Start Year: 1995
Current Year: 2006

Month: April

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Next Month: 23/03/2025


Administration Team

Administrators are in-charge of the forums overall, ensuring it remains updated, fresh and constantly growing.

Administrator: Jamie
Administrator: Hollie

Community Support

Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.

Moderator: Connor
Moderator: Odinson
Moderator: ManBear

Have a Question?
Open a Support Ticket


◤ Modern Nation Rules
Disclaimer : All Duration of time is out-of-character. Roleplay threads refer to all posts, content, topics and subforums posted in-character. The Community Support Team may at any time in their sole discretion change the rules.


[1] Worldwide Roleplay and Global Economics are strictly in-character zones.

[2] Roleplay threads written in a foreign language require an English translation or map coordinates if no direct translation exists.

[3] Users are entitled to a grace period of twenty-four (24) hours to respond to any roleplay thread that needs actioning. Individuals may offer longer grace periods as appropriate.

[4] Users must be tagged in a roleplay thread that concerns them. We advise using the feature again after twelve-hours (12) to serve as a reminder.

[5] With the exception of military rule four (4), no roleplay thread is allowed to be amended unless it’s to make minor corrections, such as spelling mistakes.

[6] We do not allow the same character to be employed simultaneously unless it’s practicable.

[7] To assign levels of protection to classified material, roleplay threads must be properly marked with one of several levels of sensitivity — restricted, private, confidential, encrypted, classified and (top) secret.

Military and Intelligence

[1] All roleplay threads of a military nature are to exceed one hundred (100) words. Roleplay threads subject to a word count are considered void if they fall below the threshold. Please use the report function and this will be flagged for removal. We will treat all threads as valid roleplay if any in-character response is made to a void thread, irrespective of the fallout.

[2] New players have immunity from intelligence attacks and armed conflict for ninety-five (95) days. This allows the user to establish themselves freely and safely. The Community Support Team may withdraw or reduce the days of immunity a user has, as appropriate.

[3] Before engaging in military roleplay, users must have an order of battle, more commonly known as ORBAT in their countries subforum. This must describe the following — command structure, disposition of personnel, units and equipment, utilised military bases, airfields and installations (including overseas facilities). Personnel and equipment that have not yet been structured are stationed in their capital city.

[4] Initial roleplay threads must serve as an overview to any military operation and encompasses their tactical objectives, belligerents, order of battle and staging points. This may need to be revised due to the volatile and unpredictable nature of military engagement, and as such, must be amended to record all latest revisions.

[5] When forces are deployed, they leave fully supplied allowing some measure of self-sufficiency. However, users are responsible for sustaining those forces thereafter.

[6] Military products with interchangeable weapons must be defined in the overview, otherwise we can assume they were deployed unarmed.

[7] Vessels underway are travelling at their maximum speed, unless otherwise stated.

[8] The route for each deployment made overseas, inshore or by surface travel must be properly recorded on a roleplay thread using the transit map as reference.

[9] Warfare-related technologies, such as chemical, biological, radiological warfare are acceptable forms of roleplay. Their development does not necessarily require genetic engineering — smallpox, plague and anthrax are deadly enough in their natural states. Nuclear weapons are prohibited due to their severe and indiscriminate environmental damage. ICBMs can be produced but these only hold conventional warheads.

[10] A research institute must be constructed for the development, production and transfer of chemical, biological and radiological weapons in respect of rule nine (9). Non-WMD related research will be considered on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of the Community Support team; research can only take place for real life prototypes rather than completely made up.

[11] A minimum of fifteen days (15) consecutive roleplay is required to invade territory controlled by another geopolitical entity. This is not applicable when territory is transferred and a monetary consideration is paid.

[12] A successful invasion is permanent. In order to maintain their power and the status quo, the occupied state may battle against controlling powers to secure their independence.

[13] Brazil, China, India, Russia, and the United States otherwise known as Class A have large surface areas which cannot be fully occupied by other Class A entities. In view of the United Kingdom’s political and historical significance, they’re considered Class A.

[14] Non-player countries cannot be invaded without prior authorisation. Please open a ticket with Community Support.

[15] Military Recruitment lasts at least fourteen days (14) and each trainee undergoing basic training costs at least $20,000.

[16] Military exercises ensure the combat readiness of garrisoned or deployable forces and require at least three (3) roleplay posts. Total costs are calculated by the number of attendees multiplied by $12,500, and will ordinarily be paid within twenty-four (24) hours by Money Transfer. This should be addressed to Modern Nations, and include a link to the exercise.

[17] Intelligence has two broad functions, collection and analysis and one relatively narrow one, covert action. Users must construct the appropriate infrastructure for this type of roleplay to take place. Recruitment lasts at least thirty-one (31) days and each intelligence officer undergoing basic training costs at least $65,000.

Economic Transactions

[1] National origin determines product ownership. If this information is not accessible, ownership is equally shared between the manufacturer(s), particularly the nations where these entities are incorporated or headquartered. The ownership of variants are determined by the original product, unless otherwise agreed with the Community Support Team.

[2] Users may become product owners by purchasing half or a majority of shares in a product, parent company and their subsidiaries. This supersedes the rule above.

[3] Users who have recently joined or requested a transfer cannot purchase shares for ninety-five (95) days.

[4] Duration times are automatically generated for all orders and if after four (4) days from the date generated, a player has not responded to confirm product delivery, the product(s) are made void.

[5] Unless an order is cancelled before it has passed quality control, the thread owner will be charged in full irrespective of all else. (duration times, cancellations, product prohibitions etc). Any losses in respect of this and rule four (4) are non-recoverable.

[6] Users cannot produce the same product within a twenty-four (24) hour period.

[7] Unless otherwise authorised, please use the product name exactly as shown on the Catalogue for all Purchase Orders.

[8] The variant being produced must be included in the title or description of a roleplay thread, otherwise they are converted to the original production version.

[9] Older variants may be retrofitted to keep equipment availability at the standards thought to be necessary in a high-intensity conflict. However, users can only retrofit products they own by default, not purchases made. The assemble times are below:

< 50 Units is 5 days • < 100 Units is 10 days • < 150 Units is 15 days • < 200 Units is 20 days

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