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Search results

  1. Odinson

    [Norway] Message To Emperor Friedrich IV of Germany

    KINGDOM OF NORWAY OFFICE OF THE KING ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: The State of International Relations RECIPIENT: Friedrich IV, Emperor of The German Realm...
  2. Odinson

    Ministry of Coastal Affairs

    MINISTRY OF COASTAL AFFAIRS Minister of Coastal Affairs Agnar Femrite Headquarters Oslo
  3. Odinson

    [MN] The Big One

    This is an official MN Event for the United States of America. Players who are not directly mentioned are encouraged to reply. It was 10:23 AM in Los Angeles, California. Arnie Woodworth, a lead scientist at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) was checking over past records after a...
  4. Odinson

    [Norway] Explusion of Chinese Diplomats from Norway

    In Oslo, a statement to the press was held at the headquarters of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Jakob Vinter, who had the Director of Kripos standing next to him, stated the following after a brief introduction by his press secretary: "Good afternoon. Under my own recommendation, and with...
  5. Odinson

    [Norway] Message to China

    KINGDOM OF NORWAY MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: Expulsion of Chinese Diplomats RECIPIENT: Wang Yi, Chinese Minister of...
  6. Odinson

    [Norway] Conference call with British and Dutch Foreign Ministers

    Jakob Vinter, Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs, picked up the phone in his office in Oslo and made a secure and encrypted phone call to both Leopold Albronda, Foreign Minister of The Netherlands, and Christopher Norris, Foreign Minister of The United Kingdom. If they, or some senior...
  7. Odinson

    [Norway] Operation Cocked Pistol

    KINGDOM OF NORWAY OPERATION: COCKED PISTOL CLASSIFIED: SECRET & PRIVATE __________________DEPLOYMENT LIST__________________ VALKYRIE COMBAT RESCUE TEAM [3] HH-60G SIKORSKY PAVE HAWK Fully fueled (+external tanks), weapons fully loaded and armed, basic medical supplies, water, food [6]...
  8. Odinson

    [Norway] 2013 Parliamentary Election

    STORTING ELECTION 2013 Current Storting Prime Minister: Leif Holt (Conservative) Storting President: William Volden Conservative Party: 87 (Government Leader) Labor Party: 40 (Opposition Leader) Liberal Party: 25 (Opposition) Green Party: 7 (Opposition) Nationalist Party: 4 Pirate Party: 3...
  9. Odinson

    [Norway] Aftenrapport - The Evening Report

    AFTENRAPPORT The Evening Report Aftenrapport is a prime-time evening news show paid for by the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten. The news anchor of the show is Rune Isberg. While not every broadcast is recorded here, the most notable and significant are for historical purposes. The broadcasts...
  10. Odinson

    Countdown to The King

    Lars Valstad slammed his fist on a glass table in front of him and looked up at the maintenance crew chief standing in front of him. "I don't give a damn what it costs," he said, his own breath turning into a white fog as it floated up from his mouth. "You're going to have this building ready in...
  11. Odinson

    [Corporate] Business Account for Kingdom of Norway

    <table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>COUNTRY</td><td>Kingdom of Norway</td></tr><tr><td>ACCOUNT NAME</td><td>Thor</td></tr><tr><td>ACCOUNT TYPE</td><td>Business Account</td></tr></table>
  12. Odinson

    [Norway] Phone Call to Sweden + Diplomacy

    Leif Holt, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Norway, placed an encrypted phone call to the Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister of Sweden. The call was some time in the afternoon. Leif was in his office in the Storting Building.
  13. Odinson

    [Norway] Message to France

    KINGDOM OF NORWAY MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: Territorial Discussion RECIPIENT: Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Europe and...
  14. Odinson

    [Purchase][Kingdom of Norway] P-8 Poseidon

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Kingdom of Norway</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>P-8 Poseidon</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>220,000,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>On...
  15. Odinson

    [Purchase][Kingdom of Norway] Iveco LMV

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Kingdom of Norway</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Iveco LMV</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>750</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>400,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>On the...
  16. Odinson

    [Purchase][Kingdom of Norway] Patria Pasi XA-185

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Kingdom of Norway</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Patria Pasi XA-185</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>200</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  17. Odinson

    [Norway] Emergency Call to First Choice [ENDED]

    Now that power was restored in Oslo, Prime Minister Leif Holt placed a phone call to the CEO of First Choice International. Any lower staff would be told that the call was a matter of life and death, and had to do with the current devastating conditions in the Kingdom of Norway. The Prime...
  18. Odinson

    Disturbing RP

    I wouldn't consider myself a SJW or far-left leaning person, but this post just seems to be a bit.... well, bad taste. I understand that it's RP, so this doesn't necessarily reflect Nagal, but his last post in my "Winter is Coming" thread just seemed in bad taste to me. Here is the link, and...
  19. Odinson

    [Transfer] Kingdom of Norway to First Choice International

    <table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>SENDER</td><td>Kingdom of Norway</td></tr><tr><td>RECIPIENT</td><td>First Choice International</td></tr><tr><td>VALUE</td><td>2,443,469,600.00</td></tr><tr><td>REASON</td><td>Purchasing equipment from First Choice International</td></tr><tr><td>PRIVATE /...
  20. Odinson

    Phone Call to The King of The Netherlands

    The following call takes place after the ETO Leader's Council. This thread is in response to this post. A phone call was made from the Royal Palace in Oslo. It was King Enoch calling for King Willem of The Netherlands. From what the Dutch could see, the phone call was encrypted on the Norwegian...