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[Germany] Besieging Brazilian Diplomatic Missions


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
The inspector stared at the officer, his gaze taking in every detail, before reaching out and giving his hand a shake.

"Deal, I'll be holding you to that, officer," he replied. "Let's just hope they let me in at all."


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Commander Lopez is still on the phone, "With all the commotion, it is hard to tell if we have 12 hours, 20 minutes or 10 minutes, whatever it is, we are willing to leave. Just get us into your armoured cars, we will not even change clothes. The diplomats will leave as they are and the soldiers will lay down their weapons and strip themselves of their camo uniforms and be down to shirts and shorts.

"As I am sure you can see now, I am the only one on the roof. The one standing and waving a white T-shirt over his head.

It is very clear now to the International community that we did not receive your initial 48 hour warning.

It is time to end this. So, yes, I will come down and meet the Inspector."

@NagandEmerald @Hollie @Naio90 @Retroliser


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"Swell," The inspector replied. "I'll meet you half way, just make sure none of your colleagues turn me into Swiss cheese."

With permission to meet now gained, Karaca strolled towards the embassy door, having climbed over the wall due to the gate being locked. Upon arrival, he stood to the side of the door, just in case anyone guarding the front got an itchy trigger-finger, and knocked on it.
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His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
There actually is no wall. It is just an office building that acts as the Embassy in Berlin.


The only thing in front of the door is the battering ram. So...

Sgt. Lopez opens the front door as best as he can still waving his white T-Shirt.

He salutes the Inspector.

"Ambassador Juarez is waiting to speak to you. Let me escort you to the room where he is staying."

Lopez gives him a has mask.

"You will need to put this on, Mr. Inspector. We have used a few preliminary rounds of gas in lieu of the impending assault."

He takes the Inspector down a hallway pushing desks and other office furniture out of the way and then turns right up a flight of stairs also littered with office debris.

They arrive at a room that has two muscular men in gray T-shirts on either side of the door. They salute Lopez and Lopez opens the door for the Inspector. "Mr. Ambassador, this is Inspector Karaca. I will leave you."

Ambassador Domingo, looking1550239514357.png a bit ragged, his top button unbuttoned and his tie undone around his neck extends a hand to Inspector Karaca.

"Ambassador Domingo. I thank you for attempting to mitigate this crisis. What is it that you can tell me about the current situation?"

@Retroliser @NagandEmerald @Naio90 @Hollie


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"Pleased to meet you too, sir," The inspector greeted, while offering a handshake to the ambassador. "The Germans would be very happy if you would surrender unconditionally and allow yourself to be taken into custody, but I have a feeling you, and your fellow Brazilians, don't want to do that. Pardon me for asking, but how many of you are here? Before you panic and think 'He's just here to gather information for an attack', I'm here to do no such thing. I'd rather we just resolve this without any shots being fired. As you can probably guess, I'm kind of naked without my gun, so I'm at a bit of a disadvantage."


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"Mister Inspector, I am sorry to put you into this situation, but we have nothing to surrender for. As has been stated, we never received a notice from the German Authorities to evacuate our Embassy or we would have complied.

Think rationally for a second, would we rather be on a plane right now heading towards Rio, or stuck in this situation with, from what the news states, is several hundred armed German Police ready to storm the Embassy.

Moreover, we have already complied with Italy's request to leave and have done so and have volunteered to leave Sweden and France of our own volition.

What sense would it make, to hold out in an embassy of a country that actually had nothing to do with the dispute between the other countries?

It literally makes no sense. It is madness.

I will make one final plea with you to ask the Germans to put us into the numerous armoured cars they have outside and simply take us to the airport and let the situation be over with."
@Hollie @Retroliser @NagandEmerald @Naio90


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"I'd like to do that, Ambassador," The inspector replied. "Really, I would, but they're not prepared to listen right . They believe they hold all the aces, so, again, how many of you are here? Are you all Brazilian? If you cooperate with me, I have a better chance of presenting your case to The Germans in a manner that should get you all home safely.."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018

As soon as Doctor Mason asked this question, the Interior Minister finally picked up, and the officer handed his phone to the good doctor. His stress and frustration with the Brazilians was reaching no end, and they were already only 5 minutes in.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
The doctor put a hand on the officer's back and gave him a reassuring pat.

"Just take a deep breath and keep your cool," He advised. "The inspector has done similar things back in Turkey. Just stay calm, be patient, and you'll be alright."

He then put the phone to his ear.

"Minister Marvin Kürschner," He began. "My name is Doctor Mason, Turkish Ambassador. I am currently standing with the officer in charge for the siege at the former Brazilian embassy. Right now, a Turkish police inspector has gained entry and is speaking to them. However, he's been given a time limit of 25 minutes, I'm asking for your permission to make it an hour. As far as I'm aware, the German police have no idea of who's in there, the full extent of their armaments, or any other details necessary for an assault. At the very least, my inspector can get you some important information, at the very most, he can end this without a shot being fired, just give him time to do what he does best. If you start shooting while he's in there, you're putting the life of a Turkish citizen in grave danger."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018

"Well, I see no reason to make this last longer than need be ambassador. For god's sake, we gave them a very reasonable timeframe for leaving, but they have chosen to do nothing! This is on their hands, not ours!" the Minister barked. He was clearly unhappy, hoping that the issue with the Brazzilian Embassy would be resolved before 12 in the afternoon.
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His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
@Moe @Retroliser

As the good doctor and the officer next to him continued to talk to the Interior Minister, Kaiser Friedrich IV stepped out of an armored sedan and began walking over to the police cordon. As soon as people saw him and his armed escort, both men armed with G36s and in full military service uniform, His Majesty stopped and took the phone from the doctor's hand, pissed at how far this situation was escalating.

"Minister, I will be having a talk with you shortly after this is over. For now, I am calling off the siege and letting the Brazilians leave," he bluntly stated before closing the call and shoving the officer out of the way. As he stepped forwards, Hauptkommissar Eugen Albrecht followed swiftly behind, trying to stop the Kaiser as one of the armed military officers grabbed a megaphone from one of the police vans and turned it on.

"Guten morgen," he started, people across the cordon beginning to take video of the Kaiser in his statement, "My name is Georg Friedrich IV, Emperor of Germany and King of this juncture, I do not believe that I can go on with this siege; I am demanding my officers to stand down, and am giving you permission to leave my country right now! I have had enough of this madness, and am dealing with issues far more important than some lackadaisical government that does not have the time or patience to check its messages and correspondence! That being said, I do apologize on behalf of my government for the trouble caused today...after a convening of my people in the Volksrat, I have decided that continuing this siege no longer fits my prerogative for my nation. That being said, I want to make this clear...I am not dropping the charges of trespass against government property and, until a fine of 500-million US dollars has been paid out to the German Reich for this trespass, I will not allow for any talks, any bilateral relations, or similar with the nation of Brazil and those that support it! I will not arrest your people, but your government will have to pay for its trespassing! Now get out!" The Kaiser, his hand now shaking, threw away the megaphone, it landing with a sickening crash on the ground as the officers stood to the side and away from him. He turned to the Hauptkommissar, whose face was flush with fear and awe at the presence that his monarch instilled.

"Officer, I want all the roads to the nearest airport cleared, and the warrant for arrest made null and void. If the Interior Minister, or any of your superiors tell you otherwise, I am giving you an official order as your emperor to disobey him and pull rank on any of your superiors." The officer quickly nodded and the Kaiser grabbed the doctor by his scruff of his uniform. Georg Friedrich was generally a happy, calm man who could keep his head under pressure, but seeing this man with an expression of was not one that should've ever been taken lightly.

"I don't know or care why you are here, but you need to leave...go back to your embassy, now...I will be talking with whoever the inspector you brought is..." As soon as he said this, he left without a word back to his sedan...what was done, was done, and now, he had to make a public statement to the rest of the world, and not just the embassy personnel. He had also given the order for all arrested in Frankfurt and Munich to do the same: leave the country now. They were crammed onto the only planes heading to Brazil, and planes in Berlin-Tegel waited for the embassy personnel.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
Unfazed by the sudden assault upon him by The Emperor, Doctor Mason turned towards the Hauptkommissar.

"And just think," He remarked with a smile, while watching the King-Emperor leave the scene. "If I hadn't meddled, and you hadn't decided to give Inspector Karaca a chance, we probably wouldn't be standing here. We would be witnessing a different outcome... An outcome that would be so much bleaker and grotesque. The blood of German officers, bodies strewn across the ground, because we hadn't prolonged that cataclysm enough to give The Emperor the time he needed to make this decision. No one will ever know about the part you and I had to play, Herr Hauptkommissar. The people that prepared the stage for this very moment will not be remembered for this. The story will inevitably be one of chaos and madness. The German police, gnashing at the bit to cause a massacre, The Turkish Ambassador, who was powerless to hold back the tide... And The King-Emperor, who stood up and said enough was enough."

Inside the embassy, Inspector Karaca listened to the broadcast announcing the clemency that had been bestowed upon The Brazilians. When it ended, he glanced at the ambassador, before shrugging his shoulders and taking a bite out of his bratwurst. Upon discovering that it had gone cold, he immediately walked over to the wastepaper basket and spat the cold bread and sausage into it, the rest of the wurst and the napkin he had been holding it with soon following.

"Well, looks like my dinner was ruined, and my job was done without me having to do a damn thing," He remarked drily, before offering the Brazilians in the room a handshake. "Congratulations on getting out of this mess without spilling blood, and without losing any of your own. Nice to meet you all and that jazz."


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
The Ambassador would shake the Inspectors hand and thank him. He would then pick an office phone that is wired to speakers in every room in the building.

"The Germans have decided to lift the siege. Everyone meet downstairs immediately and form a single file line behind the Inspector from Turkey and myself. Keep quiet at all times. Do not respond to any possible provocation. Our only goal is to get home. Assemble downstairs at once. Go! Now!"

The Ambassador would run down stairs and form at the head of a line that assembled within a few minutes. The Ambassador would then slowly open the front door, stopping halfway,

"This is Ambassador Domingo," he would say loudly, but not shouting. "We are about to come out. We are unarmed and only want to go home."
@NagandEmerald @Retroliser @Naio90


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018

As requested by His Majesty, the Kaiser, the Federal Police had simply left the Embassy grounds. They allowed the Brazilians to leave along the designated streets. They didn't bother to say anything, and were simply more concerned with getting the personnel to Berlin-Tegel Airport as quickly as possible by foot. They would not be granted a car at this juncture, given the general attitude of the Germans being rather hostile at this point to the Brazilians. While it wasn't acted, it could certainly be felt: stares of contempt boring into their skulls.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
The inspector watched as everyone left their respective posts and began to congregate downstairs. Once everyone was lined up, he walked down the line and looked over everyone. Upon noticing an office worker holding an UZI, he scowled at him.

"Hey, meathead," He scolded. "Put that gun away, you don't need it anymore. Your boss just said you're unarmed, so you better get rid of that thing before you ruin the chance you've been given to get out of here alive."

Shaking his head in annoyance, he reached the front of the line and stood beside the ambassador.

"Looks like The Germans aren't willing to call for transport. Do you want to split the bill for a couple of taxis, or do you have some transport hiding in your pockets? Also, what's with that guy back there? He didn't look like a soldier to me. Patriotic Brazilian protecting his nation's embassy?"

The inspector then glanced back at the line of embassy workers.

"You all ready to go home back to sunny Brazil?"
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His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
(OOC: You cannot control the actions of my players/solders, etc.)

"We have two Embassy cars, both Ford Explorer SUV's that can accommodate seven each. Jeez, they didn't even offer you transport? What's wrong with these people? Plus you we have 16 people, we'll just have to squeeze in and sit on laps."

The Ambassador then announces to his staff and security, "The Germans have disappeared it seems. Let's get down to the basement. Get in the Embassy vehicles and head to Tegel. Let's go people." The ambassador, staffers and security team hustle down to the basement parking garage, squeeze in and make their way to Berlin-Tegel airport.

They decide to take a British Airways flight to London and then an Azul flight from London to Rio. The ordeal will be over in just about 24 hours.

At Heathrow, Ambassador pulls aside Inspector Yuksel Karaca and thanks him.

"You have saved not only the lives of me and my staff, but your bravery may have stopped a worldwide conflagration of violence. One day you will be invited to Brazil for an official honor of gratitude. I hope the world recognizes your actions one day as well."
@Retroliser @NagandEmerald @Naio90 @Hollie


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
(OOC: You mentioned a guy wielding an UZI on Post 7, second paragraph; "One of the Brazilian workers is carrying an UZI semi automatic pistol, with a fully loaded 30 round clip." As far as I'm aware, you never said this particular person put their weapon down, so he would still be holding it, which is why Turky Harry, as I like to call him, chewed him out for being silly. Whether the worker obeyed the request that he put it down is your call.

Also, you've just taken Turky Harry to London without my consent. However, I don't mind you doing that, so don't edit anything. It's all good.)

"I'm just a hungry man who's pissed that his hot dog got cold, Mr. Ambassador," He replied. "As for rewarding me, I didn't do shit. If you're going to reward anyone, I suggest you send a letter of thank you to The Kaiser. If he hadn't shown up and called the Polizei off, you'd not be down here trying to squeeze people into SUVs like they're clown cars. Instead, you and I would still be talking, we might be dead with a couple of thousand holes in our bodies due to guns blazing on both sides."

The inspector then glanced around at the various people waiting for their flights.

"Although, if you want to show me gratitude, you could pay for my ticket back to Germany. I kind of left my wallet on my desk back in The Turkish Embassy there and, uh... Well, I ain't got a fucking penny to pay for a flight." He remarked with a chuckle.


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
(OOC: Since the Germans never really said anything about the extraction, I thought you were along for the ride with us :) Thanks.)

"I like a humble, yet straight shooting man, Inspector Harry," the ambassador says chuckling.

He then pulls out an attache case unzips it and pulls out a black ziplock bag.

"Ten grand. That should get you back to Germany and more. Have a nice lunch on me."

With that The Ambassador discreetly hands the bag off to Inspector Harry, gives a slight bow of reverence while doing so and departs with, "I hope we have more guys like you around here."

Then he turns to the Azul departure gate and walks nonchalantly, knowing that he is probably being watched by German police. But that is not a matter now.

The Ambassador is getting his people Home.

@Retroliser @NagandEmerald @Naio90 @Hollie


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
With a final wave goodbye, Karaca watched the Brazilians head for their terminal, before looking at the bag and chuckling at how he'd probably have over $9.000 left, once he'd got himself a desperately desired sandwich and and an economy class ticket back to Berlin.

"Thank you, Brazil," He said to himself. "You just made The Red Cross very happy."

Content with the remainder of the money going to a worthy cause, he began making arrangements to get himself a flight, and a sandwich.

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