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Thailand to New Zealand | Back-channel Diplomacy


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Thailand Electronic Mail Service
Official Correspondence

Encryption: NSST 1.0 Architecture
Recipient:National Party of the Commonwealth of New Zealand Basedcnt
Sender:Abhisit Vejjajiva, Leader of the Opposition and the Head of the Shadow Cabinet of the National Assembly of Thailand.
Subject:Information on the proposed bilateral summit between the opposition parties of Thailand and New Zealand.

To the National Party of New Zealand,

I am thrilled to learn that the main opposition party in New Zealand is receptive to our proposal for a summit between our two legislative branches. As of currently, I have been informed that other three parties in the opposition of your legislature will also join the summit, which includes the ACT Party, New Zealand First Party, and the New Zealand National Front Party. I will be relaying the information regarding the rouge proposal of the MOU to all four parties through official channels of the Thai National Assembly as we have garnered enough support and participants to elevate it to an official status.


Abhisit Vejjajiva

Digital Electronic Mail​


To: <New Zealand Parliament>
CC: <National Party of New Zealand> <Act New Zealand Party> <New Zealand First Party> <New Zealand National Front Party>
Subject: Confirmation of the bilateral summit between the opposition of the legislative branch of Thailand and New Zealand
Security Type: NSST Network Security Protocol

To whom it may concern,

The National Assembly of the Republic of Thailand extends its warmest greetings to the Parliament of New Zealand. We are writing on behalf of the Thai Opposition Party, including the Democrat Party, the Conservative Party, the Social Liberal Party, and the New Democracy Party. Following our previous communications with the Opposition of New Zealand, comprising the National Party, ACT Party, National Front Party, and New Zealand First Party, we wish to inform you of our mutual intent to hold a bilateral summit in Bangkok in January 2005, with the specific date to be confirmed.

The Thai Opposition, alongside the House of Representatives, views this initiative as a positive step toward enhancing democratic institutions in both our nations. We believe this summit will reinforce the checks and balances inherent in our respective systems of governance. The Thai legislature is currently preparing an agenda outlining the key topics for discussion, which will serve as potential points of agreement for the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be considered by both parties. The initial proposal is to host the summit at the Thai Parliament building. The proposed MOU may include the following:
  1. Economic Cooperation and Free Market Advocacy: This section outline both parties’ commitment to advocate for increase private sector (cooperative sector for Thailand) participation in their economics, push for reduced trade barriers between two countries, and encourage knowledge exchange on economic models.
  2. Strategic Defense Cooperation: This section outlines both parties’ commitment to support joint military exercises and training programs during their legislative proceeding. It also includes shared advocacy for sharing of non-classified defense technologies and commitment to support each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty as part of their party platform.
  3. Democratic Processes and Governance: This section outlines both parties’ commitment to uphold democratic principles and processes in both countries, support for transparency initiatives in government, and advocacy for reforms that strengthen the role of opposition parties in the legislative process.
  4. Educational and Cultural Exchange: This section outlines both parties’ commitment to support increased student exchange programs, promote cultural events and exhibitions in each other’s countries, and advocate for language learning prograns.


Abhisit Vejjajiva
Leader of the Opposition
Office of the Leader of the Opposition of the House of Representative
The National Assembly of Thailand

Digital Correspondence of the National Assembly of Thailand​


GA Member
May 24, 2024

Encrypted, Secure - Secret

Recipient: Abhisit Vejjajiva < Bossza007 >
Sender: New Zealand Parliamentary Service < >
Date: 31st of November, 2004
Subject: Confirmation of the bilateral summit between the opposition of the legislative branch of Thailand and New Zealand

Dear Mr. Vejjajiva,

Thank you for contacting us. Yes, we can confirm that the New Zealand Parliamentary Service is providing support services to the members of the New Zealand Nationals Party and the other parties attending the bilateral summit in Bangkok next year.

Thank you,

New Zealand Parliamentary Service
Commonwealth of New Zealand

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