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Thailand to France | Officer


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
In 1998, Thayada Haoharn distinguished herself as one of the pioneering women to join the Republic Thai Armed Forces Headquarters following a significant reform. Over five years, her service to the nation was not just a duty but a demonstration of her remarkable capabilities. She emerged as an indispensable member of the Republic Armed Forces. Today marked another milestone in her career. Thayada was on her way to the Hexagone Balard, the nerve center of the French Armed Forces. Her mission was critical – to lend her expertise and support in assisting with the ongoing Franco-Canadian War. This assignment was a testament to her exceptional skills and the trust placed in her by her superiors. As she journeyed towards Hexagone Balard, Thayada was not just representing her country but also embodying the progress and capabilities of the Republic Thai Armed Forces.

Upon her arrival at Hexagone Balard, Thayada Haoharn, a seasoned officer from the Republic Thai Armed Forces, was immediately struck by the flurry of activity within the French military's headquarters. This was a scene she had expected, yet the intensity of it was something one could only fully appreciate in person.

With a sense of purpose, she navigated through the security perimeter. Her introduction as the liaison from the Republic Armed Forces was likely met with a mixture of curiosity and respect. Thayada's reputation had been solidified by her instrumental role in securing a crucial victory during the Southeast Asia crisis a few years prior, a fact that added weight to her presence here.

As she walked further into the heart of Hexagone Balard, she took a deep breath, allowing herself a moment of reflection. Her thoughts wandered to the numerous strategic and diplomatic nuances her role entailed in this Franco-Canadian conflict. Thayada understood the gravity of her assignment; it was not just about military collaboration, but also about fostering international solidarity in times of crisis. With each step, she felt the weight of responsibility and the drive to contribute effectively to the mission ahead.

Within a few minutes of chiming herself into the environment, she would request to meet with the Commander-in-Chief of the French Armed Forces.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
The presence of the Thai Officer had raised some eyebrows, but seeing as the French military had historically often worked with allied nations all over the world and Asian migrants with French citizenship and thus the ability to join the armed forces were not uncommon there was not too much attention. Most simply continued doing their work while security only paid attention to make sure she wore a valid visitor's badge.

As Thayada approached the Officer and asked for the Commander-in-Chief she would instead be pointed to the Chief of the Defence Staff, the most senior officer in the French Armed Forces and in charge of the Canadian war effort. This was because the Commander-in-Chief on paper was the Empress but opting to let professionals exercise their profession she did not actively interfere with the strategizing of the actual experts. When the Thai Officer approached General Henri Bentégeat he would turn to her with a warm and welcoming smile. "Ah, miss Haoharn, welcome to France. My apologies, the embassy seems to have not informed us of your rank so I could address you properly"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Haoharn would introduce herself to the "Lieutenant Commander Thayada Haoharn, Republic Navy," she introduced herself to General Bentégeat in fluent British English, her tone calm but assured. "Thank you for welcoming me. I must apologize for any confusion caused by the correspondence from our Foreign Affairs Ministry. Our organizational structure is quite distinctive, and we tend to eschew formal rank titles in daily operations. My primary role involves logistics planning within the Republic Marine." She subtly shifted her posture, reflecting her readiness to delve into the heart of the matter. "Time is a valuable asset, General, so let's focus on the key issues at hand." Her approach was direct, yet respectful, signaling her preparedness for the vital discussions ahead.

Lieutenant Commander Thayada Haoharn addressed General Bentégeat with a tone of firm clarity, ensuring her message was unambiguous. "Our government's policy is strictly non-interventionist, General. We act only upon explicit invitations. So, if France requires our assistance, we would need a clear indication from you." Her words were deliberate, reflecting Thailand's principled stance. "The economic bonds between France and Thailand are significant. Despite our intelligence affirming France's innocence in the ongoing conflict, we cannot ignore Canada's threat to global peace and stability. It goes against our shared values." She continued, outlining Thailand's strategic positioning. "In anticipation of potential developments, the Republic Navy has strategically positioned three carrier strike groups. Two are currently with our Swedish allies in South Africa, and one more is in the Atlantic. This deployment includes four helicopter carriers, forty-five frigates, three submarines, six replenishment tankers, and a fleet of ninety-six helicopters." Pausing for emphasis, she added, "It's a tradition in our Navy to carry international flags on our ships, symbolizing our commitment to global cooperation and peace." Her statement, while informative, also subtly hinted at Thailand's readiness to support France, should the need arise.

Lieutenant Commander Thayada Haoharn conveyed her message with precision and gravity. "The Republic of Thailand has no intention of directly engaging in this conflict, particularly to avoid exacerbating tensions with the United States," she articulated, her tone serious yet composed. "Our navies have faced off before, and we are keenly aware of the potential consequences of an escalated conflict." She leaned forward slightly, ensuring her next words carried the weight of her intention. "This is why I'm here with a strategic proposition." Her gaze met General Bentégeat's steadily, signaling the importance of her offer. "Thailand is prepared to operate under the French flag with all vessels across our three carrier strike groups." The pause that followed was deliberate, allowing the magnitude of her proposal to sink in. "In return for this significant commitment, we would expect France to bear the operational costs, particularly in the unfortunate event of any casualties." Her proposal was bold, a testament to Thailand's commitment to strategic partnerships, yet anchored in pragmatic considerations.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
General Bentégeat listened carefully as the Thai Lieutenant Commander outlined her government's dilemma as well as the proposed solution, luck would have it that just today a measure had come by his desk that was designed to address problems just as these. "Commander, I can speak with confidence that the Empire of France does not desire direct engagement by Thai armed forces and that our goal remains to bring this conflict to a peaceful resolution with as little bloodshed as possible. Causing a situation that would see external powers such as the United States forced to commit their own men and women would go counter to that purpose. At the same time we recognize the global shows of support and desire to help the French state in her time of need. For that purpose we have recently created the French Volunteer Forces" The General would motion one of his aides to give the Thai Commander a copy of the document on the formation of the FVF. "The French Volunteer Forces is designed to allow willing foreign servicemembers with the permission of their governments to bring their expertise, capabilities and assets to operate under the French flag. While any units under this system would fall under the French command structure as to comply with French laws and guarantee that we comply with all international demands to keep the conflict confined to France and Canada, we do respect existing training regimes and structures. In Short your personnel and units could serve the French cause entirely in the same way as they are used to serving under the Republican Thai Military. In return we will of course be more than willing to compensate any life or resources lost, and post-war we would be inclined to give even greater access to our wide military expertise. It would also give Thai military personnel additional practical expertise. I hope this is in line with what you were proposing" The General concluded.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Lieutenant Commander Thayada Haoharn maintained her composed demeanor, her words carefully chosen to convey Thailand's willingness to cooperate. "I'm pleased with this development, General," she began, her tone reflecting both professionalism and a hint of relief. "The Republic of Thailand is prepared to commit our forces to the French Volunteer Force. However, I need clarification on the operational scope. Are we discussing individual ships or entire fleet integration under French command?" She paused briefly, ensuring her next statement was clear and unequivocal. "The Republic Navy is strategically positioned to contribute three carrier strike groups to your forces. We stand ready to provide substantial assistance."


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