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[CANADA]: The Second Canadian Civil War


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
As these attacks and beatings occur om the streets in broad daylight in an otherwise tolerant nation many Muslims clamour for revenge having seen their beloved houses of worship go up in a multitude of flames. These pogroms only encourage immigrants to join the ranks of the Islamist forces. Such is the peril of it all that several Muslim areas begin establishing self defense committees and barricade streets around them. At the radio tower messages of praise and revenge coming funneling over the airwaves while the terrorists celebrate. For them a meeting with Allah is not too far off from reality.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Given the request from the Canadian government over the phone, outside of Fort Drum in New York, the 1st Squadron, 71st Cavalry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division and 1st Squadron, 89th Cavalry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division would begin to get ready to deploy. The soldiers, numbering four thousand, would be dawning their Improved Outer Tactical Vest, Advanced Combat Helmet, Shoulder & Elbow pads, Knee pads. They would also be wearing their Army Combat Uniform in Operational Camouflage Pattern along with their MOLLE systems, containing the Tactical Assault Panel with Pouch Attachment Ladder System (with maximum amount of pouches), Rucksack with Pouch Attachment Ladder System (with maximum amount of pouches) and Hydration bladder. Each soldier would be carrying the Beretta M9, whilst the majority would be carrying either the M16A4 or M4A1, quite a lot of the troops would be carrying a mix of either the: M249 SAW, M240 GPMG or Mk 14 Enhanced Battle Rifle. A couple of the troops, numbering thirty, would be carrying an M224 Mortar whilst another twenty would be carrying AT-4 Anti-armour weapons.

Meanwhile out of Utica, New York, one hundred members of the 865th Combat Support Hospital would also be getting ready to move. To set up a field hospital with equipment that would be provided from the 77th Sustainment Brigade, who will also be providing ammunition, food and medical supplies, who would be on the move from New York soon, they would all be given similar equipment to the Cavalry regiments that were on the move, in total around four thousand troops would be on the move to the border. With this being one of the largest active deployments on US soil in recent history, it would obviously attract quite a lot of attention as the cavalry troops use seventy M1126 Infantry Carrier Vehicles, fifty M113 armored personnel carrier and eighty up-armoured High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles, the remaining troops would move on foot on sitting ontop of the vehicles when moving at slow speeds. Meanwhile the 77th Sustainment Brigade would be supplemented by the 1174th Transportation Battalion who would be driving Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Trucks with shipping containers on the back containing all of the supplies needed. The main reason for the field hospital and all of the supplies was for the refugees that would most likely be pouring through the border.

All of the troops were given orders to gather along the Niagra Falls border, but were given even stricter orders NOT to cross into Canada and only to protect the border and aide in the likely refugee crisis.

Meanwhile, on the political side of things, the Department of State has issued a travel ban to all American citizens into the areas effected mostly by the conflict. And has urged all American citizens currently in Canada to return home.


Aug 15, 2018

Official Statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
The People's Republic of China is horrified at the further escalation of the conflict, we once again urge all sides to enter into talks for a peaceful settlement and to avoid actions that target groups among the population on ethnic or religious basis.

As the safety of Chinese citizens in Canada can no longer be guaranteed a full travel ban is in effect and no Chinese airline will travel to Canada for any other reason than to bring our people home.


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
The observers promised by King Wei would arrive by civilian airline ahead of the main mission currently in its planning phase. Their flight would be the final airplane routed from Singapore airports to Canada before the King temporarily suspended all flights to the country. There were nearly twenty of these observers, who were themselves a mixture of top army brass, junior officers and medical teams sent ahead of the planned group. They were accompanied by the same amount of plain-clothed security personnel wearing a minimal amount of protection in the form of a tactical vest, along with a service rifle and one loaded magazine of ammunition. All security personnel were under strict orders to maintain proper trigger discipline while in Vancouver.

The military section of their mission had dual sets of orders in their effort to help the Nationalist leadership protect its civilian population. They would serve in a non-combat role, although assistance to Nationalist forces was provided by Singaporean staff in any efforts to coordinate units in and around Vancouver. Junior officers would be embedded within the civilian camps, as well as near front line areas to fulfill their role as human-rights observers. Orders were strictly to observe and record any violations of human rights, although King Wei had given them permission to intervene in situations involving civilians at their discretion, especially if said civilians were of Asian descent.

These observers were accompanied by a larger number of personnel due to the higher risk of their function. The medical teams would rely mostly on Nationalist supplies until the Singaporean mission arrived in Vancouver. Until then they would work side-by-side with Nationalist medical personnel to treat the sick, injured and wounded in the civilian camps and around the city. Security would be increased for these men and women following the news of the Islamist bombings happening in the east.
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32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
Islamist Forces in Montreal would begin to construct makeshift barricades in a effort to block the roads on the outskirts of town as reports of communist advances came through. Supplies for the faction seem to be holding up despite a race against time. The mission or task at hand is to cordinate a breakout manouver and send part of the force to Quebec city if at all possible. Reports of pogroms throughout Canada have forced the Islamic community to ship aid packages along with leaflets in an attempt to encourage members to join the Islamist militants.


Indian People's Democratic Federal Republic
Sep 4, 2018

With the Kingdom of Singapore's aid to Vancouver citizens, the Nationalists within the city can put their full focus on advancing through British Columbia as their citizens and fighters now have proper medical attention. The Nationalist push heavily through the Canadian province and reach the Nationalist fighters in Alberta. Together, the Nationalists re-take Edmonton from the Liberal regime and secure far-western Canada under Nationalist leadership.

To the east, Toronto continues to push towards Ottawa as Liberal troops are taken off of the front line to aid in Montreal's struggle. The Nationalists of Toronto nearly take all of the far-southern territories of Ontario but come to a complete halt at the outskirts of Niagara Falls and Windsor, preventing possible confrontation with the thickening forces of American soldiers on the Canadian border.

To the far-east, the Nationalists of Quebec City fully secure the Saint-Lawrence river and begin to move south to Montreal, reaching the city's outskirts.


The communists, who have somehow become armed with weapons, open fire on the Nationalists, unprovoked, creating a conflict between the Nationalists, Liberals, Islamist and Communists.

Canada is now in a four-way civil war.


While the Liberals and the Nationalists are still the strongest forces in the civil war, the Communists and Islamist control a great percentage of the Canadian population and both parties refrain from properly invading Montreal in fear of losing more Canadian citizens in the crossfire.


After the large success of the western Nationalists, a large uprising of Nationalists breaks out in southern Manitoba.



32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
Islamist Forces crossed into communist territory as the Islamic community declares a holy war against the atheistic and shallow materialists of Marx by conducting a series of raids designed to penetrate enemy lines and encircle their supply lines. On another note the Islamist high command has issued a special proclamation in a bid to gain popular support and good will from the public here are the terms -

1. All warriors of Allah are to avoid attacking civilian centers bearing next to no strategic purpose in the war against the dacadent infidel. Lest these actions result in further pogroms and give the enemy the deceitful appearence that we are cowards.

2. All warriors of Allah caught looting infidel property or raping infidel women or descecrating houses of worship owned by people of the book will put to death after receiving a just hearing before a religious court.

3. Infidels captured on the field of battle are to be temporarily detained as prisoners of war for a period not execeeding 2 weeks time. After which said prisoner will be required to sign a form declared that said prisoner will never again take up arms against the House of Islam.

4. Inhabitants in occupied territory governed by Warriors of Allah are to be accorded respect especially Women, Children, The Disabled, and The Elderly.

5. Men aged 16 and up will be required to serve in Labour squads in return for a decent wage. Refusal will come with fines and possible imprisonment.

6. Those caught resisting our authority will be banished from our territory with their kin being forbidden to own land, conduct commerce, bear arms, receive an education, or employment. If the individual in question should return he or she is to be executed.

7. Communists captured in battle with put to death without trial and their families banished.

The Islamist leadership has purposed a non aggression pact with Nationalist forces in order to counter the communist threat.
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
An order directly from the Crown came to destroy all sensitive documents in the Norwegian embassy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a travel ban to Canada, and urged all Norwegian citizens to leave the country as soon as possible or seek temporary asylum in the United States. All embassy staff were to evacuate together along with the ambassador and the Army staff who were stationed at the embassy. A dozen vehicles were rented to be used to transport embassy staff and citizens who had fled to the embassy. The Norwegian Army soldiers had switched from their ceremonial uniforms to their tactical uniforms and were fully armed. All of the weapons from the barracks of the embassy were taken with the caravan. Small Norwegian flags were placed near the front of the hood on both sides of each of the vehicles to designate that they were a diplomatic envoy travelling under the flag of Norway. The caravan made its way through loyalist controlled territory, by car, to the border city of Sault Ste. Marie. From there, they took the Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge to the American side which had a city of the same name. The front vehicle of the caravan had Army soldiers inside of it. They exited their vehicle, without their weapons, and informed American border patrol (or the American military, if they were present) that they were from the Norwegian embassy in Ottawa and were requesting temporary asylum in the United States, and that they all had the intention of flying home to Norway. The ambassador showed his credentials to the American officials and all of the people in the caravan had their Norwegian passports.

At the Niagara Falls border, 17 Norwegian citizens attempted to cross into the United States and seek temporary asylum. They all had their Norwegian passports.

The following message was sent to the Secretary of State of the United States, Hillary Clinton.


SUBJECT: Evacuation of Norwegian Citizens to The United States
RECIPIENT: Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State of The United States of America

Madam Secretary,

I am sorry that we have put the United States in this position, but the King and I felt that it was the safest option for us to take to protect our citizens. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered the Norwegian embassy staff in Ottawa to vacate the premises along with any Norwegian citizens that have taken refuge there. They have rented a number of cars and are traveling through loyalist-held territory in an attempt to cross into the United States. The vehicles will be marked with Norwegian flags, and we have confirmed that everyone in the caravan has their passport. We are unaware of exactly how many people are in the caravan, but that it could be as many as 60 Norwegian citizens. We are not sure where they will cross the border, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs suspects the city of Sault Ste. Marie will be their best bet.

Among these citizens are the embassy guard who are trained (and armed) Army soldiers. The King issued orders for them to surrender their weapons at the border if asked to. If you have no objection, we will move the ambassador to Canada into the Norwegian embassy in Washington temporarily, until this situation is resolved. The government will also make arrangements to fly the Norwegian citizens and soldiers in the caravan back to Norway.

Best Regards,

Leif Holt
Prime Minister of The Kingdom of Norway

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32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

From - Anon. Leader of The Islamist Faction
To - Jacob Henderson of The Nationalist Movement

Though we obviously don't see eye to eye on most issues it seems as though there is a far greater threat facing Canada which makes Islam look like childs play. At the moment there is a communist faction poised to destroy the religious as well as cultural norms of which the Canadian people are accustommed to. The communists will drive Canada into the abyss of unparralleled ruin both morally and economically therefore I purpose the following a non aggression pact as well as a common front against the spread of Bolshevik atheism. In return my forces will grant you free and safe passage through our territory as well as avoiding attacks directed at innocent civilians. Do remember that while the Liberals did indeed let us in they also managed to fail in their attempts to produce citizens worthy of name Canadian perhsps this might restore your movements trust and bolster our own.

Peace be upon you!


Jul 1, 2018
All Italian Royal Consulates (and the embassy) in the nation of Canada would be ordered to evacuate the country, for the time being. The Consulate General in Montreal, being besieged by two forces expected to be far more dangerous to the safety of the staff, would be placed on lockdown, with the P.S. detachments gearing up in SWAT Gear, as well as arming up with AR90s, with three taking up sniper posts on the top floor, armed with ARX200s.

The Italian Military would request from the nationalists permission to deploy the HRMS Cavour to the Quebec City Port, in order to deploy a force of Airborne Rangers ( from 4th Alpine Parachutists Regiment, Monte Cervino Battalion) alongside 2 BAE AV8 Harrier II Jump Jets and 4 AW139 Helicopters in order to penetrate Communist/Islamic held Montreal and mount a rescue mission at the Consulate General.

Meanwhile, the Monte Cervino Battalion, Cavour-class Carrier, and 4 AW139s of the 1st Army Aviation Squadron would begin staging at the Port of Napoli.


Aug 15, 2018
As the Chinese nation remained concerned about the safety of Chinese citizens in Canada, the government would not be pulling back its diplomatic missions. It would however begin locking down all facilities and establish a security perimeter on embassy terrain where visitors could be checked and their identities confirmed. Security forces at the embassy and consulated-general were to make sure there where not going to be any incursions. Back in China a special operations unit was mobilized while a message was sent to the official Canadian government, requesting permission to deploy the unit to Chinese diplomatic missions to enhance security.


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
The Bosnian government would condemn the Islamist faction and would offer to send Peacekeepers to Canada in order to end the bloodshed. President Izetbegovic is stated as having said - "what is going on in Canada needn't have begun in the first place." Going as far as to criticize Bosniak members for their role in establishing their own faction.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Spanish Embassy and Consulate Generals would reduce its hours, keeping open just for five hours a day but security being on the highest level with armed patrols throughout the facilities.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Whilst the Cavalry regiments arrived along the Niagra river, two Strykers would drive up the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge, where they would park on either side of the road to vet everyone crossing into the US. Obviously they would remain inside US territory and be careful not to venture across the border. Whilst the remainder of the troops on US land would spread amongst the streets and set up aid-stations. Meanwhile out of Kentucky, thirty members of D Squadron of the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta would be preparing to fly into Canada to rescue embassy and consulate staff. They would be airlifted by the 2nd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment who would be utilising five MH-60K Black Hawks (each fitted with two M134 minigun in each door) and two MH-47Gs. They would mainly be covering Quebec City and Toronto where the majority of the nationalists are, where as the rest of the embassies are ordered to evacuate and use commercial airlines to return home. With the situation growing worse, the troops would be taking no chances whilst going into a hostile area, they would take the following equipment each: M4 w/EO Tech, LA-5, Pentagon Light, Magpul stock, SOPMOD foregrip, M9 pistol, MICH helmet, PVS-14’s, 5x Flashbangs, 1x Fragmentation grenade, MBITR radio, Flexcuffs, Merrill boots, Penflare gun and flares, spare batteries, Camelbak, Improved Outer Tactical Vest, Advanced Combat Helmet, Shoulder & Elbow pads, Knee pads. They would also be wearing their Army Combat Uniform in Operational Camouflage Pattern along with their MOLLE systems, containing the Tactical Assault Panel with Pouch Attachment Ladder System (with maximum amount of pouches), Rucksack with Pouch Attachment Ladder System (with maximum amount of pouches), translation cards, calculator, pen, paper in Admin pouch, Thermite grenade, ATS medical pouch (tourniquet, curlex, Israeli dressing, pill pack, needle and seal for tension pneumothorax procedure), Surefire helmet light, Oakley M-Frames, Maxpedition dump pouch. They would soon be boarding the Black hawk helicopters and taking off, to head to Canada.


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
In Montreal 4 teams of Islamists would cross into Communist territory disguised as Communist soldiers with the intention infiltrating an enemy base before paving the way for an assault by specialists within a few days. Their beards are shaved and any noticeable trace of their actual alliegences discarded. Meanwhile in Montreal a gas bomb is placed in the air vents of communist party headquarters.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
An open letter to Canada, written by Sultan Süleyman, is published online.

"To the citizens of Canada,

It troubles me a great deal to hear of the plight that has befallen your nation. What troubles me even more is the cause of this cataclysm, and the Islamist faction that has sprouted from the fire of conflict. Canada has permitted refugees that practise Islam to flee from war-torn areas to a place of safety on Canadian soil. This has, clearly, caused a great deal of disdain and suspicion due to it being hard, in this new age of guerrilla warfare both online and in the public places of The West, to identify whether a refugee is what they claim or a sinner seeking to exploit the kindness and charity of The West for the purpose of inflicting further suffering upon the innocent. I understand the concerns of the nationalists, and understand their desire to snatch back the hand they have used to feed the huddled masses of Muslims fleeing lands torn asunder by conflict. I beseech the sitting government and the nationalists to put aside their differences and restore law and order to Canada. This internal conflict is being exploited by authoritarian ideologies and individuals claiming to represent Islam to pursue their own agenda.

As The Caliph of The Altariq Alraabie Muslims, I can state, unequivocally, that these 'Islamists' do not represent those that practise Islam. On the contrary, they are exploiting the religion with falsehoods and distortion to pursue an agenda that is, fundamentally, a sin. Indeed, their lies and twisting of the holy text is, in itself, a sin. Do not let them cloud your mind with anger towards the innocent. They do not have piety in their hearts, merely the desire to kill, maim and destroy. Defend yourselves against these creatures of Satan, but be careful that you do not subject the innocent to torment, lest your actions be tainted with the fruits of sin as well.

Sultan Süleyman"


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
The Islamist leadership would criticize the Sultan's statement stating that such opinions are but "propaganda written for the benefit of those seeking brownie points from infidels wishing to destroy Islam. Such statements are ignorant of scripture where the new writing triumph the old." The Islamists would show various parts of the Koran to legitimatize their views. "You Sultan, have lost touch with the faith and its roots may Allah curse thee."


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
Against the suggestions of his advisors, The Sultan wrote an open reply to the Islamist faction.

"To the misguided Islamist souls of Canada,

It saddens me to realise that you are committing sin in the name of those who do not truly espouse the values of God. We must remember the teachings of Chapter 2, Verse 62, which reads: 'Those who believe, and those who are Jewish, and the Christians, and the Sabeans. Any who believe in God and the Last Day, and act righteously, will have their reward with their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.' We have no quarrel with the Canadians due to their religious beliefs.

In addition, we must remember Chapter 2, Verse 190 to 193, which stipulates that we are only allowed to defend ourselves against those that oppress us. Instead, you seek to overthrow the sitting government, who have, in defiance of the public's disdain, offered the hand of charity and friendship to the Muslims of war-torn nations. Do you not see that you are playing into the hands of the sinners and deceivers, who thrive upon your actions creating resentment and hatred in the innocent, who will then victimise innocent Muslims, creating 'valid reason' for those aforementioned liars to use you in the name of God? In reality, your 'leaders' embody everything that God does not wish to see among his faithful. Look into your hearts, see the devastation that you are causing, and lay down your arms. While your fellow man may not be forgiving, it is said in the scripture that God is merciful, all-knowing. He knows what your leaders hide from you, how they twist his divine words to validate the impiety of their actions. I beseech you to submit yourself to God, cast out the sinners that declare themselves to be your guides, and atone for the sins they have tricked you into committing. God will be merciful.

Sultan Süleyman"


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
A plan had been drawn up shortly before news came into Singapore about the multiple factions sprouting up in Canada's east. The two lead ships of Task Force 10, the RSS Aggression and the RSS Independence, would deploy from Changi naval base with a full compliment of food and medical supplies along with approximately two hundred soldiers of the king's own brigade. Both ships were tasked with transporting the soldiers and supplies to the Port of Vancouver before continuing on to their secondary mission of patrolling Vancouver's waters.

The ministry of foreign affairs would inform the Nationalist of an ETA of at least a week and a half before the aid mission arrives in port.

Meanwhile in Vancouver, the vast majority of Singapore's junior officers would be shifted to the front lines. Singaporean officers embedded into units closer to the front line than before, although their ROE would remain the same. Security personnel, on the other hand, would be given permission to engage hostiles if directly attacked.

Singaporean commanders would inform the Nationalist that they were searching for any sign of Islamist fighters encroaching west. Various rumors coming from the front lines would confirm this, as Singaporean officers could be found examining the dead after Nationalist-won engagements.


Indian People's Democratic Federal Republic
Sep 4, 2018

SUBJECT: Non-Aggression Pact
RECIPIENT: Leader of the Islamist Terrorist Faction
SECURITY: Encrypted

The communists are indeed a threat to the safety of Canada, its culture, and its religions. However, I would ask that you keep in mind that you are an extreme risk to our security as well, had the communists not open fire on us already, I would have sided with them to destroy your insulting attempt of 'glory'. But that is not the case.

The Canadian Nationalist Party have taken your offer into long consideration and we accept - on one condition.

If we are to have a non-aggression pact, you must release your prisoners of war; women, children, and the elderly, into Nationalist custody. In return, a non-aggression pact between the Nationalist Party and your Islamist uprising will be signed until both the communists and liberals are dealt with.

However, if we discover that these prisoners of war were physically, mentally, or sexually abused; this pact will be placed aside.

Jacob Henderson
Leader of the Canadian Nationalist Party


The Nationalists would accept the Italian's request to port into Quebec City to rescue their trapped civilians in Montreal.

However, they would warn not to bring any harm to the citizens of Canada if fired upon, whether it be the Communists or the Islamist of Montreal and the surrounding areas.

Instead, they would warn to retreat the rescue mission if attacked and wait for an opportunity once the Nationalists attack the communists.


The Liberal government would decline China's request to send troops to enhance their embassy's security, instead advising the Chinese government to use these troops to evacuate their civilians from the country until the civil war is over and the country stabilized.


While the Nationalists would not advance their territory by taking the city of Windsor and Niagara Falls to geet the tension between them and the United States of America as low as possible, they would increase the number of soldiers on their own border around London, Ontario.

The Nationalists would take the Singaporean warning of an Islamist threat in the west very serious and would crack down on muslims, arresting all of those that would not fight on the front line along with the other Nationalists.


The Nationalist uprising in Manitoba would take all of the southern territories as the Nationalists of Western Canada would continue their push into Liberal territory as they secure British Columbia and Alberta into a Nationalist stronghold due to the Liberal's main forces being in the east, doing their best to stop the ever marching hoard of Nationalists towards Ottawa.

The Nationalists of Quebec City would slowly encircle Montreal, nearly having the entire city trapped by their forces.

The Nationalists of Toronto would keep pushing towards Ottawa as the Liberals would become more aggressive as they realize the Nationalists of Toronto are no more than four hours away from the capital city of Ottawa.


If the Liberals do not receive immediate help, the country would fall to the Nationalists.

Which prompt Prime Minister James Trudelle's 'Plan B':

To Her Majesty, the Queen,

I personally apologize that it took the Liberal government so long to contact you about the civil war destroying Canada at the moment.

We are in dire need of help from the United Kingdom and all of the Commonwealth as the Nationalist military continue to close in on our capital city of Ottawa. If they reach the city, we will have nothing more to do then surrender to the Nationalists and giving them power over Canada.

Not only this, but the communist and islamist threats in Montreal do not help the Canadian situation at the moment.

Please help us, Your Majesty,

James Trudelle,
Prime Minister of the Canadian Federation


The Nationalist spies in the Ottawa parliament would inform Jacob Henderson of the Liberal attempt to contact the Queen and convincing her to call the Commonwealth into the war.

The Nationalists would try the same.

To Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith,

I was informed that the Liberal government has attempted to contact you for your intervention in the Canadian civil war.

The Liberals are not to be trusted, Your Majesty.

You are Head of the Commonwealth and Defender of the Faith. The Liberal government are enemies of Canada and the Protestant faith. They invited refugees of Islam in great numbers into Canada who revealed themselves to be terrorists and against the Canadian Federation and our religion. We, the nationalists, on the other hand are true patriots, we know who we are and where we came from.

If the nationalist government succeeds in their struggle to liberate Canada from the grasp of tyranny, I assure you that we will swear our undying loyalty to you and the Royal Family.

I am not asking you to attack the Liberal government, I am simply asking you not to rally the Commonwealth against the nationalists and let God choose the victor.

Jacob Henderson
Leader of the Canadian Nationalist Party

Day Five.PNG
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