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Trilateral Trade Agreement


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Security Classification:

To: Prime Minister Antonio Guterres Bruno Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez Zak
Subject: Trilateral Agreement on Maritime Trade

Dear Prime Ministers,

I am emailing in relation to the first Iberian Summit that took place towards the end of last year, specifically regarding discussions that happened over the three-port agreement that we've formally named the Trilateral Agreement on Maritime Trade.

My office had been reached at the time to compile a draft for an initial agreement to incorporate the points of discussion and this is what I'd like to share with you today.

Please find the attached document for your viewing, if you could both please read and provide any feedback or modifications you'd like making.

Alternatively, if all parties are content with the agreement, I can finalize it and send you a copy to sign and return where we will all be granted individual copies.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kindest Regards,

Charlotte Baker | Business Secretary |

Security Classification:


between the

United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland,

Portuguese Republic,


Kingdom of Spain

[ January, 2004 ]

The Parties hereby establish this Agreement to promote and regulate maritime trade activities among the UK, Portugal, and Spain, fostering economic cooperation, ensuring the efficient flow of goods, and enhancing maritime security.

For the purpose of this Agreement:

a. Maritime Trade: Refers to the transportation of goods and services via maritime routes between the territories of the Parties.

b. Ports: Designates the sea and inland ports within the territories of the Parties, including associated facilities and infrastructure.

c. Maritime Security: Encompasses measures aimed at preventing and mitigating threats to maritime trade, including but not limited to piracy, smuggling, and terrorism.​

Article I, Promotion of Maritime Trade
The signatories pledge to expedite the clearance of goods and reduce administrative complexities associated with maritime trade by streamlining customs and administrative procedures. Furthermore, active encouragement is given for private sector investment in the development and maintenance of modern port infrastructure and facilities. This article underscores the collective effort to create an environment conducive to the expansion and efficiency of maritime trade activities, promoting economic cooperation among the signatory nations.

Article II, Regulation
The Parties commit to a collaborative effort in establishing common standards and regulations to ensure safety, security, and environmental protection in maritime trade. Regular consultations will be conducted to address and harmonize regulatory frameworks governing maritime trade within the territories of the Parties. This cooperative approach aims to foster a unified and effective regulatory environment that benefits the Parties involved in maritime trade activities.

Article III, Security
Signatories shall engage in collective efforts to address and combat illegal activities, including piracy, smuggling, and terrorism, to enhance the security of maritime trade. Cooperation shall extend to the sharing of information and intelligence, facilitating a comprehensive approach to prevent and respond to maritime security challenges. Additionally, joint exercises and training programs may be organized to bolster the capabilities of the Parties in effectively dealing with threats to maritime security. This article underscores the commitment of the Parties to collaborate and strengthen security measures for the benefit of their respective maritime interests.

Article IV, Dispute Resolution
In the event of a dispute, the Parties commit to seeking amicable resolution through consultation and negotiation. Should the dispute persist, the Parties may explore alternative mechanisms for resolution, such as mediation, in accordance with mutually agreed-upon procedures. This article underscores the Parties' commitment to resolving disputes in a cooperative and constructive manner, ensuring the effective implementation and enforcement of the Agreement.

Article V, Notice of Withdrawal
This agreement shall continue to be in force until such time as any party decides to withdraw from it, intent to withdraw must be delivered in writing to other signatories which will commence a six (6) month notice period. If all parties wish to terminate this agreement, no notice period is required and the treaty can be terminated immediately.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorised by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done in three originals, January 2004.

For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Lawrence Adams

For the Portuguese Republic:
President of Portugal
António Guterres

For the Kingdom of Spain:
Prime Minister of Spaion
Pedro Sánchez

Published by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
Point of Contact
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, London, SW1
Telephone: 03700 00 22 44
© Crown Copyright​



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Moncloa Palace
Security Classification: ENCRYPTED

Dear Secretary Charlotte Baker,

I apologise for the severe delay in getting back to you, it has been a busy few days here in Madrid. I have sat down with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and our advisory teams and we feel as though the above agreement is one that will benefit us all in the long term and this agreement will be presented to the Congress of Deputies in the coming days and if approved, it will be signed into law and written approval will be sent to your office.

Pedro Sánchez
Prime Minister of Spain
Kingdom of Spain

Jamie Bruno


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


To: Secretary Charlotte Baker Jamie
Subject: Trilateral Agreement on Maritime Trade

Thank you for sharing the draft of the Trilateral Agreement on Maritime Trade following our recent summit. I appreciate the effort invested in its preparation. Having reviewed the document, I commend the commitment to promoting economic growth through streamlined maritime trade and enhanced security measures. However, I believe there are two additional aspects that could further benefit all parties involved that could still make it to the draft.

Firstly, I propose exploring the potential for collaborative projects in research and development within the maritime sector. By pooling our resources and expertise, we can unlock innovative solutions that not only improve efficiency but also enhance our competitive edge in the global market.

Secondly, I suggest considering initiatives to strengthen educational exchanges and vocational training programs in maritime-related fields. By nurturing a skilled workforce, we can foster long-term sustainability and growth in the maritime industry while solidifying our position as leaders in maritime education and training.

Furthermore, there is still the necessity for congressional approval, however I am optimistic about the multi-partisan support this agreement could garner. This collaboration presents an opportunity for us to showcase our ability to work together for the greater good, reinforcing the strength of our partnership. Especially in a much divided world that needs more warm leadership and cooperation.

Thank you again for your dedication to this matter. I look forward to our continued collaboration and the realization of our shared goals.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

President of the Portuguese Republic,
Antonio Guterres


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Security Classification:

To: Prime Minister Antonio Guterres Bruno Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez Zak
Subject: Re: Trilateral Agreement on Maritime Trade

Dear Prime Ministers,

I would like to start by addressing both points raised by the President of the Portuguese Republic; I am in agreement for both and did begin to make amendments but during this process, it raised a lot of questions for what these include. Therefore, my suggestion to both of you would be that we focus on completing the existing proposed agreement and getting these approved via our government bodies. This would pave the way for future developments as I believe there are questions regarding projects and training that could be more beneficial on a separate agreement under the same umbrella.

If this is something you are both in agreement for, please let me know and if possible, a timescale for when you may be able to sign the current rendition of the Trilateral Trade Agreement.

Kindest Regards,

Charlotte Baker | Business Secretary |



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Moncloa Palace
Security Classification: ENCRYPTED

Dear Secretary Charlotte Baker,

I apologise for the severe delay in getting back to you, the bill has now been reviewed by the Foreign Affairs Committee within the Congress of Deputies for review which it passed and then into the main chamber to be voted on by deputies across the political spectrum in which it passed with flying colours. The bill will now be passed to the King to be approved and given royal assent.

Pedro Sánchez
Prime Minister of Spain
Kingdom of Spain



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


To: Secretary Charlotte Baker Jamie
Subject: Trilateral Agreement on Maritime Trade

Thank you for your prompt response and for considering the points raised. This pragmatic approach will indeed help us streamline the process and ensure a solid foundation for future developments.

I am in full agreement with your proposal. The UK can take the lead in drafting the final version of the current Trilateral Trade Agreement. However, it is important to note that this agreement will need to pass through the Portuguese Congress for approval before it can be ratified by myself. I am confident that with multipartisan support, we can secure the necessary endorsements.

Please provide a timescale for when you expect to finalize the draft, and we can then coordinate on a suitable timeline for signing the agreement.

Thank you once again for your cooperation and dedication to this significant matter.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

President of the Portuguese Republic,
Antonio Guterres


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Security Classification:

To: Prime Minister Antonio Guterres Bruno Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez Zak
Subject: Re: Trilateral Agreement on Maritime Trade

Prime Minister, President,

Thank you for your responses on the proposed Trilateral Agreement on Maritime Trade, with a consensus, I have attached the formal agreement that will require your signatures once it has worked through your political process.

We have dated the refined agreement from August to account for any delays.

If you could please complete and return a signed copy of the agreement, this can come into effect. Prime Minister Lawrence Adams has signed already.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kindest Regards,

Charlotte Baker | Business Secretary |

Security Classification:


between the

United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland,

Portuguese Republic,


Kingdom of Spain

[ August, 2004 ]

The Parties hereby establish this Agreement to promote and regulate maritime trade activities among the UK, Portugal, and Spain, fostering economic cooperation, ensuring the efficient flow of goods, and enhancing maritime security.

For the purpose of this Agreement:

a. Maritime Trade: Refers to the transportation of goods and services via maritime routes between the territories of the Parties.

b. Ports: Designates the sea and inland ports within the territories of the Parties, including associated facilities and infrastructure.

c. Maritime Security: Encompasses measures aimed at preventing and mitigating threats to maritime trade, including but not limited to piracy, smuggling, and terrorism.​

Article I, Promotion of Maritime Trade
The signatories pledge to expedite the clearance of goods and reduce administrative complexities associated with maritime trade by streamlining customs and administrative procedures. Furthermore, active encouragement is given for private sector investment in the development and maintenance of modern port infrastructure and facilities. This article underscores the collective effort to create an environment conducive to the expansion and efficiency of maritime trade activities, promoting economic cooperation among the signatory nations.

Article II, Regulation
The Parties commit to a collaborative effort in establishing common standards and regulations to ensure safety, security, and environmental protection in maritime trade. Regular consultations will be conducted to address and harmonize regulatory frameworks governing maritime trade within the territories of the Parties. This cooperative approach aims to foster a unified and effective regulatory environment that benefits the Parties involved in maritime trade activities.

Article III, Security
Signatories shall engage in collective efforts to address and combat illegal activities, including piracy, smuggling, and terrorism, to enhance the security of maritime trade. Cooperation shall extend to the sharing of information and intelligence, facilitating a comprehensive approach to prevent and respond to maritime security challenges. Additionally, joint exercises and training programs may be organized to bolster the capabilities of the Parties in effectively dealing with threats to maritime security. This article underscores the commitment of the Parties to collaborate and strengthen security measures for the benefit of their respective maritime interests.

Article IV, Dispute Resolution
In the event of a dispute, the Parties commit to seeking amicable resolution through consultation and negotiation. Should the dispute persist, the Parties may explore alternative mechanisms for resolution, such as mediation, in accordance with mutually agreed-upon procedures. This article underscores the Parties' commitment to resolving disputes in a cooperative and constructive manner, ensuring the effective implementation and enforcement of the Agreement.

Article V, Notice of Withdrawal
This agreement shall continue to be in force until such time as any party decides to withdraw from it, intent to withdraw must be delivered in writing to other signatories which will commence a six (6) month notice period. If all parties wish to terminate this agreement, no notice period is required and the treaty can be terminated immediately.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorised by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done in three originals, August 2004.

For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Lawrence Adams

For the Portuguese Republic:
President of Portugal
António Guterres

For the Kingdom of Spain:
Prime Minister of Spaion
Pedro Sánchez

Published by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
Point of Contact
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, London, SW1
Telephone: 03700 00 22 44
© Crown Copyright​



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

To: Secretary Charlotte Baker Jamie
Prime Minister Sánchez Zak

Subject: Trilateral Agreement on Maritime Trade

I hope this message finds you both well. I am pleased to inform you that the Trilateral Agreement on Maritime Trade has successfully passed through the Portuguese Congress and has been signed by the President of Portugal. With these approvals, the agreement is now fully ratified and will come into full effect.

We are excited about the opportunities this agreement presents for enhancing economic cooperation, streamlining maritime trade, and strengthening our collective maritime security efforts. The provisions within the agreement are a testament to our shared commitment to fostering growth and stability in our respective regions.

We look forward to the positive impact this collaboration will bring and to working closely with both the United Kingdom and Spain to implement the initiatives outlined in the agreement. Please feel free to reach out if there are any additional steps required from our side or if there are specific areas where immediate collaboration is necessary.

Thank you for your cooperation and dedication to this important endeavor.

Secretary of Trade and Commerce,
Alberto Martins

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