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Thailand to Portugal | Trade Talk


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021


To: <Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic; CC: Alberto Martins, Secretary of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic> Bruno
From: <>
Subject: Trade Talk Between Thailand and Portugal
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Trade and Commerce of Portugal,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand extends its warm greetings to the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic. We are writing to express Thailand's keen interest in leading new trade initiatives with Portugal. To this end, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, alongside the Director-General of European Affairs, formally extends an invitation to the Portugal Secertary of Trade and Commerce to visit Bangkok at their earliest convenience. We believe that our nations, both steadfast in our democratic principles albeit with unique approaches, share a common commitment to equality, justice, and peaceful coexistence.

The trade negotiation between Thailand and Portugal, if accepted, will be hosted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. Our country is prepared to provide logistical support, accommodation, and necessary services for the Portuguese delegation. Thailand looks forward to discussing the export of both agricultural and industrial goods to Portugal in detail during the negotiations. Specific technical definitions will be deliberated in person. The Portuguese delegation can anticipate the introduction of precision farming technology, specialized additive manufacturing components, advanced robotic systems, and nanomaterial products during the negotiations.


Panthipha Iamsuttha Ekarohit
Director-General of the Department of European Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Panthipha Iamsuttha Ekarohit
Director-General of the Department of European Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bossza007
Subject: Trade Talk Between Thailand and Portugal

On behalf of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic, I extend our sincere gratitude for the warm greetings conveyed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. We are greatly encouraged by Thailand's expressed interest in initiating new trade initiatives with Portugal, and we share your enthusiasm for exploring avenues of collaboration between our nations.

Regarding the invitation for trade negotiations in Bangkok, we are indeed eager to engage in fruitful discussions to advance our bilateral trade relations. However, considering the current global circumstances and our commitment to efficient communication, we would like to propose the possibility of conducting the initial discussions via a phone call or video conference. We believe that this approach would enable us to promptly exchange ideas and explore potential areas of cooperation without delay. Moreover, it would allow us to engage in meaningful dialogue while ensuring the safety and convenience of both our delegations.

Rest assured, we remain fully committed to exploring opportunities for trade cooperation with Thailand. We are particularly interested in delving into the export of agricultural and industrial goods, as well as the innovative technologies mentioned in your letter. We look forward to your favourable consideration of our proposal and to the opportunity of deepening the economic ties between our countries. Please let us know your availability for a virtual meeting, and we will ensure that our delegation is well-prepared for productive discussions.

Thank you once again for extending this invitation, and we anticipate a fruitful dialogue ahead.

Alberto Martins,
Secretary of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021


To: <Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic; CC: Alberto Martins, Secretary of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic> Bruno
From: <>
Subject: RE: Trade Talk Between Thailand and Portugal
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Trade and Commerce of Portugal,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand extends its appreciation to the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic. We are gratified by our mutual enthusiasm for enhancing the trade relations between our two countries. In response to your esteemed Department’s proposal, Thailand agrees to initiate discussions through a telephone call to facilitate efficient coordination. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sukhumbhand Paribatra, will engage with his Portuguese counterpart via telephone, scheduled to commence at three in the afternoon, local time in Portugal. We kindly request that both parties allocate at least two hours for this conversation to ensure a comprehensive discussion.


Panthipha Iamsuttha Ekarohit
Director-General of the Department of European Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​

The soft glow of an early Thai summer morning washed over Bangkok, infusing the bustling metropolis with a sense of fleeting warmth. Amidst the ceaseless flow of life in a city of twenty million, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stood out—a testament to Thailand's graceful dance between modernity and tradition.

Inside the building, a room bore the name "Sukhumbhand Paribatra" on its doorplate, signifying the office of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. The clock was ticking closer to eight. Sukhumbhand gazed at the old blue telephone on his desk, his thoughts drifting. A small, knowing smile broke across his face as he crumpled a note and tossed it into the bin—a gesture shedding the weight of prior hesitations. As the clock heralded the arrival of the hour, he lifted the receiver, the numbers to the Portuguese Department of Trade and Commerce already committed to memory.

Connection established; the secure line buzzed with the undercurrent of international diplomacy. His voice carried across continents, through the NSST 1.0 Architecture, beneath oceans, to emerge in the historic heart of Lisbon.

“It's a pleasure to speak with you, Secretary Alberto Martins,” Sukhumbhand began, his British English polished by years of meticulous study and practice. He continued in a calm, measured tone, “I am Deputy Minister Sukhumbhand, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” As he shifted slightly in his chair, his voice brightened with genuine interest. “How are things in Lisbon, and Europe at large? I trust the unrest stirred by the Franco-Canadian War hasn’t cast too heavy a shadow over your region. It appears that even those of us with ties to France are in the dark about the true state of affairs.” His words, carefully chosen, sought to bridge the distance between their two nations, underpinned by a keen awareness of the fragile geopolitical landscape.

“I extend Thailand's warmest commendations to Portugal for your recent advancements in progressive policies and legislation,” Sukhumbhand expressed with palpable delight. “Your legislative and executive branches have inspired confidence in Thailand, affirming our view of Portugal as a like-minded ally. We are committed to championing progressivism globally, a path we see as vital for the sustainability of our societies. Do you share this vision, Secretary Martins?” His question, posed with sincere conviction in their shared ideals, sought not just an answer but a deeper connection on these pivotal issues.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The side of the Portuguese Department would be encrypted and private.

"Deputy Minister Sukhumbhand, it's a pleasure to speak with you as well," Secretary Alberto Martins responded, his tone polite yet cautious. "Thank you for your kind words regarding Portugal's recent advancements, we will always strife to be the pioneers in inovative legislation. As for the situation in Lisbon and Europe, while the Franco-Canadian War has indeed raised concerns, we remain steadfast in our commitment to stability and cooperation. However with the collapse of the previous Canadian Government, we believe that this new administration in Canada as ceased all hostilities."

He paused momentarily, carefully considering his words before continuing,

"Your commendations are appreciated, and I'm glad to hear of Thailand's shared commitment to progressivism. It's heartening to know that we are viewed as like-minded nations in this regard. Indeed, promoting progressivism globally is crucial for the sustainability of our societies." Secretary Alberto paused again, his voice reflecting a hint of reservation. "However, it's important for us to ensure that our actions align with our shared values of transparency and honesty in international relations. Recent events have prompted us to approach all matters with caution, across the board."

He shifted the conversation slightly, maintaining a diplomatic tone. "Before we proceed further, I'm curious to know more about the trade talks that Thailand wishes to engage in. Could you provide some insights into the specific areas of interest or potential collaboration?" Throughout the conversation, Secretary Alberto maintained a polite demeanor, mindful of the delicate nature of international relations and the need for careful but fair diplomacy.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
“Thailand's looking to nail down a Zero Tariff Agreement with Portugal, specifically tailored to our surplus exports falling within certain categories outlined by your local regulations. In exchange, we're curious to hear what Portugal might have in mind from Thailand to sweeten the deal. Of course, this agreement would be founded on equal ground. It's worth noting that Thailand's economy is quite self-sufficient, so it's no surprise we'll naturally accumulate a surplus of resources over time. Now, onto the goods we're talking about. First up, medical equipment from our manufacturing hub in Chiang Mai. Since 2002, Thailand's been a key supplier of electronic medical devices and equipment across Southeast Asia, and we reckon it's high time to broaden our horizons."

"Secondly, our aim extends to the exportation of our innovative GMO products to the discerning agricultural market of Portugal. Thailand has been at the forefront of genome modification technology, showcasing significant advancements, particularly through the utilization of CRISPR technology to augment our plant species. Moreover, we seek to export components vital to additive manufacturing. Specifically, we're advocating for the elimination of tariffs on Thai polymers, metals, and ceramics. This trade will not only align with the burgeoning needs of Portugal’s additive industry but also addresses the broader demand for quality goods.”

"In addition, our ambition extends to exporting advanced robotic systems from our Advanced Manufacturing Cluster in Rayong. We envision a symbiotic relationship wherein the integration of Thai robotic systems will catalyze the automation and modernization of your industry, laying the groundwork for a partnership that benefits us both.”

"And finally, our aim encompasses the exportation of nanomaterial products, encompassing solar cells and hydrogen fuel cells. The significance of energy in ensuring our species' longevity cannot be overstated. By aligning with Portugal's burgeoning renewable energy sector, we see an opportunity for collaborative trade that will pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future for all.”



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Deputy Minister Sukhumbhand, we appreciate Thailand's proposal and the opportunity to explore potential avenues for trade collaboration. Your insights into Thailand's surplus exports and innovative industries are quite intriguing, and we see potential for mutual benefits!" He would pause sipping from his water.

"Before we consider the proposal, we must assess its potential impact on Portugal's economy and industries. While collaboration presents opportunities, that is true, we must first ensure that any agreements reached are balanced and promote fair competition. Given the differences in economic size and regulatory standards between our countries, it's most essential to review your proposal within our government to ensure alignment with our national interests and values. I'm sure you understand." He would pause, scribbling a few notes on his notepad.

"However we do recognize Thailand's commitment to trade liberalization and sustainable development and value the opportunity to further discuss collaboration down the road. We propose more detailed discussions to address specific terms and conditions of your proposal. This collaborative approach allows us to explore potential areas of mutual interest while considering the potential risks and benefits for both our countries. In light of this, we have a few questions for further clarification: How does Thailand propose to address regulatory differences and ensure a level playing field for both our countries' industries? You must keep in mind that our internal industry is heavily regulated, almost with bare to none subsidies, worker conditions are of the highest standard globally. Additionally, what measures does Thailand suggest mitigating any potential negative impacts on Portuguese domestic industries and vice-versa? Lastly, how does Thailand envision intellectual property rights protection and technology transfer in the proposed collaboration? I must clarify that a zero tariff agreement is not currently feasible for Portugal, at least while the Guterres Administration is in office. However, we remain open to exploring alternative arrangements that promote fair and mutually beneficial trade relations."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Minister Sukhumbhand’s voice carried a note of enthusiasm over the phone line, a mirror to his Portuguese counterpart's tone. "I understand the unique challenges facing Portugal, and I assure you, Thailand is committed to addressing these concerns with a foundation of openness and mutual respect," he said, his smile almost audible. He paused, choosing his words with care. "Given the constraints of your current administration, I recognize that a zero-tariff agreement might be infeasible. Instead, may I propose that we initiate a comprehensive preliminary study to explore our countries' trade relations?"

After a brief silence, allowing his words to resonate, he continued, "Thailand then suggests a phased tariff reduction. This approach would be implemented gradually, allowing both our countries to make necessary adjustments and monitor the impacts on our domestic industries." He waited, giving space for his counterpart to digest the information.

"Portugal's concerns about regulatory differences and potential impacts on domestic industries are both valid and respected," Minister Sukhumbhand resumed, his tone reflecting deep consideration. "To address these, Thailand proposes the creation of a joint task force. This commission, comprising representatives from both our nations, would undertake a detailed impact assessment study. It would carefully analyze the effects of the proposed agreement on various sectors, including industries, labor markets, and consumer welfare." He paused once more, gathering his thoughts before proceeding.

“I recognize the paramount importance of intellectual property rights,” began Minister Sukhumbhand, his voice measured to underscore the seriousness of the topic. “Thailand has recently navigated a dispute with Russia, a situation from which both nations have learned the critical need for a robust legal framework.” He allowed a pause, letting the gravity of his words resonate. “It is imperative that Thailand and Portugal establish a similar framework—one that protects the intellectual property rights of both our countries while facilitating the responsible exchange of knowledge and technology. We envision a framework that includes provisions for joint research initiatives, licensing agreements, and technology transfer protocols that ensure fair compensation and mutual benefit.” He paused, collecting his thoughts before continuing.

“Furthermore, I wish to emphasize that Thailand represents a uniquely reliable and sustainable trade partner for Portugal, unmatched elsewhere in Asia at this moment. Our strengths in innovation and sustainable development are perfectly aligned with Portugal’s progressive values, particularly as both our nations share similar ideological visions.” Sukhumbhand’s voice conveyed a sincerity that felt almost tangible. “Should there be any concerns about potential disruptions to Portuguese industries, let me assure you of Thailand’s resilience. Our economic stability in consistent production capacities and self-sufficiency promise long-term benefits and strengthened ties. The opportunities for collaboration in fields like genome modification, additive manufacturing, and renewable energy are immense and should not be underestimated.” He concluded, his tone reflecting a sincere grin.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Mr. Sukhumbhand, your dedication to exploring trade relations between our nations is commendable, truly! And I appreciate your proactive approach in addressing Portugal's concerns, as we do with Thailand's concerns. Your suggestion of initiating a comprehensive study to delve into the intricacies of our potential trade partnership is indeed prudent.

Regarding the proposal for a phased tariff reduction, that goes both ways, I concur that it presents a pragmatic approach to gradually aligning our trade policies while safeguarding the interests of our domestic industries. However, we can't go towards a no tarrif policy, perhaps reaching a certain threshold would be sufficient. We must remind ourselves that Portugal's markets continue to be searched by other nations, we must keep the spirit of competition alive as with it, innovation will thrive, alongside protecting consumers from high prices and inflation! As for the establishment of a joint task force, I believe our direct engagement and collaboration, leveraging our respective expertise, could streamline the process and ensure efficient decision-making.

Intellectual property rights are paramount, and I'm pleased to see your recognition of their importance. Protecting our innovations while fostering a conducive environment for knowledge exchange is fundamental to nurturing a successful partnership.

Thailand's reliability as a trade partner is reassuring, of course, and I share your enthusiasm for the potential collaborations in renewable energy, however genome alternations still need more investigating from our scientists and be regulated by our lawmakers.

Let us maintain this positive momentum, Sukhumbhand. I eagerly anticipate further discussions and the opportunity to forge a robust and mutually beneficial relationship between our countries."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
Sukhumbhand's laughter was light and sincere, an echo of delight as he engaged with his Portuguese counterpart, his murmurs of agreement weaving seamlessly into the conversation. When his turn to speak arrived, he did so with a clear and reassuring tone, underlining the mutual commitment to forward momentum. "I thank you on behalf of Thailand for your kind words, Martins. We are resolutely committed to ensuring that any trade agreement nurtures the economic interests of both our nations."

"I believe we agree that a thorough preliminary study is essential for the optimal outcome of any trade deal," he continued, pausing to let the significance of the statement settle. "Perhaps it would be prudent to conclude our conversation now and liaise within our respective departments to guarantee policy alignment. Thailand will appoint its ambassador to advance this trade matter."

He paused, allowing a moment for Martins to interject if he had more to add. "Well, if that concludes our discussion, I thank you heartily for this engaging call. Our dialogue has been both fruitful and constructive. Once our teams have pinpointed the optimal timing and details for this agreement, I look forward to the possibility of flying to Lisbon for the signing ceremony. Goodbye, Secretary Martins."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Sukhumbhand, I truly appreciate your collaborative spirit and dedication to fostering mutually beneficial trade relations between our nations. We will always have to ensure that any trade agreement serves the economic interests of both Portugal and Thailand is commendable and aligns perfectly with both our goals." he would pause, sipping water.

"I wholeheartedly agree that conducting a thorough preliminary study is crucial for the success of any trade deal. It's essential to ensure that our policies are aligned and that we fully understand the potential impacts and benefits. Let us conclude the conversation for now and allow our respective departments to coordinate and advance this matter further."

"As for the appointment of your ambassador to lead the trade discussions, I, of course, welcome this initiative! And we will be looking forward to more fruitful collaboration. Rest assured that we will do the same on our end to ensure effective coordination and progress."

"Thank you once again for this engaging and productive conversation, Sukhumbhand. Our dialogue has been invaluable, and I share your optimism! I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet in person for a possible signing ceremony in Lisbon." he would chuckle. "Until then, safe travels and goodbye."

He would turn of the call, unless the Thai wanted to add anything else.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021


To: < Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic; CC: Alberto Martins, Secretary of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic> Bruno
From: <>
Subject: Trade Talk Between Thailand and Portugal
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Trade and Commerce of Portugal,

The Office of the Ambassador of Thailand to Portugal extends its warm greetings to the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic.

The Republic of Thailand formally commends the Portuguese Republic for its efforts toward constructive and exploratory discussions regarding the feasibility of enhancing trade relations between Thailand and Portugal. Ambassador Mrs. Krongkanit Rakcharoen has been designated by the Office of the Thai Ambassador to Portugal as the negotiator and facilitator for our future trade relations.

In addition to Ambassador Rakcharoen, six additional personnel from the Republic's Embassy have been assigned to participate in the joint task force between Thailand and Portugal. Currently, we are in the process of identifying a suitable venue for the discussions. Preferably, Thailand would like to convene in a meeting room equipped with modern amenities, including Wi-Fi connection and a projector screen compatible with tablets or laptops.

The Embassy of the Republic has conducted a preliminary study on our end regarding potential points of interest that need to be addressed, considering the differing economic models between Thailand and Portugal. Thailand is eager to continue the trade discussions with Portugal, and we anticipate a fruitful outcome that will benefit our respective citizenries.


Krongkanit Rakcharoen
Ambassador to Portugal
Republic Embassy of Thailand in Portugal
Republic of Thailand
Digital Diplomatic Communication​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Krongkanit Rakcharoen
Ambassador to Portugal
Republic Embassy of Thailand in Portugal
Republic of Thailand Bossza007

We deeply appreciate Thailand’s commendation of our efforts toward fostering constructive and exploratory discussions aimed at enhancing trade relations between our two nations. It is with great enthusiasm that we welcome Ambassador Mrs. Krongkanit Rakcharoen as the designated negotiator and facilitator for our future trade relations. We are equally pleased to note the inclusion of six additional personnel from the Thai Embassy in the joint task force. This commitment shows the importance Thailand places on this initiative, and we are confident that it will contribute significantly to the success of our discussions.

Regarding the logistics, we are currently identifying a suitable venue equipped with all necessary modern amenities, including internet connectivity and projector screens compatible with tablets and laptops, to facilitate our meetings. We will ensure that the selected location meets all the required specifications and will communicate the details to your office promptly. Additionally, the Department of Trade and Commerce has conducted a preliminary study on our end as well. Our findings highlight many positive aspects and opportunities for collaboration. However, there are a few areas that require further review to ensure that any agreement reached is beneficial and sustainable for both our nations.

We are encouraged to learn that the Embassy of the Republic has also conducted a preliminary study on potential points of interest. The differing economic models between Thailand and Portugal provide a unique opportunity for a diverse and comprehensive discussion. We are eager to review your findings and share our perspectives as we work towards a mutually beneficial outcome. We look forward to a productive and collaborative engagement that will enhance the prosperity of our respective citizenries.

Thank you once again for your proactive approach and dedication to this important endeavor.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Alberto Martins,
Secretary of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021


To: < Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic; CC: Alberto Martins, Secretary of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic> Bruno
From: <>
Subject: RE: Trade Talk Between Thailand and Portugal
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Trade and Commerce of Portugal,

The Office of the Ambassador of Thailand to Portugal acknowledges the recipient of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic.

To ensure that both sides' task forces are well-informed during the initial round of discussions, the Republic Embassy in Lisbon will provide a summary of the differing economic models in Thailand and Portugal. This will be the first topic addressed in our preliminary study. While both Thailand and Portugal operate mixed economies, the distinct nuances in their economic operations highlight foundational divergences.

Portugal has a longstanding social democratic approach to economic intervention, whereas Thailand is currently one of the few internationally active sovereign states with a socialist economic model. While market components remain crucial to Thailand's economy, the government's interventionist approach has made it one of the most regulated economies globally.

The joint task force's current objective is to explore how Thailand can legally and efficiently export its surplus goods to Portugal. Thus, discussing the regulatory framework for Thailand's goods is paramount. Should the Portuguese government wish to export its surplus goods to Thailand, we are open and eager to expand the scope of our study.

Thailand acknowledges that Portugal, a former member of the now-disbanded European Union, has developed high standards and competitive regulations to ensure the quality of goods and services delivered to consumers. Since 1998, Thai lawmakers have implemented many progressive legislative frameworks from the European Union. Recently, Thailand has also become one of the first countries to implement Social Impact Bonds (SIB) and Community Land Trusts (CLT) on a national and mandatory scale.

We are confident that Thai goods meet or exceed the regulatory standards of the Portuguese Republic. However, we also recognize the importance of Portuguese experts assessing the quality of these goods firsthand. Thailand is receptive to the Portuguese Government functioning as an audit body, allowing Thai businesses to send sample goods for detailed inspection by Portuguese experts.

Furthermore, any imported Thai goods will incur a higher price compared to the Portuguese local market. This price increase is not only due to import fees but also high labor wages, regulatory compliance costs, and other expenses required to comply with local laws. Portugal can be assured that in the rare instance where local regulations in Portugal are less stringent than those in Thailand, Thai businesses will still be required to meet Portuguese quality standards to deliver goods to Portuguese consumers.

We believe this overview and summary of the economic differences between Thailand and Portugal provides reassurance that Thailand can deliver high-quality and technologically advanced goods to Portuguese consumers. Additionally, due to the higher price of Thai imported goods, Portuguese local businesses will still benefit from competitiveness, as their goods will generally be lower in price and more accessible.


Krongkanit Rakcharoen
Ambassador to Portugal
Republic Embassy of Thailand in Portugal
Republic of Thailand
Digital Diplomatic Communication​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Krongkanit Rakcharoen
Ambassador to Portugal
Republic Embassy of Thailand in Portugal
Republic of Thailand Bossza007

Dear Ambassador Rakcharoen,

Its good to hear from you, I hope you are well.

We value the insights provided regarding the differing economic frameworks of our two nations. As you rightly pointed out, Portugal’s social democratic approach and Thailand’s socialist economic model present unique opportunities and challenges that warrant thorough exploration. However, we do have interventionist policies. We agree that understanding these foundational differences is crucial for our task forces to make informed decisions during our discussions.

We acknowledge the high standards Thailand has adopted from the European Union, and we appreciate your openness to Portuguese experts auditing Thai goods to ensure they meet our regulatory requirements. Furthermore, we value this level of transparency, as it is essential for building trust and ensuring the quality and safety of goods entering the Portuguese market.

However, we must address the potential economic impact of Thai goods on local industries. While we recognize the high quality and technological advancement of Thai products, we remain cautious about the potential for imported goods to disrupt our local market due to price differences and regulatory compliance costs.

To mitigate these concerns and foster a balanced and mutually beneficial trade relationship, we propose a phased approach to tariff reduction over the next three years. This plan would allow both nations to gradually adjust and monitor the impact on their domestic industries. The tariff reductions would be based on the demand for Thai products in Portugal and Portuguese products in Thailand, ensuring a measured and responsive approach to market needs.

Key points of our proposal include:

Initial Assessment Phase (Year 1): Both nations conduct detailed impact assessments and pilot trade samples for regulatory compliance.
Gradual Tariff Reduction (Years 2): Based on the findings from the initial phase, tariffs on selected goods will be reduced incrementally, with annual reviews to assess market impact and adjust the plan as necessary.
Full Implementation and Review (Year 3): By the third year, both nations should have a clear understanding of the benefits and challenges, allowing for informed decisions on maintaining, further reducing, or adjusting tariffs.

We believe this phased approach will help both Thailand and Portugal to achieve a balanced and sustainable trade relationship that benefits our economies and citizens.

We look forward to discussing this proposal further and working collaboratively towards a mutually beneficial agreement. Please let us know your thoughts on this plan and any additional suggestions you might have.

Warm regards,

Alberto Martins
Secretary of State for Trade and Commerce
Portuguese Republic


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021


To: < Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic; CC: Alberto Martins, Secretary of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic> Bruno
From: <>
Subject: RE: Trade Talk Between Thailand and Portugal
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Trade and Commerce of Portugal,

The Office of the Ambassador of Thailand to Portugal acknowledges the recipient of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic.

The Republic Embassy in Lisbon has carefully reviewed the proposal submitted by the Department of Trade and Commerce. We are pleased to inform you that the Republic Government has agreed to implement a phased approach to tariff reduction over the next three years. The Joint Task Force from Thailand has concluded that this arrangement will foster a balanced and sustainable trade relationship between Thailand and Portugal.


Krongkanit Rakcharoen
Ambassador to Portugal
Republic Embassy of Thailand in Portugal
Republic of Thailand
Digital Diplomatic Communication​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Krongkanit Rakcharoen
Ambassador to Portugal
Republic Embassy of Thailand in Portugal
Republic of Thailand Bossza007

Dear Ambassador Rakcharoen,

We are pleased to hear that the Republic Government has agreed to implement this approach over the next three years.

In light of this agreement, we have drafted a proposal treaty outlining the terms and conditions of our phased tariff reduction plan. This draft aims to ensure a balanced and sustainable trade relationship between our nations, fostering economic growth and cooperation. Below is an overview of the key points included in the draft treaty:

Draft Proposal Treaty: Phased Tariff Reduction Agreement

The Republic of Portugal and the Republic of Thailand, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties," recognizing the importance of enhancing trade relations and fostering mutual economic growth, agree to implement a phased approach to tariff reduction over the next three years.

Article 1: Objective The objective of this treaty is to gradually reduce tariffs on selected goods traded between the Parties, ensuring a balanced and sustainable trade relationship that benefits both economies and citizenries.

Article 2: Initial Assessment Phase (Year 1)

  1. Both Parties shall conduct detailed impact assessments to evaluate the effects of tariff reductions on their domestic industries.
  2. Pilot trade samples will be exchanged to ensure regulatory compliance and quality standards are met.
  3. Regular meetings will be held to review progress and address any concerns.
Article 3: Gradual Tariff Reduction (Years 2-3)

  1. Tariffs on selected goods will be reduced incrementally over the two-year period, based on the findings from the initial assessment phase.
  2. Annual reviews will be conducted to assess the impact on domestic industries and adjust the tariff reduction plan as necessary.
  3. Both Parties will cooperate closely to address any regulatory and compliance issues that may arise.
Article 4: Joint Task Force

  1. A Joint Task Force comprising representatives from both Parties will be established to oversee the implementation of this treaty.
  2. The Task Force will conduct regular meetings, share data, and provide recommendations to ensure the smooth execution of the tariff reduction plan.
Article 5: Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Both Parties shall respect and protect intellectual property rights, ensuring fair compensation and mutual benefit.
  2. Joint research initiatives, licensing agreements, and technology transfer protocols will be established to facilitate the responsible exchange of knowledge and technology.
Article 6: Review and Adjustment (Year 3)

  1. By the end of the third year, both Parties will conduct a comprehensive review of the tariff reduction plan.
  2. Based on the review, decisions will be made regarding the continuation, adjustment, or expansion of the tariff reduction measures.
Article 7: Dispute Resolution

  1. Any disputes arising from the implementation of this treaty shall be resolved through diplomatic channels and mutual consultation.
Article 8: Entry into Force

  1. This treaty shall enter into force upon the exchange of ratification documents by both Parties.
We believe this draft treaty provides a clear framework for our phased tariff reduction plan and addresses the key aspects necessary for its successful implementation. We look forward to your feedback and any suggestions you may have to further refine this agreement.

Please let us know a suitable time for a meeting to discuss the draft treaty in detail. We are committed to working collaboratively to ensure the best possible outcome for both our nations.

Warm regards,

Alberto Martins
Secretary of State for Trade and Commerce
Portuguese Republic


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021


To: < Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic; CC: Alberto Martins, Secretary of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic> Bruno
From: <>
Subject: RE: Trade Talk Between Thailand and Portugal
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Trade and Commerce of Portugal,

The Office of the Ambassador of Thailand to Portugal acknowledges the recipient of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Portuguese Republic.

The Republic Embassy in Lisbon has the honor to inform your esteemed Department that the Government of Thailand has thoroughly reviewed the proposed treaty and deemed it fair and advantageous. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has conveyed his profound gratitude for the Portuguese government's diligent efforts in engaging productively with Thailand and initiating this treaty.

This agreement signifies a new chapter in our bilateral relations, setting a precedent for the promotion of mutual interests that benefit all parties involved.

We would be pleased to discuss the contents of this agreement in detail at the Republic Embassy this Friday at 2:00 PM. It would be a great honor if the Secretary of Trade and Commerce could personally attend this meeting, during which we anticipate holding the signing ceremony.


Krongkanit Rakcharoen
Ambassador to Portugal
Republic Embassy of Thailand in Portugal
Republic of Thailand
Digital Diplomatic Communication​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Krongkanit Rakcharoen
Ambassador to Portugal
Republic Embassy of Thailand in Portugal
Republic of Thailand Bossza007

Dear Ambassador Rakcharoen,

I am delighted to receive your positive response regarding the phased approach to tariff reduction. We are encouraged by Thailand's commitment to fostering a balanced and sustainable trade relationship between our two nations.

I am pleased to inform you that I will personally attend the signing ceremony in Thailand. This visit will show our dedication to strengthening our economic ties and ensuring the success of our collaborative efforts. While the treaty will need to pass through the Portuguese Congress for final ratification, we are confident that it will be approved without any significant hurdles, given the strong support for enhancing our trade relations with Thailand.

We look forward to the upcoming meeting and are optimistic about the positive outcomes this agreement will bring to both Portugal and Thailand.

Warm regards,

Alberto Martins
Secretary of State for Trade and Commerce
Portuguese Republic

The golden light of dawn streamed through the windows of the Portuguese Trade and Commerce Department in Lisbon, next to the triumphal arch of the Praça do Comercio, as Secretary of State Alberto Martins prepared for his journey. Dressed in a tailored suit, Secretary Martins gathered his briefing documents and double-checked his itinerary. His team had worked meticulously to ensure that every detail of the trip was perfect, understanding the significance of this visit for Portugal's future trade prospects.

As his official car arrived at the front of the department building, Martins took a moment to appreciate the significance of the moment, where so many explorers left to discover the world he too would now make a journey of personal discovery. This was not just a diplomatic visit; it was the culmination of months of negotiations, preliminary studies, and cooperative efforts between two nations committed to mutual growth and prosperity.

The drive to the airport was swift, upon arrival, Martins was greeted by a small delegation of aides and officials, all equally enthusiastic about the mission ahead. Boarding the sleek, government-chartered aircraft, he settled into his seat, contemplating the discussions that lay ahead in Thailand.

During the flight, Martins reviewed the treaty draft once more. It was comprehensive, addressing everything from the phased tariff reduction to the establishment of a joint task force, and the protection of intellectual property rights. He knew that the treaty would have to pass through the Portuguese Congress upon his return, but he was confident in its approval. And he was prepared to ask the Thai government for a remote speech on the House to really drive in the treaty.

The journey across continents and oceans was a reminder of the global nature of their mission. As the plane descended into Thailand, the vibrant landscape of Bangkok came into view, a city known for its rich culture. Upon landing, Secretary Martins would wait to be warmly received by Thai officials and Ambassador Rakcharoen.

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