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[Sweden]: Message to Vietnam


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Yes, we have a number of options on the table for the rebirthing of the Nordic Council in the coming months. Once we can finally put this resolution to bed we can focus on the development of South Africa which will coincide nicely with our reorganisation of the council to better incorporate the rest of the globe. It has to be said that since 1995 the Nordic Council has been the only organisation with political influence and a cohesive strand of cooperation throughout its membership statuses.

Of course I support the collapse of the North Korean dictatorship. I just find it ironic they have the nerve to bring such matters on an emergency basis to the Global Assembly when they've undercut the chambers themselves to see Korea unified. Korea is, or at least was, a key partner for Sweden - we have invested billions in donations to their state to pull them out of debt, for infrastructure projects and as part of security/defence programs; all of which was met with a strong, firm slap in the face.

I cannot agree with you more, the undercutting of those close to you is the one thing guaranteed to bite back the hardest when you least expect it.

It's not necessary the claw-back for political appeal we're concerned about.. it's the blatant, unchallenged violations of international law that could soon snowball into catastrophic consequences. We have spoken to a number of governments that agree."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"While the North Koreans may have been revisionists, and rather self centered we do not believe the so called collapse of their government is a wholly good things. Aside from the fact that their ideas may now spread into South Korea freely I believe that the unification could have been more fair. It is our hope that their officials can continue to bear the torch of the cause."

"But yes, moving forward and undercutting allies is a sure way to alienate those those that wish to help. Inviting nations that previously had nothing to do with a situation prior to nations that approached in the first place is a way to make things difficult in the future. One could say, resentment might be built. But, we are sure such things can be overcame should remedies and understanding be reached."

"Well, I am sure those nations that agree will make themselves known in the GA yes? Regardless, we would like to move forward on getting you to agree to allow us to send peacekeepers into South Africa."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I see, it's clear that Vietnam whilst cooperating with the globe is still holding true to their own beliefs which is reassuring to see. From a cooperation perspective we are glad to see that you remain independent but open to differing points of view. The future will certainly be interesting.

I will forward your intention to deploy to South Africa to the Department of Defence to review and allocation. The likelihood is that Stockholm will want to see the results of the resolution passing through the Global Assembly before any further decisions are made on the matter, especially who is and is not supportive of the already incredibly efforts made by Sweden to resecure democracy in an otherwise trampled state."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I am glad you have caught onto our diplomatic and global strategy. ASEAN was originally formed as a counter to the rise of communism in Asia. The nations in ASEAN prior to it's original dissolve did not obviously always get along. It is our hope that through the organs of ASEAN, and a willing to discuss matters that issues that you have highlighted can be resolved. To allow us to form our own point of view by looking at what our partners and allies are doing. A true friendship of nations does not rely on blind loyalty. Otherwise, it would all fall apart very quickly."

"Just because the Americans and South Koreans who we are on either good terms with or are building relations with are against something another of our partners is doing, does not mean we will immediately hop to a side blindly. Our conclusion is such, there may be issues but Vietnam will follow it's own ideas in this situation. Providing aid to the people of South Africa and ensuring violence does not erupt while the mess is sorted out legally. So, for the time being you can have our support in that front."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Yes, the line between loyalty and blind obedience is often blurred when it comes to regional cooperation and bilateral alliances. Unfortunately this not only sees to the lack of success by government but also sees to the quick collapse of organisations, as we have seen many times in the past. There is strength in collaboration but weakness in insincerity.

I will be honest in that the Emergency Resolution presented to the Global Assembly is of great concern to us as it could undo all the work we've put in up to now, without a single shot having been fired. The resolution proposes that the Global Assembly send forces from a mass of nations into South Africa to generate 'peace' but this will only trouble and already lost community even further. They have put their trust in the Swedish forces, and support the Swedish forces. I cannot see the same being said if a peacekeeping force is deployed without their consent.

We have been able to make use of local community intelligence to gain trust in our partners such as Israel, Thailand and potentially Egypt to envelop a firm presence.

It would be a great shame to see this undone."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"So you are saying Vietnamese peace keepers providing food and medical assistance would be unwelcome? Regardless, I would like to get back to the original purpose of this meeting. The contract. So far, we have only discussed it in some detail. How would we go about actually implementing your suggestions... your help... when you are busy in South Africa? You cannot help us hold the Spratly Islands while protecting South Africa? Can you?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Hmmm... I am not sure I approve of your attempts to manipulate the subject of conversation into something I categorically did not say. We expect this meeting to remain civil and I am confident you did not intent to appear so provocative with your last statement, so I will just ensure you are fully aware of the situation.

We support the Vietnamese humanitarian efforts in South Africa, of course however at this stage it would be inappropriate for us to permit further forces support us when we have had such deep opposition from South Korea, a close ally of yours. We cannot be seen to undermine the assembly and we have every intention to pursue our lawful actions via diplomatic channels. If this resolution, in its current form, passes, it enables violent removal of Sweden from the state irrespective of the fact we are supported by the South Africans to be present.

You grossly underestimate our position and we have every capability to support you in the defence of the Spratly Islands - I am unsure how there is any question? Our Armed Forces are extremely versatile and we have numerous operations globally on a daily basis? I am surprised to hear Vietnam still wants the presence of Sweden for defensive needs when you appear to be swaying towards opposition of our action in South Africa?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Yet you are working closely with Thailand who is a close ally of ours and who is also a friend of Korea. I cannot see why those conditions would not allow us to help in a humanitarian mission. If it would be permitted we can simply supply humanitarian workers minus the Peace Keepers we suggested. With support from Thailand we can accomplish the primary goal we have, which is ensuring aid get to be where it is."

"Allies and partners are allowed to disagree on matters. We are not aware of your full capabilities, so we are airing on the side of caution when it comes to your capabilities to provide support. We are operating under the assumption that despite any misgivings or disagreements that we can still be civil as you requested and work towards a joint goal."

"Vietnam does not support the violent removal of Sweden from South Africa. Such a move would only worsen any situation and make things worse for the people who need help. The last thing South Africa needs is another war in their nation. What Vietnam supports is a joint humanitarian mission with nation building. What joint means differs by definition, but we believe that the nations involved should be limited as much as possible."

"I think you will find this opinion reflected at the GA when the time comes for us to speak. We do not wish for violence to fall upon Sweden nor any further violence to be leveled at South Africa."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Minister the arrangements between Sweden and Thailand were made prior to the establishment of the emergency resolution in the Global Assembly. You are actively encouraging us to continue our actions irrespective of the impending action against Sweden in this matter? That is sabotage and you know it. This is a sensitive matter and whilst your humanitarian efforts are appreciated we will revisit them once we're better informed on the matter.

Your views and opinions of Sweden have swayed dramatically since our first discussions and I think it's clear that your commitments lie in Asia despite what has been discussed. You are right, allies and partners are allowed to disagree, but if we're honest with one another you wouldn't tarnish the reputation of ASEAN this early in the game for the sake of Swedish action in South Africa - we both know that.

I am frankly troubled and confused by your comments in relation to our full capabilities. Sweden has the largest economy on the globe, not just in our floating balance but also in international private investment which sees the value of our nation surpass one-hundred and fifty billion dollars. We have an internationally deployable Armed Forces which has seen operation in almost every continent on the globe in conjunction with an active network of strong diplomatic ties with key assets worldwide. You know this, because you jumped at the opportunity to have us support you in the Spratly Islands...- You are not being truthful, Minister.

We are working well with our regional partners to distribute the adequate levels of humanitarian aid at this time - as you have said yourself the last thing South Africa needs is a flourish of foreign states in camo gear waltzing through the country, it will only add to the confusion. We have the trust of the country at the moment, they have supported Sweden being in the country from the very beginning and we've having unbelievable success in ensuring our partners are on the same team. Each and every deploying partner has had a strict briefing to ensure the appropriate levels of respect and equality are given to the South Africans. Please feel free to fact check that with your Thai counterparts.

The amount of attendees at the Global Assembly makes this one of the most attended matters the chamber has ever seen. The approval of the resolution in it's current form will see to the immediate collapse of an equal government, utter confusion within the country and an obligation for peacekeepers to remain for decades to come. Any attempt at a democratic process when the Global Assembly has barged through South Africa's doors and taken control without their consent will only see to a civil war and a desperate fight to power, similar to what we saw when we first arrived.

I really do not think you understand how dangerous this resolution is to the stability to South Africa and I cannot be clearer; the public want us there. We have people clawing at the gates of our military bases thanking us for our presence. The same cannot be said for the Global Assembly."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"If that is how you feel about my comments and what we think on the situation at this time then I am afraid to say that this meeting is over for the time being. Until the situation is resolved we cannot pursue our contract and must put any shared goals on halt. I will not debate the issue further, or fall into accusations any further then this has already devolved. Good day." he would say as he would pick up a phone and call the front desk. "My meeting has concluded. Please prepare the convoy for the Swedish Secretary of Defence and the National Security Office officers." he would say before hanging up. "I hope your trip home is pleasant and I wish you luck." the Ministry of Defense building was teeming with guards and MOD workers who would be able to recognize anyone trying to sneak around.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I am frankly saddened by this random outburst, Minister I foresaw a close relationship with Vietnam given our combined common interests having the capability to make real change not only to our bilateral situation but also on an international scale. Perhaps this is something that can be reviewed once the resolution is over and you have had the time to establish exactly where your opinions lie."

The Secretary of Defenxe stands from his seat and gathers his belongings, buttons his blazer as he does so.

"Minister, the matters we have discussed do not include 'luck', these are no playground games but much rather very real lives at risk. Nonetheless, please enjoy the rest of your day."

Peter would then walk out the office and to the awaiting convoy before departing to Sweden via the most convenient route.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Swedes would be allowed to leave the building and no harm would come to them as they exited the country. Free of charge the aircraft they arrived on would have been fueled and prepped. The convoy would be able to depart and then arrive at the airport free of incident. Unless anything happened between Vietnam and Sweden nothing would come to harm the swedes.


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