a controlled ground pin. If the guard were to resist in any way the officers, in their positions, would use pain compliance. Once controlled rigid handcuffs would be used to don the wrists of the guard who would be cuffed in the rear-palms-out position. A full and extensive search of clothing and his person would be conducted any any belongings on him would be seized.

Another command was issued, knowing there were two offenders as reported in the initial emergency button activation "ARMED POLICE, SHOW YOURSELF! THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING!"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
The second guard would follow closely behind the first, a cigar chomped in his mouth, his figure silhouetted by the smoke still flowing out of the plane. Upon watching his fellow guard knocked to the ground, the second guard would drop to his knees and lay himself out on the ground, face down, to facilitate the arrest without the use of excessive force. In the two men's pockets were a phone a piece, three cigars in the second officer's pockets, and a wallet in both of their pockets including identification as Congolese officers with the Foreign Affairs Office. Also in the pockets of the first man is the only remaining paper, a printed-out transcript of a message from a redacted high-ranking official ordering that Okereke be removed from service before she did any more damage. The date shows it to have been issued during the plane's flight.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Once the guard was close enough, once again, the third team at the back of the jettison would dive into his body and handcuff him in the rear-palms-out position and conduct a thorough search of his person, retaining all items found in evidence. The two teams at the head of the jettison would then begin to move in and sweep the chartered aircraft for remaining persons, ensuring the fire was extinguished and identifying any further casualties in need of medical aid.

An officer would speak to the guards in English: "You're both under arrest on suspicion of arson, airport sabotage and murder with the intent to support a terrorist offence." following which the guards would have their rights explained. They would then be hoisted up by two armed officers and escorted out of the airport to two awaiting caged vans which would in-turn convey them to the nearest custody block. All seized items would be placed into a tamper-evident sealed evidence bag and conveyed alongside them for booking into detained property.

A private ambulance would later arrive for the collection of the deceased body, recovered for forensic analysis.

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Hey, you, stop your babbling and speak French, goddamnit!" Shouted the first guard, Identified as Officer Lucas Lamoine by his ID.

"Oh, shut your trap, they don't understand a word we say. The goddamn uncultured Swedes probably don't even have a translator at the airport, hell I doubt they were even planning to welcome us. Just drop the diplomatic envoy to fend for herself. Goddamn Swedes." The second one would mutter a large variety of French expletives, inter splicing this with a handful of American ones he had picked up over the years. He didn't know what exactly they meant, but he felt they would get his message across. He was Captain Victor Gainsbourg, a senior officer of the Congo's government security force, and here he was being welcomed in a foreign country by being held to the ground, his cigar fallen onto the ground.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
With the offenders, or now persons in custody, were still retaining the fact they weren't speaking English they'd remain in a holding cell until such point an interpreter was available for a legally-compliant evidential interview which was due to take place later that evening. Swedish law ordinarily requires that the embassy of a prisoners national origin be informed of their arrest however given the circumstances of this arrest and the basis that informing the embassy of their detention may pose a substantial risk to life, limb, property and national security the right was revoked. The offences committed posed the necessity for persons to be detained in a facility compliant, under Swedish-law, to protect those suspected of having commit a terror offence. Extradition to Sweden was imminent.

Both persons in custody would be strip searched in private quarters to remove any belongings from their persons and any items which may cause injury to themselves or others as well as items which may aide their escape. In return the men would be given suicide-preventative paper suits to wear. The strip search also includes checking the detained persons mouths, hair, genitals and back passage for items hidden from view. All seized clothing would be booked into detained property.

Given the nature of the offence and the successful arrest of the two known offenders the Officer of the Governor-General of South Africa and the Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden would be informed immediately by the National Security Office.

An Airbus A330-300 of the Swedish Royal Air Force, 1st Special Transport Squadron, 1st Special Transport Flight would depart its home base location of Såtenäs Air Base, Sweden destined for Ysterplaat Air Base, South Africa via sectors JO > JN > JM > JL > JK > JJ > JI > JH > JG > JF.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
During this process, the guards would be compliant, but their complaints in French would be unending.

"Taken out of our nice suits and put into this filth... Why in the hell would they think we'd want to kill ourselves? If anything their so mad they should put themselves in these. Who knows if one is going to go haywire."

"If you don't watch your hands, sir, ill have you laid flat on the ground like a dead bird faster than you can say Praise the Emperor!"

"If God is watching this, he must have a cruel sense of humor... Bless."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
In a matter of days in police custody the decision was made for a preliminary interview to take place. Given the heightened sensitivity of the terror attacks and the potential for leaked information to trigger further unidentified attacks against the Kingdom of Sweden, including South Africa, the detained persons in custody would not be offered legal representation; a right usually afforded to civilians in custody. Two National Security Office operatives (one of which fluent in French) would remove one of the Congolese guards from his cell, bringing him directly to a soundproof tape and video recorded interview room, as normal procedure for any arrest made in the country... in fact normal procedure for any arrest made in any modern society. There was no question that these interviews would be absolutely key to the identification of further offences, further planned attacks, motive and planned objectives; and they would directly trigger the appropriate response by central government to ensure justice was reached for the attack.

Once securely within the room 'Officer Lucas Lamoine', as he identified, would be handcuffed to a stall bar situated in the centre of the desk by lengthened handcuffs, giving him some flexibility and movement although still hindered from moving any further from the chair on which he sat. The operatives would load a cassette into the tape recorder which would be followed by the closure of the interview room door and the triggering of video recording before a loud beep fills the room; notifying all those within that the tape was about to begin recording.

In English one of the operatives would begin the interview:

"Today's date is Thursday, March 10th 2000, the time is now 1304hrs and we are present in Bishop Lavis Police Station interview room fourteen. I am National Security Office operative three-six-nine-nine, also present in the room is National Security Office operative six-two-one-eight. Present with us is person in custody, NSO reference number DELTA-ROMEO-ONE... can you state your full name, date of birth and national origin for the tape please?"

The operative would stare at Officer Lucas Lamoine, awaiting his response...

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Lamoine would comply, though his face showed it was begrudging. Once in the room, he recognized the beep, the monotony of the spoken words. This was an interrogation. In French, he began,

"As I've said a million times, I don't speak your bullshit language! French, Goddamnit! And, if your primitive ass can understand what I'm saying, get me some clothes, for god's sake! I refuse to say shit until you get me out of these crazy-mans rags." He would trail off, mumbling complaints to himself, assuming that the officers only spoke English. He would lean back, taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. He found the whole situation outrageous.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The leading operative would look to his colleague as he spoke the words "for the benefit of the tape, my colleague will serve as an interpreter for the person in custody..."

This would prompt the other operative sat across the desk from Lamoine to repeat the question "Please state your name, date of birth and national origin, clearly, for the tape" the words were said firmly in fluent French, both operatives taking notes throughput the interview noting body language, demeanour, responses and even planning their next questions on paper. These will serve as evidential original notes. The operatives would stare intently at the Lamoine, eagerly awaiting his answers.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Lamoine would look up at the operative who spoke french, his eyes a little bit wider than before, his mouth slightly open, before he recovered.

"Finally, a rational human being. Thank god. God, god god god... My name is Lucas Lave Leal Lourdes Lamoine, I was born on the 12th of July, 1978, and I am a citizen of the Empire of the Congo." He would pause a second, before repeating the information, a little bit louder, making a visible effort to lean into the recording device. Once he had heard the French language from one of the operatives, he began to calm down, relaxing a bit. He wasn't a lost cause yet. Someone could understand him. No doubt he could make his way home.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Each time Lamoine had spoken, it would be repeated back to English for the benefit of the other operative and the recording device - the response from the officer was amusing to say the least but gave some hope to the investigation: once again the leading officer would state another question in English, although knowing full well he wouldn't understand and the other operative would soon repeat his words in French, he would still ask the question staring Laimoine dead in the eyes.

"Mr Lamoine, you have been arrested on suspicion of arson, airport sabotage and murder. Throughout this interview you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you may later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. What that means is we will be asking you a series of questions in relation to the matters for which you were arrested: you do not have to respond to these questions. However, this interview is being recorded and may be played in court which may undermine your account should you change or provide an alternate one and the court may wonder why tou failed to answer a question when given the opportunity to do so.

Can you please confirm for the tape that there is only the three of us present in this room, and we have all introduced ourselves?"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Airport sabotage? A bit of a stretch... I will answer all questions with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." He tried to raise one of his hands as he had seen on the television court shows. He sniggered, putting his hand down. "I know who I am, and I know there are two other people in this room, and that one of them can speak French. Whether you are Swedes or Afrikaners I have no clue, and who you work for I know even less. So I wouldn't say we have all introduced ourselves." After a moment of thought, he smiled at himself, and said "Please state your name, date of birth and national origin, clearly, for the tape." He snickered afterward, before returning to a straight-ish face.


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