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The announcement


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Across the majority of social media platforms and video sharing platforms, a video had been released..

"'amrika .. la tay'as. laqad 'athnaa allah ealayk wuyud 'an yarakum mutaharirin min alealam alraasimalii aldhy taeish fihi. 'ursil allah thlatht muharibin lilta'akud min 'an hdha qad tam wa'anah sawf yursil almazid walmazid hataa tuharir 'anfusakum mn hdha alnizam wataetaniq al'islam walsharieat biaietibariha alnizam alhaqiqi. 'ana 'usamat bin ladina , fi markaz tamwilik , duhana shuhdayiyun min tanzim alqaeidat bi'anfusihim hataa tatamakan min tajribat alrueb aldhy shaearna bih fi alsanawat alsaabiqat. ln natawaqafa. allah 'akbara. allah 'akbara. allah 'akbar."

with most videos, subtitles would be present for the English.

"America.. do not despair. God has praised you and wishes to see you free from the capitalist world you live in. God sent three warriors to make sure this was done and he will send more and more until you free yourselves from this system and embrace Islam and Sharia law as the true system. I am Osama Bin Laden, at your center of finance, my al-qaeda martyrs sacrifised themselves so you can experience the terror we have felt in previous years. We will not stop. God is great. God is great. God is great."


Jul 1, 2018
The Serbian Union's National Defense Council would privately note the rise of Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda, a predominately Saudi terrorist group subscribing to the same Wahhabist and Salafi branch of Islam as the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia, which in the 1990s started building mosques and schools, and providing aid, in Bosnia and Kosovo, pushing these radical forms of Islam and increasing their influence in these countries.

As such, on its next report to the President regarding National Security, it would list Wahhabism, Salafism, Saudi Arabia, Al Qaeda, AQ Affiliated Groups, Kosovo, The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Albania, all as major threats to the Serbian People, Classified plans would be drawn up to reduce the possibility of all these countries proving a threat to Serbia.

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