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[Indonesia] Message to Australia


Republic of Indonesia
Jun 27, 2019

Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
This message is classified and encrypted

Recipient: Alexander Downer, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Australia JamieA

Sender: Ali Alatas, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Dear Minister Downer,

It is with a warm heart that I am sending this message and establishing an official line of communication between our two administrations. I would like to take this opportunity to further our diplomatic relations and explore areas of establishing additional foundations and routes of greater economic cooperation. As neighbouring democratic nations, it is with paramount importance that we share a close bond and see eye-to-eye on matters of regional and global standing.
Given the development of our national economies and the resources made available to us, a deeper economic partnership can only be beneficial to both our states. I would like to start by exploring the idea of trade. I am hoping that Indonesian products can find a larger presence in Australian markets, and vice versa.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could reply expressing whether or not you're interested in pursuing further discussions around this subject.

I will wait eagerly for your reply.


Ali Alatas

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Indonesia


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Encrypted & Secured by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)​
To: Ali.Alatas@kemlu.go.I’d <Indonesia / @KangNa>
From: <Australia>
Subject: Re: Diplomatic Relations
Attachment: -
Dear Minister Atlas,

Thank you for your prompt email to the Commonwealth of Australia, unfortunately Minister is in a meeting with the Republic of India so the email was forwarded on to me to deal with.

The Commonwealth of Australia agrees that it is a demographic important for both our nations to agree on topics and have stronger ties. I believe economic cooperation such as trade and any other topics that you wish to be discussed can be discussed, if and when you reply to this email please do let us know a range of topics that you wish to be discussed to allow our department to gather enough resources and information needed.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a key player within the Asia and Pacific Region who fights for what it is right. We believe that any problems that arise in the Asia and Pacific Region should be dealt with by nations in that region and not outsiders like the United States as we do not want a replica of what’s happened in Somalia and Vietnam.

I can meet with you are your earliest convenience here in Australia or I can visit you there in Indonesia with the prospect of the Minister joining at a later time. I look forward to hearing from yourself and working closer with the Republic of Indonesia.

Doris A. Lee
Director-General, Asia and Oceania Department
? +61 2 6261 3111​
☎ +61 2 6261 1111​
? Rg Casey Building, 10 John McEwen Cres, Barton ACT 2600, Australia​

Copyrighted @ Australia



Republic of Indonesia
Jun 27, 2019
With the Foreign Minister now engaged in a meeting, this email would be forwarded to the next-best official - the Indonesian Ambassador to Australia, Khansa Bintang.

Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
This message is classified and encrypted

Recipient: Doris Lee, Director-General of the Asia and Oceania Department JamieA

Sender: Khansa Bintang, Ambassador to Australia

Subject: Diplomatic Relations
Dear Director-General Lee,

Thank you for your swift reply. As Foreign Minister Atlas has since been preoccupied in a meeting, I have been requested to act on his behalf.

I'm glad that our interests are on the same page. The topics we wish to discuss with you come under the umbrella of bilateral trade and economic cooperation, and regional security cooperation.

Since I am already here in Canberra, arranging a meeting to discuss these topic in person is significantly easier. I am more than happy to host our meeting at the Indonesian Embassy at your earliest convenience. Or we can discuss matters elsewhere should you prefer.


Khansa Bintang

Ambassador to Australia
Republic of Indonesia


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Encrypted & Secured by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)​
To: <Indonesia / @KangNa>
From: <Australia>
Subject: Re: Diplomatic Relations
Attachment: -
Dear Ambassador Bintang,

Thank you for the prompt reply, I can meet with you at your earliest convenience. I look forward to this meeting and seeing what the outcome is from it.

Doris A. Lee
Director-General, Asia and Oceania Department
? +61 2 6261 3111​
☎ +61 2 6261 1111​
? Rg Casey Building, 10 John McEwen Cres, Barton ACT 2600, Australia​

Copyrighted @ Australia



Republic of Indonesia
Jun 27, 2019

Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
This message is classified and encrypted

Recipient: Doris Lee, Director-General of the Asia and Oceania Department JamieA

Sender: Khansa Bintang, Ambassador to Australia

Subject: Diplomatic Relations
Dear Director-General Lee,

That's good to hear. I shall make the necessary preparations at the embassy and await your arrival.


Khansa Bintang

Ambassador to Australia
Republic of Indonesia


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

With the Director-General being confused on why they would need to go to the Embassy however the Official would depart under armed escort of the Australian Federal Police towards to the Indonesian Embassy, once arriving the Director-General would step up to the receptionist letting them know they have arrived and are here for a meeting with the Ambassador. The Agents from the Australian Federal Police would wait outside in their vehicles until it was needed.


Republic of Indonesia
Jun 27, 2019
Upon hearing of their arrival, the Ambassador would make her way down to great the Director-General. "Good afternoon Director, I hope you've had a pleasant day so far", she would say whilst extending her hand for a handshake. "Please, if you would like to follow me, we can get right into discussion." She then made her way down the hall to a conference room. Inside, the Director-General would be invited to take her seat whilst the Ambassador would take hers on the opposite side. "Before we start, can I offer you anything to drink?"



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

The Director followed the Ambassador towards the conference room, taking a seat as she was gestured to do so she'd speak up "Can I have a tea please, 1 sugar touch of milk. Thank you" she paused, placing files, notepads and a pen onto the table. "With Indonesia kickstarting the communications between our two nations, it's only right for yourselves to kick start the talks. So what do you wish to begin with?" the Director paused allowing the Ambassador to speak

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