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United States | The White House

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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018


Vice President Benjamin V. Sinclair
July 1, 2004


"Good afternoon... At the request of President Gore who is out of the country, I will be delivering a statement regarding what has happened in New Caledonia. Firstly, on behalf of the President and the American People, I extend my sincerest condolences to the Kingdom of Poland for the loss of life of soldiers and any volunteers - all of whom were distributing aid on the islands. Polish troops are in New Caledonia at the invitation of the French government and are there for humanitarian purposes. A so-called revolutionary organization has murdered several Polish soldiers and is clamoring for the independence of New Caledonia.

"President Gore and myself have spoken with representatives from the State Department, the Department of Defense, and the Central Intelligence Agency - as far as we can see there have been no official or legitimate attempts by this group to bring the question of independence up to the New Caledonian people, the French government, the Global Assembly, or through any other legitimate channels. Instead, they have chosen violence and the murder of people from a world away who were there to do nothing but help them feed their families. The actions by this terrorist group in New Caledonia are abhorrent and an afront to common human decency and the rule of law.

"At this time, we do not have a full account of exactly how many Polish casualties there have been in New Caledonia. However, American diplomats have expressed to the highest authorities in Poland that the United States will support their mission in New Caledonia so long as the French do, and we will support whatever means are necessary to evacuate Polish soldiers or assist them by other means. Remarkably, the State Department has confirmed to the White House that there are currently no Americans on New Caledonia or the surrounding islands.

"An American task force is being deployed to the Pacific. At this time, the United States has no plans for a permanent presence of American forces in New Caledonia, and we have not had any kind of invitation from the French or Polish government to station American forces there. With that being said, I want to emphasize that the United States recognizes that the Polish government and the Polish armed forces are in the lead of what is happening in New Caledonia. Outside interference from other state actors, if not welcomed by the Polish government, will be in direct contradiction of the policy of the United States government and this administration. We highly encourage all other governments to work directly with the Polish government before hastily organizing any kind of response in New Caledonia. Thank you."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018


President Benjamin V. Sinclair
January 20, 2005

"Vice President Blumenthal, Mister Speaker, Mister Chief Justice, President Ford, President Carter, Vice President Mondale, President Gore, reverend clergy, my fellow citizens... What you have just witnessed was not a victory for any political party or special interest. The Presidency and the Vice Presidency of the United States are now in the hands of men with no bounds to any political party, and an allegiance only to the Constitution and the United States of America. This gathering today, at this place and time, represents the end and beginning of several things, but is most importantly a continuation of our republic and a peaceful transition of power from a very estimable man to myself. For thousands of years, princes and kings and tyrants alike fought to the death and gripped the reins of power until their dying breaths. Since 1797, our republic is one of the few in the world where the people can truly choose their leaders, from the mayor of a town of 300 people, to the President of 300-million people.

"For over 200 years, the United States has forged its own destiny with the will of the American People as its rule and guide. America has endured times of great hardships and war, but we have stoically marched forward with the utmost fortitude and the strongest of national spirits. Our country has never been one that has relied on the government to bring forth fortune or greatness. The individual spirit of every American, guided by righteous moral character, has worked to build and support families, to invent technologies people only a generation ago could never even imagine, and to build businesses that have employed millions and brought them to the middle class. The people of this country have built charities that help Americans and people the world over, while contributing more to philanthropy than any people in any country anywhere in the world in all of human history. The character, morality, determination, and pure grit of our people is second to none... That begs the question, what is the role of government? The government of this republic exists to execute the will of the people, to protect them from harm, and ensure that they can perform the most sacrosanct American right of pursuing their happiness.

"Despite our rise from a fledgling republic to that shining city upon a hill, we are still human. We have made mistakes and suffered mishaps. In the past fifty years, we have slowly allowed critical industries in our country to slip away to other parts of the world. The growth of the middle class is not what it once was and, if we do not change our pace, we will see it shrink. If we continue on our current path, if we decide that the American People are destined for nothing more than to be part of a so-called 'service economy,' we will slowly watch the American Dream fade........ That will not happen under my watch. No matter the cost! No matter the sacrifice! No matter the politics! No matter what!!!

"In a hundred years from now, when historians look at this crucial time of change in world history, they will look back and see what we decided. They will see that we decided to grow our apples in Washington State instead of importing them from a thousand miles away, they will see that we made our cars in Detroit instead of overseas, they will see that we reopened the textile mills in Maine and that we are energy independent. Business interests, the richest men in the world, the tyrants who have ruled for a thousand years will all try to stop us. They don't want to see our country succeed, they don't want there to be a middle class, they don't want the life of an average American to be the envy of the world, they don't want you to support a family on one income, they don't want you to have a family - but you will! We are going to get there together, we are going to preserve our country and make sure that our children have a better nation than even we did. My fellow citizens: let - us - begin.

"We are going to rebuild Detroit, we are going to save New York City, we are going to lift up our schools to be the envy of the world, we are going to make the Rust Belt America's backbone again, we are going to rebuild our infrastructure, we are going to grow the middle class and save the American Dream! So help me God, we will have an American Renaissance!"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018


President Benjamin V. Sinclair
June 25, 2005


"History has proved, time and time again, that our world is a better place when the governments and nations of the world can work together and settle their disputes through diplomacy and discussion, rather than violence and war. The Global Assembly is the international institution that has led that effort at maintaining global peace and order since 1995. Thanks to the Global Assembly as an international institution, diplomats from around Earth have gathered to discuss different ideas, settle their differences, and make the world a better place.

"Unfortunately, the Secretary General of The Global Assembly, Clark Stone, suddenly and unexpectedly passed away early this morning. The death of this statesman leaves a hole in the global diplomatic community which will be difficult to fill. Moments ago, I ordered that all American flags across the United States be ordered to half-staff in honor of the late Secretary General, as we mourn his loss. The world needs strong leaders and courageous diplomats now, more than ever, as we continue to sail through uncertain waters and face difficulties that we have had to rarely encounter before. My prayers are with the Secretary General's family, and with the entire world as we look to who will be the next presiding officer of the Global Assembly.

"May God grant the diplomats of the world wisdom and patience, and may He grant the same to the next Secretary General of the Global Assembly."

Global Assembly
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018


President Benjamin V. Sinclair
June 28, 2005


The White House press pool was surprised when the President's Press Secretary, Sarah Woodward, took to the podium and, instead of starting her briefing, said, "Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States." The members of the press and everyone else in the room stood up as the door to the left of the podium, which was just a stone's throw from the Oval Office, was opened. President Sinclair stepped through and smiled at Sarah.

"Good afternoon everyone. Please take your seats. Moments ago I signed Executive Order 44-12, which states a clarification that the Russian Federation will not be subject to the Strategic Accountability Policy that was published by the State Department. It also orders the departments of State, Energy, and Defense to begin preparing for the United States to host an international summit on the non-proliferation of strategic weapons and weapons of mass destruction. Those of us who have served in other countries know how just a dangerous place the world can be, and that strategic weapons and weapons of mass destruction increase that danger by an order of magnitude. I look forward to representatives from the United States government working with representatives from other countries around the world. I will now take your questions.

Q: "Mister President, why is the Russian Federation being exempted from the Strategic Accountability Policy?"
-Stephen Ward, PBS

A: "I have been in communication with President Nemstov. He can speak for himself, but I think it is safe to say that both of us want to live in a world where strategic warfare is less likely to happen. The entire point of Strategic Accountability is to hold states responsible for proliferating strategic weapons, and WMDs. The United States is currently not exporting strategic weapons or WMDs, and to the best of my knowledge the Russian Federation is not selling them now either, so the policy wouldn't apply to them anyway. I want the United States to work with Russia as a partner on this project. It is up to our two countries to work together and set an example for the rest of the world.

Q: "Mister President, what other policies or laws is the government going to pass by the Russians before taking action?"
-Mark Bass, USA Today

A: "We are not running policies and laws by the Russian government, and they aren't running their policies and laws by us. We are going to work together to strengthen already existing non-proliferation policies, and we are going to work together closely at the international summit.

Q: "Follow-up question, Mister President. What other countries will be exempted from Strategic Accountability?
-Mark Bass, USA Today

A: "Strategic Accountability applies to every country in the world except for the United States and the Russian Federation. I am confident that the United States and Russia will be able to work together and set an example for the rest of the world. We cannot let these weapons fall into the hands of terrorists or rogue states who want to use them as weapons of terror.

Q: "Mister President, what if the Russian government changes their mind and decides not to work with us?"
-Josh White, The Washington Post

A: "I normally don't like hypothetical questions, but I will tell you that it is in the best interest of the United States, the Russian Federation, and the world that we encourage the non-proliferation of strategic weapons. The more strategic weapons, and especially the more countries that have them, the easier it is for a misunderstanding to happen that could cause anything from an international incident to a full-on strategic war. We don't want that and I know that the Russians don't want that either. We have a common goal that we can work on together."

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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018


President Benjamin V. Sinclair
September 1, 2005


"Good evening. I'm speaking to you from the City of New Orleans. This city, now mostly empty, has suffered through the worst hurricane in modern American history. Through all of the devastation and unease that this city has gone through since the landfall of Katrina, I have heard countless stories of the heroism of rescue workers and first responders, as well as the sacrifices made by everyday Americans here in New Orleans. People here have opened up their homes to strangers, businesses have turned to giving away food and water for free, and the city has come together after this great tragedy.

"Make no mistake, the people here have suffered. Hundreds of thousands of people along the Gulf Coast and in Louisiana are still without electricity, roads and bridges are still down, and large parts of this city are still flooded. Monumental efforts are being undertaken by the federal government and the government of Louisiana to remove the water from New Orleans and to restore power to the Gulf Coast. Today, the runways at Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans have been cleared, and aid from around the county is being flown in around the clock. Rescue workers, firemen, and police officers from around the nation are arriving here to help the people of this city and to bring relief. The Army Corps of Engineers and construction workers from around the nation are here, in New Orleans, to repair the levees. They are working around the clock. Once the levees are repaired, pumping stations in the city will be able to remove the water that is here.

"New Orleans is one of the great cultural centers of our country. Louisiana is a diverse state with all kinds of peoples, from Cajuns to Creoles and more. The cultural capstone of this state is New Orleans, which is a metropolitan melting pot filled with people from all kinds of backgrounds. While Hurricane Katrina gave New Orleans a punch to the chin, I can assure you that the Federal Government and the State of Louisiana are not going to allow it to remain in shambles. When I return to Washington, my top legislative priority will be to pass a sweeping relief package to help rebuild critical infrastructure here, and to help everyday people who lost everything they had.

"If you and your family are still stranded, know that the entire country is coming to bring you aid. Hold on a little longer, because we are coming to help you. Stay strong and keep your faith... May God bless you, good night."​
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018


President Benjamin V. Sinclair
November, 2005


"My fellow Americans, I am deeply concerned and saddened to hear about the attacks that have occurred in London today. While we are still waiting for more information to come in from the British government and our embassy there, it is quite clear that these attacks were focused on civilians. The idea of targeting innocent civilians in attacks with the goal of doing nothing else but murdering innocent people is heinous.

"The United States and the United Kingdom have a long-standing relationship of cooperation politically, militarily, and economically. Our countries have ties that stretch back to the seventeenth century, and we also share a common language and many of us share a common faith. During the darkest days of World War One and World War Two, soldiers, sailors, and marines from our two nations have fought side-by-side in the trenches and the high seas. Our airmen guarded the skies against our enemies, and our people prayed together for an end to those wars that rocked the world. Since then, from the Cold War to now, our countries have worked in tandem to see to our mutual defense and prosperity. The American and British peoples are tied together by historical links that date back centuries. We have mutual interests and we share the ideals of general freedom, enterprise, and the right to the pursuit of happiness.

"While it is still unclear if any Americans fell victim to the attacks in London, rest assured the State Department is working closely with the British government to make that determination. I will be in constant contact with Ambassador Cook and I hope to speak with Prime Minister Adams over the phone sometime soon, when he is available. In the meantime, we will take every action necessary to ensure that we can assist our British friends. I have made it clear to the British government that if this was a foreign attack directed against the United Kingdom, the American government will assist Britain and respond as if this were attack against the United States itself.

"Domestically, I have ordered that security measures be heightened at American airports and other places around the country. The full resources of the Federal Government are being used at home to ensure the safety of the American People, and abroad to assist our ally in Britian... Pray for our British friends, as they would for us in this difficult time.

"Tonight, every American should hold their loved ones close and remember just how fragile the world is. Regardless of our struggles and the tyrants and evildoers who may oppose us, remember that good always overcomes evil and that it only takes our determination and national spirit as Americans to continue to march forward... May God bless the British People, and may God bless the United States of America... Goodnight."​


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018


President Benjamin V. Sinclair
November, 2005


"This morning the Federal Bureau of Investigation became aware of a small, twin-engine aircraft in Southern California which was piloted by two eco-terrorists who had loaded the aircraft with explosives. The goal of these terrorists were to fly the aircraft into the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Station and to detonate the explosives. Thanks to the FBI and military intelligence, this information was quickly processed and sent up to officials in the United States Air Force who reviewed it and determined the threat to be credible as well. Shortly thereafter, two fighter jets as well as logistics aircraft were scrambled from Edwards Air Force Base in California to respond to the threat.

"These fighters and logistics aircraft were not American, and neither were their pilots. Due to an agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom, aircraft and personnel from the British Royal Air Force are based in Southern California. This morning, due to some maintenance issues and a missing shipment of spare parts, the authorities in charge decided that it would be best to briefly ground all American fighters at the base that were on normal rotation to protect the skies of Southern California. The Royal Air Force authorities on the ground at Edwards Air Force Base agreed to have British pilots and fighters remain on standby throughout the day in case aircraft needed to be scrambled to respond to a threat.

"When word reached Edwards that there was a confirmed threat in the air over Southern California, the British pilots did not hesitate to scramble and respond to it immediately. I watched and listened to most of those events occur from the Situation Room here in the White House. I even spoke to one of the Royal Air Force Pilots before I was forced to order the shootdown of the terrorist aircraft. I can report to the American People that these pilots did everything they could to get the attention of the aircraft and resolve the situation peacefully before force had to be used... We were almost down to the last minute. The loss of life is never something that should be celebrated, but we can celebrate the aversion of tragedy and, also, that the United States has an ally who will not flinch to come to our aid.

"The heroism of those British pilots flying over the Golden State today is in stark contrast to the cowardice of the murderers who killed innocent people in London just a short time ago. We should all remember how the British have been, and are still, here for us and I fully commit for us to be there for them if, and when, we are needed. The alliance and special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is unwavering and, after the events of today, clearly not just symbolic.

"Finally, the FBI has stated that there are no other credible threats at this time, and they have made significant progress this afternoon in bringing the organizers of the attempted attack today to justice. All of the American People should remember that if you see something suspicious, you should not hesitate to report it to authorities. Someone, somewhere, did just that which is how, in part, this attack was thwarted today.

"Thank you to the brave men and women in our armed forces, the FBI, and the British Royal Air Force who all worked together to protect our country. Good afternoon."​



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018


President Benjamin V. Sinclair
April, 2006


"Good afternoon. Today unsettling news was published that revealed that the governments of the Russian Federation and India are each over 100-billion-dollars in debt. There have been reports from both Russia and India that their immense debts are causing domestic production issues as well as inflation. I suspended trading on the stock market for most of today because while there are bound to be some global repercussions to the market, I can assure the American People tonight that the American economy is in a healthy state and robust.

"As of now, the United States federal government is not indebted to any foreign government or organization. The only temporary debt that the United States has is to the Federal Reserve System, which is headquartered in Washington D.C. and fully operated by Americans. Right now, the government is running a surplus of over 19-billion dollars. This afternoon I ordered the Secretary of the Treasury to issue a 5-billion-dollar repayment to the Federal Reserve System. The United States is easily capable of repaying the remaining debt that it has, while still having plenty of money to spare. However, common prudence dictates that we should always be prepared for less fortunate times, which is why the Treasury is still maintaining a surplus even after our repayment to the Federal Reserve.

"To further show to the market and you, the American People, that the federal government is in a good financial decision and seriously interested in improving the American economy, I am calling directly on Congress to allocate an additional 5-billion-dollars of the current surplus towards infrastructure projects around the country which will create new jobs and improve the everyday life of Americans.

"To the average American, I want you to know that your retirement accounts and your savings are safe, to our allies around the world I want to make it clear that the United States economy is healthy and open for business, and finally to the financial world here at home I want to express my faith in the strength of the economy and the United States's ability to overcome and largely avoid the financial downturn that Russia and India are facing.

"Thank you, and good night."​
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