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[FRA] Meeting with Germany, Turkey, and Chile


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"I dare say that it's incumbent upon each individual nation, in or out of The GA, to act responsibly and within the realms of morality. As such, this is a question you must ask of each of the nations who have left The Global Assembly. While I can speak on behalf of Turkey, your query regarding whether everyone else is prepared to act honourably and responsibly will have to be asked of all nations who've left individually. However, I can say that Turkey has no intention to become a belligerent nation."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018

The Reich Chancellor was quick to answer Stefanus, her tone as steady as she could attempt to make it in the presence of the ambassador; she didn't like Stefanus, feeling that the Kaiser allowing him to partake in the discussion as an ambassador of the Global Assembly was a mistake.

"That all depends on whether or not the Reichstag agrees to any Resolutions put forwards in the Assembly. We will follow whatever bills make it through our legislature before we allow any organization to dictate how we run our country." The Kaiser was just as quick to intervene before Chancellor Nahles' tongue got the better of her.

"What Chancellor Nahles means to say is that, while we will not have such Resolutions as binding parts of our legislature straight from the, how do the Americans say, the 'get-go', we can work on adding legislature that reflects the nature of the Global Assembly Resolutions, so long as they do not contradict the Constitution of the Reich," he clarified, "But I hope it is understood that certain resolutions will be seen as redundant and either done away with, or modified to fit our country's needs of the time."


Workers' Federation Of Chile
Feb 24, 2019
"As for us, we declare that we will not break international law, but we will no longer take as legitimate future GA resolutions. Unless the Congress legitimates it."Declared Selesnyov.

@Dutchy @NagandEmerald

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