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The Washington Post


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World Power
Jul 12, 2018


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World Power
Jul 12, 2018
February 5, 1997
President Clinton and most of Congress have been killed in "most audacious attack ever". Al Gore has
been sworn in as the 43rd President of The United States, and has released a statement.


Picture of the burning South Wing of The Capitol Building.

At 9:14 P.M. on February 4, a major explosion erupted from the South Wing of the United States Capitol Building in Washington D.C. which contains the House Chamber, where the State of The Union address by President Clinton was taking place. Tens-of-millions of Americans had their television screens go blank as the entire chamber was destroyed, and everyone inside was likely to have been instantly killed, including President Clinton and the First Family. Vice President Al Gore was not at the State of The Union, and is still alive. The Vice President was flown by what appears to have been military helicopters to the White House. Pictures have just been released from the White House of President Gore being sworn in by Supreme Justice Clarence Thomas, who appears to be the only surviving member of the Supreme Court. Secretary of State Jackson Fitzgerald can also been seen in the photograph - he was the designated survivor for tonight's State of The Union.

There are confirmed reports from around the country of a massive uptick in military activity. F-16s have been spotted performing armed patrols over Washington, New York City, Houston, Los Angeles, Seattle, Alaska, and Hawaii. We have reports from Pearl Harbor that the base is "incredibly active" and "under a lockdown" after a possible sighting of a submarine somewhere off the coast of the island of Oahu.

President Gore released this statement from the White House at 3:00 A.M. this morning:

"Last night, the United States suffered a faceless and cowardly attack which killed President Clinton, hundreds of United States congressmen and senators, and many members of the Federal Government. Despite this, the United States remains functioning and able to respond to what has happened. All Federal departments and agencies are operating as expected, and the full resources of the Federal Government have been committed to investigating this attack. Measures are already being taken to restore the Senate and the House of Representatives. I will address the nation at noon today to provide the American people with a broader update on the national situation.

-Al Gore, President of The United States of America"

We will continue to provide updates, and will also cover the President's speech at noon.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
February 5, 1997
President Gore says America will find those responsible and bring them to justice, congress
will be restored, and the Capitol Building will be rebuilt just as it was before.


Picture of President Gore delivering his first Oval Office address.

Shortly after noon, President Gore delivered his first televised address as President of The United States. He spoke about the attack on the Capitol Building, how the government is recovering and responding, gave encouraging words of hope, and pledged that the United States will bring those responsible to justice.

"My fellow Americans. Last night, our republic was attacked during one of our most cherished constitutional traditions. In an instant, hundreds of statesmen, leaders, warriors, and patriots died, including President Clinton, from the actions of a faceless coward. One of the most recognizable symbols of our republic was set ablaze. The perpetrators behind this attack obviously meant to totally destroy the Federal Government and to scare the American people into submission - they have failed.

"Last night and early this morning, deputy secretaries of federal departments and agencies met here in the White House so that we could coordinate our recovery, as well as finding those who are responsible and bringing them to justice. Moreover, the response from the American people has been more impressive than I could have imagined. Rescue workers and soldiers worked through the night in the rubble of the House Chamber - survivors from inside the South Wing were recovered, including at least a dozen congressional staffers and four Capitol Police officers. Everyone from the FBI, to NASA, to the Air Force and Army, as well as the D.C. fire and police departments have all helped at the Capitol Building. I have also been told that as of this morning, military recruitment centers from Florida to Alaska are overflowing with tens-of-thousands of young men and women who are ready to step forward and defend their country in its time of need. I have no worry we, the people, will get through this stronger and more determined than ever before.

"In order to restore the House of Representatives, special elections will be coordinated throughout the country in the coming months. It is my goal, however, to see to it that the Senate will be in session by the beginning of March. The Constitution permits state governments to appoint senators when vacancies arise. To help coordinate this plan, I will be talking to all of your governors later today. America's only surviving legislator, Senator Benjamin Sinclair from Maine, will join me in that phone call. Other survivors of last night's attack include Secretary of State Jackson Fitzgerald and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. It is with the help of these three men, and the hard working patriots in the federal departments and agencies, that we have been able to make so much progress in such a short amount of time.

"To our allies and friends around the world, I have this to say. The United States government is intact and in working order, and we are open for business. I appreciate the leaders and diplomats from our friends in Spain, Portugal, Canada, Poland, and Ireland who took the time to call and give their condolences. After speaking with the Secretary of State, I am sure that we have an international network of friends who will help us track down the guilty.

"We will bring those responsible to justice, we will restore the American congress, and we will rebuild the Capitol Building just as it was before... Keep strong, keep your faith, and remember to vote in the elections soon to come. May God bless our fallen friends, and may God bless the United States of America."
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The President makes a surprise visit to Ground Zero where he met with rescue workers.


The President delivering a speech outside of the Capitol.

Today, President Gore made a surprise visit to the Capitol building where rescue workers are still making their way through the rubble. He was first shown the interior damage to the Capitol, which has been reported to be minimal in the main structure. The Capitol Rotunda and the main structure itself is still sound and has reportedly only suffered minor exterior damage. Also, the North Wing of the Capitol where the Senate meets, is still entirely intact and unharmed. After this brief tour, the President walked to what remained of the House Chamber with the only living Senator, Benjamin V. Sinclair (I-Maine), and walked through some of the rubble. He shook hands with police and firefighters, and returned salutes to nearby soldiers. The FBI and Capitol Police briefly debriefed the President on people, and things, which they had so far recovered from the rubble, including at least two-dozen survivors from the Southern Wing. It was reconfirmed, however, that no survivors from the House Chamber itself have been found.


D.C. Firefighters raising flag over the destroyed House Chamber.

The President gave an impromptu speech to the first responders and soldiers at ground zero:

"I want you all to know that America is on bended knee for the people who died here. The people of our great country stand with the people of D.C., Maryland, Virginia, and the other States which lost statesmen and countless civilians. Seeing the House Chamber like this... where I served, as a congressman, and many of my friends did as well, is baffling. We're going to find the people that did this, and they're going to answer for what they did. They're not going to get away with it.

"We are going to rebuild this building - we're going to restore our congress - we're not going to be scared, we're going to live our lives as Americans!"

-President Gore


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
February 1997
Hundreds-of-thousands of young Americans have enlisted in the military in the past four days.


New recruits taking enlistment oath at Yankee Stadium before baseball game.

The U.S. Army and the National Guard have seen an overwhelming number of people interested in joining the military. So far the Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard have not released their numbers, but the Department of Defense has hinted that they are going to be high as well.

President Gore recently stated that an increase in defense and intelligence spending "is going to be entirely necessary" and that "federal taxes are likely to remain at their current rate for the rest of 1997." According to the Constitution, the House of Representatives has the power of the purse to both issue new taxes and decide how it will be distributed to the various federal departments and agencies. Without the House, federal taxes will be frozen at their current rate and are not subject to change. According to the Department of Defense, they have enough money to train, uniform, and arm new recruits but, "we will need additional funds to purchase new vehicles and equipment," says the Acting-Secretary of Defense, John Glass.

So far, the federal government has not disclosed what leads they have on who attacked the Capitol. The FAA has finally reopened the national airspace, and the FEC announced that the stock market will reopen on Thursday. Confidential sources from the Department of Justice have told us, however, that the FBI does have a number of suspects under investigation.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
February 1997
Three former Presidents appointed as Senators, pledge to unify the country, and to help lead the new junior Senators.


New Senators being formally sworn in on the Senate floor, February 28, 1997.

Earlier this month, President Gore said that he planned to have the Senate restored and in-session "by the end of February". Today, on the last day of February, 99 newly-appointed United States Senators took their oath of office on the Senate floor in Washington. The Senate convened to swear in new members, appoint new officers, and make some selections for vital committees. The GOP technically has a "majority" though they only number at 50 members, while the Democrats number at 49, and Senator Benjamin V. Sinclair of Maine (the only surviving member of the previous congress) is an independent. Although there is no House of Representatives at the moment, and there likely wont be one for a few more months, the Senate can still pass non-binding resolutions as well as confirm Presidential appointees to executive departments, agencies, and the Supreme Court. The White House released a memo stating, "The restoration of the United States Senate is an incredible step towards rebuilding our government and ensuring their our republic continues to properly function."


Senator George H. W. Bush (R-Texas), Senator Jimmy Carter (D-Georgia), Senator Gerald Ford (R-Michigan)

Incredibly, three former Presidents have been selected as Senators for their respective States. Former Presidents George Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Gerald Ford have all been appointed to serve as senators. The three men have so far not made many public appearances, but are said to be meeting with President Gore at the White House for dinner sometime this weekend. During the session on Friday, there was an overwhelming feeling of unity among Republicans and Democrats, however there was some debate over who should be elected President Pro Tempore of the Senate.

The President Pro Tempore is a constitutionally-mandated position in the Senate. When the President of The Senate, the Vice President of the United States, is not in the Senate Chamber, the President Pro Tempore (or whomever he designates to stand in his place) is treated as the acting-President. The position has become more honorary, as junior senators normally act as the presiding officer in order to learn the procedures of the Senate. However, the position does have some perks, including an increase in pay. Since 1890, the most senior member of the majority party has been made the President Pro Tempore without question. However, since all of the Senators in the majority party were junior, the Democrats argued that the standing rules should be changed to make it so that the President Pro Tempore is simply the most eldest member of the Senate. In actuality, both sides wanted to get one of their former Presidents elected to the position.

In the end, former Presidents Bush, Carter, and Ford all spoke and swung their support behind making the independent Senator from Maine, Benjamin V. Sinclair, the President Pro Tempore. "After all, he is the most senior member of the Senate," President Bush said during debate. "He's the only surviving member of the former congress, I think we should see what we can learn from him."

Senator Sinclair was then unanimously elected as President Pro Tempore, and gave a humble thanks to the Senate, as well as the former Presidents. Afterwards, Senator Bush was elected as the Majority Leader, and Senator Carter was elected as the Minority Leader.


Red: Republican; Blue: Democrats; Grey: Independent and President Pro Tempore

Although the new Senate is not controlled by President Gore's party, a number of the new Republican and Democratic senators have made it clear that they want to work together to rebuild the government and "restore our republic" as former President, and now Senator, Ford said. When asked about the Democrats not being in control of the Senate, President Gore simply stated, "I'm just thankful to God that we have a Senate."
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
March 1997
Cash recites famous "Ragged Old Flag" poem, tells audience that "we have nothing to fear, we're Americans."


Johnny Cash performing in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

World-famous musician musician Johnny Cash was granted special permission from the National Parks Service to perform in a two-hour long concert in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Hundreds-of-thousands of Washington-locals and others from around the country attended the concert where Cash played many of his greatest hits. He started the conference off with his famous "Ragged Old Flag" poem that Governor Huckabee of Aransas said, "embodies the very spirit of America."

Mister Cash performed a number of his greatest hits, and made several statements between them. He expressed his sorrow for the loss of President Clinton, who was also an Arkansas native, and gave his support for Al Gore.

"You folks remember that you're Americans," he said. "It's easy to forget that we live in the freest place in the world, but I can tell you that we do, since I've been all over. You stand with that guy in that white house, because right now we need to stand together. Anyone that tries to knock us down will get shot down. We have nothing to fear, we're Americans," he said, to thundering applause and cheers. After performing at the Lincoln Memorial, Mister Cash is said to have met with his friend, Senator Benjamin Sinclair. Mister Cash announced at the end of the concert that all of the proceeds from it would go to rebuilding the Southern Wing of the Capitol Building.
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
May 1997
Michigan Governor blames Detroit Mayor for decrease in emergency funding, calls for resignation.


Fire fighters finishing off what remained of the fire at 7 in the morning.

A major fire destroyed two abandoned blocks of homes in Detroit, Michigan. City Fire Chief Alan Green said that the fire was likely started by arson, but "it will take some time to confirm this due to the massive scope of the fire." At least two of the homes that were destroyed were legally occupied, but the occupants managed to escape to safety. John Engler, the Governor of Michigan, held a public press conference this afternoon where he lambasted Ran Mathews, the Mayor of Detroit.

"This is an outrage," Governor Engler said. "Detroit has been in a downward spiral, but Mayor Mathews has let the city hit an all new low. I asked the Attorney General to look in to the city's budget and finances, and he confirmed to me that funding to the fire department and other emergency services was cut 6% this year alone, while local taxes went up 5%. There's no record of what's happening to this money - the State of Michigan is opening an official investigation. Mayor Mathews should resign from his position for failing the people of Detroit."

The Mayor's office released an official response which said Governor Engler was "overreacting" and said, in part, "Our Republican Governor is worried about getting reelected and will do anything to put down the people of Detroit. We have had to cut some of our spending and decrease the city budget, but that's because of mandates that were given to us by the state. Our hands were tied."

According to Wayne County officials, the fire department took twenty-seven minutes to respond to the fire, while the average response time is twenty-two minutes. Anonymous officials from the county government informed us that there is a shortage of 911-operators, and that the calls likely took longer to get through on a Sunday night.

The actual fire has been put out, but a new political firestorm appears to be starting as local leaders try shifting blame, and involving higher-ranking officials in the Democratic and Republican parties.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
June 1997
President Gore announced that he will soon be nominating 8 justices to the court, with outside help.


Supreme Court Building after a thunderstorm in Washington.

The White House announced today that President Gore will be nominating eight new justices to the United States Supreme Court. How the new justices should be appointed has been debated in the Senate for weeks now, with no conclusion made. However, the Gore Administration today released a plan to rebuild the Supreme Court.

Senators George H. W. Bush and Gerald Ford have clearly stated on the Senate floor that allowing President Gore to nominate eight justices, including the Chief Justice, would be something that hasn't happened since George Washington appointed the first Supreme Court justices in the 1700s. The Republicans currently have 50 Senators, while Democrats have 49 seats, and Senator Benjamin V. Sinclair is an independent from Maine. Although the President appoints justices, the constitution stipulates that the Senate must confirm them. The Republicans could choose to filibuster each nominee, which would mean the Democrats would need to secure 60 votes to actually vote on each potential justice.

However, the White House released a plan today that the Gore Administration is hoping Republicans will jump on board with. President Gore's plant first states that Justice Clarence Thomas, the only surviving member of the Supreme Court and the most "conservative" justice before the attack on the Capitol Building, will be nominated to be the Chief Justice. Afterwards, President Gore will nominate eight justices: two of which will be chosen directly by his administration, and six of which he will appoint with the advice of an independent "legal body" of non-political legal professionals. This legal body will strictly choose from federal justices who have served at least ten years on the bench, at least eight of which must have been in a federal court.

President Gore is expected to make a national address on this subject, after which the legal body will be assembled to "advise" him on which justices he should choose. Majority Leader Bush has yet to release a statement, and Republicans in the Senate have been quiet as well.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
July 1997
The President presented his domestic agenda, highlighted "urban decay", and gave an update on 2/04.


President Al Gore at the Capitol Building.

President Gore returned to the newly restored Capitol Building for a special State of The Union Address. After work has been done around the clock by thousands of volunteers and professionals from around the nation, the South Wing of the Capitol Building has been rebuilt almost exactly as it was before. The President reviewed the South Chamber, as well as the Rotunda which suffered minor damage, from the 2/04 attack. Then, this evening, he delivered the State of the Union to a joint session of the United States Congress.

President Gore's speech focused on American unity and remembering the victims of the 2/04 attack, as well as the political, social, and economic issues currently facing the United States. The largest amount of applause, however, came from the first words of the President Gore's speech, which finished the sentence that President Clinton was unable to, "The State of our Union is strong!"

In regard to politics, he announced that he will be making eight new appointments to the Supreme Court on Monday and that he will appoint a new Vice President before 1998. The President highlighted the blight of "urban decay" and how it has seriously damaged American cities including Detroit, New York, and New Orleans. He said that this urban decay was due to a number of reasons, including old infrastructure, "underdevelopment", the closure of factories in cities, and "because we have been neglecting the American People." The President pledged to visit cities suffering from urban decay, and that he would get a national infrastructure bill through Congress before 1998.

The President's speech also touched on those behind the 2/04 attacks. He announced that some individuals involved with the attacks have been arrested, and that the United States is working on apprehending a fugitive who "has attempted to flee to the safety of another country." It is unclear what country the President was referring to; however, the Mayor of Washington has already speculated that the referenced fugitive may be the same person that U.S. Marshals reportedly chased to the Argentine Embassy in D.C. Both the Marshal's Service and the State Department have declined to comment.

The President ended his speech by stating the progress the United States America has made since the nation's founding. The President's full, unedited address is provided below.

"Mister President Pro Tempore, Mister Speaker, members of the Senate, and the House of Representatives... The State of our Union is strong!

We are here today for many reasons. We are here to remember the fallen statesmen and Americans of February 4th, we are here to consecrate this Chamber in their honor, and we are here to celebrate our Independence Day.

Since February, what remained of the federal government has taken significant steps to restore itself. As promised, the state legislatures made special appointments to fill the Senate. In an act of unity, three former Presidents are among them, and are with us today. Special elections were held for the House of Representatives - voter turnout was the highest it has ever been in the twentieth century. Today with us are also the Joint Chiefs of Staff, some of whom came out of retirement when they once again heard the call of duty. I have also managed to refill the cabinet, and together with the advice of the Senate, have restored the Executive Branch. You may also notice that I am joined by newly-elected Speaker Bush of Texas, and the President Pro Tempore, Senator Benjamin V. Sinclair. These leaders, and those of you on the House Floor, have stepped up when your country has needed you most - for that I, and the American people, are thankful. However, we still have much work to do.

While our Capitol has been rebuilt, we still face many challenges - some political and some social. While there has been much debate on the matter, I do plan to appoint eight justices to the Supreme Court. I have laid out my plan on how we can fairly do this to the Senate, as well as to the American people. I am announcing now that on Monday I will be formally making eight appointments at the White House. I ask that the Senate immediately begin confirmation hearings. Also, before this year ends, I will also be appointing a new Vice President who I hope that the Senate will fairly consider for the office.

As the federal government recovers, we cannot keep our eyes off of the American People who have stood united in support for our republic. Half a million young men and women have enlisted into the Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps - to them, I pledge my support and thank them for joining the armed services when America needs them most. I have been made aware that charitable donations have significantly risen since February, as has church attendance, volunteering, and even the number of applicants for volunteer fire departments. It is clear to me that the American people are resolved in the strength of our Union. But, we cannot ignore the problems facing our country.

Weeks ago, a fire destroyed two city blocks in Detroit - most of which were abandoned homes. I have been told that there are entire abandoned neighborhoods in Detroit, and that the city is crumbling. This is not unique to Detroit - crime is at an all-time high in New York City, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston even while unemployment is below two percent. This urban decay is due old and out of date infrastructure that the government has failed to replace, it is due to a lack of manufacturing where great American industries once produced the best products of the world, it is due to underdevelopment - it is because we have been neglecting the American People. That is unacceptable.

In the weeks to come, I will be visiting Detroit, New York, Los Angeles, and New Orleans in order to asses what else the federal government can do reverse this urban decay. I pledge that before 1998, we will have a national infrastructure bill passed through congress, and we will reverse this urban decay. We will lower crime, and we will raise prosperity. The American people have placed their trust in this new Congress to lead the country towards the twenty-first century - we cannot let them down.

...In the meantime, I do have news to report about the 2/04 attack. The United States has apprehended a number of people believed to have been involved with the attack. Also, the State Department is working on extraditing a fugitive who has attempted to flee to the safety of another country. The United States will not rest until every person involved is found, and brought to justice. The FBI, U.S. Marshal's Service, and Department of Justice have made significant progress in finding those responsible. Soon, the federal government will be able to issue a full report on what happened on February 4th. Until then, I ask that the American people remain vigilant and continue to support law enforcement as we round up those responsible.

Internationally, we have been working closely with our allies and friends around the world. The United States has been given support from nations in Europe, Africa, South America, Asia, and the Pacific. Next week, Prime Minister Andrew Evans of the United Kingdom will be visiting the White House for an Official Visit. The United States has no greater friend than Great Britain. This year, I plan to continue to have the federal government foster these relationships and more so that we can work alongside the rest of the Free World to make a better tomorrow.

We can always improve... But, today is our Independence Day - I firmly believe that we should also remember the incredible progress that we have made. Great men and women have led our country forward to get closer to fulfilling what our Founding Fathers saw for America - a nation where all men are created equal. Where any person, regardless of background or religion, can move forward in society by merit, hard work and character; not family-connections or simply inherited prestige. Today I am looking at the most diverse Congress in American history, not just in ideas, but of racial backgrounds, gender, religion, and cultures. Today we celebrate one another - we celebrate that even though we may be different, we are all still Americans. So long as we keep our independent and united spirit, there is nothing in the world that can stop us.

In all that lies before us, may God grant us wisdom, and may he watch over the United States of America. Thank you."

-Al Gore, President of The United States



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
August 1997
President Gore said, "The Canadian people have a right to self-determination" and declined to rule out any military action.

President Al Gore in the White House press briefing room.

President Gore surprised the White House Press Corps this morning when he was introduced by Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers and took his place behind the podium. The President made no statement, and instead said, "I'll take your questions." Questions were asked on several different topics, but most of the twenty minute briefing covered the ongoing civil unrest in Canada. The Washington Post was given the first question, to which he appeared to already have an answer prepared.

Q: "Mr. President, what is your stance on the ongoing protests in Canada? Is America going to intervene?"
-Rick Williams, The Washington Post

A: "The situation in Canada is very serious. The federal government is watching the situation closely. The United States fully supports the Canadian people's right to self-determination, it seems pretty obvious to me that the Canadian people want a 'snap election.'"
-President Gore

Q: "My second question, Mr. President. Will the United States intervene?"
-Rick Williams, The Washington Post

A: "As it stands, Canada is still a parliamentary democracy and is of course a sovereign nation. The Canadian people have a right to self-determination and it's not America's job to intervene in their domestic politics. Canada has faced political difficulties before - in 1896, and in 1925 with the 'King-Byng Affair'. What happened? Canadian institutions properly functioned, and things went on."

Q: "Mr. President, if the so-called 'Strasserists' asked for help, would the United States then intervene?"
-Mary Holmes, The New York Times

A: "If the present government called a snap election, and asked for the United States to send observers to help boost confidence in the legitimacy of the election, we would of course be more than happy to help, but that is up to them. We would be willing to assist in a snap election in any way possible - that's what a good, democratic neighbor would do."

The President's reference to 1896 and 1925 are both events that involved the Governor General of Canada, who is the constitutional representative of the Queen. In 1896, the Governor General declined to call a snap election when the then-Prime Minister felt that he was going to lose a no-confidence vote. The more famous 1925 reference, known as the "King-Byng Affair" was when the Prime Minister refused to resign after his party lost a majority in the House of Commons. The Governor General refused to recognize the old Prime Minister, as well as his ministerial appointments, and the newly-elected government was able to take power. Under the 'Strasserist' government, the Governor General of Canada resigned, and Britain has yet to appoint a new one which means that the Queen currently has no representative in Canada.

Theoretically, Queen Elizabeth herself could call a snap election in Canada if one was requested by the current Prime Minister - or she could call a general election and force it to occur without the permission of the present government. That would be unprecedented, but still technically constitutional. However, even if the Queen would consider that unprecedented move, it's not clear that she would take it if the Canadians wanted to abolish the British Crown in Canada. For now, the President has made it clear that America will assist Canada in elections any way possible, and President Gore did not outright confirm or deny that American military action was off the table.
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
August 1997
President Gore has announced his appointments for America's highest court, including Clarence Thomas as the new Chief Justice.


Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is the only surviving member of the Supreme Court from before the 2/04 attack on the Capitol Building.

Today the President announced the new eight associate justices for the Supreme Court as well as that surviving Associate Justice Clarence Thomas has been nominated as the new Chief Justice of the court. The following are the names of the nominees:
Chief Justice: Clarence Thomas
Associate Justices: Vance Becker, Isabel Collins, Samuel Duncan, Maisie Fisher, Isiah Holloway, Joel Marshall, George Parker, and Daniella Rouco.

The President stayed true to his word and only directly chose two justices himself - Vance Becker and Isabel Collins - and selected the others from a pool of federal judges that had been chosen by an independent body of legal experts and professionals from around the nation. President Gore also made the unexpected decision of appointing Justice Thomas as the new Chief Justice. Clarence Thomas has been famously known for asking few or no questions at hearings, and is considered to be a more "conservative" justice. Photographs from the night of the 2/04 attack on the Capitol Building reveal that Justice Thomas was taken to the White House to meet then-Vice President Gore, and swear him in as President.

All nine of the nominations will need to be approved by the Senate, and it appears that this will still be done through separate hearings on different days for each person, starting with Justice Thomas. As of now, it appears that there is overwhelming support for the President's nominees both in the Senate, and among the American people who overwhelmingly supported the President's decision to choose most of the new associate justices from a pool of individuals pre-selected by independent legal experts. The Senate is expected to to vote on the nominees some time this month.
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
July 1998
Sinclair makes history as the first independent, Catholic, and only the second Mainer to be Vice President.


The Senate convened for the swearing-in ceremony on the Senate floor.

Benjamin Valentine Sinclair (I-Maine) was sworn in as the 46th Vice President of the United States yesterday evening. The former Senator served in the Senate for over twenty-five years and, before becoming Vice President, was the only independent in the Senate. The Vice President made history as being the first independent, the first Roman Catholic, and only the second Mainer to hold the Vice Presidency. Despite these historic feats, he only mentioned his lack of party membership in his speech. While he wasn't nationally-known before the attack on the Capitol Building, Sinclair became a "father-like figure in the Senate" according to his fellow colleague from Maine, Senator Olympia Snowe (R-Maine).

After the 2/04 attack, Senator Sinclair was the only member of congress to survive. Once new senators were appointed by their respective states, he was almost unanimously chosen to be the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, which literally translate from Latin "President for the season". The position is required by Article one, Section three of the Constitution. The President Pro Tempore, as the name implies, is not the permanent presiding officer (or "President" as the position is officially labeled) of the Senate; the title of "President of the Senate" belongs to the Vice President himself. Earlier in American history, Vice Presidents constantly presided over the Senate, but in the past century the office has become more and more of an Executive Branch position. A perfect example of this was the relationship between President Clinton and then-Vice President Al Gore who were said to be close friends and confidants.

President Gore nominated Sinclair to the Vice Presidency only a couple of weeks ago, but he swiftly made it through the confirmation process and was approved unanimously by his colleagues. The respect that Sinclair's colleagues has for him comes, at least in part, from being the only living person to have been a Senator before 2/04.

"As a Senator, the Vice President was integral to giving advice and being a confident of the freshmen senators," said Senator, and former-President, George H. W. Bush. "Senator Carter and myself have done our best to help those on both sides of the aisle, but everyone sees the Vice President as a neutral-arbiter and as a man of his word. We couldn't think of anyone better to be Vice President - I have to hand it to President Gore on making this decision."

In the Vice President's speech, which is provided below, he outlined his negative feelings on partisanship and that the Senate is and should continue to be the dignified upper-house of Congress. In a significant break of the long-standing rules, the Senate voted to allow the Vice President to address the Senate after he was sworn in. After his speech, the Senate voted unanimously to amend almost 200 year-old rules that forbid the Vice President from addressing the Senate or acting as a true presiding officer. According to the White House, the Vice President is using the next few days to move into his new home at Number One Observatory Circle.

A transcript of the Vice President's inaugural address to the Senate is provided below:

"Honorable senators, distinguished guests, my fellow Americans, I can say with absolute confidence that this is the greatest honor I have ever received in my life. I think that it would be appropriate to first thank President Gore for nominating me to the office of Vice President. I also would be remised if I didn't thank all of you who have confirmed me - the trust that this chamber has placed in me is overwhelming. As someone who has dedicated most of his adult life to serving in the Senate, I can tell you that sitting here as President is just as sobering as it is intoxicating. I never thought that I would be here - I never could have foreseen what has happened this past year. It's felt like everything predictable was thrown out of the window and we had to start over from scratch. That can literally be said for this Senate. I lost all of my colleagues and many of my closest friends. They were dedicated leaders and statesmen from around the nation; they were some of the brightest minds to have ever graced these halls. I can only imagine how proud they would be to know that their places have been taken by the likes of you. Most of you are the best that your respective state senates had to offer, some of you are from other high offices or even former presidents, and a small number of you are individuals who have never held public office but were chosen to represent your states because your community considered you such learned and respected men or women. I am honored to have the privilege of presiding over such a group of statesmen. Perhaps not since the beginning of our republic have we had such potential in the Senate.

"While I have spoken with some of you privately on this matter, I feel that it is critical that I bring it up again. In the past two decades our country and its politics have become more divided. It's become common-place for senators and congressmen to vote according to the edicts of their party instead of what is right for their state, or their district. I realize that I, an independent, may have an easier time saying this, but it's true. Hyper-partisanship in our congress is an infection that we need to treat, more especially here in the Senate. We are the higher chamber, we are suppose to be the learned men and women, the statesmen of the nation, who aren't easily swayed by the daily mood swings of the country or even our own states. It is our duty to take a sober approach to legislating, to seriously consider nominations from the President, and to advise on formal matters of foreign affairs - that is what we signed up for. While I may be the last of the 104th congress, I still hold their hopes in my heart. I plead with you to reignite the flames of statecraft and finesse that once graced these hollowed halls. Regardless of what the House does, or who is President, or who is Vice President, it is our duty to uphold the dignity of the republic.

"I can't pretend that we didn't have problems in the past. But we have always strived to be better. I ask you all to strive to be better men and women, to be better leaders, and to be better senators. I ask that you consider restoring some of our old orders and preserving the ones that we have now. Most importantly, I ask that when you change things in this institution of ours, you consider whether or not it is best for the Senate and the republic at large... As we move forward, I swear to do everything I can to better the cause of this chamber and to help you all to work together and legislate. Thank you, God bless the Senate, and God bless the United States of America."

-Benjamin V. Sinclair, Vice President of the United States
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
September 1998
"This is the biggest national transportation-infrastructure plan since the National Interstate Highways Act of 1956" says CBO.


An Amtrak train running along the Northeast Corridor.

Today President Gore signed in "The National Railway Act" of 1998 which allocates $115-billion to the construction of new passenger rail lines across the country. This new law empowers the federal government to use its power of eminent domain to seize property to construct new rail lines which must be built with American steel by American workers. The act gives significant oversite responsibilities to Amtrak which will dramatically increase its role as the national carrier of passengers across the United States. Also, the measure earmarks $15-billion specifically to the development of local metro and heavy-rail. While the largest opposition came from Republicans, a sizeable portion of GOP congressmen and senators from the Midwest and the South helped make passing the act a reality.

The Department of Transportation and Amtrak have yet to release what the plans are for expansion of government-owned rail networks. However, the Congressional Budget Office has compared the act to the Interstate Highway Act passed under President Eisenhower. Infrastructure developments on this scale have, in the past, helped lower unemployment and stimulate local economies. When asked about other benefits of the law, the White House stated today that President Gore is working with the Department of Transportation to see if it will be possible to have all or most of the trains electric. This would be significant as The National Railway Act requires tracks to be rated for high-speed travel when necessary.

So far no time-scale or major plans have been announced, however Amtrak CEO Thomas Downs stated earlier in the year that he would be stepping down from his position before the end of 1998. It is not yet clear who will be chosen to replace him.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
March 1999
The Pentagon hopes to use regular Navy and Coast Guard deployments to justify expansion of both services for power projection.


U.S.S. Enterprise underway in the Atlantic.

The U.S.S. Enterprise, her escorts that also make up "Carrier Strike Group One", and other U.S. Navy ships went on to a secret deployment that took the vessels to the other side of the world in the Pacific. The fleet was spotted off the coast of Hawaii and Guam, however the Pentagon and the White House did not disclose the fleet's mission. It wasn't until today, when the Enterprise docked in Virginia, that a Department of Defense spokesman confirmed that the strike group "was prepared to protect American interests and democratic countries in the East in the event that the Russian situation escalated."

The Secretary of Defense, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of Homeland Security (which has civilian control over the Coast During peace times) have been openly advocating for the return of regular patrols in American and international waters. The Coast Guard confirmed three weeks ago that it has restarted constant patrols of American territorial waters with its Famous-class cutters and other assets. The Secretary of Homeland Security said yesterday, "The best way to reinforce our sovereignty and ensure our domestic safety is by having the Coast Guard patrol at home while the Navy is deployed abroad and ready to react anywhere around the world."

These public statements and major deployments come just as the President is set to decide what major defense initiatives will be taken for the common year, and what further procurements he will be requesting from Congress. While the construction of a dozen aircraft carriers may not be in immediate sight, the Navy's deployment has made the salient point that if there is ever trouble in Asia or the Pacific, the Navy has to sail a fleet around the tip of South America and dedicate weeks more of planning and hundreds-of-millions of more dollars in costs whereas an independent carrier strike group could be permanently stationed at Pearl Harbor or the West Coast. South Africa's saber-rattling to Sweden over islands off the coast of Africa also reinforce concerns that if most of America's Navy is away from her shore, there may at least need to be a strong Cast Guard at home to protect her, or additional vessels on standby.

When asked for a statement, the White House Press Secretary stated, "The Gore Administration supports the deployment of America's Navy abroad for training and strategic patrols. The Navy has been, and will continue to be, a global force for good."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
April 1999
Thirteen are confirmed dead and over two dozen have been seriously injured by two gunmen, who are now dead.


Students and teachers moments after escaping the school.

Today two students at Columbine High School in Jefferson County, Colorado massacred a dozen other students and one teacher using guns and homemade explosives. The shooting went on for nearly one hour before both of the shooters (whose names The Washington Post has elected not to publish) shot themselves dead. According to local police the targeted victims were student athletes, Christians, and minorities. The suburban school has no past history of gun violence. Jefferson County Police and the FBI stated at a press briefing on the shooting that a number of homemade explosives failed to detonate and that several fires which had been started by the gunmen were either put out by the school's fire suppression system or faculty. "Had the explosives went off as planned," said Archibald Smith, the head of Jefferson County's bomb squad, "fatalities could have been in the hundreds." Numerous faculty and students are said to have put themselves in danger, or sacrificed themselves, in order to save others.


President Gore delivering tearful remarks from the White House Press Briefing Room.

President Gore made a statement from the Press Briefing Room at the White House. His statement to the nation is transcribed below:

Mary and I are deeply saddened by this tragedy that took place this morning... Two students at Columbine Highschool in Littleton, Colorado undertook a mass shooting against their classmates and teachers before turning their guns on themselves. I've been told that they targeted student athletes, Christians, and minorities. Over a dozen are confirmed dead and at least two dozen more have been seriously wounded. I've spoken with Governor Owens, the Director of the FBI, and the Principle of Columbine High...

Events like this call the sanity of our society into question. The utter madness, and evil, it must take to do something like this is not comprehendible. We may ask ourselves, momentarily, if there is any good left in the world? I've asked myself this question all afternoon. It wasn't until I spoke to local leaders that I found the answer to that question. A teacher, Dave Sanders, drug injured students to safety and kept others away from danger. He died protecting his students. I was also told of two janitors, and other staff, who put themselves in the line of fire to get students to safety and to distract the gunmen. Some of the students helped hide their fellow classmates or lead them to safety, and I was told that some even used their own bodies as shields for others. Seventeen year-old Rachel Scott was among the first victims... She was shot several times and in her final moments was asked if she believed in God... Staring down the barrel of a gun she defiantly answered, "You know I do".... There's countless more stories like this - the amount of good embodied by the students and teachers in Columbine must be like a blinding beacon of light to the few corners of darkness there. Saint Peter's Gates are wide open today - the brave, the faithful, and the innocent are walking in together, bringing even more light to the high reaches of heaven.

I've instructed the Director of the FBI and the Secretary of Education to begin an immediate investigation into why this happened and what we can do in the future to prevent tragedies like this. While we take time to learn more and to mourn the devastating loss of innocent life, I ask that you remember the distinct heroism of so many young people, teachers, and staff at Columbine. We will follow their example and do everything we can to preserve life and prevent such tragedies in the future. Please join me in a moment of silence... May God bless the victims and their families, and may God bless the United States of America.

-Al Gore, President of the United States

Shortly after his remarks, President Gore ordered American flags around the world to half-staff for the rest of the week. The Department of Education has confirmed that they are sending crisis-counselors and therapists from Denver to Columbine to help students and families in the aftermath of what has happened. So far, Jefferson County police and the FBI have not confirmed what the motive of the shooters was. Governor Owens of Colorado described the massacre as, "A cowardly act of evil" and said that the State government is conducting a full-scale investigation "so that things like this can be prevented in the future." President Gore is reportedly planning to visit Columbine High School some time next month to pay his respect for the victims.
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
July 1999
As the Republican Primary nears, President Gore has announced that he will seek a second term as President of the United States.


President Al Gore delivering the stump speech in Carthage, Tennessee where he announced his candidacy.

President Gore returned to his home town of Carthage, Tennessee where he announced that he will be running for a second term as President of the United States. This comes after repeated rumors that Vice President Sinclair (I-Maine) or Texas Governor Anne Richards (D) might try to obtain the Democratic Party nomination. The President went over the accomplishments of his administration so far and said that his second term will focus on bolstering America's armed forces, major infrastructure projects, a continuation of American international leadership, and a stronger focus on the environment and "assessing the threat of global warming." His twenty-five minute speech also covered the international alliances and friendships that America has built during his term, from the United Kingdom and Spain to the Republic of Korea. In attendance were a number of Democratic Party officials, local and State leaders from Tennessee, the First Family, as well as a number of other leaders and who briefly gave their endorsements. The President did not mention what progress has been made on the 2/04 attack on the Capitol or the degrading situations in the Middle East and South Africa.
The President's announcement comes as the 2000 Republican Primary edges closer and closer. Speaker of the House, George W. Bush, is the front-runner and expected Republican Party nominee. Mister Bush has taken a hardline approach on foreign policy multiple times. "My opponent's policy of international 'partnership' with European countries comes from a good place, but America is a global leader, not a negotiator," Mister Bush of Texas said last week on MSNBC. "I think the White House is focusing too much on making friends and shaking hands when we should be leading the world like we always have." Speaker Bush has also been critical of what he calls President Gore's "lack of interest in American exceptionalism." He has stated repeatedly that the United States "should be able to stand on its own two feet, without anyone else's help. We can't just hope fair-weather friends will help us in our hour of need."
So far, the President and the Republican candidates have heavily focused on foreign affairs. The turmoil in Russia, Canada, Mexico, and domestically has attracted a greater focus on what is happening, and what will happen, around the world. So far, all of the major candidates have stated that they want to participate in debates, and that the debates should focus on both domestic and foreign policy.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
August 1999
Governor Ann Richards is deploying the Texas National Guard to the border in order to counter an uptick in drug smuggling and human trafficking.


Governor Ann Richards (D-TX) answering press questions about the National Guard deployment to the border.

Governor Ann Richards of Texas has activated 14,600 Texas Army National Guard soldiers and ordered their deployment to the Texas-Mexican border. In a press conference, Governor Richards said the deployment was to "fight back against the uptick in drug smuggling and human trafficking." The Governor outlined how the deployment of twenty-two battalions of the National Guard would bring relief to Texas State Troopers and the Texas Rangers. While massive efforts are being undertaken to support Texas officials, the Governor made little mention of the United States Border Patrol or U.S. Marshals who have had an increased presence at the border. The Governor did say, however, that "enough is not being done to keep Texas safe."

Texas politics is currently split between the Republican-controlled House and Senate, as well as Republican Lieutenant Governor Rick Perry, and Democratic Governor Richards. Despite the Republican sweep in the last state elections, Governor Richards's popularity among Texans helped her defeat George W. Bush, who is now the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. While Republicans in the Texas Congress have focused on drug smuggling at the border, Governor Richards has put more of a focus on human trafficking at the border. She mentioned a major operation earlier this year where Texas Rangers and the FBI found two shipping containers filled with girls and young women, aged 15-20. One container included women from Latin America and Asia, while the other included seventeen American girls and women who had been reported missing across Texas (and four from other states). The Rangers and FBI arrested a ring of forty-two Americans and Mexicans who were organizing the human trafficking of young women. She described Houston, Texas as "the human-trafficking capital of America."

Governor Richards said that the deployment would not be permanent, but that it was necessary right now to deal with "an overwhelming number of struggles along the border." She stated that the 1,954 mile Texas border "presents unique challenges, but DPS [Department of Public Safety] and the National Guard are up to the task." Although she was given several opportunities to do so, the Governor did not criticize the White House. On the topic of Washington, she said: "I spoke with President Gore this morning and informed him that I would be deploying the National Guard to the border. I assured the President that the National Guard was being sent to preserve law and order and to help DPS at the border. He told me that he would speak with the Border Patrol to see what the Federal Government could do to help us." She went on to say that the State Government has not been in contact with the Mexican government.

The Governor said that the deployment would be focused on a number of cities along the border such as Brownsville, Eagle Pass, and El Paso. However, there are still several questions about the deployment. The United States National Guard is divided between the States, the District of Columbia, and America's territories. The National Guard is unique because, under normal circumstances, the governor of each state is the commander-in-chief of their state's respective National Guard. This allows state governments to deploy armed forces to respond to civil unrest and also in disaster response. However, because part of the funding for these forces comes from the Federal Government, the President of the United States may "federalize" any National Guard unit across the country for deployment overseas or to deal with crisis domestically. The Posse Comitatus Act stops the President from using federal troops as law enforcement; this includes the National Guard when it has been federalized. However, when the National Guard is deployed under orders from its governor, the soldiers can be used for law enforcement purposes. Governor Richards could effectively declare martial law along portions of the border and have the National Guard enforce Texas State-law, however she has repeatedly said that the troops will be "assisting" and "relieving" local law enforcement.

National Guard soldiers have been spotted mobilizing at several Texas forts across the State. The Governor's Office stated that deployments would be "staggered" but no specifics were given. A spokesman from the Texas Military Department said that the deployment of troops will begin as early as next week.
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
November 1999
Student-led bonfire at Texas A&M collapses and kills 11 students, more hurt.


Pictured is the "Bonfire" at Texas A&M, which is shown collapsed after 2AM.

Texas A&M University has suffered the loss of eleven students, and the injury of at least two-dozen more, after the traditional "Bonfire" construction has ended in a total collapse. Students, educators, parents, and emergency responders rushed to helped those in need as young men and women were left helpless between the logs of the long-standing tradition.

Since Texas A&M started playing the University of Texas at football, the "Texas Aggies" have built a massive bonfire on campus to defy their opponents in Austin. This tradition that reaches back to 1907 when students of Texas A&M built their first bonfire to defy the so-called "T-sips" at the University of Texas. Today at 2:42 A.M. the bonfire-structure collapsed while it was under construction. Eleven students, and one former-student, were killed in the collapse of the structure. Regular students from the university, as well as the Corps of Cadets, mobilized to move logs and search for survivors as local police, firemen, and the National Guard arrived to help find anyone still alive.


The structure before collapse.

Governor Ann Richards, Lieutenant Governor Rick Perry, and (former President) United States Senator George H. W. Bush arrived to College Station this morning to assess the damage and comfort grieving parents and students. She spoke with President Gore who gave his condolences to the people of Texas and the Aggie Community. It is believed that there are no more people among the rubble of the bonfire-structure. Governor Richards gave a speech at the university campus, followed by Lieutenant Governor Rick Perry who graduated from Texas A&M. Her speech is below. Governor Richards spoke from the steps of the iconic Academic Building on A&M's campus; she was surrounded by Aggies (students) and first responders:

"I can't begin to express my grief for what's happened. Texans around our State should be on bended knee for the tragedy that has happened here in Aggieland. I've been told that twelve Aggies have died and many more have been injured in the Bonfire collapse. I've heard that the dying ordered others to be saved before themselves while young men and women rushed to help those who weren't conscious, weren't aware, or were losing blood. I want to thank first responders, the Texas National Guard, and most importantly the students of Texas A&M, as well as the Corps of Cadets who were both the first on the scene to the collapse of the bonfire... I may have graduated from that university in Austin, but today we're all aggies."
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