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Thailand to Spain | Visit Opportunity


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <José Luis Ábalos, Minister of Development of Spain> Zak
From: <>
Subject: Technical Visit to Spain
Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via fax

Dear Minister José Luis Ábalos,

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you as Adisai Photharamic, the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Thailand, to express our deep admiration and interest in the Spanish High-Speed Rail Network (AVE). As a regional leader in Southeast Asia and a developing country with the highest development rate, Thailand is continually seeking opportunities to learn from global leaders in transport infrastructure and strengthen our international collaborations.

In light of this, I am honored to propose a technical visit to the Kingdom of Spain, led by our Deputy Transport Minister, Pongsakorn Laohawichian, and representatives from the prestigious GlobalTech Infrastructure Solutions. Our team would be grateful for the opportunity to observe and learn from the exceptional AVE project, which has received a remarkable investment of $25 billion and encompasses 3,100 km of high-speed track.

Thailand is no stranger to ambitious infrastructure projects, as evidenced by the Mass Rapid Transit Master Plan in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region and the upcoming Double-Track Railway Initiative Projects. GlobalTech Infrastructure Solutions has been entrusted with overseeing these initiatives, which together involve a substantial investment of over $20 billion. The Mass Rapid Transit Master Plan aims to construct 224 new stations and 496.34 kilometers of railway, expanding the expected daily passenger volume from 1.3 million to 9.1 million. Meanwhile, the Double-Track Railway Initiative Projects will construct and enhance over 5,576 kilometers of railways, further bolstering our nation's transport infrastructure.

As such, we believe that our collaboration and shared insights will prove mutually beneficial. We are confident that this technical visit will foster a strong and lasting partnership between our nations, and serve as a catalyst for further collaboration in transport infrastructure development. It would be our privilege to learn from Spain's expertise in this domain, and we look forward to exploring the potential for joint initiatives in the future.

Thank you for considering our proposal, and we eagerly await your response. Together, let us embark on this journey toward a more prosperous, peaceful, and sustainable world.

Adisai Photharamic
Minister of Transport
Republic of Thailand


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Government of Spain
Security Classification: ENCRYPTED

Dear Minister Adisai Photharamic,

I am excited to hear from you and the strong interest you have taken in our high-speed rail network. I would be delighted to host Deputy Minister Pongsakorn Laohawichian and his delegation here in Spain as we continue to make a massive progress on our development. The project is set to give our country one of the best high-speed rail networks in Europe and one of the best in the world. The government is putting the people at the forefront of our massive internal project and we'd be delighted to show Deputy Minister Pongsakorn Laohawichian around our proposed network, stations and trains being used in the development. Spain is one of the biggest developers in rail infrastructure in the world and we'd be delighted to pass on such knowledge to Thailand in order for them to have one of the best rail networks in the Asian continent.

I look forward to hosting your Deputy Minister and the Thai delegation here in Spain.

José Luis Ábalos
Minister of Development
Kingdom of Spain



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
As the warm, golden sunset over the bustling streets of Bangkok, a sense of anticipation filled the air. In a few short hours, an exceptional delegation led by Deputy Transport Minister Pongsakorn Laohawichian, accompanied by representatives from the prestigious GlobalTech Infrastructure Solutions, would embark on a journey to the land of flamenco and fiestas, Spain. The mission: to learn from the Spanish expertise in high-speed rail and forge an enduring partnership between the two nations.

In the days leading up to their departure, the Thai delegation meticulously prepared for their technical visit. Each member immersed themselves in the intricacies of the Spanish High-Speed Rail Network, AVE, studying its groundbreaking achievements and innovative technologies. Conversations among the group were lively and hopeful, brimming with excitement at the opportunity to witness firsthand the marvels of the AVE project.

The night before their departure, Pongsakorn gathered the team for an impassioned speech. "My dear friends," he began, "we stand on the precipice of a new era for Thailand. As we learn from Spain's expertise and bring their wisdom back to our beloved country, we will revolutionize our transport infrastructure and pave the way for a more prosperous future. Our collaboration with Spain will be the cornerstone of a new chapter, one that will resonate throughout the generations to come. Together, let us carry the dreams of our nation on our shoulders and make our people proud."

As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, the delegation boarded their flight, bound for Madrid's international airport. As the plane ascended, the delegates gazed out the window, taking in the sprawling cityscape of Bangkok, a tangible reminder of the progress they had already made and the potential that awaited them in Spain.

The long journey to Madrid was filled with vibrant discussions and thoughtful contemplations. The delegates exchanged stories of their own experiences in Thai infrastructure projects, their hopes and aspirations for the future, and the transformative impact their efforts would have on the lives of millions of Thai citizens.

Finally, as the plane began its descent into Madrid, the delegation's excitement reached its zenith. Through the windows, the Spanish landscape unfurled before their eyes, a breathtaking panorama of rolling hills and charming villages. It was at this moment that the magnitude of their mission truly resonated, stirring within them a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

As the aircraft's wheels touched down on the sun-drenched tarmac, Pongsakorn turned to his colleagues, a gleam of conviction in his eyes. "This is it, my friends. Our journey begins now. Let us step forth into this beautiful country, eager to learn and ready to change the course of history."

With hearts swelling with pride and anticipation, the Thai delegation gazed out the airplane windows one final time, taking in the captivating Spanish vista that stretched out before them. It was in this land, they knew, that their dreams of a brighter, more connected future for Thailand would take flight.

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Reactions: Zak


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The busy city of Madrid was in sight of the Thai delegation just before they touched down at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport which was the main international airport serving Spain's capital city. The airport was extremely busy with flights landing in the early morning with the airport also being one of the key gateways to South American countries. The long taxi to the gate allowed for the Thai delegation to get ready for an excellent trip and it certainly was going to be that with the amount of activities that the Spanish Government had planned for the delegation.

Once off the plane, a delegation of junior ministers and secretaries waited patiently as the Thai delegation departed their plane and then it was down to the Spanish ministers and secretaries from various government departments to introduce themselves. Minister José Luis Ábalos allowed this opportunity to introduce himself to Deputy Minister Pongsakorn Laohawichian and then the entire delegation who had flown in specifically for the meeting between the pair but also to observe Spain's progress in the bid to build a high-speed rail network.

José Luis Ábalos stepped into an awaiting vehicle with the Thai Deputy Minister and then once the other business leaders had been seated in their vehicles, the motorcade provided by the National Police Corps departed for the Ministry of Development headquarters at Paseo de la Castellana which was a major thoroughfare in Madrid where it cut across the city from South to North, it was also described as the "true structuring axis" of the city. Police motorcycle riders blocked traffic as the motorcade made its way into the city.

Upon arrival, the Minister exited the car and allowed for his counterpart to depart where they shared a handshake in front of the press before proceeding into the building and through a few corridors to an awaiting meeting room where a selection of hot and cold tapas dishes had been prepared where they could enjoy an early lunch before their official visit was to be undertaken.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The heavy, ornate doors of the airport terminal swung open, welcoming the Thai delegation into the bustling heart of Spain. Deputy Minister Pongsakorn Laohawichian strode confidently forward, his footsteps echoing with the weight of the mission that lay ahead. As he approached Minister José Luis Ábalos, their eyes met, and a mutual understanding passed between them. In that brief moment, the foundation of a powerful alliance was set.

With the formalities of introductions complete, the delegation made their way to the awaiting motorcade. As they settled into the plush leather seats of the sleek, black vehicles, a palpable sense of excitement filled the air. The hum of the motorcade's engines seemed to mirror the delegates' collective heartbeat, racing with anticipation for the journey that awaited them.

Through the tinted windows, the Thai delegation took in the vibrant colors and ancient grandeur of Madrid. The city's streets teemed with life, a captivating blend of historic architecture and modern innovation. As the motorcade cut a path through the city, the delegates exchanged animated conversation, eager to absorb every detail of their surroundings.

Deputy Minister Pongsakorn, seated beside Minister Ábalos, found himself lost in thought. The gravity of their mission weighed heavily upon his shoulders, a burden that was both exhilarating and daunting. He turned to his Spanish counterpart and spoke in a voice that quivered with emotion, "Minister Ábalos, I cannot express how grateful we are for this opportunity. Your country's accomplishments in high-speed rail are nothing short of extraordinary. It is our deepest hope that, through this collaboration, we can bring about a new era of prosperity for both our nations."

The motorcade came to a gentle halt in front of the stately Ministry of Development. As the two ministers stepped out into the Spanish sun, a throng of eager journalists and photographers swarmed around them, capturing the historic moment for posterity. The air crackled with energy as Pongsakorn and Ábalos clasped hands in a firm handshake, sealing their commitment to one another.

With their eyes locked in a gaze of steely determination, the two men exchanged a silent vow. They would not rest until their shared dream of a more connected, prosperous world had been realized. And as they strode together into the hallowed halls of the Ministry, they knew that their journey had only just begun.

The grand hallway of the Ministry of Development seemed to stretch into infinity, its walls adorned with the portraits of visionaries who had come before. The soft echoes of their footsteps served as a reminder of the countless others who had traversed these hallowed halls in pursuit of progress.

As they made their way toward the meeting room, Deputy Minister Pongsakorn Laohawichian's thoughts turned to his journey. He was a man of humble beginnings, born in a small village on the outskirts of Thailand. With unwavering determination, he had risen from obscurity to become a respected figure in the world of transportation infrastructure. A brilliant mind, Pongsakorn had earned multiple advanced degrees in engineering and urban planning. His tireless work had been instrumental in the development of the Mass Rapid Transit Master Plan for Bangkok. Now, he stood on the precipice of yet another groundbreaking endeavor, eager to learn from Spain's unparalleled success in high-speed rail.

Seated beside him were several key members of the prestigious GlobalTech Infrastructure Solutions team. Among them was Siriporn Intharaprasit, a trailblazing civil engineer who had spearheaded numerous complex railway projects across Southeast Asia. Her keen eye for detail and innovative problem-solving skills had earned her a reputation as a true visionary in her field.

Beside Siriporn sat Rattana Chansiri, an accomplished project manager who had successfully overseen the completion of large-scale infrastructure initiatives in the region. With a background in business and economics, Rattana possessed a unique ability to balance the demands of ambitious projects with the practical considerations of budgetary constraints and timelines.

As the delegates settled into the sunlit meeting room, they were greeted with an array of enticing tapas dishes, the flavors of Spain tempting their palates. As they ate, the conversation flowed effortlessly, the delegates from Thailand sharing their own inspiring stories and exchanging ideas with their Spanish counterparts.

As the lunchtime conversation drew to a close, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air. The official visit was about to begin, and the Thai delegation stood ready, their hearts filled with hope and ambition. They were eager to witness firsthand the engineering marvels of the Spanish high-speed rail network and to learn from the expertise that had made it all possible. It was a moment that would not only define their careers but also shape the future of their nation. And as they prepared to embark on this historic journey, they knew that the world was watching.



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
After their lunchtime feast, the Minister of Development guided the Deputy Minister and the delegation into another room which had presentation of one of the new high-speed railway stations and one of the proposed new high-speed trains that would be operating on the network. The Minister allowed for the delegation to have a look at the presentation. The Minister of Development was proud of what had been achieved under this government so far. He then turned to face the group as he spoke to the group in front of him.

"Deputy Minister Pongsakorn Laohawichian, I would like to thank you and your delegation for coming to Madrid to undersee the amazing work that our country is undertaking to open our first ever high-speed rail network here in Spain. The investment is set to receive twenty-five billion dollars of investment from our government before a further investment of ten billion dollars in five years time. When our high-speed rail network opens, we expect it to see 4.8 million people use it in the first financial year alone where projections show that in ten years time it will be used by 23.4 million people which will be an impressive figure if the projected results are in fact true."

"The record investment by this government will interconnect our capital city of Madrid to the coastal city of Barcelona which is a big tourist destinations in our country, it is also one of the most trendiest cities in the world which sees over 20 million tourists every year, the average journey takes over four hours to do but with the new high-speed rail network between the two cities, a journey can be done in just under 3 hours which will allow for excellent connectivity."

"As part of our strategic plan for rail investment, we are also considering the possibility of a direct connection between Madrid and the Portuguese city of Lisbon which will have to be discussed with our Portuguese counterparts. We have also researched the possibility of opening a rail link in the Central-Pyrenees corridor between Zaragoza and the French city of Toulouse but this will have to be discussed with our French counterparts. If both of these achievements come into play then this will also receive a further $20 billion dollars from the Spanish government."

"In the first point, I mentioned a further investment of ten billion dollars. In the long term, the Spanish government has an ambitious plan to make 7,000 kilometres (4,300 mi) of high-speed railway operational, with all provincial capitals at most only 4 hours from Madrid, and 6 and a half hours from Barcelona. This will be undertaken with said investment. So Deputy Minister, you will be looking at one of the best rail systems in the world. Something that our country is very proud of. Once we are finished here, we're going to go to one of the proposed new stations which is under construction so that we can see the work in progress."

He finished his pitch, knowing that the record investment into the new AVE network was going to be something he was proud of when the project. He stood ready with his advisers so that any questions by the Thai delegation could be answered if anybody was to ask them. It was no secret that the Spanish Government was being highly ambitious with their projects but the Spanish high-speed network was going to put Spain on the map as one of the best countries in the world and would become unmatched in rail transport.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The atmosphere in the room crackled with intensity as the Spanish team passionately shared their experiences in building the high-speed rail network. The words and images painted by their Spanish counterparts ignited a fire within the Thai delegation, a powerful mix of admiration and determination fueling their desire to learn and apply these lessons to their own nation's infrastructure.

As the Spanish presentation drew to a close, Siriporn Intharaprasit leaned forward, her eyes alight with curiosity. "Your achievements in high-speed rail are truly remarkable," she began, her voice steady and strong. "However, as we embark on this journey together, we must also consider the environmental sustainability of our projects. How have you addressed this vital issue in your endeavors?"

The room fell silent for a moment, each delegate keenly aware of the weight of her words. As the Spanish experts delved into their experiences in balancing progress and environmental responsibility, the Thai delegation listened intently, taking meticulous notes and exchanging thoughtful glances.

Next, Rattana Chansiri took the floor, his voice imbued with a sense of urgency. "The well-being of our citizens must always be at the forefront of our minds. How have you ensured the safety and welfare of local communities during the construction of your rail network?"

Throughout the exchange, Deputy Minister Pongsakorn Laohawichian's heart swelled with pride. As he listened to the incisive questions from his compatriots and the thoughtful answers from their Spanish hosts, he knew that this collaboration held the potential to bring about transformative change in both nations. Each question and response further strengthened the bond between the two delegations, forging a powerful alliance that transcended borders and cultures.

In that room, beneath the golden glow of the afternoon sun, the Thai delegation stood united, their hearts filled with hope and determination. As they continued to probe and learn, they knew they were not only shaping their destinies but also those of their fellow citizens. And as they prepared to return home, they carried with them the indelible lessons of their Spanish counterparts, their minds ablaze with the promise of a brighter future.

As the conversations continued, the air in the room grew heavy with the weight of shared knowledge, ideas, and aspirations. The Thai Deputy Minister, Pongsakorn Laohawichian, leaned back in his chair, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and exhaustion. He knew that the words spoken in this room would echo far beyond its walls, resonating with the hopes and dreams of millions back home.

He took a deep breath, and as he did so, he felt the collective energy of his team, their shared commitment to their mission, and their unwavering passion for progress. The time had come for him to share his thoughts, to distill the essence of their journey, and to express his gratitude for the invaluable lessons they had gleaned from their Spanish counterparts.

With a determined look in his eyes, he leaned forward, his voice strong and resonant. "My esteemed colleagues," he began, "I am truly humbled and honored to be here today, representing the people of Thailand and our unwavering dedication to building a more connected and prosperous future."

The room fell silent, each delegate hanging on his every word, as Pongsakorn continued, "The knowledge and experiences you have shared with us today have only served to strengthen our resolve and sharpen our focus on the immense challenges that lie ahead. We, as a nation, are committed to not only learning from your successes but also to applying these lessons in a manner that is uniquely Thai, reflecting our culture, our values, and our aspirations."

As he spoke, the members of the Thai delegation nodded in agreement, their hearts swelling with pride and anticipation. They could feel the fire within Pongsakorn, a blazing inferno of determination that had ignited their spirits throughout their journey.

"In closing, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our Spanish hosts for their incredible hospitality and for their willingness to share their expertise with us. We leave this meeting inspired, invigorated, and filled with hope, our eyes firmly set on the horizon and the promise it holds for our people. Together, as partners, let us forge a brighter future for all," Pongsakorn concluded, his voice resonating throughout the room.

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Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
It was no doubt that indeed the rail project had faced its challenges from environmental groups across the country, it had however consulted with the government to draw up environmental plans before launching the project in which both parties were happy. Each member of the Spanish party listened to the questions from their Thai counterparts and responded upon the conclusion of the Thai queries. An environmental adviser stood up and addressed the Thai delegation.

"There is the factor of environmental factors you have raised. We have drawn up project plans with our government counterparts to make sure that we are complying with all environmental legislation set out by the Spanish Government and we will continue to educate, motivate and raise awareness among our employees with respect to the environment. We are wholly committed to sustainability and will be promoting our new state-of-the-art services on our modern and high-end electric trains."

The Spanish delegation listened to the response from their environmental counterpart and allowed the delegation to take notes.

"Local communities are at the heart of our new rail system, we want the system to be beneficial to all and accessible to everyone. Our planning committee has been selective of where we put each individual station in order to give the best advantages to each local community. If you would like, we would like to take you to one of our stations under construction so that your delegation can meet with the local community and local contractors. We would also like to take you to the factory where trains are being built for our network."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The Thai Deputy Minister, Pongsakorn Laohawichian, listened with rapt attention to the Spanish response, his discerning eyes reflecting the profound veneration he felt for the meticulousness and candor of their esteemed hosts. As he contemplated their words, he was enveloped by an overwhelming sense of appreciation for the unparalleled opportunity to observe firsthand this pioneering project and to glean from the Spanish team's prodigious knowledge and vast experience. With an unwavering and sincere tone, Pongsakorn articulately conveyed his innermost thoughts. "On behalf of the entire Thai delegation, I would like to express our most resplendent admiration for the extraordinary achievements of the Spanish government and the indefatigable team, who have been laboring assiduously and with unwavering perseverance on this groundbreaking high-speed rail project. Your unyielding commitment to environmental sustainability, steadfast engagement with local communities, and unrelenting pursuit of accessible transportation is truly commendable and serves as an illustrious beacon for us as we embark on our ambitious infrastructure journey."

He paused, allowing his words to permeate the room, before continuing with renewed vigor. "As we stand at the precipice of a new era in Thai infrastructure development, we recognize the inestimable value of learning from global leaders such as yourselves. It is our fervent belief that, by closely studying your remarkable accomplishments and drawing from your vast repository of wisdom, we can elevate our endeavors to unprecedented heights and attain a level of success that transcends our wildest aspirations." With each mellifluous syllable, Pongsakorn's deep respect for the Spanish team was rendered increasingly palpable, and his unwavering determination to usher in a new epoch of progress for his nation shone through with resplendent clarity. The atmosphere in the room was electrified, imbued with the palpable intensity of the shared vision between these two nations, as they sought to improve the lives of their citizens through the transformative power of innovation, collaboration, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Pongsakorn paused for a moment, his sonorous voice heavy with emotion, before continuing. "In light of your eminent accomplishments, we are most eager to absorb the wealth of knowledge emanating from your experiences and best practices. With your munificent permission, our delegation would be honored to accept your magnanimous offer of a comprehensive tour of the construction site, as well as the factory where the state-of-the-art trains are being meticulously crafted. We believe that such a visit would afford us invaluable insights and further cement our burgeoning collaboration in pursuit of a more interconnected and resplendent future for both our nations."

Pongsakorn's fervent words echoed throughout the room, his profound respect for the Spanish team palpable in every enunciated syllable. As he concluded, his eyes gleamed with determination and hope, mirroring the unwavering resolve of the Thai delegation to carve a new path for their nation, illuminated by the invaluable lessons and sagacity imparted by their Spanish counterparts. The atmosphere in the room crackled with energy, charged with the intensity of the shared vision between these two nations, as they sought to elevate their people's lives through the transformative power of innovation and collaboration.

A tangible sense of unity pervaded the room, as the Thai and Spanish delegations stood shoulder to shoulder, bound by their mutual aspirations and commitment to surmounting the challenges that lay ahead. With each stride they took together, they were forging a powerful partnership that transcended borders, transcended languages, and transcended cultures, united by a singular, immutable truth: that by joining forces, they possessed the ability to reshape the world, and in doing so, to unlock the boundless potential that lay dormant within their people, waiting to be awakened and harnessed for the greater good. It was a moment of unparalleled profundity, a testament to the unyielding power of the human spirit, and the limitless possibilities that could be realized when nations came together in pursuit of a brighter, more prosperous future.


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