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[GA] Resolution on Antarctica

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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Spanish Ambassador would intervene.

"Would it possible to guarantee that all scientific operations in Antarctica can't be denied by the territory owners? Meaning that there would be a certain Freedom for Science Operations to be conducted in the continent. As well as the GA prohibiting any and every military operations, stations, bases, equipment and military surveillance of this pristine continent? I believe that this continent should only be used for scientific purposes and for the betterment of Humanity, and utilizing it as a Military,Air Force, Navy or anything related to the military would destroy its beauty."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Argentina has no issue at all with guaranteeing free access to scientific and research teams to Antarctica. We agree with Spain on the ban of military units, with the exception of those used to provide logistical support, for example, icebreakers and helicopters operated by the Navy, and for SAR operations."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Special Representative for Argentina, with respect I will say this one last time - I am not pandering to your attention seeking and repetition - if you have an alternative suggestion then make it." he pauses before moving on "Ambassador for Spain, we would be keen to show clear interest in the Freedom for Scientific Operations however this should stipulate, similar to mainland Freedom of Movement, that nations with claim publicly announce restricted areas in-which there be exclusive."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"I would suggest some hearing aid perhaps. I'm going to say it slowly now, maybe its a lack of english speaking skills.

Argentina... will.. support... a... Resolution... that... includes... all... antarctic... Parties... and... not... only... the... ones... Sweden... wishes...

Include all actors and we can continue this debate.."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Ambassador Luke Adams, who had been watching the back-and-forth between Sweden and Argentina, spoke up. "United States Foreign Policy has always been that we reserve the right to make a claim in Antarctica. I can assure my fellow Global Assembly members that we are in total support of the Swedish proposal, at least when it comes to territorial divisions. I intend to introduce some amendments that would limit certain kinds of activity in Antarctica so that we can preserve it, but in the end the United States believes that it is important for the continent to have proper national-stewards. Considering Sweden's recent history, I think the massive concessions they've made are very generous and make it clear that they want to work with the world, instead of just operating on their own," he said, before turning off his microphone.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Argentine Special Representative, please name the unrepresented Antarctic party."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"A consession made on a territory they had no rightful claim to begin with? Sorry.

We would like for South Africa to be here, and possibly as a representative of african interests on Antarctica. We will also need to wait for the Russian arrival, if we are going to even hear any proposal of giving the US territory on antarctica.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"South Africa has no historic claim in Antarctica, nor does Russia. You are contradicting yourself. We have made provisions for those nations with no active interest in their historical claims, that in itself is above and beyond our obligations... You have gone from repeating yourself, to now requesting amendments which are already in place."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"In that case I will open the floor to the rest of the assembly, does anyone else have any views on this matter? or oppose what has been suggested by Sweden?"


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"I would like to add in, that the United Kingdom agrees that the South African Government should not be offered a place, but for a few reasons.
Historical claims aside which.. are as per the name, historical, the South African Government collapses and has new leadership for almost as many grains of sand there are on the planet. Pardon the exaggeration.
This alone indicates that, despite not been a GA member, they are too unstable and the leadership changes too erratic thus would pose a risk to the integrity of Antarctica -- which I think is the most important aspect here.
The current proposed claims are all of countries that have developed research capabilities, long-lasting governments that are all economically stable.

I understand the Argentine Delegates request for another non-GA member to back them up due to the lack of support but ultimately, there is only a greater risk by South Africa becoming involved in something as vital as the environmental impact as Antarctica."

The British delegate would stop, although he couldn't help but think of the amount of rivers in South Africa covered in Feces.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Norwegian Ambassador to the Global Assembly, Maura Hotvedt would enter the chamber clutching onto her folders as she made her way down and sat next to the Swedish Ambassador to the Global Assembly. She pulled out a bag of Maoams and laid them on the table in between the pair.


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"Ireland does not wish to have any claims, however we only request that we can send researchers and scientist to any region of Antarctica. In return our researchers and scientist will report their findings to whichever nations territory they are in. We could honestly care less about who owns what in Antarctica, we just wish to send our personnel for scientific purposes."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I don't think that we could guarantee that Irish scientists could go to anyone's territory - because that would be a matter up to them - but the United States would be more than happy to host non-military Irish scientists in select facilities where they can work independently, or with American scientists. This would be a great step forward in international cooperation," Ambassador Adams said, before turning off his microphone again.


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"Thank you Mr. Ambassador, should this resolution pass, Ireland will definitely take the United States on this generous offer."



Jun 20, 2018

Global Assembly

" Every Participant deserves to be treated with respect, no matter how difficult they are. It's desired that you contribute to
the meeting agenda but only when you're respectful and constructive. It's important we do not to lose our tempers or act
in an aggressive manner during conversation. Having a blazing row with an individual is likely to make the rest of us feel
uncomfortable and, what's more, you risk losing all credibility. Therefore, when you disagree on any issue, make sure to
attack the problem and not the person. You can give your ideas, ask questions and offer solutions which shifts arguments
to a conversation in which members can understand everyone's point of view. I would like us all to move forward together
as a team to addresses the important but undiscussed issues that are clearly hindering its result. Thank you, everyone. "

Naio90 and Connor


Aug 30, 2020
Given that the debate suddenly became active, the Tanzanian Ambassador would give their viewpoint.
"We believe that Antarctica should ideally remain neutral territory, that no nation should have any claim no matter their respective geography. Any governance or organisation to Antarctica should be passed through a multinational organisation, such as the GA, and not through a single country and its claims. Operations such as scientific projects should be included.

However, if nations present here today wish to carve-up Antarctica for their own interests, all nations should have the opportunity to put forward their claims. At this discussion, no nation has the right to decide whether or not another nation should have territory in Antarctica."

The Tanzanian then turns to the US and Swedish Representatives.

"You both have illegitimate claims to the Antarctica, and might I add that occupation does not create legitimacy, but if you're wishing to divide the continent, so be it. Though if that's the case, Tanzania wants a slice Antarctica too! And we have just as much right to it as the both the United States and Sweden."


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
The Irish Ambassador would stand and walk over towards the American Ambassador and take a seat next to him. She would lean over and whispers in his ear,

"This is absolutely ridiculous, you have Irelands vote."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Marc slowly closes the black leather conference file before him and slowly looks up to the Tanzanian representative, his hands resting with his fingers intertwined.

"Well, you have every right to make a stake within Antarctica but, with respect, the Kingdom of Sweden had one hundred and twenty servicemen and women murdered in the quest to seek peaceful resolution to the Antarctic Crisis. This is personal and we absolutely have a right to make claim to Antarctica and the Global Assembly recognises it as Swedish sovereign territory - we are here with the objective to seek peace."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"If peace was your original intention then you would not have claimed the whole continent in the first place, knowing there were other claims prior to your invented one, and immediatly militarize it afterward.

As I said before, if you want to play the colonial-power card, then be prepared for the consequences
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