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[Holy See] Papal Coronation of the King of Poland


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
The Day came and the Parish of Saint Stanislaus was done up with banners and regalia of the Household of the King of Poland. The Church itself was packed and there were screens set up in several of the surrounding squares and parishes to accommodate the sheer number of Faithful who had come to Rome for the first Papal Coronation in centuries. Pope Hadrian VII was tasked to be primary celebrant, and They too were excited for such a prestigious event, though he allowed none of his emotion to show as his retinue of Acolytes assisted him in dressing. His concelebrants were equally attended, the church had commissioned new vestments in real cloth of gold with an enameled crest of the House of Poland in the middle of the rondel on the backs. The concelebrants were Archbishop Józef Kowalczyk, the apostolic nuncio to Poland, Patriarch Georges-Joseph Toussaint, the Regional Patriarch of Europe, as well as all the polish cardinals, bishops, and clergy of polish descent that they could fit. All in all, there were over 20 concelebrants. The Pope once dressed made his way to the secondary sacristy through the back corridors to check in with the King of Poland. He stopped and looked to the guardsman, and simply raised an eyebrow, were they really going to make the Supreme Pontiff of the catholic church ask permission to enter?

(Tags: ManBear)


GA Member
May 22, 2020
The agents from the Polish Office of State Protection would eyeball the American Pope from under their mirrored sunglasses as he approached. Their all black suits hid pistols and sun machine guns underneath them as one silently stepped through the doorway and shut it behind him just as quietly. Murmured voices could be heard emanating from inside the room before the door was once again opened, this time fully to allow his holiness to enter into the room assigned to the Polish King.

“Your holiness, please enter. I would apologize for my agents’ behavior but they do have a job to do and they take it very seriously.”

The tall, lithe man who wore a tailored suit to show off the wiry frame bed the Pope to enter into the room with a large smile on his face. While it was well-tailored, the suit was basic in design. Three buttons, two of which were buttoned and held the suit closed, sat over a white collared button up shirt that was of no noticeable retailer. His pants were the same color as his jacket and sported a small blot of glitter along the hem.

“You’ve unfortunately missed seeing my son. My wife brought him for a few minutes to ease my nerves before the ceremony began.”



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
Hadrian crossed his arms as he was forced to wait for the overly cautious guards to admit him. This was certainly unacceptable, and an appropriate level of chastisement would be forth coming he was sure. Once the man stepped aside to allow him entrance he bowed far lower then was warranted and said,

"We thank you for your gracious obeisance, We are humbled by your consideration." His voiced dripped with sarcasm, even though his Polish was flawless. He wasn't sure the guardsmen would get the sarcasm, but in the end it didn't matter. He stepped into the secondary sacristy and looked around, before turning attention to the King himself.

"Oh do not worry about it, I am used to soldiers who take themselves to seriously. Don't they realize you are literally in the House of God, and I am his head servant on earth. So why bar me entrance. It's not like he didn't know who I was, I am pretty memorable after all." He then moved to the bank of drawers and leaned against it so as not to wrinkle his robes, the Pontifical Master of Ceremonies can be quite a mother hen sometimes. He listened as the man spoke of his family.

"Well I am sure that later tonight at the formal reception in the Apostolic Palace I shall have ample time to meet them both, and your mother as well." He noticed the man's clothes and frowned slightly.

"Is that what you intend to wear?"

(ManBear )


GA Member
May 22, 2020
Stanislaus offered a wry smile at the mention of soldiers and taking their duty too seriously. He had half a mind to explain the reasoning behind their seriousness. The two dead agents, hundreds of dead civilians, and an assassination attempt on his unborn child and his wife. But this was not the place to voice his opinion. It was indeed the house of god and the man before him was the man chosen to speak for god.

“My apologies, your holiness. I assure you they did not mean any disrespect. As for my clothes, I did not serve within the military so I refuse to wear the uniform out of respect for those that did serve. As for the state of them, my whole platform for my family’s return to power was to beat those who held the sin of greed close to their hearts. I hope I have made great strides to that effect. But I do have a few more articles that will be worn alongside those suit.”

Stanislaus would maneuver quite carefully towards the rear of the room where a wardrobe was opened to reveal the Coronation Mantle of Augustus III sat in a protected bag. Also in the wardrobe was the intricately decorated Szczerbiec which has been used to coronary monarchs since the 14th century.

“The regalia of Augustus III has already been delivered to your master of ceremonies but I wished to deliver the sword to you personally. It is an ancient artifact of Poland that means much to her people.”

Stanislaus would show the American Pope the black robe embroidered with golden flowers as well as the ancient sword in remarkable condition, even sporting the gilding upon the hilt with stylized etchings done in black.



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
The Pope looked on approvingly when the Ceremonial Attaire was revealed. He studied it without touching any of it, taking in all the nuances of design and styling, once the King was done showing it off he nodded.

"Oh good, I wasn't certain if you were one of those that prefers simplicity over tradition. If you were I'd've sent for something fitting from the Archives and besieged you to wear it. But these are much more fitting. Would you like me to send for some Altar Servers to assist you in dressing? They are quite adept at handling antique vestments." The Pope offered with an approving smile.


GA Member
May 22, 2020
The King had a look of relief on his face as he heard the Pope’s approval of his chosen garb for the coronation. He had met many political leaders but his could feel the anxiety filling the knot in his stomach. He just hoped such a feeling of relief was not shown so clearly on his face.

“Your acceptance humbles me and the Polish people, your holiness. I must say, I do favor simplicity over tradition. Despite my noble heritage, I was not raised in the traditions of old. My position, while was ordained to me by god through the gift of my blood, was only truly given to me by the Polish people who believed in my ideals. Chief among them, being a dutiful Catholic and swearing away most things one would consider greedy. A suit from the retail store suits me better than that of a designer such as Armani or Louis Vuitton.”

Stanislaus would carefully pick up the sword wrapped in red and white cloth before presenting it to the Pope.

“Your holiness, I would be honored to have your attendants assist me in donning the Coronation Robe and I would be doubly honored if you would present me the unsheathed blade after the Coronation. This blade’s name same, though lost, has helped Polish kings for hundreds of years. Especially when turning the heathen armies of the Ottomans by smaller numbered Polish Hussars. Being presented the blade would show the world that Poland will not stand for injustice nor will it bow to threats by those who seek to subjugate our people.”



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
“Humility is a noble goal, especially in a King. And We applaud you for it and encourage you to focus on that in your prayer life. For being a Catholic is far from easy and being a Catholic King even more so. But sometimes a bit of pomp and circumstance is warranted, do not forget that either.” Hadrian looked again admiringly at the regalia, then started making his way to the door.

“We shall be taking my leave now and shall send in the Sacristans to assist you in vesting. As to the sword, We shall most certainly accommodate you in that regard. We look forward to the outcome of this ceremony, and the closer ties it shall bring between the Holy See and Poland.” Hadrian then departed the room and made his way back to the priestly sacristy and dispatched two of his sacristans to assist the King.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Stanislaus bowed his head humbly as his patriarch departed the room. He had given him much to ponder upon before the exit from the room but the King of Poland did not have long to ponder it before the Sacristans entered into the room to prepare him for the oncoming event. With the help of the two sacristans, Stanislaus wore the coronation mantle of Augustus III. There, Stanislaus would await the notice that it was time before he would maneuver his body into the awaiting chamber where he, and the Pope Hadrian, would make history.



The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
The time came for the start of the mass, and all assembled in at the back of the Church, then proceeded down the Aisle. In proper traditional fashion, Pope Hadrian VII was seated on his Sedia Gestatoria, born on the shoulders of six attendants. Behind him followed the two fan bearers as well. He sat regally atop the throne, the Papal Ferula of John Paul II in hand, and the Palantine Tiara upon his head. He blessed the crowds as the procession made its way down the aisle. Behind him would come the Polish King and his entourage, as befitted their place as those being coronated today. They were followed by Raymond Cardinal Burke & Archbishop Józef Kowalczyk, who would serve as assistants at the traditional latin mass, and a retinue of a dozen Altar Servers. Behind them came the Choir Singing the traditional Entrance Antiphon of the day in Gregorian Chant. The Sedia Gestatoria is set down at the Altar Rail, and Pope Hadrian VII dismounted it, and then ascended the Altar and kissed it, then returned to the steps and knelt. To his left and right, one step down, knelt the Cardinal and the Archbishop, and they began intoning the Prayer’s at the Foot of the Altar.

Pope (Crossing himself): In nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti. Amen. (In the name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. Amen)

Pope: Introibo altáre Dei. (I will go in to the altar of God)

Archbishop and Cardinal: Ad Deum qui lætíficat juventútem meam. (To God, the Joy of my Youth)

Pope: Judica me, Deus, et discérne causam meam de gente non sancta: ab hómine iníquo et doló érue me. (Give judgement for me, O God, and decided my cause against an unholy people: from unjust and deceitful men deliver me)

A&C: Quia tu es, Deus, fortitúdo mea: quare me repulísti, et quare tristis incédo, dum afligit me inimícus? (For Thou, O God, art my strength; why hast Thou forsaken me? And why do I go about in sadness, while the enemy afflicts me?)

Pope: Emítte lucem tuam et veritátem tuam: ipsa me deduxérunt et adduxérunt in montem sanctum tuum, et in tabernácula tua. (Send for Thy light and Thy truth; for they have led me and brought me to Thy holy hill and Thy dwelling place.)

A&C: Et introibo ad altáre Dei: ad Deum qui lætíficat jubentútem meam. (And I will go in to the altar of God, to Go the joy of my youth)

Pope: Confitébor tibi in cithara, Deus, Deus meus; quare tristis es ánima mea, et quare contúrbas me? (I shall yet praise Thee upon the harp, O God, my God. Why art thou sad, my soul, and why dost thou trouble me?)

A&C: Spera in Deo, quóniam adhuc confitébor illi: salutáre vultus mei, et Deus meus. (Trust in God, for I shall yet praise Him, the Salvation of my countenance, and my God)

Pope: Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítio Sancto. (Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.)

A&C: Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper: et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen. (As it was in the begin, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen)…

The rest of the Mass of the Catechumans went flawlessly, following the order of the Mass for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, then the time came to insert the Coronation Rite before the Mass of the Faithful (or consecration). The Pope’s chair was brought before the Altar, and upon the altar was placed the Polis Regnal Regalia. Then the King was summoned up to the throne and bade to sit. The Pope got stood behind the altar and using Holy Water he blessed the regalia and then the King, then using incense he incensed the Altar and Regalia, and then the King. He then got the Crown and placed it upon his head. Intoning a latin prayer, and then he repeated the process with the orb, scepter, and sword. He then stood to the King’s Right and raised his hand to give the blessing, intoning in Latin he said,

“O God, who providest for Thy people by Thy power and rulest over them in love; grant unto this Thy servant Stanislaus King of Poland, the spirit of wisdom and government, that being devoted unto Thee with all his heart, he may so wisely govern his kingdom, that in his time Thy Church and people may continue in safety and prosperity, and that, persevering in good works unto the end, he may through Thy mercy come to Thine everlasting Kingdom; through Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord. Amen.”

Then the Pope and his Ministers returned to the Mass of the Faithful, with the King of Poland and his Family the first to kneel for Communion. After the mass the King is summoned back up to the Altar to make his solemn proclamation.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Stanislaus’s insides were a giant bundle of nerves and anxiety as he followed behind the pope, who sat upon his seat carried by six men, into the chamber. Dressed in ancient regalia that was once wore by his own ancestor, he felt the eyes of all the past kings and queens of Polands on him as he walked.

Stanislaus would kneel behind the pope and his entourage and join in the prayer silently as he listened to the pope as he intoned the ancient prayer to the mass. Once the Mass was complete, Stanislaus would take his seat aboard the Papal Throne and await the coronation to conclude. He would hide his nervousness behind a big smile as he watched the people gathered to watch the historic occasion.

The coronation proceeded rapidly to the young King’s mind until it was time for his proclamation to the people. To the Polish People. The Catholic People. To the People of the World.

"First, that the Church of God and all Christian folk should keep true peace at all times. Amen.

"The second is that he should forbid all robbery and all unrighteous things to all orders. Amen.

"The third is that he should enjoin in all dooms justice and mercy, that the gracious and merciful God, of His everlasting mercy, may show pardon to us all. Amen."

Once the formal proclamation had been finished he would look about the room before beginning his own oath of kingship.

“I do hereby swear that I will, to the utmost of my power, uphold the Laws of Poland and the basic human rights articulated by the Global Assembly for those citizens of Poland and of the world.

And swear to uphold the laws of god and the Holy Roman Catholic Church as written within the Bible and orated by his most holy, The Pope.

And swear to protect those who cannot protect themselves and exact justice on those who deserve it within the letter of the laws of Poland and matching the crime.”


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