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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


The Socialist Manifesto
Published by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand​

In our Republic, egalitarianism is the cornerstone. And for egalitarianism to thrive, socialism is essential. Our political system must embody true democracy, driven by active grassroots involvement. But in our pursuit of democratic values, capitalism emerges as the adversary, hindering the extension of our ideals into the economic realm, often at the expense of the hardworking class.

A True Democratic Society

Our founding fathers dreamed of a Republic liberated from the grip of the hereditary monarchy that had ruled Thailand since the 1932 Siamese Revolution. But in the wake of our Republic's birth, the post-Cold War era ushered in a new age of neoliberalism, supplanting the post-World War Two era of social democracy and welfare states. While we bid farewell to the oppressive regime of the Soviet Union, global wealth has become increasingly concentrated in private hands.

In this era marked by income disparity and corporate avarice, our Republic shines as a beacon of genuine democracy, where democracy extends not only to politics but also to the economy. We must ensure that the democratic rights enjoyed by our free and just citizens extend not only within our borders but also to the hardworking people of our Republic. Through our robust democratic institutions and commitment to economic democracy, we continue to exemplify what a true democratic society looks like to the world.

Wealth Redistribution

Before our Republic emerged, the Kingdom was a realm dominated by crony capitalism, resulting in the concentration of private wealth. A migrant family wielded immense control over three-quarters of our agricultural sector, living luxuriously off the toil of their hardworking servants. The fate of these laborers rested in the hands of the self-absorbed elite born into privilege within that affluent household. Without work, there was no paycheck, and without a paycheck, their lives in the Kingdom would come to an abrupt halt.

Through a hard-fought six-month struggle, our Republic has broken free from the shackles of capitalist oppression. It is imperative that our citizens, who cherish freedom and justice, have access to wealth that is distributed equitably, enabling them to lead lives filled with comfort and purpose. When private property ceases to be concentrated in the hands of a select few, our Republic will truly embody the essence of equality in every human life, demonstrating to the world the significance of fairness for all.

The Freer the Market, the more Oppressive it becomes

Throughout our history, the free market has repeatedly demonstrated the perils of an unchecked economic system. During the era of the Kingdom, without government oversight, workers suffered exploitation at the hands of corporations, and essential goods fell short of meeting our citizens' needs. When the market operates without external regulation, we must question the potential consequences, especially if the laissez-faire model takes hold in our society.

Our Republic must stand as a beacon of economic regulation, unafraid to confront the greed of capitalism that seeks to exploit loopholes in our labor laws and product standards. We must ensure that corporations are accountable not only to their shareholders but also to the wider community. When our Republic intervenes in the market, workers enjoy improved conditions, and citizens reap the rewards of wealth circulating back into society from the few who have profited.

The Welfare State

Our Republic's foremost duty lies with its free and just citizens. It must guarantee that their basic needs are consistently met without compromise in quality or quantity. Healthcare, a fundamental human right, must be provided by the state, ensuring free, accessible, and comprehensive medical assistance for all. Education, too, is a responsibility best entrusted to the government, granting citizens the tools they need to thrive. And for true freedom to flourish, citizens must have unhindered movement within our borders, facilitated by free, accessible, and comprehensive public transportation.

To empower our citizens to achieve their fullest potential, the Republic must strive to fulfill their every need to the best of its ability. State investment in scientific knowledge and technological progress should be prioritized, with benefits distributed equitably throughout our Republic. The importance of the government's role in delivering essential services to its citizens cannot be overstated, regardless of the size it must grow to accomplish this vital task.

Equitable Meritocracy

The future of our Republic lies in the hands of its people. When everyone is given an equal chance to contribute to their community's well-being, they should be rewarded based on the quantity and quality of their labor. For this system of fair productivity recognition to succeed, the state must ensure that our work is automated and enjoyable. Supervisors, in turn, should be rewarded based on how their humane treatment of workers enhances overall performance.

Our Republic should aim to be an Equitable Meritocracy where everyone’s contributions are equally valued and rewarded. However, in this pursuit, we must not overlook the rights of individuals to follow their own paths. Whether their activities outside of work contribute to the community or not, our Republic must remain a place where people have the birthright to pursue their personal happiness. When this balance is achieved, our society will be a safe place where everyone can reach their fullest potential.

Socialism at Home

Our Republic stands on the bedrock of modern socialism. The 20th century taught us valuable lessons: the socialist models of that era fell short in countering capitalist agendas. As a shining example of contemporary socialism, we must champion our democratic socialist values worldwide while staying true to our principles at home. This balance forms the cornerstone of our state policy: "Socialism at Home."

But make no mistake—this isn't about isolationism or confining our ideals within our borders. Instead, it's a thoughtful approach to global relations. We aim to spread democratic socialism internationally, carefully weighing when to step in and when to step back. This policy reflects our rejection of Stalinist and Leninist methods. We believe in voluntary cooperation and democratic processes, not authoritarianism.​

The Government House of the Republic of Thailand​
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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


Public Ownership and Democratic Control of the Economy
Published as part of the Socialist Manifesto by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand​

In our pursuit of a truly democratic and egalitarian society, we must extend the principles of democracy beyond the political sphere and into the economic realm. The concentration of economic power in private hands undermines the very foundations of democracy and perpetuates inequality. Therefore, our Republic commits to a system of public ownership and democratic control of the economy, ensuring that the fruits of our collective labor benefit all citizens equally.

Decentralized Economic Planning

Our vision for a Republic centers on a system of decentralized, democratically planned economic coordination, which is fundamental to any true democratic society. Unlike the top-down economies of the past, such as the Soviet Union and Communist China, our model emphasizes grassroots participation and local decision-making. This is how we redefine 21st-century socialism, correcting the misunderstandings of our predecessors. To achieve this in a post-capitalist, post-neoliberal world, we must empower workers and consumers to ensure equity.

Every workplace should have a democratically elected worker council responsible for daily management decisions. These councils must have the authority to elect and recall managers, set production goals, and determine working conditions. At local and regional levels, consumer councils must be established to represent the population's needs and preferences. These councils should work alongside worker councils to align production with societal needs. Elected representatives from both councils must form planning boards at local, regional, and national levels to coordinate economic activities. These boards should use advanced information technology and economic modeling to balance supply and demand, allocate resources efficiently, and plan for long-term development.

Worker Cooperatives as the Foundation

Past attempts to implement socialist economies have shown us the pitfalls of state-controlled models. These lessons guide us today as we address modern economic challenges through worker cooperative models. When workers have a stake in their enterprise, they are more motivated to contribute to its success, leading to higher engagement and productivity. Worker cooperatives help combat the concentration of wealth typical in capitalist societies by distributing profits more equitably among workers. They also promote true democracy by giving workers a voice in decision-making.

Rejecting the exploitative nature of capitalist enterprises means employees collectively own and manage their workplaces. This approach ensures workers have a direct stake in their enterprise's success and eliminates the extraction of surplus value by non-working owners. In line with our Republic's commitment to sustainability, cooperative profits should be democratically distributed among workers, reinvested in the enterprise, or used for community development. To achieve economies of scale and coordinate complex production processes, cooperatives should form federations and networks, allowing for efficient resource allocation while maintaining democratic control. By realizing this vision, we can help our population reach the highest level of psychological development and self-actualization.

Public Utilities and Natural Resources

In our pursuit of participatory democratic socialism, we uphold our founding principles of prioritizing the common good. This philosophy guides our commitment to managing essential services and resources as shared assets, collectively owned for the benefit of all citizens. Rather than letting private interests monopolize natural resources, we manage our republic's common heritage to ensure equitable benefits for current and future generations. We affirm economic democracy by recognizing access to capital and financial services as fundamental human rights.

Our Republic acknowledges that certain sectors, essential for all citizens, must be publicly owned and democratically managed. Healthcare, education, public transportation, and utilities like water, electricity, and internet access ensure universal access and high standards when under public stewardship. The natural resources of our Republic—land, water, minerals—are owned collectively, requiring careful, sustainable management and equitable distribution of their benefits. Our financial sector functions as a public utility, with community-owned banks and a national investment bank prioritizing social needs over private profit.

Preventing Bureaucratic Elitism

Our Republic remains forward-looking yet grounded in constructive lessons from the past. State socialism, now a relic, taught us a vital truth: elites perpetuate oppressive rule. As a beacon of modern socialism, we champion economic democracy, safeguarding against new bureaucratic dominance. Ours is a matured socialism, fortified by technological advancement and refined by historical experiments.

To ensure accountability and fresh perspectives, all planning boards and councils mandate strict term limits and rotational roles. Transparency is paramount—economic decisions should be opened to public scrutiny with accessible data and deliberations. Citizens must hold the power to recall representatives who fail the public interest, fostering genuine democracy. Our Republic needs to promote economic literacy and management skills to empowers broader participation in decision-making. Algorithms used in planning must be open-source, subject to public scrutiny and modification.​

The Government House of the Republic of Thailand​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


Education for Empowerment
Published as part of the Socialist Manifesto by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand​

In our pursuit of a truly democratic and egalitarian society, education stands as the cornerstone of empowerment and social progress. Our Republic recognizes that a well-educated populace is essential for the realization of our socialist ideals and the continued development of our participatory democracy. We envision an education system that not only imparts knowledge but also cultivates critical thinking, fosters creativity, and instills the values of solidarity and collective responsibility.

Democratizing Knowledge

Education in our Republic is a tool for personal and collective liberation, not for indoctrination or uncritical thinking. We reject the traditional hierarchical model where knowledge flows one way from teacher to student, ignoring local contexts. Instead, we adopt a dialogic approach, making learners active participants in creating and sharing knowledge, while maintaining the intellectual integrity of our national educational framework. By shifting to a participatory approach and ensuring quality control, our curricula serve both communities and national interests.

While we commit to a state-standardized curriculum, a fifth of education periods shall be developed collaboratively by educators, students, parents, and community members. This method keeps educational materials relevant and responsive to societal needs, ensuring citizens gain fundamental knowledge to contribute to their communities. Additionally, all textbooks and educational resources in our Republic must be open-source, freely accessible, and collaboratively developed. This democratizes knowledge production and prevents the commodification of education. Recognizing that education extends beyond classrooms, every community shall have lifelong learning centers, offering free educational opportunities for all ages. These centers must support the continuous development of skills and knowledge necessary for active participation in our evolving society.

Education for Economic Democracy

Our education system must prepare citizens for meaningful participation in our democratically planned economy and worker-owned cooperatives. Economic literacy, alongside other crucial fields, is essential for our national development. By radically reimagining vocational and economic education, our Republic ensures citizens recognize their potential in realizing our national economic goals.

From an early age, students will learn the principles of democratic management and cooperative organizations, including decision-making, conflict resolution, and collaborative problem-solving. They must understand our unique socialist economic model, emphasizing our commitment to egalitarianism. Our curriculum will educate them on participatory planning, resource allocation, and the social and environmental impacts of economic decisions. To prevent a technocratic elite, our system shall encourages role rotation and diverse skill acquisition. Students should explore various fields and understand the interconnectedness of different economic sectors.

Nurturing Critical Consciousness

Education in our Republic must transcend the mere transmission of facts and skills. It should cultivate a critical consciousness, enabling citizens to analyze and transform their social reality. Critical thinking and social analysis are vital for sustaining our democratic socialist system driven by grassroots participation. Thus, our Republic strives to encourage active engagement and societal transformation without imposing a specific ideology.

Inspired by educators like Paulo Freire, our schools will adopt a problem-posing education model, encouraging students to question social structures and envision alternatives. In this age of information abundance, we must equip citizens to critically evaluate media. Our curriculum shall include comprehensive media literacy, teaching students to deconstruct messages, recognize propaganda, and produce their own media. To foster environmental consciousness, our education system must instill a deep understanding of ecological systems and the interdependence of human societies with the natural world, crucial for the sustainable development of our socialist economy.

Inclusive and Equitable Education

True to our egalitarian principles, our education system must be inclusive and equitable, offering high-quality learning opportunities for all citizens, regardless of background or abilities. Consistent with our Republic’s Welfare State model, educational quality must be uniform across regions, with no discrimination based on protected characteristics within our Constitution.

Education at all levels, from early childhood to higher education, will be free and universally accessible. Special attention will be given to traditionally marginalized groups to ensure their full participation. Recognizing our Republic's linguistic diversity, education shall be provided in multiple languages, preserving cultural heritage while promoting national unity. Utilizing adaptive learning technologies, we must offer personalized learning experiences that cater to diverse styles and needs, ensuring no citizen is left behind.​

The Government House of the Republic of Thailand​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


Universal Basic Services
Published as part of the Socialist Manifesto by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand​

In our pursuit of a truly egalitarian and democratic socialist society, we recognize that the provision of basic welfare is merely the foundation upon which we must build. Our Republic commits to a comprehensive system of Universal Basic Services (UBS) that goes beyond traditional welfare models. This approach ensures that every citizen has access to the resources and support necessary to participate fully in our society and economy, regardless of their individual circumstances.

Comprehensive Housing for All

In our neoliberal-capitalist society, poverty-driven homelessness pervades the streets, overlooked by the state elite controlling the flow of capital. To address this issue, which should never have existed, we must acknowledge that housing is a fundamental human right and essential to social stability. Our Republic must be committed to providing comprehensive housing solutions for all citizens. To achieve this, we shall maintain a large-scale public housing program, building high-quality, energy-efficient homes in both urban and rural areas. These homes must be allocated based on need and family size, ensuring everyone has adequate shelter.

Aligned with our support for worker cooperatives, housing complexes shall be managed by democratically elected resident committees. These committees must collaborate with local planning boards to ensure developments meet community needs. Existing private housing stock shall be gradually acquired and renovated to our high standards of quality and sustainability, with adaptations for citizens with disabilities or special needs. Our housing program must be integrated with broader urban planning initiatives, creating sustainable, walkable communities with access to public transportation, green spaces, and essential services.

Universal Childcare for the Future

Understanding that our nation's future depends on our children, our Republic must embrace the collective responsibility of nurturing our youngest citizens. Universal childcare is essential for promoting gender equality, supporting working families, and giving every child the best start in life. This vision shall be realized through high-quality, publicly funded neighborhood childcare centers accessible to every community. These centers must be staffed by well-trained, fairly compensated early childhood educators who share our socialist values.

To meet the diverse needs of our families, we must offer a range of childcare options, including full-day care, part-time care, and after-school programs for older children. Our childcare program will prioritize holistic child development, focusing on play-based learning, social-emotional growth, and age-appropriate educational activities. Parents and community members will be encouraged to participate in the governance of childcare centers, ensuring services remain responsive to local needs and cultural values.

Access to Information for Knowledge

In our Republic’s digital age, access to information is crucial for full citizen participation and the functioning of our democracy. We must ensure universal access to digital resources, starting with free, high-speed internet for all, treated as a public utility. This approach shall be supported by a robust national broadband infrastructure and free public Wi-Fi in urban areas. With this foundation, our Republic will thrive in a participatory democratic way, continuously building upon these essential steps.

We must establish a network of public digital libraries, providing free access to educational resources, literature, and research materials. These libraries will be available online and through local community centers. In line with our founders’ vision for open governance, all non-sensitive government data will be freely accessible in user-friendly formats. Additionally, we shall implement comprehensive digital literacy programs, ensuring that all citizens, regardless of age or background, can effectively use digital resources and critically evaluate online information.

Free Legal Aid for Justice

Our Republic is committed to justice, equality, and empowering its citizens. Access to justice must be a guaranteed right for everyone. To achieve this, we must provide comprehensive, high-quality legal aid, ensuring no one is denied justice due to financial constraints. We must go beyond traditional models by including legal education and alternative dispute resolution. A robust network of public defenders and legal aid clinics shall be established across the Republic. These legal professionals must be well-compensated and resourced comparably to private attorneys.

Legal aid must cover a wide range of issues, including criminal defense, civil disputes, labor issues, and administrative matters. Special attention shall be given to cases involving violations of citizens' rights or challenges to government decisions. We must implement programs to educate citizens about their legal rights and the legal system. This approach shall include workshops, accessible online resources, and integrating legal education into school curriculums. To complement traditional legal services, we shall promote alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation and restorative justice programs, offering more satisfactory and less adversarial conflict resolutions.​

The Government House of the Republic of Thailand​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


Socialist Market Role
Published as part of the Socialist Manifesto by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand​

In our pursuit of a truly democratic and egalitarian socialist society, we recognize the need for a nuanced approach to economic organization. While we reject the exploitative nature of capitalist markets, we acknowledge that markets, when properly regulated and democratically controlled, can serve as useful tools for resource allocation and economic coordination. Our Republic commits to a model of market socialism that harnesses the efficiency of market mechanisms while ensuring that they operate in service of our collective goals and values.

Market as a Tool, Not a Master

In our Republic, markets are not arenas for exploitative competition but carefully designed tools of socialist planning. We reject laissez-faire capitalism and centrally planned economies, understanding that markets are key instruments for achieving our socialist goals. Unlike capitalist markets, which often lead to significant disparities in income and wealth, our socialist markets are structured to promote fairness and social justice. They provide a decentralized mechanism for aggregating information about supply and demand, guiding production decisions and resource allocation.

The primary objective of our socialist markets is to meet collective goals and enhance social welfare. Markets are not ends in themselves but tools to achieve broader social objectives, such as equitable resource distribution, universal access to basic services, and sustainable development. Controlled market competition can spur innovation and efficiency improvements, driving technological progress and productivity growth. Our markets allow for a degree of consumer choice, ensuring that production remains responsive to diverse individual preferences within the framework of our collective goals. Additionally, market mechanisms help our economy adapt more quickly to changing conditions and unforeseen circumstances than rigid central planning alone.

Democratic Market Regulation

To ensure that economic decisions reflect the collective will and interests of society rather than the profit motives of a privileged few, our Republic must implement robust democratic control and regulation of market activities. This approach aims to reduce economic inequalities and promote social justice, aligning with our core socialist principles of fair resource and opportunity distribution. Each industry will have a democratically elected Social Utility Board (SUB) responsible for setting broad guidelines for market operation, including price ranges, quality standards, and environmental regulations.

Joint councils, known as Consumer-Worker Councils, shall be established with the power to intervene in markets when necessary to correct imbalances, prevent monopolistic practices, or address social and environmental concerns. Our Republic will develop and implement open-source algorithms to monitor market activities in real time, flagging potential issues for human review and intervention. This technological oversight helps us identify and address market failures quickly and efficiently, ensuring smooth and fair market operations. Regular democratic assemblies shall review market performance and make collective decisions about their continued operation or potential replacement with more direct forms of planning.

Socialist Pricing Mechanisms

In our Republic, prices aren't left to the chaotic forces of supply and demand but are determined through democratic deliberation and carefully designed incentive structures. Our pricing mechanisms aim to prevent the erratic and exploitative nature of market-driven prices, which often lead to inequality and instability. Instead, we design these mechanisms to promote social welfare and equity, using democratic deliberation and transparent incentives to enhance accountability while recognizing the value of our workers' contributions.

Basic goods and services shall be priced using a cost-plus model, where the price is set at the cost of production plus a modest, standardized markup to fund research and development. For non-essential goods and services, prices shall incorporate measures of social and environmental impact, making socially beneficial products more affordable while discouraging harmful consumption. We must implement a labor token system alongside traditional currency, where prices reflect the average labor time required for production, promoting a direct link between effort and reward. In sectors requiring rapid adjustments, there shall be the usage of AI-assisted dynamic pricing models that respond to real-time data while staying within democratically determined bounds.

Sustainable Cooperative Market

Our Republic's market structure must be built on a foundation of worker-owned cooperatives and democratically managed public enterprises, ensuring economic power is distributed among workers and communities. These cooperatives shall operate within our socialist market framework, competing and collaborating to meet social needs while adhering to strict ecological principles. To promote sustainability, we must implement robust environmental regulations, including a cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions with democratically determined limits. Our market shall encourages circular economic practices, minimizing resource depletion and environmental impact.

Innovation in our cooperative market must be driven by social need rather than profit motives. We shall establish public innovation funds, democratically allocated to cooperatives and research institutions to address pressing societal and environmental challenges. Open-source technology and knowledge sharing must be prioritized to ensure advancements benefit all of society. To maintain economic stability and prevent monopolies, we shall implement mechanisms for inter-cooperative collaboration and resource sharing. Larger cooperatives must support smaller ones through mentorship and technology transfer, fostering a diverse and resilient economic ecosystem that serves the collective good while preserving our planet for future generations.​

The Government House of the Republic of Thailand​

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