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[Mexico]: Message to the Netherlands


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Office of the President

Encrypted & Secret

Dear Leadership of the Netherlands

Introducing myself is Cristina Vargas the new Mexican President that has been elected to power. I see the Netherlands as nation that Mexico should build its country-to-country relationship with. I would like to either visit The Hague or one of your delegation to come visit Mexico City at a time of your choice.

Many Thanks
Cristina Vargas


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Secret & Encrypted

To: Cristina Vargas, President of the United Mexican States
Subject: Foreign Relations & State Visit

Dear Miss Vargas,

I am honoured to have received this message from you. The fact that you have taken the initiative to contact us in the form of an official communique only makes us feel guilty for not having contacted you sooner. We would like to officialy congratulate you on your electoral victory.

It would be our pleasure to host you in the Hague to discuss a range of topics, but please do make sure that we aren't taking away any of your most valuable time. For your visit we would require certain details such the date of your arrival and the size of your delegation and of course any specific requests.

Yours Sincerely,
Leopold Albronda
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of the Netherlands


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Office of the President

Encrypted & Secret

Dear Minister Leopold Albronda,

I can attend on the 17th of April 2018, the Vice President and several other delegation will be joining me in this visit. We will be taking four vehicles with us alongside several members of the Federal Police.

Kind Regards,
Cristina Vargas
President of the United Mexican States


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Secret & Encrypted

To: Cristina Vargas, President of the United Mexican States
Subject: Foreign Relations & State Visit

Dear Miss Vargas,

We will be prepared for your arrival, as it will be classified as a state visit you will also be meeting King Willem-Alexander and have talks with Minister-President Jack Wald, rather than a simple working visit where I would be the main person of contact. While we will provide security during your visit, we of course will make no objection to you having your own personal security detail, however I must ask that they carry no firearms.

Please fly in to Rotterdam The Hague Airport where a welcome ceremony will be held.

Yours Sincerely,
Leopold Albronda
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of the Netherlands


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Vargas and alongside the delegation would depart for The Hague Airport. Members of the Federal Police did not have any firearms on them however were connected at all times to those back in Mexico City and if the line was lost they knew something would be up.


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Air Traffic Control would contact the Hague Airport to inform they were inbound eta 2 minutes.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Rotterdam The Hague Air Traffic Control would guide the aircraft over Dutch airspace, the aircraft would be allowed to land at Rotterdam The Hague Airport. It would be assigned a gate which had been secured by 50 officers of 1 BSB Peleton. A convoy of ten Mercedes G-class vehicles would be waiting at the end of a red carpet.

As the plane came to a halt, a stairway would be placed to allow the Mexican delegation to disembark, the entire stand would be locked down with only authorised personnel being present. An honour guard would salute the president as she made her way down, at the end of the red carpet would be the Secretary of State of South American Affairs who would extend his hand to greet her
"Welcome to the Netherlands Madam President."


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Mexican Delegation would exit the plane. With the Mexicans not use to the much European weather many were covered up and would step down the stairs of the plane. Cristina would shake the hands of the Secretary. "Thank you, It is a pleasure to be here." The Mexican President would allow a few photographs to be taken by news crews.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The State Secretary of South American Affairs Gib Brook would stand with her for the Mexican and Dutch Defence press. He would then gesture the President to step into the waiting convoy for the ride to the royal palace Noordeinde in The Hague. Once the president and her delegation had taken their places in the vehicles the convoy would make it's way to the palace, being escorted by motorcycles from the Royal Netherlands Constabulary.

Upon nearing the palace there would be a gathering of people waving Dutch and Mexican flags, as the convoy made it's way onto the palace ground and came to a stop 20 meters from the palace doors. And honour guard would be standing beside the red carpet which had been laid out. At the end standing at the tops of the steps would be King Willem-Alexander. One of the guards which had been waiting for the convoy would hold the door open for the president, as she stepped out the Mexican national anthem would be played. Once the president had inspected the honour guard and reached the steps and was standing alongside the King and his entourage, the Dutch national anthem would be played.

Shaking her hand, pictures would be taken by the NOS (Dutch Broadcasting Service), the king would greet her "Madam President, a true honour to meet you."


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The President and the delegation would follow closely behind. They would be following what was going on and stand at attention of the national anthems and then proceed to inspect the honour guard. She would then bow, then shake the hands of the King. "It is a pleasure to be here, thank you."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I am truly pleased to be able to host you for your visit, multiple rooms have been prepared for your delegations" the King would say as he gestured them to follow him inside. "The Minister-President awaits you in a conference room, where you will be free to discuss" he would continue to explain as they walked through the palace to a conference room which had been prepared. The King would show the group in before leaving the politicians to their tasks. A large assortment of refreshments were available for the Mexican delegation to consume. Jack Wald would greet every member of the Mexican delegations with a handshake as they walked in. Once everyone was seated in the conference room the doors would be closed for the private meeting to proceed.

"I'm certain you've already heard this a lot, but I must say it again, welcome to the Netherlands. Shall we get straight to business, would you like to proceed with a topic you would like to discuss?"


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Mexican President and Delegation would make way through the building and the President would be listening in carefully what the King had to say. As they entered the conference room, a few more photographs would be allowed and the delegation would greet the Minister-President before the President would greet the Minister-President herself.

"It is a really lovely country, I am amazed by the sight." She'd smile before listening to question Mr Wald would ask. "To begin with, a trade agreement between the two countries?"


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Minister-President Wald would let out a chuckle "Madam President, what you've seen on your trip here is just a fraction of what the Netherlands has to offer."

He would turn to one his aide who was sitting beside him and asked him to hand him a document
"Of course a trade agreement would be very beneficial to both our nations, the Netherlands currently maintains a standard document which we have signed with over nine different nations. We could use that as a template, unless you have a specific document you would like me to look over."


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Vargas would listen carefully to what the Minister-President had to say. After he had finished, she would begin to speak. "Once again a pleasure to be here in the Netherlands." She'd pause briefly.

"I am more than happy to use the template you have set out, we currently have no standard document at this moment in time."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Minister-President Jack Wald would gesture his aide to hand out the template, he would walk around the room handing each member of the Mexican delegation a copy of the Dutch Fair-Trade Agreement.

"Now, we'll have to come to an agreement of setting mutual tariffs, this could be 0%, 6% or any other number."


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Each Mexican Delegation would read through the FTA. They would speak with each other and as did the President. Each were quite happy with what was on the Agreement and after a brief while of chatting the President would turn to the Minister-President.

"We do not mind of what percentage, do you have any suggestions?"

The President would cross her legs as the Mexican Delegation awaited the answer from the Dutch.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We of course would be pleased to harbour free trade between our nations and would therefore suggest a percentage of 0. I am not aware of your government's policy on trade however I believe that businesses in both our nations would be pleased to be able to operate without tariffs" the Minister President would say.


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I am happy with that." She'd sign the document awaiting for the Dutch to do the same. "Now moving on, would you be looking to do an exercise some point in the future? The Mexican Armed Forces are always looking to imrpove."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Wonderful, I thank you for being able to come to an agreement so soon," Wald would say as he signed two copies and handing one to the Mexican delegation for them to archive. "The Netherlands Armed Forces are still going through a restructuring in order to improve it's combat readiness and efficiency. However, I would like to see them prepare for action and an exercise is a suitable means to an end."

"Would Mexico be willing to host and organise such an exercise, we feel that a training operation in your biosphere would be beneficial and allow Dutch troops to acclimatize to operations in conditions not found in the Netherlands."

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