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Thailand to Portugal | Trade Talk


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand’s relationship with Portugal, though not often highlighted by mainstream media, has been a priority for Foreign Minister Surakiart Sathirathai. Currently accompanying the Prime Minister and Defense Minister on a state visit to Japan, Sathirathai's efforts reflect Thailand's proactive international stance under Thaksin’s second administration. This approach aims to rebuild Thailand’s national image following five years of instability after the 1998 Thai Revolution. During the first cabinet meeting after the 2004 General Election, Portugal, along with Spain, was identified as a key European ally.

The Portuguese Trade and Commerce Secretary, Alberto Martins, visited Thailand to sign a significant trade agreement, an event well-publicized thanks to the government’s strong public relations campaign. This agreement, the result of four months of negotiation, was widely celebrated in Thailand. It marked the first bilateral agreement of Thaksin’s second term, reminding the electorate of the government’s commitment to its campaign promises.

During his flight to Bangkok, Martins had ample time to learn about Thailand—not just as a nation, but as a country with a unique path. Some academics and sensational media humorously referred to it as the “Democratic Socialist Republic of Thailand,” owing to its recent constitutional amendments that emphasized socialist characteristics. Though the legal wording was long and redundant, Martins' aides might have noted that Thailand's radical reforms could serve as an interesting case study for Portugal’s policymaking.

Martins would discover that August was celebrated as a health and well-being month in Thailand. If he planned to explore Bangkok, he could look forward to health fairs, mental health workshops, and sports events. Upon arriving at Suvarnabhumi Airport, he would see firsthand how Bangkok had evolved into a modern metropolis, blending innovation with cultural heritage and green politics.

As Martins descended the airplane staircase to the red carpet below, he was greeted by the President and Vice President of the National Assembly of Thailand—the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Speaker of the Senate, respectively. He also had the opportunity to converse with Abhisit Vejjajiva, the Leader of the Opposition and head of the Democrat Party, known for its neoliberal stance.

Local media extensively covered Martins' visit as he traveled through Bangkok in a motorcade heading to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Along the way, he likely noticed the higways and roads bustling with public buses and taxis. He observed the city’s sophisticated mass rapid transit system, which serves 11.2 million riders daily. Amidst the city's transformation into a smart city under the NSST 1.5 Architecture, he also saw breathtaking green landscapes, blending innovation with nature.

When Martins arrived at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was greeted by the Deputy Foreign Minister, Sukhumbhand Paribatra. Dressed in a navy blue suit with a white shirt and light red tie, Paribatra offered a traditional Thai greeting before shaking Martins' hand. "Secretary Martins, welcome to Thailand, and especially to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Secretary Alberto Martins descended the airplane staircase to the red carpet below, greeting the President and Vice President of the National Assembly of Thailand. He exchanged pleasantries with Abhisit Vejjajiva, the Leader of the Opposition and head of the Democrat Party, noting the significance of this visit. As the motorcade made its way through Bangkok, Martins observed the bustling highways, public buses, and taxis, and the impressive mass rapid transit system serving millions daily.

Upon arriving at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Martins was greeted by Deputy Foreign Minister Sukhumbhand Paribatra. Martins smiled warmly. "Thank you, Deputy Minister Paribatra. It's an honor to be here in Thailand. I look forward to our discussions and the opportunities ahead for our countries. Our nations have a long history dating back to the Age of Discoveries, when Portuguese explorers first established links in Southeast Asia. It's remarkable how those early connections have evolved into the strong relationship we have today."

Martins additionally remarked to the Deputy, "This agreement represents a significant step forward for both our nations. It is a testament to our shared commitment to fostering a balanced and sustainable trade relationship. While this treaty will need to pass through the Portuguese Congress for final ratification, I am optimistic it will be approved without any significant hurdles. There is strong support for enhancing our trade relations with Thailand. However I fear that the Far-left and some far-right groups inside some parties might boycott it in the Congress."

He concluded, "However! I'm eager to see how our collaboration will unfold and positively impact both our economies. While I understand that Thailand is currently in debt, it clearly shows that its GDP is increasing, and in time Thailand will catapult from its debt status. Thailand is one of the biggest economies in Asia, please do not that this comment as an insult. This visit has been enlightening, and I appreciate the warm hospitality of the Thai officials. Deputy Minister, do you foresee any immediate areas where we might begin to see the benefits of this agreement once it is ratified?"


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Sukhumbhand was approachable and receptive to Marins's words as he led his Portuguese counterpart toward the hall where the signing ceremony was set to take place. It was an ornate room used for receiving various visitors, now decorated for this significant event. Media crews and equipment filled the room, preparing to capture the ceremony. They paused just outside the hall to converse, as the ceremony was not yet immediate. Sukhumbhand spoke in a friendly yet formal tone.

"Secretary Martins, the longstanding trade relations between Thailand and Portugal are both striking and impressive, strengthening our bilateral ties over the centuries. Despite our countries' differing governance models and economic systems, Thailand and Portugal have always found common ground. As you rightly pointed out, today marks a significant day for our commitment to balanced and sustainable trade relations." He glanced at his watch, noting they had about seven minutes left.

"There's no need to worry, Secretary Martins. Thailand's internal debt situation is well-documented internationally. After the six-month-long revolution and the establishment of our Republic, we relied on national gold reserves to stabilize our economy and rebuild the nation. It was a difficult time, but we are now among the top ten largest economies. Moreover, today we are signing a bilateral trade agreement with the world’s sixth-largest economy, Portugal." Sukhumbhand laughed lightly, enjoying the company.

"We've done a preliminary analysis of our trade agreement's potential impact, and we're confident it will bring prosperity to our countries. While the immediate benefits may be modest due to our phased approach, the long-term implications will be substantial. Over the next three years, we expect significant growth in trade volume, particularly in complementary sectors like Portugal’s wines and Thailand’s agricultural products." He paused to let his counterpart respond. Shortly after, Thai staff informed them it was time to prepare for the ceremony.

As Sukhumbhand adjusted his suit one last time, he whispered to Martins, "Here comes the symbolic part, Secretary Martins. Since we’re both committed to this agreement, that room is where we become public relations specialists for our countries. Thank you again for collaborating with Thailand and leading successful negotiations. Let's go; the spotlight is waiting." He chuckled lightly before walking into the hall with Martins, both in high spirits.

Though the ceremony wasn't televised, many media outlets streamed it online. Sukhumbhand and Martins walked onto the scene, shaking hands with each delegation's representatives along the way. They reached an ornate mahogany table with a small Thai flag on the left and a Portuguese flag on the right. Martins signed first, followed by Sukhumbhand. A round of applause followed as they shook hands once more.

There would be a scheduled joint statement if agreed upon by Portugal.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Secretary Alberto Martins appreciated Sukhumbhand's warm and thoughtful words as they walked toward the hall for the signing ceremony. The room was bustling with media crews, their equipment ready to capture the momentous event. Martins listened attentively as Sukhumbhand spoke about the longstanding trade relations between Thailand and Portugal and the resilience of the Thai economy. "I must say, Deputy Minister Paribatra, the journey both our nations have taken to arrive at this point is indeed remarkable! It shows that communication, transparency and good will can really advance humanity towards a greater future." Martins replied with a smile. "Our shared history and the strong bonds we have formed over centuries truly reflect the depth of our bilateral ties. It's an honor to be here, contributing to the next chapter of our partnership."

Martins nodded in agreement as Sukhumbhand spoke about the expected benefits of the trade agreement. "The phased approach we have adopted is prudent, and I am confident that this agreement will yield substantial benefits in the long run, prehaps even more than we expected. The potential growth in trade volume, especially in sectors where our economies complement each other, is something I am particularly excited about! Portugal's wines and machinery and Thailand's agricultural products are just the beginning of what I believe will be a flourishing exchange."

As Thai staff informed them it was time to prepare for the ceremony, Martins adjusted his tie and turned to Sukhumbhand with a light-hearted smile about the comment of public relations "Well, Deputy Minister let's make sure to give them a good show."

With that, they walked into the hall, both in high spirits. The media buzzed with anticipation as they approached the ornate mahogany table adorned with the flags of Thailand and Portugal. Martins signed the agreement first, followed by Sukhumbhand. The room erupted in applause as they shook hands once more, symbolizing the beginning of a new era in Thai-Portuguese relations.

After the signing, Martins turned to Sukhumbhand and said, "This is a significant milestone for both our countries. I'm looking forward to the positive impacts this agreement will bring. Shall we proceed with the joint statement?"


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Amidst the lively atmosphere of the signing ceremony hall, Thai Deputy Foreign Minister Sukhumbhand responded to Portuguese Commerce Secretary Martins’ inquiry. “Of course, Secretary Martins, please follow me.” He led Martins out of the room toward the outdoor press area just outside the Foreign Ministry building. The architecture and lush flora created a serene backdrop.

Sukhumbhand and Martins stood behind a podium in front of a crowd of journalists, photographers, and security personnel, all eager for the announcement. As cameras flashed and microphones pointed forward, the staff prepared the public for the joint statement by the Thai and Portuguese officials. Sukhumbhand stepped forward, his expression revealing a mix of delight and solemnity.

“Members of the press and citizens of Thailand,” he began in a somber yet hopeful tone. “As a dedicated public servant and elected member of the Hall of the Sun, I am honored to announce that Thailand and Portugal have signed a landmark bilateral trade agreement. This milestone represents the pinnacle of our diplomatic relations, heralding a new era of cooperation. As discussed in the recent workers’ council summit, this agreement will foster competition and innovation in our market, ensuring that our consumers receive high-quality products consistently.” Sukhumbhand then gestured for Martins to continue.
