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[VT]: Message to Japan


Jul 1, 2018
Phạm Bình Minh would lead them back to the limousine once inside they would buckle up and await for the Japanese Prime Minister to do so as well. Once they had and the doors were closed the vehicle would start driving to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."What is you take on the current situation in the ICJ by the way? I trust that our appointed judge will not show favoritism just because of that recent release of course."



Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018
First of all it's unfortunate that it had come to this. But I am also glad that it went to the IJC otherwise the current situation would only get much worse.

Currently it is not looking good for the defendant because of the evidence that has been brought to the court. I do hope to find out the real truth what the defendant did and didn't do and why.


Jul 1, 2018
"Indeed, I also hope that the truth comes out. Our stake in the matter is technically at an end since we were merely protecting our interests and the interests of our ally Argentina. However, we are more then willing to let the ICJ do its job. Our problem was with Germany and Italy seemingly trying to make themselves the law."



Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018
I don't know how Germany and Italy got involved in this situation.

I am confident that the ICJ will do his job and punishes those who did wrong if needed.


Jul 1, 2018
"Thank you. When the residence of the President has finished repairs you will have to come and see it. Lets head inside." he would say as they arrived the vehicle parking. Opening the door he would exit the vehicle and await for them to exit as well before leading them inside. After a brief security check they would head up to their office a secure and private place."So, where shall we begin?" he asked taking a seat."Would you like some water?"



Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018
"Of course we will visit the residence of the President once the repairsare done."
"Yes, please."
"Well let's begin with the non aggression pact."


Jul 1, 2018
A Glass of ice cold water would be given at the request."Yes, a non aggression pact would be the best place to start. Is there any exact terms or conditions you had in mind for it?"
