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A Declaration Against Terror


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Palace of Versailles, November 2005
The Congress Hall was increasingly filling up as Assembly persons and Senators moved in. While it was rare for every single member of either chamber to be present at a debate or vote, this was one of those rare occasions. After all they were not summoned to Versailles every day, and they certainly didn't often face the vote that was going to come at the end of this day. While it was almost certain they had enough votes for the required 60% majority, the Empress was looking for more. She wanted to send a single message to the world and whatever terrorist organization might try to confront them that France was united as one. For that she needed unanimity and to achieve that she needed both the right and the left. er words were going to be critical. In line with the procedure established by law once the quorum had been established the President of the Imperial Assembly, acting as President of the Congress in this capacity, would addressed the Congress.

"Esteemed members of Congress, today we have been called by Her Imperial Majesty acting under her authority under Chapter 11 of the Constitution to call for war. My Officers have handed out the proposed declaration for your review, please read it now"


Empire de France

Authorization for the Use of Force

Whereas yesterday a series of terrorist attacks occurred in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Whereas, the Empire of France has repeatedly faced the bane of global terrorism.

Whereas, in particular the Empire of France has faced terrorism of an Islamic nature.

Whereas, these terrorists are controlled, coordinated, supplied and funded by outside sources.

Whereas, these terrorists continue to pose an imminent threat to the people of France and the free world.

Whereas, the Empress has the constitutional authority to use force for the purpose of protecting the people of France against any threat.

This Senate and Imperial Assembly, meeting in Congress, declare:

The Empress is authorized to use any force required to combat the forces of international terrorism, in particular the organization known as al-Qaeda and any organization or country that supports them, but more generally against any terrorist organization that poses a threat to France or any organization or country that supports them.

This declaration is to be considered as the required authorization as defined under Article 4 of the War Powers Act. Nothing in this declaration shall preclude any other requirement under the War Powers Act.

Once the reading was finished debates could be heard erupting across the hall, the support was overwhelming but there was still some hesitation, this was where Thérèse needed to come in with a clear message. Both to convince the Congress and in light of this being a public meeting broadcasted live on major French TV channels, social media accounts and audio only on French radio, the country as a whole. THis speech was to convince the Congress to vote unanimously, but also to make a public case for the first state of war France would declare since the end of the civil war. In fact the first declaration of war Thérèse had ever issued as even the civil war had been forced upon her.

"Members of Congress, I call you all to order. It is my esteemed honour and constitutional duty to invite Her Imperial Majesty Thérèse, Chlpe Amélie, By the Grace of God and the Will of the People, Empress of the French" The President called the Congress to attention and invited Thérèse to speak.

As soon as he did the young brunette monarch walked into the Congress chamber and up to the platform to loud cheers from the Monarchist Movement Assembly persons and those opposition parties considered friendly to the Monarchy. Only the members of the Socialists, Republicans and Front National remained quiet. For now.

As she turned to face the Congress she took a sip of water from the glass prepared for her and began speaking. "Mister President,, Esteemed Members of Congress, people of France, before us lies the gravest duty of any country. The duty to move to war. In the past two decades terrorism has become an increasing problem across the world. The very attacks that rocked our great empire just last year at the hands of Algerian terrorists, the activities of the Yakuza in Japan, of ultranationalists in Canada, and now the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. A country that for a century until 1995 was one of France's closest allies and only last year moved to defend our European territories against any Canadian attempt to invade us.

I have seen many argue that this is not our fight, and that France has enough to worry about between maintaining order in New Caledonia, rebuilding Mayotte, and fighting the ongoing severe threat of terrorism on our own territory. That by picking a fight with al-Qaeda we are inviting them to commit an attack in France too. However, it is not us picking this fight. Al-Qaeda made it abundantly clear that their crimes are not only aimed against the United Kingdom but against all free countries of the world. I wish to refer to a poem by Martin Niemöller.

First they came for the Communists.
And I did not speak out.
Because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Socialists.
And I did not speak out.
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists.
And I did not speak out.
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews.
And I did not speak out.
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me.
And there was no one left.
To speak out for me.

All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing. As devastating as it has been, Islamic terrorism is still in its infancy. If we act now it can be defeated before it grows so out of hand that it cannot possibly be contained. Our security services are convinced they can uncover every stone these cowards abusing the Islamic faith are hiding under, our military says they can strike at every rock they are hiding under,, the Union of Islamic Organizations of France has unanimously and unreservedly condemned all terrorist attacks as anti-Islamic and issued a fatwa ordering all Muslims of France to refrain from supporting terrorists in any way.

This is not a war against Islam as the left has claimed, this is not a war to distract from domestic issues as the right has claimed. This is a war to protect the fundamental values we have built as a society and for which tens of millions of French have died in the past 100 years.

So I call upon you all, join me in this fight and give our brave men and women the ability to fight for us. Authorize the use of force and I promise you we will be victorious."

As soon as she finished speaking the Congress erupted into cheers and applause again, this time even the ones silent before joined in. It seemed she had achieved the goal.

After voting commenced and completed a few minutes later followed by another ten minutes to count the votes and verify the findings the President took the word again. Meanwhile Thérèse was monitoring the feed from her office as her part in the debate ended with her speech.

"Members of Congress, your votes have been validated and counted. There are no absences as such all 925 of you are present. On the proposed Authorization for the Use of Force you have voted 925 votes to 0 in favour. The motion passes and the Authorization is granted. Thank you all for attending. With the debate and voted concluded I adjourn this Congress"

For the first time, the Third French Empire had just declared war.