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[ARG] Call to Russia


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"In addition, it has come to our attention that some popular russian products would need a special authorization to be produced by RusAr, given their legal background spanning to satellite states from the former USSR. Since some of those are frequently requested, I understand the Russian Federation could make a considerable profit by including those in the agreement. Im talking about products like the Slava-Class Cruiser and the Kuznetsov-Class Carrier, among others."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"We would be more then happy to receive the vessels in that port with some fanfair. Also, you have our permission and authorization to produce the mentioned products. Now then, we are at the moment planning a large exercise with the British. It will be in our Artic Circle. We would like to include the Argentinians. However, there is a catch. We want Argentina to participate without being noticed."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Excelent. We will copy you the itinerary once everything is confirmed.

Regarding the ukraine products, according to the legal department, authorization needs to be given by the government of Ukraine, since they seem to be registered in that country. If you have the opportunity, maybe its a good idea to talk to ask them to authorize RusAr to produce said goods, maybe getting a portion of the profits.

As for the last issue..." The ambassador would check that the line was encrypted and he was alone in the office "It sounds interesting, and bold. What do you have in mind?



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"I have just received an issue that must be addressed. The nation of Ukraine is complaining that you are producing their equipment off of our license. In order to maintain our relations with them we ask that you cease and desist. They have gone further trying to say that we should not do business with you. This is a serious matter and I will ask that we work together so we can keep this profitable business going. We want a friendly Ukraine, but we also want a friendly and powerful Argentina. This cannot be compromised on. So we ask that you contact Ukraine and explain the situation from your end and smooth over relations."

he would clear his throat.

"As for the other issue. Here is what we have in mind. You use a submarine to participate with the possibility of a commando team. Observe and report. This will give us information on two fronts. The detection capabilities of the UK, and your ability to gather intel. We will give you Russian IFF in the event you are discovered. This is simply to the British to be a surprise portion of the training. In real war, things are never so simple yes?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"It would have been important for Ukraine to reach RusAr as well, to address the matter in a more direct and quick way. Our legal department detected an error in the international registry, whereas multiple ukranian products where officially listed as "russian", and therefore a limited number was produced without knowing that they were mistakenly classified as such. Obviously as soon as this was discovered, ongoing productions have been halted and the orders cancelled.

We also found the same problem with polish products registered as russian. Those have also been cancelled.

We understand Russia's position on the matter and we can confirm you that this was consequence of an error in the international licensing and registry office, which since has updated its records.

To close the matter, let me stress that Argentina has doubts regarding the intentions of Ukraine. Previous bilateral diplomatic talks with them did not yield positive results and the fact that they failed to inform us or the company of this issue to seek a quick solution, exploiting this as an opportunity to try undermine argentine-russian relations, raises doubts about their intentions. Obviously this can be attributed to their inexperience in international affairs, but nevertheless makes us try to avoid any further relation with them, until they become at least a relevant global actor.

Ukraine is open to contact RusAr to seek any further clarification.

As for the second part, it will certainly be an interesting challenge and training for our crew. We would however like some kind of written confirmation of this participation, that can be kept between Argentina and Russia primarely but be used as proof of this being a part of the practice, should the british be concerned if detected.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"We have information that probably sheds light on the situation at hand. The current government of Ukraine appears to be distrustful of 'western' nations. Given their initial distrust of us, their greatest possible ally, that should tell you what they possibly think of the western world. This is an issue that will need to be addressed, as it is not sustainable. However, we ave some doubts. We believe that the Ukrainian Government could be using this as a front in order to undermine our soft power reach as a whole. We will be investigating to see if they are being courted by Sweden.

Now then, we can provide this in writing. The minister of defence will provide the signature.

Also, there is another incredibly important matter we must discussed which we will use to gauge your suitability as a American alliy. Do you swear that you will keep what I have to say next secret?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Its good to know that we are not the only ones that have a distrust on Ukraine's attitude. Please, let us know if we can be of any help on that matter.

As for the classified issue you want to discuss with us, the same way Russia sees Argentina as the main american ally, Argentina sees Russia as the key partner in Eastern Europe, and we look forward to continue cooperating with Moscow in equal terms in future endeavours. This call is classified and it will remain so.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"We are going to go to war with Belarus."

they said simply and quickly.

"We are working with Poland on the matter, and the effort will be short. Not only that, but we are looking to gauge the reaction from the international community. When push comes to shove if the GA calls for a vote on sanctions, we want Argentina to be against them. We can secure a vote from Poland and possibly Ukraine. We want to have three votes secured on the matter. We know that Sweden will pursue such action."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"I see. If possible we would like to have more insight on the background of the issue and your justification. This is merely to be prepared and to be able to provide a solid support. It has to be admitted that Belarus has strong historical, cultural and political ties to Russia.

As for the GA, I must remind you that the Argentine Republic is not a member of said organization, therefore we are not subject to its Resolutions but obviously we also cannot take part in its decision making.

However, if your justification is sound, we can talk to Argentina's main allies, which in a best case scenario could yield between 2 and 3 votes at the GA.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Our justifications are simple and straight forward. Firstly, Alexander Lukashenko has the ringings of a Soviet Hardliner or at the very least a dictator. This does not bide well with the reasons for the disillusion of the Soviet Union. Normally, we would be hands off, however the coup attempt a few years ago has shown us that having such a neighbor is dangerous. So this will be preemptive in that way. We will be reinstating the term limit there. Secondly, we believe it important to secure our sphere of influence. We can not allow Russia to be surrounded, and should Belarus fall, then that will happen. There would be many that would wish to be in the striking distance Belarus has. Thirdly, we wish to bring them into a protective Union State. Once the first two objectives are in motion or complete we will ensure their well treatment with a Union State agreement.

With the decline of the Americans many nations are eyeing up the empty spots, and looking to make moves to fill them. Should we let the issue of Belarus go un answered then we will suffer for it."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"They seem quite reasonable. Please keep us updated.

Another question we wanted to ask you is the type of relation you mantain with Poland, since they seem to be a key actor in the russian recovery of Belarus. Poland has shown in the recent past to be close do Ukraine, which in turns makes us think about Ukraines potential reaction.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"We believe Poland to be valuable to securing a foothold in our corner of the world. Now then, we have issue da? Do you know what this issue is?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Ukraine is demanding public apology from Argentina from what I have been told? Now, we know we cannot ask you this... without compensation. We have a lucrative offer. We will offer you five billion in USD for this which officially will have nothing to do with such action. Funding you can use towards what ever you wish. On top of that, we will offer to let you keep the total earnings from the next two deals you close.

We are having to play the game of diplomacy here, and it is a very narrow tight rope. Should you refuse, our position with Ukraine will be weakened. You understand da? We refuse to allow this to happen. This being despite their nature. It is very important that we keep the home front secure."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The argentine ambassador would listen with attention ans think for a moment.

"Well... It is clear that it is very difficult that a nation such as Argentina will issue an apology to a nation which didn't even had the decency to contact us, and the inciding issue was sparked by a international registry error that my nation had nothing to do with and that has been fixed afterwards. Less to say that we do not trust Ukraine and its schemes.

On the other side, we understand Russia has to keep its vassals in order, and mantaining Ukraine under your sphere of influence may make your agenda much easier. I can envison RusAr making a public apology and statement, signed by the Argentine RusAr Representative to satisfy Ukraine's demand and make them feel honored.

As for the compensation, we will take the money, that will be employed to acquire further russian equipment, this means that it will benefit both of our nations. There is no need for the keeping of the profits of the next two orders, since luckily our economy is stable and numbers are running comfortably as planned. We are doing this to strenghten Russian's position in eastern europe, and we would like in the future also to see such actions be reciprocated for Argentine influence in other areas of our potential interest such as South America and Africa.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Very good, we have transferred the funds and will be able to inform the Republic of Ukraine that the situation is being resolved. We will keep an eye out for the RusAr apology. This will have been of a great help to us yes? Also, as a benefit we have come into some information we will be sharing with you right now.

There is trouble in Ireland. The Irish want a open border with Northern Ireland. This could go multiple ways. In what direction would Argentina want to see this go?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"The funds have been received and a Statement is being drafted as we speak. Lets hope this resolves this small issue with Ukraine and we can focus on more important things.

We have a good relation with Ireland, with active trade routes and a prolific cultural agenda, plus historical friendly relations. At the same time, we do not have major issues with the United Kingdom, besides the known by all sovereignty dispute in the Malvinas Islands. Which we currently have assigned a low profile, but by no means resigned to that claim. We are just waiting to solve another issues before moving on that front. Obviously, considerng this, we would not want for Ireland to fall into the UK's grasp, as Ireland could eventually become a very interesting partner and influence in european politics. We would therefore prefer a strong and independent Ireland, at least form the british..



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Agreed. We believe not only that but this open borders policy will not satisfy the IRA in the long run either. If Argentina wishes, we can push things in a way to take Britain's attention off of your section of the world. Should you catch our meaning?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Not that said section is currently under much attention, aside from the issues on Antarctica, however, we do think that such an arrangement is not beneficial for irish interest on the long run and that the status quo there should be broken in another way, and I see you might have some ideas."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"We have gained access to the port of Cork where we will be stationing a Naval Infantry Unit as well as an Amphibious Assault group. We would like to funnel into Ireland an assortment of cheap weapon systems. Really pump them up for a short period. An assortment of Strela-10, ZSU-23-4M4 Shilka, and Igla MANPAD systems should cover their air defense needs. While also supplying them with a mixture of
Sprut anti-tank guns (2A450) RPG-27, RPG-29 Vampir, and Konkurs should take care of their armor needs. Some newly created
2B14 Podnos and 2A18 D-30 to cover their support needs. Lots of trucks to tow equipment and what not. Then finally a small number of
Yak-38M "Forger-A" and Yak-38U "Forger-B" for air force purposes. These having the benefit of not needing a airfield. We want you to make an offer to sell these to them at a smaller markup. Oh! And of course, some of the cheaper anti ship missiles. Something like the
4K51 Rubezh. With all of that, their confidence will be very high. Then, we slide in and start making... encouragements. But only when we think they are ready."
