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[Ukr] Make the World Blind


GA Member
May 22, 2020
Once the plane had come to a complete stop on the Tarmac, Polish Policja and Soldiers would drive a set of stairs to the front left door, the one located behind the cockpit, before the Policja quickly climbed the stairs and entered the plane.

"May I have everyone's attention. I apologize for the inconvenience but please remain seated. We have an active investigation taken place and if you interfere, you will be arrested." He would repeat this as he walked through the isles ahead of the soldiers with only holstered pistols at their side. The lead soldier had something taped to his left forearms and as he walked he would compare whatever it was with the older male passengers until they stopped beside the Prime Minister.

"Sir, raise your hands above your head and stand up slowly. You are under arrest. Please remain quiet until we are off the plane."

The soldier would produce a pair of steel handcuffs from his pocket before placing a hand on the wrist of the Prime Minister, to help him out into the isle of the plane. As the soldier helped the Prime Minister, three Policja moved past to keep any possible unruly passengers from interfering. No firearms were in their possession. Just collapsible batons that would inflict pain and broken bones but not permanently harm anyone.


"You will have it once you land." The man nodded as he got back into the front seat of the van with another GROM soldier. Once everyone was on board the aircraft, the vehicles would drive back to the road and begin the trip back to their base. The the GROM soldiers would be sure to sit the family and the agent next to each other, in the hopes of making them feel more comfortable with the ride. The engines whined as they helicopter gently left the ground and began rotating towards the safe house location. A farm house procured by the Ministry of Defense to act as a safe haven for VIPs. Once they were fully in the air, the soldiers would give the family and the agent a set of earmuffs with a microphone to allow them to talk to each other or the soldiers.

After an hour flight, the helicopter would begin descending before setting gently down on the front yard of an older house with a single black Mercedez-Benz sitting in the driveway. Two men in civilian clothing would step out of the house carrying FB Mini-Beryls in their hands. The first would move to the helicopter and help the family climb out of it while the second opened the rear of the SUV and pulled two black duffel bags out of it.

"Zdravstvuyte, friends. I am Pies and this is Kot. We will be assisting your own bodyguard in protecting you until your safe passage back to Ukraine can be achieved. Inside this duffel bag you will find a spare change of clothes for each of you." His Polish was one that hinted he was raised in a rural area. He raised the first bag before looking at the agent. "This bag is for you. It has four ballistic vests, a MP5 submachine gun with five spare magazines, a couple boxes of ammunition, an encrypted radio and headset, and a USP pistol with three magazines. As for the first aide kits, there are several throughout the house. We will walk you through to make sure you know where everything is." He raised the bag to hand it to the Agent. "Pizza anyone?"

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Apr 5, 2020
Perfect, thought Prime Minister Yanukovych as the Polish forces entered. A Police and military escort was just what someone of his status deserved. His smile disintegrated as the lead soldier announced that he was under arrest.

He would raise his hands as he had been asked, but would not abide by the order to remain silent. “Just wait a moment, is this really necessary? I understand you-” The cold metal clinked around his wrists. “Okay, okay, I get it,” he groaned. This was not Viktor Yanukovych’s first time in handcuffs, but he hoped it would be his last. "Blyat, not so tight please."

A murmuring swept through the passengers, but none would move to interfere with the investigation. Though, one man would attempt to capture the moment with his 1997 Sony Digital Mavica.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister’s family was feeling much more at ease since they had been reunited with Agent Pipenko. They would lean past each other in the hellicopter to gaze at the beautiful Polish countryside below. The further away from the border they got, the less apprehension they had towards their hosts. The Yanukovych sons would make an attempt at small talk with the pilot or pilots, asking how many years they had been flying and what their favorite part of the job was. Before they knew it, they had arrived at their destination.

"Dziękuję bardzo," Mrs. Yanukovych would say before departing from the helicopter, thank you very much. Her Polish wasn't very good, she definetly had an accent, but that was one phrase she could remember.

Pies and Kot would receive warmer salutations than their counterparts at the border had.

“Christmas already?” Agent Pipenko smiled. He would accept the duffle bag like a boy being gifted his first bb gun. Now he wouldn’t feel so naked.

Mrs. Yanukovych nodded as well, “yes, thank you very much for your hospitality. I think a meal would be much appreciated.”



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
President Gore remained silent for a few moments and then responded, "We will be in contact with the Polish. If they allow us to launch our special forces from Poland, we will be able to help. I'm sure that you're busy," the President said. "Who can we contact that you still trust if we will be able to assist your forces?" the President asked. Meanwhile, plans were starting to be made to secretly inform the Gang of Eight in Congress as well as the logistics of deploying special forces to Europe. President Gore waited for his answer.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
"Sorry, sir. We will explain your charges when we are outside." The Police officer offered a smile as he helped the President through the tight aisle of the passenger airline. The soldiers watched the passengers until he spotted one holding a camera. Instead of grabbing it from his hands, he simply shook his head at the man. The soldiers and police officers would back out of the airline once the Prime Minister was out of the aircraft before placing him in a military Honker.

"Sorry about the theatrics sir. We will get the handcuffs off of you once we are out of view of the public. The brass thought it would be better if the Ukrainians upstarts thought you had been arrested once you arrived in Poland." The man talking punched a few numbers into a phone before hitting the dial button. "Yes. Target secured. Hand the line of to the HVT." The soldier turned in his seat before holding the phone so the Prime Minister could hear. "You wife sir."


The family would be led into the farmhouse and allowed to change into shower before being showed where they would be staying. The basement had been converted into a secured area complete with a small armory. While the group was eating pizza, a cell phone rang in the pocket of Pies. "Sir," he answered it. "Confirmed sir. Here is the HVT." He would offer the phone to the Prime Minister's Wife. "It's your husband, ma'am."

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Apr 5, 2020
Maidan and the Verkhovna Rada,

The crowd on the Maidan swelled like an infection. Like metastatic cancer, some of the masses had spread onto neighboring streets. Militsiya officers stood on the roof tops and crouched in the windows that surrounded Independence Square. Drumming fingers on rifle barrels. How would it look if they fired on an unarmed crowd? That was why they hadn’t done anything yet. That was why they hadn’t stormed Oleksandrivska Hospital, either. Not yet. But the crowd just kept accumulating like the snow. Something would need to be done...

Inside the Verkhovna Rada Building, Leonid Kuchma could still feel the barrel of a gun firmly pressed against his spine. After a bout of shouting, orders to get on the ground, and the zip tying of hands, the militsiya had marched him and the rest of his team up to the main floor. Taras was left in the basement where he had fallen. Though blindfolded, Kuchma was fairly certain that the thin carpet they were now forced to kneel on was in the chamber, where parliament was normally held. One of the officers was mumbling a report to his commander, but they were too many steps away to be understood by the kneeling hostages.

Why haven’t they killed me yet? Wondered Kuchma. A few seconds of panicked gunfire had taken out poor Taras, and that Pravda fuck was short a few fingers (a real shame), but Kuchma himself hadn’t suffered any injury. Maybe they really did want a trial?

“Hey,” Kuchma said, trying to turn his head towards whoever was shoving the point of an AK in his back. “Hey, listen parni, fellas, can you untie me so I can take a piss, or do you just wanna hold my cock for me?” He braced himself for the punch to the face or riflebutt to the jaw that most Ukrainian men would have dealt in response to such a suggestion, but there was nothing.

“Shut up, katsap suka,” growled the officer. “You can wet yourself for all I care.”

All bark, no bite. So, a televised trial then? A bit of theater they wouldn’t want to mess up his face for, lest the public mistake him for a victem.

The newly appointed President of Ukraine would continue speaking. “I just thought you would have thrown us in cells by now is all. We’ve been kneeling here forever, my knees are killing me. Will the court proceedings be this slow?”

There was a longer pause this time, as if his captors were uncertain how to respond. “I told you to shut up!” Snarled the guard—judging from his voice it was the same one. He seized the collar of Kuchma’s shirt, shaking him. His breath was hot with a signature of cigarettes, horseradish, and dill. “We’ll move you when we want. Right now, we want you to kneel here, so you’re going to kneel!”

Kuchma tilted his head, chewing on this new information. Did they not have a holding facility secured? That didn’t make any sense, this was the MoD and the police. Unbeknownst to him, a crowd had broken off from the Maidan and was standing before the Rada, voicing their disapproval of the earlier beating of Yulia Tymoshenko.

Oleksandrivska Hospital, Kyiv
Phonecall with Al Gore

"Poland," President Yushchenko nodded, kicking himself for not calling them first. He would provide the Americans with contact information for the Director of the SSU, Volodymyr Ivanovych Radchenko. "The Republic of Ukraine cannot express its gratitude enough, Mr. President." Then Yushchenko would politely end the call. He would need to draft some sort of temporary emergency admittance agreement before they arrived--he had forgotten to mention that to the Gore Administrarion. This headache was just too much, he couldn't concentrate, and for some reason his mouth was begining to taste like a tin can or copper mug.


Somewhere, Poland

"Yes, it's fine," said Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych. His tone deeply contradicted his words. He was about to ask who, specifically, had thought up this cherade, but before he could get another word out, a phone was passed to him. "My wife?"

"Vitya, you are alright?" Mrs. Yanukovych asked, using the diminutive of his first name. She dapped away some tears with a tissue. "We were so worried about you!"

He would confirm, yes, yes, he was alright and the Poles were taking good care of him. Yes, her had packed the icon she had given him, it was in his luggage. Yes, the Poles had grabbed that--he was fairly certain. Yes, he had eatten recently, the in flight food wasn't bad. Yes, he promised he would see them very soon. The Prime Minister shifted away from his hosts as he spoke, trying to hide his flushed face. "Yes, yes, Kukolka, I love you too."



Apr 5, 2020

Once upon a time, Director Volodymyr Radchenko had been a young KGB agent. Over the course of his career in the Soviet intelligence agency, he had naturally befriended some Russians.

Now he was Director of Ukraine’s own intelligence agency. Walking his fingers over his Rolodex, he selected a handful of names—people who had been in favor of dismantling the Soviet Union on the basis of economic and civil rights. People who, at least in the time Radchenko had known them, expressed brotherly sentiments towards the state of Ukraine.

He reviewed the five or so business cards he had arranged on his desk. Russia was grappling with a civil war and terrorism. Radchenko wasn’t sure if any of these men had maintained positions within the Russian Intelligence Agency or Special Operations Command, but if there was the slightest chance that something could be accomplished cooperatively, he needed to try.

Radchenko selected the most qualified candidate and dialed the phone number on a secure, encrypted line.

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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Moscow was beyond disarray these days. Ministers ran around like blind children, Directors were flooded with tsunamis of paperwork, and the officers suffered from burdens of sending their countrymen to kill more of their countrymen. Vadim Bakatin was among these men, having been taken from retirement by the request of Her Imperial Majesty herself, he was currently serving as Director of the Federal Security Service.

When the call came in he could hardly believe it. Using his secure phone, he picked up. "Volodomyr, is that truly you? Or have I finally lost my mind?"



Apr 5, 2020
"Vadim," Volodymyr smiled slightly. He had always held a quiet admiration for the man. Speaking with him felt like loosening one's tie after a satisfying courtroom verdict. As with most Kyivans born under Soviet rule, Russian was Radchenko's mother tongue. He found it to be a more direct language than the folksy Ukrainian the Yushchenko administration encouraged its ministers to use. He slipped back into it like a well tailored blazer. "No, you haven't gone crazy. Though, it seems half the old Eastern Bloc has."

"I'm calling you off the record--as a friend, Vadya, as a brother. Your country has terminated its diplomatic missions in Ukraine without warning. We believe this is due to the influence of the so called 'Kuzmuk administration.'" He paused, keeping a cool tone, "The legitimate Ukrainian government would like to see him retired. We already have preperations underway with Spetsnaz units your country so generously sponsored. These are men I'm proud of, but they're green, Vadim. It would be less of a concern if I were only ordering them to retake the MoD, but we have a delicate situation in the Rada Building as well. A friend of both Ukraine and Russia, a friend of mine, will likely face summary execution if the slightest mistep is made."

"I've spoken to my own advisors, and now I'm speaking with you. What consultation can you provide an old friend?"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
President Gore ended the call with the Ukrainian President and then met with the NSC and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to decide what the most appropriate course of action was. Meanwhile, representatives from the CIA and the American Embassy in Poland were in discussions with the Polish to organize some kind of incursion into Ukraine to hopefully end the coup and make the situation right. The President personally ensured that these efforts went forward and that United States Special Forces would be in place in order to help whenever Poland was ready.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
A moment of confusion hit Vadim, it would seem that there was more going on in Ukraine than the Russian government had first thought. "My dear friend, I don't know the details of what is happening in Ukraine but what I can tell you for certainty is that it was not Russia who severed diplomacy with your nation - it was the Ukrainian government. Viktor Chernomyrdin was quite specific in stating his expulsion from Ukraine was... odd." Vadim would quickly go through his encrypted computer files to find the report. "From the report that I have, Volodomyr, Chernomyrdin's expulsion letter was signed by President Oleksandr Kuzmuk, First Deputy Minister of Defense Vasyl Sobkov, and Head of Kyiv Malitsiya Volodymyr Koryak." Vadim's confusion would turn to worry. "If you wish to issue retirements then I can aid with doing so. I'll need the permission of Her Imperial Highness, but she is quite... open to aiding foreign nations, I don't see her turning down the request, especially with the war at home coming to a close."

The man would think for a moment. "My friend, Russia has a total of five-hundred well trained Spetsnaz that can be sent to Ukraine to aid with your troubles. If you wish for them to train Ukrainian spetsnaz or aid more directly we can do that. Or... if you wish for them to be the ones to issue a retirement form... then we can do that as well. But I must warn you, you should have an plan-B or even an escape plan for you and those involved if this fails. I'm certain, if it comes to it, that seeking refuge in Russia will be granted."

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Apr 5, 2020
Volodymyr narrowed his eyes. He would jot down the names Vadim had listed, and underline them twice. “That is entirely the issue. President Yushchenko is not dead. And even if he were deceased, Mr. Kuzmuk, as Minister of Defense, would have no claim to succeeding him as our Head of State. I apologize for the confusion, the MoD is attempting a coup.”

He rubbed the stubble on his chin. Constitutionally, foreign forces could not be admitted into the country without the approval of the Verkhovna Rada. Volodymyr turned his head towards the blue and gold flag which stood proudly in the corner of his office. “Your suggested course of action will result in legal issues. But, having reviewed the situation so thoroughly, it is obvious Ukraine has no other choice if we wish to preserve our Republic. A Ukrainian citizen is accepting your offer, any consequences will fall on a Ukrainian--you have my word no issue will be raised between our governments.”

The Director would brief Vadim on the situation thus far.
  • President Yushchenko was shot while giving a speech announcing Ukraine would purchase Russian debt from Sparrow Industries, with the goal of strengthening Russo-Ukrainian cooperation in this new, post-Soviet Era.
  • The assassins were originally believed to have been neo-soviets and pro-Russian separatists, as several landmarks (including the Holodomor Monument) had been defaced with communist and Russian nationalist slogans.
  • After detaining one of the suspects and witnessing Minister of Defense Kuzmuk’s recently televised speech, it has become clear that the MoD and the National Police are attempting an Ultra-Nationalist, and to quite an extent and anti-Russian coup
  • The President is in questionable condition, but it is believed the ultra-nationalists will refrain from conducting a blunt force attack on the hospital. Still, we would like to move Yushchenko as soon as possible to a safer location.
  • Prime Minister Yanukovych is in a safe location in Poland.
  • The Verkhovna Rada had a snap vote declaring the Chairman of the Rada, Leonid Kuchma, Temporary President. Vadim might already be familiar with the man, infact he might have known him. During and after the Union's decline, Kuchma had advocated for reform and a continued friendship with the Russian state.
  • Leonid Kuchma is currently in the bombshelter located under the Verkhovna Rada Building. The National Police have control of the rest of the building.
  • The Minister of Defense Kuzmuk remains, to the knowledge of the Ukrainian Security Service, within the Ministry of Defense Building.

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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Vadim would quickly write what Volodymyr told him on a piece of paper. "It would seem this conspiracy in Ukraine has gone further than you believed, my friend, you are surrounded by snakes - please keep your wits about you." Vadim would put down his pen once the information stopped. "I will bring this situation to Her Imperial Majesty. She is a benevolent ruler, you will have the support you need, Volodymyr - Ukraine's government will not fall. I shall call you again once I've been given authorization to begin the operation. Until then, is there anything else I can do for you or Ukraine?"

If there wasn't, Vadim would end the call.

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GA Member
May 22, 2020
The Polish special forces held stoic faces as the politician spoke to his wife. They understood what it was like to be away from loved ones for an extended period of time. The black SUVs drove off the airport tarmac and cornered away from the city, driving towards the interior of the country. "Sir, you will see your family in a few hours. We advise you to get some rest. If you need anything let us know and we will do our best to provide. Anytime we stop, we would like to put the ballistic vest behind your seat on and allow us to secure the area before you exit the vehicle. You should already be aware of security measures being Prime Minister, yes?" If the Prime Minister were to look behind him, he would see a ballistic vest with the Pantera camouflage pattern as well as a few assault rifles, magazines, and first aid kits bearing a red cross. The operator sitting in the back with the PM would offer to remove the cuffs once they were on the main road leading towards his family.


"Ma'am, your husband will be here in a few hours. If you would like to freshen up and get some rest, you are free to do so. I would like to request everyone stay in doors for the time being and keep all the windows closed and covered until we are certain the area is secured." Pies would hold his hand for the cell phone. Once recovered, he would pocket it and descend the stairs into the basement where he would monitor the security cameras previously set up around the outside of the house.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
With the meeting between the Russian government and Tsarina Catherin III having concluded, Vadim Bakatin would use an encrypted phone line to contact Volodymyr once more.



Apr 5, 2020

Russian aid was a comfort, but the Director’s relief was quelled as a memo fell across his desk. It reported that the President’s Chief of Staff, Yurik Horbulin, had passed suddenly from cardiac arrest--he had also been experiencing acute renal failure. Likewise, the President had just been diagnosed with acute renal failure. Poisoning was suspected, though it was not known what substance had been used. The public would not be informed of any of this. Volodymyr would spend the intermittent time making calls to his people to ensuring that yet another SSU investigation would be initiated. And what was this? Another memo regarding something at a new station in Lviv?

His phone rang, interrupting him midway through the paper. He would answer the private, encrypted line hastily. “Director Radchenko speaking.”



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Hello, Volodymyr. It's Vadim. Her Imperial Majesty has given me green light. Five-hundred Spetsnaz are at your disposal." He would quickly search through the various papers situated his desk. "They'll be coming in on Ural-4320 trucks, armed to the teeth. Is Kyiv the only location you want them to be in? Are there any other cities at risk from this coup? Odessa? Kharkiv? Lviv? I'll also need the names and locations of those to be targeted, alongside any location you wish the Spetsnaz to be stationed at."



Apr 5, 2020

“Then together our force will total 3.5 thousand.” It was time for Volodymyr to review his own papers. “I will advise you that the Donbas region is experiencing considerable violence. The Ultranationalists have cited legitimate communist demonstrations, and close proximity to the Russo-Ukrainian border, as justification for their grappling with local government and the murder of misidentified civilians. I’m concerned they’ll spin any Russian assistance in the region as an annexation attempt. For now, Ukrainian forces will exclusively handle the situation there. We would like to delegate your aid to Kyiv.”

He lit a cigarette and picked up a packet of paper. “Our first objective will be to have your men reach the capitol as quickly as possible. Ukraine’s most prominent weakness is no state secret.” Flat. Like blini. Fascists had blitzed across her plaines in the Great Patriotic War, and now Ukraine would require her allies to do the same. “If you start from Bryansky Oblast, we estimate you can reach the destination in about 3.5 to 4 hours. We don’t expect enemy resistance until you reach the city limits--and even then, the majority of their forces are Right-Bank, the western side of the Dnieper.”

“Oleksandr Kuzmuk is our prime target. His last confirmed location was within the Ministry of Defense Building [6, Povitroflotskyi sq.; 50.44328 30.47941]. As I said before, we would like him detained as soon as possible. Ukraine’s own spetsnaz will provide more specifics once your men arrive.” Volodymyr had confidence his friend would understand his ambiguity. Removing fingerprints from a statesman’s resignation letter and sidearm had been a survival skill under the Union.

“Another primary objective is the evacuation of Leonid Kuchma from the Verkhovna Rada [ 5, Hrushevsky St; 50.44743 30.53682]. We received a phone call from him stating that he and five of his staff are hiding in the Rada’s bombshelter. We have since lost contact. We believe this is due to inadequate wiring. The telephone system was installed during the 1960s and there was no reason for use until now. However, it’s important to note that enemy forces are known to be in control of the main floor of the Rada Building at this time. The ultranationalists have made no announcement regarding Kuchma’s capture, but it’s not impossible that we have a hostage crisis on our hands. Again, Ukrainian Spestnaz will provide greater detail and floor plans when they rendezvous with your forces.”

“There are three aditional concerns you should be aware of. First, the condition of President Yushchenko. He remains in Oleksandrivska Hospital [Shovkovychna St 39/1; 50.43900 30.52915]--very much alive, but unwell. Second, there is a massive Republican protest underway on the Maidan [Independence Square/Maidan Nezalezhnosti; 50.45016 30.52419]. There are also several Militsiya sniper teams posted on the rooftops surrounding the Square. I think you understand how this could escalate. Finally…” He sighed, “a hostage situation has rapidly developed in Lviv. [Valova St, 31; 49.840634, 24.035695]. Olene Skoropadskiy (the daughter of Ukraine's last Hetman) and her son, Pavlo Skoropadskiy, are being held there. We have minimum information on this family, but we believe it would be useful to have them alive.”



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019


Spetsnaz troops preparing for Slavic Valor in Kursk Oblast

Ukrainian Political Turmoil
Classified & Encrypted

Operation Information
Following the events of December 26th 1991, the post-Soviet states have been in a state of turmoil. The Georgians were the first to fall to civil war, then the Tajikistani, and finally the Russians. With the Imperial victory in Russia, keeping positive Russo-Ukrainian has been of paramount importance. Political turmoil has been present in Ukraine since before the Russian civil war and the Tsarina has made it clear that Russia will do whatever is necessary to assure that civil war or even a coup will not take place between the Ukrainian government and the ultranationalists of the nation.

With that decision being made, the Imperial Russian Armed Forces have set-up a joint-operation between the ground forces, air force, and the Federal Security Service to launch an operation deep into Ukraine and its capital of Kyiv to support the Republic of Ukraine's legal government and deterring the ultranationalists from attempting a coup. All of this has, of course, been authorized by the Ukrainians. A total of 570 FFS Spetsnaz and aircraft crew have been assembled in two Russian air bases with a total of 25 Mil Mi-8T transport helicopters and 1 Antonov An-26 plane to transport the Spetsnaz deep into Ukraine.

Each Spetsnaz platoon for the helicopter flights would be equipped with the following: 1 Leader (1x Stechkin Automatic Pistol, 1x AS "Val" Suppressed Assault Rifle), 1 Sniper (1x PSS Silent Pistol, 1x VSS Vintorez Suppressed Sniper Rifle), 1 Sniper Aid (1x PSS Silent Pistol, 1x AS "Val" Suppressed Assault Rifle) 16 Spetsnaz (16x PSS Silent Pistol, 16x AS "Val" Suppressed Assault Rifle), 2 ATGM Operators (2x PSS Silent Pistol, 2x AS "Val" Suppressed Assault Rifle, 1x Konkurs ATGM), 1 MANPAD Operator (1x PSS Silent Pistol, 1x AS "Val" Suppressed Assault Rifle, 1x 9K38 Igla MANPAD) 1x Grenade Spetsnaz (1x PSS Silent Pistol, 1x AS "Val" Suppressed Assault Rifle, 1x GM-94 Automatic Grenade Launcher). The Spetsnaz platoon assigned to the Antonov An-26 is equipped with the following: 1 Leader (1x Stechkin Automatic Pistol, 1x AS "Val" Suppressed Assault Rifle), 2 Snipers (2x PSS Silent Pistol, 2x VSS Vintorez Suppressed Sniper Rifle), 2 Sniper Aid (2x PSS Silent Pistol, 2x AS "Val" Suppressed Assault Rifle), 19 Spetsnaz (19x PSS Silent Pistol, 19x AS "Val" Suppressed Assault Rifle), 2 ATGM Operators (2x PSS Silent Pistol, 2x AS "Val" Suppressed Assault Rifle, 1x Konkurs ATGM), 1 MANPAD Operator (1x PSS Silent Pistol, 1x AS "Val" Suppressed Assault Rifle, 1x 9K38 Igla MANPAD) 3x Grenade Spetsnaz (3x PSS Silent Pistol, 3x AS "Val" Suppressed Assault Rifle, 3x GM-94 Automatic Grenade Launcher), alongside with all necessary paratrooping equipment.

The helicopters would leave from Kursk-Voctochniv Air Base and fly to Kyiv following this route: KN > KO.

The Antonov transport plane would leave from Gvardeyskove Air Base in Crimea and fly to Lyiv following this route: KN > KO.

Deployed Forces
Kursk-Vostochniy Air Base, Khalino, Kursk Oblast

Imperial Russian Air Force - 75 Helicopter Crew Members​
1st Helicopter Flight - 15 Helicopter Crew Members​
x5 Mil Mi-8T Transport Helicopter​
2nd Helicopter Flight - 15 Helicopter Crew Members​
x5 Mil Mi-8T Transport Helicopter​
3rd Helicopter Flight - 15 Helicopter Crew Members​
x5 Mil Mi-8T Transport Helicopter​
4th Helicopter Flight - 15 Helicopter Crew Members​
x5 Mil Mi-8T Transport Helicopter​
5th Helicopter Flight - 15 Helicopter Crew Members​
x5 Mil Mi-8T Transport Helicopter​

16th Special Forces Brigade - 460 Spetsnaz​
1st Special Forces Detachment - 115 Spetsnaz​
1st Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
2nd Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
3rd Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
4th Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
5th Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
2nd Special Forces Detachment - 115 Spetsnaz​
1st Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
2nd Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
3rd Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
4th Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
5th Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
3rd Special Forces Detachment - 115 Spetsnaz​
1st Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
2nd Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
3rd Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
4th Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
5th Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
4th Special Forces Detachment - 115 Spetsnaz​
1st Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
2nd Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
3rd Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
4th Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​
5th Special Forces Platoon - 23 Spetsnaz​

Gvardeyskoye Air Base, Gvardeyskoye, Crimea

Imperial Russian Air Force - 5 Plane Crew Members​
1st Transport Flight - 5 Plane Crew Members​
x1 Antonov An-26 Transport Plane​

22nd Special Forces Brigade - 30 Spetsnaz​
  • 1st Special Forces Detachment - 30 Spetsnaz


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

With confirmation of the Americans arriving in Poland within the next 4 days, the Imperial Security Service (I.S.S) would notify the officer in charge of the 22nd Special Forces Brigade that his new orders were to board the Antonov An-26 and fly to the rendezvous point of the 23rd Air Base in Poland. Following arrival he and the 29 other Spetsnaz were to await the American arrival before proceeding to the Ukrainian city of Lviv.

Upon receiving the order, the Spetsnaz detachment would gather all of their parachuting equipment alongside their personnel equipment. The Russian Air Force would assure that the An-26 was properly prepared and fueled before they departed the Gvardeyskoye Air Base in Crimea and began their journey north-west towards Poland. Following KN > KO, it would take approximately one hour before they would arrive to the 23rd Air Base.


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

The Antonov An-26 would have flown over Ukraine, at an altitude high enough to avoid bare-eye detection from the ground. Upon the approach of the 23rd Air Base they would begin their descent. The pilot of the plane would signal the tower of the base. The pilot knew Polish, although it was a quite broken Polish. "Tower of Air Base 23, this is Polkovnik Nikitin, pilot and flight officer of the Antonov An-26 assigned to the joint operation between American, Russian, and Polish forces. Callsign Karavan-107, we are transporting a detachment of Spetsnaz. Requesting clearance to land, please direct us. Over."

With that said, he would await for the Polish to reply and assign them a runway and/or a hangar.
