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[Argentina]: Message for Germany


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Official Correspondence

Security Classification: HIGH

Dear Minister, Jay

I'd like to congratulate your electoral victory in the the recent German elections. As apart of our policy and seeking to improve relations with Europe, we seek to begin with Germany a nation that has a strong history together with the great nation of Argentina. As a way to begin bilateral relations, I would like to either invite yourself or your Ambassador to visit my office at a time of your choosing.

I look forward to your reply.

Kindest Regards,
Lucia Rosa Muñoz
Minister of Foreign Affairs


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Auswärtige Angelegenheiten
Federal Office of Foreign Affairs

Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina Danny
[Sender]: Office of the Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany < >
[BCC]:[/align][Subject]: RE: Bilateral Relations
Dear Minister Muñoz

Thank you for reaching out on behalf of your government. Her Excellency the Chancellor extends her warmest appreciation for Argentina's support amidst efforts by France to incentivize the overthrow this government.

We look forward to finding ways to develop our bilateral relations. I am certain that we can find meaningful grounds for cooperation. Due to the situation in Europe it is unlikely that I will be able to make the trip to Buenos Aires.

Ambassador Dieter Lamlé is fully equipped to handle discussions with you. I am certain that the results will be fruitful and look forward to reviewing the outcome of the talks.

Kind regards,
Bernd Lucke
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Federal Republic of Germany


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Official Correspondence

Security Classification: HIGH

Dear Minister Lucke, Jay
I welcome your reply, the message sent by France to overthrow the current elected government is troubling especially with the events in Europe taking a toll.

I understand that a trip to Buenos Aires will be difficult at this time and welcome Ambassador Lamlé to my office when they're next available.

Kindest Regards,

Lucia Rosa Muñoz
Minister of Foreign Affairs


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Auswärtige Angelegenheiten
Federal Office of Foreign Affairs

Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina Danny
[Sender]: Office of the Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany < >
[BCC]:[/align][Subject]: RE: Bilateral Relations
Dear Minister Muñoz

Ambassador Dieter Lamlé is will be available to meet with you and is instructed to make his way to your offices as soon as possible.

Kind regards,
Bernd Lucke
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Federal Republic of Germany

In the bustling city of Buenos Aires, the sun casted a warm glow over the city buildings as the Ambassador Lamlés' black sedan navigated through the busy streets. The Ambassador was far more cautious than usual, given how the rise in crime in the city was of concern. He was assured the vehicle and the windows were armored and bullet proof.

Upon arriving at the Ministry, Lamlé, exited the vehicle in his dark blue suit, stepped out of the car. A ginger haired woman in a dark blue suit and a younger man with thick black glasses in a grey suit. They carried briefcases with them. The team entered the Ministry and would wait to be lead into the Minister's office.



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
With some main streets closed off due to construction for the World Cup. The traffic would be doubled, especially during the morning rush hour. It would be certain it would most likely annoy the Germans. Once they finally arrived and entered the Ministry, they were greeted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs herself, Lucia Rosa Muñoz. The brunette minister stood at reception, chatting with the receptionist. She dressed smart and was prepared for the meeting ahead, to her every meeting with a foreign power was going to be for the next couple of months.

As the Germans entered, Muñoz watched as they were passed through security. She walked over with a big smile. "Ah Ambassador, welcome!" Her Argentine accent was very strong and identifiable. "Please, follow me." She gestured as they walked through the Edificio Cancillería building. As they walked through the hallway towards the office, Muñoz spoke once more. "I presume the traffic wasn't too bad?" She lightly chuckled, making a light hearted joke about the increased traffic. She opened the door to the office as she made way inside.

The office was bright and covered in burgundy. A lot of the office materials were covered burgundy wood, it was clean and prepared. "Please, make yourself comfortable before we begin. Would you like any refreshments or anything?" She asked as she sat down at her desk.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Lamlé: "Thank you, madame Minister. It is a pleasure." The Ambassador said as he followed the Minister through the Cancillería building. "Yes. Traffic has been killer. I can only hope for the World Cup to come sooner so we can be done with all the hecticness. Though I am sure you are more excited for that than I am haha." He said with a light chuckle.

As they made their way into the office, the Ambassador took his seat while two staffers sat beside him. Once they were comfortably sat and politely declined refreshments the Ambassador spoke.
"No than you Madame Minister. Perhaps we can begin ith what you would like to discuss?"



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Lucia took a seat, making herself comfortable as best as possible. As she turned her attention away from the laptop, she awaited for the Germans to make themselves comfortable. "So, it was more to begin the establishment of relations between Germany and Argentina. As we move forward from.. previous administrations, Argentina is looking to secure diplomatic relations with many European countries. Germany being one." Jay


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Ambassador nodded as he listened. "Well, we are happy to hear that. Germany is likewise interested in expanding its foothold here in Latin America and we believe there is no better place than here in Argentina." He said with a pause. "I understand the preparation for the World Cup are underway here in Argentina and I am eager for German companies to be apart of the construction process. We would love to offer our assistance with that. As well as an endorsement from our agencies for Argentina hosting the cup. I also hope Argentina will be a customer for Germany's defense exports, and open the door for German corporations investing here."



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Lucia listened carefully, taking some time to think of what she was about to say next. She in fact in her head smiled, as it's exactly the response she liked. "Of course, construction has already begun as you can tell. What kind of companies can assist in the process?" She paused. "We are in fact.. looking at other national exports to bolster our Armed Forces as it is lacking in many departments. I can say the same for companies in Germany. What you have offered is definitely paving the way to opening relations and investment both here and Germany."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I am sure that several of our corporations can provide crucial infrastructure assistance including Albert Speer GmbH which produces advanced air-conditioning units which can be used in the stadiums, Deutsche Bahn can provide advanced solutions to railway and train systems including intra-city busing. Dailmer AG & Mercedes-Benz can provide buses for public transportation, Hochtief can provide its assistance in city infrastructure development. I am sure Siemens and ThyssenKrupp would also be extremely helpful and happy to participate in projects in Argentina." He paused before continuing.

"We would be happy to approve exports to Argentina's armed forces and invite you to request defense produces from our consortium of suppliers including KdLE and NKfM. If there are items which you would like to request beyond those listed I am sure we can work to get them approved for you."



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Lucia notes it down for her notes to provide to Ministry of Infrastructure. "I can say that will be beneficial and can invite these companies to assist in projects. The World Cup would be beneficial, but alongside that we are actually looking at creating a new high speed railway project soon."

"I will take a look, I would say our focus is the Air Force as most of the Air Force is done in house by ourselves. However, we also use a lot of American made aircraft and it is very much under used at the moment as we are slowly building the Army and Navy. But we are awaiting further for that. At the moment, we are kind of unsure where else to look in the meantime if America do not allow us."


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