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Operation Balkan Fury


Jul 1, 2018


The Objectives, as laid out by High Command:
  • Secure the Country of Kosovo.
  • Decapitate the Kosovan political and police apparatus with special forces assaults on political and police headquarters in Pristina.
  • Secure the Capital of Pristina
  • Launch an armored assault with 3 Armored Brigades to secure Mitrovica, Gjakova, and Prizren to block reinforcements from neighboring nations.
  • Arrest Imams and shut down mosques with known or suspected ties to Wahhabism, Al Qaeda, or Saudi Arabia


Deployment List

  • 34th Armored Brigade
    • 341st Armored Battalion
      • 236x Tank Crewmen
      • 59x M-84AS
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • 342nd Armored Battalion
      • 236x Tank Crewmen
      • 59x M-84AS
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • 343rd Armored Battalion,
      • 225x Tank Crewmen, 600x Infantrymen
      • 75x Lazar 3 (12.7MM RCWS)
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • 344th Cavalry Battalion,
      • 237x Tank Crewmen, 316 Infantrymen
      • 79x BOV M11
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • 345th Field Artillery Battalion,
      • 96x Tank Crewmen
      • 24x M03 NORA-B52 K-I K1B 155mm Truck Howitzer
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • Brigade Support Battalion,
      • 600x General Support Personnel
      • 100x TAM 150 T11 B/BV
      • Fully Fueled
      • Carrying Supplies, fuel, and food for the rest of the Brigade
  • 27th Armored Brigade
    • 271st Armored Battalion
      • 236x Tank Crewmen
      • 59x M-84AS
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • 272nd Armored Battalion
      • 236x Tank Crewmen
      • 59x M-84AS
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • 273rd Armored Battalion,
      • 225x Tank Crewmen, 600x Infantrymen
      • 75x Lazar 3 (12.7MM RCWS)
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • 274th Cavalry Battalion,
      • 237x Tank Crewmen, 316 Infantrymen
      • 79x BOV M11
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • 275th Field Artillery Battalion,
      • 96x Tank Crewmen
      • 24x M03 NORA-B52 K-I K1B 155mm Truck Howitzer
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • Brigade Support Battalion,
      • 600x General Support Personnel
      • 100x TAM 150 T11 B/BV
      • Fully Fueled
      • Carrying Supplies, fuel, and food for the rest of the Brigade
  • 55th Armored Brigade
    • 551st Armored Battalion
      • 236x Tank Crewmen
      • 59x M-84AS
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • 552nd Armored Battalion
      • 236x Tank Crewmen
      • 59x M-84AS
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • 553rd Armored Battalion,
      • 225x Tank Crewmen, 600x Infantrymen
      • 75x Lazar 3 (12.7MM RCWS)
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • 554th Cavalry Battalion,
      • 237x Tank Crewmen, 316 Infantrymen
      • 79x BOV M11
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • 555th Field Artillery Battalion,
      • 96x Tank Crewmen
      • 24x M03 NORA-B52 K-I K1B 155mm Truck Howitzer
      • Fully Fueled
      • Guns/Magazines Fully Loaded
    • Brigade Support Battalion,
      • 600x General Support Personnel
      • 100x TAM 150 T11 B/BV
      • Fully Fueled
      • Carrying Supplies, fuel, and food for the rest of the Brigade
  • Task Force Shadow
    • 63rd Parachute Battalion
      • 500x Alpine Rangers
    • 72nd Reconnaissance-Commando Battalion
      • 500x Special Reconnaissance Special Operators
    • Counter Terrorist Battalion "Hawks"
      • 200x Counter-Terrorist Troops
    • 22nd Combat Helicopter Transport Wing "Mulebacks"
      • 10x Pilots
        • 5x CH-53K King Stallions
        • Fully Fueled, All Onboard Weapons fully loaded.
    • 161st Special Operations Aviation Group "Night Hawks"
      • 20x Pilots
        • 10x MH-60G Pave Hawks
        • Fully Fueled, All Onboard Weapons fully loaded.
  • Task Force Overwatch
    • 1st Tactical Fighter Squadron "Wardog"
      • 10x Pilots
        • 10x MiG-29SMT
        • Fully Fueled, onboard autocannon fully loaded.
        • Loadout:
          • 2x R-27R
          • 2x RVV-MD
          • 2x S-8 Rocket Pods
    • 2nd Tactical Fighter Squadron "Warwolf"
      • 10x Pilots
        • 10x MiG-29SMT
        • Fully Fueled, onboard autocannon fully loaded.
        • Loadout:
          • 2x R-27R
          • 2x RVV-MD
          • 2x S-8 Rocket Pods
    • 3rd Tactical Fighter Squadron "Sol"
      • 10x Pilots
        • 10x MiG-29SMT
        • Fully Fueled, onboard autocannon fully loaded.
        • Loadout:
          • 2x R-27R
          • 2x RVV-MD
          • 2x S-8 Rocket Pods
    • Air Defense Unit - Vranje II
      • 100x Personnel
        • 1x P-18 VHF Radar

The Ground Elements would move and begin staging at various staging points, the 34th Brigade at Presevo, Serbia, the 27th Brigade at Ljusa, Serbia, and the 55th Brigade on the eastern side of Ribarice, Serbia. Task Force Shadow would begin staging their helicopters and setting up command at Morava Airport, while task force Overwatch would set their fighters on alert at Batajnica Air Base. Meanwhile, Air Defense Unit - Vranje II (at Vranje, Obviously) would fire up its P-18 VHF Radar in order to scan the airspace over Kosovo.

Operational Go-Word for Task Force Shadow would be "Prince Lazar" while the Go-Word for the rest of the forces would be "Black George."
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Aug 4, 2018
The Eastern European Affairs Office of the General Intelligence Directorate would look into the issue after an upper-echelon member of the G.I.D. requested that a case officer look into the abduction of former Serbian military commanders who had bungled the 1998 Kosovan War. Case officers would immediately correlate the list of the individuals arrested by the Serbian police to the High Command of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In fact, the list would be a 1:1 match. The G.I.D. would also note that among the arrested was a high-profile individual, the former President of Serbia.

With all this evidence and investigations taken into account, the General Intelligence Directorate, Office of European Affairs correctly deduce that the arrests were a consequence of nationalistic fervor that was taking root in the nascent government of Serbia. After sending the information to Minister Nguyễn Minh Chiến of the State Ministry, a warning would immediately be shared with the surrounding regions of Serbia: Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Kosovo. The warning would include a "be-on-the-lookout" for Serbian military activity.


Jul 1, 2018
Posting as Kosovo

Private, Top Secret

Corporal Adnan Jujijzai would be scanning the border from his position on the South bank of Lake Gazivode, west of the town of Brnjak, today he would do his task with a little more intent than usual, as the Vietnamese State Minister had warned them of potential nationalistic goals of the new Serbian government. With this in mind, he was shocked to see large elements of the Serbian army massing to the East of Ribarice, Serbia, through his binoculars he could make out what seemed to be at least 1,500 men, an entire, Serbian Brigade by the looks of it, massing in broad daylight just on the other side of the border! He turned to the man next to him, "Get on the radio to HQ immediately, tell them we have what looks like a massive deployment of Serbian forces on their side of the border."

Corporal Adnan would continue his observation reporting vehicle numbers and troops numbers as he began marking them down to make note of their position and numbers.

A near mirror of this exact scene would take place at the border watch emplacement North of Llaushe, Kosovo, here an entire Serbian Brigade would be spotted massing to the South Ljusa, Serbia, this would also be intermediately reported to the Headquarters of the Kosovo Security Forces.

With a Serbian invasion seeming inevitable, Lt. General Rrahman Rama, the head of the Kosovo Security Force, would immediately mobilize his 5,000 active personnel for the defense of his country, and begin the process of mobilizing his 3,000 reserve units. First, logistics units and support teams would begin burying IEDs and landmines alongside and on all major roadways into the country, A defensive line would be ordered along the Southern side of the Ibar River, extending along the river to the Branch off with the Sitnica River, here the line would extend along the Sitnica, going along its North Eastern Branch until it was North of Prishtina, here it would cut east through the Mountains and hills of Kosovo, eventually meeting up with the Binacka River and following it South, at the line, entrenchments would be dug as well as gun pits for mortar teams, heavy machine gun emplacements supported by Otokar Cobra's equipped with Anti Tank Missiles and 20mm cannons would be placed at the shallow places likely to see river ford actions. Cobra's would also be placed at ambush points in the mountains and hidden alongside roads behind hills and forests. They would be placed inside garages in cities. All troops would be stationed on the side of the line away from the Serbian border, these troops would carry H&K G36 Assault Rifles most attached with grenade launchers. One in five men would also carry the M79 Osa, and One in 10 would carry the RPD.

(Rough defensive line)


North of the Defensive line 1,000 men would be dispersed into guerrilla bands to harass and attack the enemy supply lines and columns from the rear should they advance into Kosovo, these men would break into small groups of 5-10 and hide in the mountains, cities, and forests of Kosovo, ordered to stay undetected until the Serbian army had engaged the main line of Defense.

The General Population of Kosovo at this time would be ordered into a state of martial law, civilians would be advised to avoid roadways and were not allowed out passed 0800.

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Jul 1, 2018
At Morava Air Base, the men would start to be getting antsy, as they awaited word from General Staff. "Task Force Shadow, 63rd Parachute Battalion. Prince Lazar. Repeat, Prince Lazar."

With that, 200 members of the 63rd Parachute Battalion, would be flying in 4 CH-53K King Stallions of the 22nd Combat Helicopter Transport Wing, "Mulebacks." These helicopters would fly "nap of the earth" (or "Under the radar") with the terrain (in some cases dipping into valleys to increase their stealthiness) until they reached Pristina when they would climb just above the buildings. Most of them carried an M21 Assault Rifle, chambered in 5.56x45 NATO. Every 20th man carried a Zastava M07 Sniper Rifle (Also chambered in 7.62x51), and 5 of them, alongside their M21s, carried M90 Strsljen Anti-Tank Rocket Launchers. All of them carried .40S&W-chambered CZ99s as a sidearm. Every man carried at least 5 extra magazines for their primary firearm and 3 for their sidearms.

The 63rd's target would be the workplace of the President of Kosovo, as the Present Holder, Hashim Thaci, is wanted in Serbia for serious war crimes committed during the terrorist campaign that the rest of the world called the "Kosovo War." Their destination and Target, of course, would be kept top secret until they began their raid.

A separate team, following close behind the 63rd's detachment in the 10 MH-60Gs of the 161st Special Operations Aviation Group "Night Hawks," comprised of 120 Members of the Counter-Terrorist Battalion, the "Hawks." Their target would be the workplace of Ramush Haradinaj, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, who was also wanted for war crimes against Serbia. Their target is also secret

They also would be carrying M21s, with 5 of them carrying an M07 Sniper Rifle, 2 of them carrying Zastava M93 Black Arrow Anti-Materiel Rifles. 20 of them would be carrying a SPAS-15 shotgun loaded with breaching rounds, alongside their M21s. They also would each be carrying at least 5 extra magazines and 3 for their sidearms, also carrying the .40S&W CZ99s.

All helicopters would be fully fueled, their armaments fully loaded, and their countermeasures full and ready for use.

Meanwhile, to keep the KSF Occupied, General Staff would issue an order to the Brigades,

"All Ground Elements, Black George, repeat Black George."

With that, the fully fueled, fully armed M84AS tanks of the 3 Armored Brigades would cross the border at their respective crossings in an Armored Assault, moving down the roads in a column formation until engaged, after which they would break into a spearhead formation to assault any defensive lines. Any military vehicle not of Serbian make was to be destroyed immediately. However, infantry was only to be engaged if they opened fire on the armored brigades, and even then were to be engaged only with what force was necessary. As far as Serbia was concerned, these civilians were Serbian Citizens, and you don't put down a rebellion by helping that rebellion recruit.

The Lazar 3 IFVs (Also fully armed, loaded, and also loaded with infantrymen (Each armed with M21s and CZ99s), would move up behind them in a more guarded formation, Holding back from engaging unless the tanks needed infantry support or had secured an area. In every armored push, a team of 4 BOV M11s from that Brigade would be deployed within the ranks of the tanks to provide reconnaissance and to call in fire support from their artillery, but only in open fields, and where civilian casualties would be minimized by the fire missions.

As they moved into any concentration or into any villages or towns, KSF (which the Serbians viewed merely as an extension of the KLA) soldiers were given the chance to give themselves up and receive lenient punishments, rather than face the hail of fire that was to come.

The 341st, 342nd, and 343rd Battalions would push from Presevo, up the B35 Corridor, towards Gilan, breaking out into large flying wedge formations (of 10 tanks each, the last wedge followed by staggered columns of Lazar 3s) wherever they had open enough fields to do so. With the B52 NORA easily being capable of providing fire support all the way to their current objective of Gilan, the 345th Field Artillery Battalion would provide fire support from an elevated position west of Presevo, again, only used carefully and judiciously.

The 271st, 272nd, and 273rd Battalions would push southwards from Ljusa, with the 271st pushing down the 214(Becoming R127 in Kosovo) and the 272nd assaulting down the E-80 (which in Kosovo becomes the M25). The 273rd would follow the 272nd down the E-80/M25. They were going to rendezvous in Besiane and secure that city before they pushed on to Pristina. The 275th Field Artillery Battalion would sit out for a while, as the Serbians wished to avoid calling down artillery support into urban areas.

The 551st, 552nd, and 553rd Battalions would push from Ribiarce east, moving towards Mitrovice. The 555th Field Artillery Battalion would set up just on the Kosovar side of the river, again only providing fire support judiciously and carefully, and where absolutely necessary.

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tactical Fighter Squadrons would all move out towards the ramp where they could sit on alert (each squadron having an 8-hour rotation on alert each day) preparing for any situation which may call for their deployment.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Obviously now that the invasion had taken place, word would quickly spread around the world of it and the word would soon reach the desk of the President. Brian Mosteller, Obamas aide, would enter the Oval office, apologising for disturbing him and placing the report of the Serbian invasion of Kosovo on the Resolute desk before quickly excusing himself. Obama, reading the report, would sigh a little - before phoning the Secretaries of State and Defence on a three way call. After a short discussion, it would be decided that a do not travel warning would be issued for Kosovo and southern Serbia.



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The Prime Minister, sitting on the tarmac at Dublin Airport, still shaken from the assasination attempt would suddenly get a phonecall from his Minister for National Defence, Harjit Sajjan.

"Prime Minister, we have a situation in Kosovo. Serbia have appeared to have launched an invasion. The Kosovans are mobilising."

"Christ.... the Ireland mess and now this. It's like every issue in Europe that was settled 20 years ago has resurrected. Get the Cabinet together and be prepared to brief me when I get back."

"Will do, sir."


Jul 1, 2018
With the initial operation having little to no resistance, the Forces would break through the lines, arresting KSF Forces along the way and handing them off to the Logistics Battalions, who would take them to Serbia to be handled by the police. The 34th Armored Brigade would secure the City of Gilan, and set up positions along the outside of it to prepare to provide support to forces in Pristina, if necessary. The 27th Battalion would secure the city of Besiane, and begin to push towards Pristina. Likewise, the 55th Brigade would have easily achieved their objective of Mitrovice, and would push towards Prizren, to cut off Pristina and the occupied portion of Kosovo from the rest of the country, and more importantly from Albania, where any support would likely muster.

The Task Force Shadow Forces arriving in Pristina would have made their drops on their objectives, securing a foothold in the buildings and detaining the officials they were sent to arrest. They would dig in at their positions and prepare to be relieved by the Armored Brigades. The Helicopters would return to Batajnica Airbase to refuel, re-arm, and prepare to return to the Capital if needed.

The Lazar 3 Battalions (343rd, 273rd, and 553rd Battalions) would move to escort the Logistics Battalions, as the supply lines began to lengthen out and enter occupied territories. The Logistics Battalions would bring food, water, fuel, and ammunition to the forces as they pushed towards Pristina.


Jul 1, 2018
By now, the 34th and 27th would've arrived in Pristina with no Resistance, arresting KSF officers along the way. The 341st and 342nd would Immediately arrive at the President's Office to reinforce the Airborne Rangers there. The 271st would relieve the Counter-Terrorist Troops at the Prime Minister's Office. The 272nd would move to the Kosovo Assembly, where they would be met by the 273rd, with orders to break off their escort of the logistics battalion, and arrest all leaders of the Political Parties constituent to the PANA Coalition, all of which were lead by wanted war criminals and terrorists who had been members of the KLA (which the Serbian Government viewed the current Kosovoan Government as an extension of)

The Helicopters of Task Force Shadow would be fully refueled and sent back to extract all Detainees, while also bringing extra ammunition for the Counter-Terrorists and Airborne Rangers, who were now to make their way towards Pristina Airport, in order to establish control over the only major Airport in the country.

Meanwhile, 55th Brigade's troops would've taken Prizren, and cut off the major avenues for Albanian or other forces to enter the Capital. They would dig in defensive lines for their tanks while the 553rd Battalion would let off its infantrymen to set up their defensive lines before the Lazar 3 IFVs went back to providing an escort for the resupply battalion.

All Three Logistics Battalions would continue their resupply missions, but the 27th's Brigade Support Battalion would join with the 34th's BSBn and the 343rd on their supply line, as the 273rd broke off to carry out their above orders.

To the Serbian Government, Kosovo was now won. They just had to mop up whatever was left.



Jul 1, 2018

By now, with the absolute lack of any resistance from the Kosovars, the Serbian Military would've secured the Capital and generally established military control over the entirety of Kosovo, the Entire KSF having failed to even attempt resistance against the Serbian Military. KSF Soldiers would be forced at gunpoint to surrender and be taken into custody to be processed and released into the population, unarmed, as functional members of society, or otherwise, if having a completely clean record and if not having any connections to the KSF's predecessor, the KLA, were offered jobs as local constables and law enforcement. All KSF Vehicles were remanded into the custody of private scrapyards to be disposed of, where their destruction would cost nor earn the Serbian Government anything.

The 55th Brigade would Garrison itself in Prizren until police and Gendarmery assets could be stationed in the area, taking on more of a security and defense role for the city, as well as ensuring that any known KLA War Criminals were remanded into military custody. The 27th and 34th Brigades would, like the 55th, remain garrisoned in Pristina for the time being, until police assets could be set up in the area, they were, however, to stand down from a purely military footing, and take on an internal security role. The 120 members of the Counter Terrorist Battalion "Hawks" in Pristina would remain at Pristina Airport, to establish control over incoming flights to the country, while the 200 members of the 63rd Parachutists Battalion would take the Helicopters of Task Force Shadow and the leaders of the PANA Coalition, Agim Çeku, Ramush Haradinaj, Fatmir Limaj, and Hakim Thaci, to Batajnica Air Base, where they were to be taken to a military tribunal in the capital.

With the KSF Dismantled and the country under the functional control of Serbia, the Operation was considered a total success and Kosovo under Serbian Control. However, the Military Occupation would continue until police, gendarmery, and other security assets could be given a footing in Kosovo.


Aug 4, 2018
The Vietnamese State Minister would be watching the news unfold in his office, the reporter on the screen explaining the causes of the Serbian-Kosovan crisis as well as underlying factors. His mouth would be in a thin, tight line as he watches. His eyes would flit up as he hears a knock on his door.


A young aide would arrive, holding onto a manilla folder from the General Intelligence Directorate. The words "TOP SECRET" would be emblazoned on the front of it.

"Sir, a report has arrived from the General Intelligence Directorate. The Eastern European Affairs Office has declared an attack on Kosovo from Serbia imminent."

"Excellent," The State Minister would cock his head. "They're only about an hour late."


Aug 4, 2018
(Roleplaying as Kosovo)

Emboldened by the inflammatory speech given by Vietnamese President Ngo that they did not stand alone and angered by the unlawful executions of their democratic leaders, the people of Prishtina would immediately take to the streets with the intention of demonstrating at Skanderbeg Square. Word of the intended demonstration would spread like wildfire, and individuals from surrounding cities and municipalities, such as Gjilan, Uroshevac, and Mitrovica would make the journey to Prishtina with the intention of partaking in what would be known as the Skanderbeg protest. These protesters, while only initially numbering in the thousands, would quickly threaten to overwhelm the 27th and 33rd Brigade if left unchecked. Throughout these protests, anti-Serbian fervor, stoked by the public execution of their leaders, would rage through the crowd who would intend on Kosovo remaining independent, either through a peaceful referendum or by the violent expulsion of the Serbian military.

Initially, the protest would be set to begin a kilometer away near Ulpiane, with the beginnings of the protest proceeding down Agim Ramadani, one of the busiest roads in all of Pristina. Along the route, large portraits would be held up on sticks, with the faces of Ramush Haradinaj, Sylejman Selimi, and those who were hung by the Serbians to further portray the message that the executions were unjust and illegal human rights violations. Using megaphones and inflammatory chants, the protestors would call upon the city of Pristina to rise up and cast off the Serbian oppressors in order to expel them from their lands, while also demanding that their leaders and fellow countrymen be released from prison. Not only would this ideal be portrayed, but also a message from Vietnamese President Ngo, where Kosovo, as a sovereign nation, has a right to independence, self-determination, and their own destiny in the world. This route would be chronicled by domestic journalists, who would be streaming and uploading videos of the protest onto social media.

It was now becoming clear: Kosovo was in open defiance.


Jul 1, 2018
The Troops on the ground in Kosov, still assisting the police in establishing control over the Capital, would be ordered to use non-lethal force to put down such riots. They were authorized to use noisemakers and blunt-force assaults if necessary to hold back protestors from approaching military or police lines. If any protestor actually tried to commit violence against them, they were authorized to escalate force as according to the continuum of force. Verbal Resistances would be responded to with verbal commands and touch, physical resistance would be responded to with takedowns, violence would be met with incapacitating strikes, and any serious violence would be met with deadly force from sidearms (their primary arms were only to be used in the event of being fired upon.) Anyone detained who was suspected to be a former KLA Member would be detained separately.

The 55th would move from Prizren to North Mitrovica, where it would be tasked with erecting border checkpoints between the Serbian-filled North Kosovo, which was not considered in threat of Rebellion, as they had long opposed their inclusion in the "Republic," and the rest of Kosovo, most of which was considered a threat. Serbian Police and Gendarmery were ordered to move into North Kosovo, with the intention of incorporating them first.


Aug 4, 2018
(Roleplaying as Kosovo)

Having marched down the street, the protests, while initially numbering in the thousands, would quickly swell to the tens of thousands with many Kosovars and Pristinians joining in the march for the freedom. Due to the Serbian's choice of filling North Kosovo first and erecting border checkpoints there, this would allow those in the other regions to make the travel to Pristina to take part in the demonstration at Skanderbeg. Meanwhile, after meeting resistance at Skanderbeg Square, the Kosovars who came to defend their future would begin to escalate, now having a target to actually fight against. With cries of "Kosovo is Free!" With the abundance of students and youth, it was clear that something was going to happen soon.

"Kosovo is free!"

The atmosphere initially at the peaceful demonstration hadn't been like a protest at all. As a matter of fact, it was akin to a festival with plenty of singing, songs, and dancing. However, with the use of noisemakers and the organized police response against the demonstrations, the crowd would only be inflammed further and angered by the injustice. They had executed their leaders and illegally imprisoned them. They were going to take away their right to protest as well?

"Kosovo is free!"

Skanderbeg Square was noted for it's brick roads and paths. It was a historical site and it would very much soon be ammunition. Protestors would immediately push back against the organized police response. Having such a high number of protestors that was quickly growing from the surrounding areas, they would easily overwhelm the blunt-force assaulters. A group of students would run home from the protest, only to return moments later with pickaxes. Deep within the crowd of protestors and surrounded by human shields, they would begin taking pickaxes to the ground to break off chunks of brick.

"Kosovo is free!"

Bricks would begin to be hurled at the police lines. So many would be thrown it would appear that the Sun was being blotted out by stone. To devastating effect, these would land among police lines. Even those who were wearing helmets when impacted would their brains rattling inside their skull. Having outnumbered the whole of the Serbian garrison in Kosovo, the small brigades and police force assigned to the Capitol would find themselves quickly overwhelmed.

"Kosovo is FREE!"

As a matter of fact, why were the Kosovar police collaborating and helping the Serbians? After all, the Serbian Union had yet to establish their own military police within Kosovo. They had not achieved the objective of decapitating the apparatus. The police was still mainly made up of Kosovars. Throwing down their Serbian allegiances, they would take their weapons and join the Kosovar protestors. Now, the protests had light arms and would quickly advance upon the Serbian military lines, intent on casting them out of Pristina.

"Kosovo is FREE!"


Jul 1, 2018
The tanks would open fire with their coaxial machine guns as the brick started flying towards the brigades, specifically also targeting those who were armed. They were now threatening the lives and limbs of the Serbian Soldiers, and as such, they were to be treated as armed opponents. As far as the Glasl Model of conflict escalation, the men on the ground were marked at "Stage 7 – Limited destruction." If they had to pull out every trick in the world to survive their current situation, they would. The only thing they wouldn't do was surrender.

The Second Tactical Fighter Squadron, Warwolf, was authorized to take off (secretly) on a Strike Sortie, with the Target being the protests in Pristina. Taking off with the Mission-specific loadout listed in the deployment document, and being fully fueled with a loaded autocannon, they would fly towards Pristina with haste, cruising just below the speed of sound. They were to arrive above the city and circle until the strike mission had been given final approval.


Aug 4, 2018
(Roleplaying as Kosovo)

Screaming, the protesters would make a full retreat away from the military, scattering into the wind. Any form of organized protest would now be out the window. What would be in it's place would be a war of attrition where the Serbians would be bled so harshly that they would be unable to hold onto their gains. Ironically enough, the same actions that had led to the independence of Kosovo were now going to be used to defend it. Rather than actually engage the Serbian Army outright in a conventional conflict, the Kosovars would retreat to engage the Army on their own terms. As the police have not had had their weapons confiscated, they would use these against them to engage the Serbian Army in Pristina under concentrated sniper fire from concealed positions, such as from high-rise buildings and concentrated urban dwellings. These shootings would only happen in ambushes where there were no concentrated tanks to repel the Kosovars, as they Kosovars had no answer to them. Instead, the armed Kosovars would retreat to sidestreets and alleyways, where tanks could not follow them and vulnerable infantry would be forced to engage them on the turf of the Kosovars.

Tactics used would vary. The martial law and the curfew of 0800 would be completely ignored, with the people taking to the streets to demonstrate. While this was happening, homemade explosives using gunpowder, nails, and pressure cookers would be deployed and dropped in the streets in backpacks and duffel bags, monitored by hidden Kosovars for Serbian patrols. Should any patrols pass by any of these improvised explosive devices, they would be detonated to the effect of killing and utterly maiming Serbians and nearby passerbys. Due to the lack of deployment of any kind of engineering battalion or company to Kosovo, there would be no answer to these explosives. The city would begin to go into a full uprising against the Serbs.

To the South, outside of the North Kosovo region, due to the lack of any concentrated Serbian military presence (as they had all gone North to incorporate it into the Serbian Union), the major cities of Gjokova, Prizen, Peja, Gjilan would go into their own armed uprisings after hearing about the Serbians engaging protesters by firing at them with machine guns and tanks. With the lack of any kind of Serbian military presence in these cities, they would storm their respective governments in mere hours and declare that the Republic of Kosovo was once again in effect in areas outside of North Kosovo.


Jul 1, 2018
The 34th and 27th Brigade elements in Pristina would secure a defensive zone at the Fadil Vokrri Stadium, setting the Kosovo Assembly's building ablaze as they pulled back towards the stadium. The Infantrymen would use the cover of the stadium's facilities to set up a mobile base, while the M-84ASs and Lazar 3s would set up a defensive perimeter along the road looping the stadium. Anyone even getting close to the stadium would get several warnings before being engaged, first with suppressive fire, and then with fire intended to kill.

Warwolf Squadron arrived over Pristina, pushing their afterburners to full, diving down to pass over the city at low (less than 300 meters) altitudes, and using their sonic booms as sonic weapons, shattering windows, shaking houses and buildings, bursting eardrums, and setting off car alarms. Approaching the Stadium, they would climb several thousand feet before "Dive Bombing" towards the ground, pulling into a sharp climb thereafter to "shoot" the sound waves into the ground in several massive "booms," creating even stronger and more lensed sonic effects. They weren't weapons hot yet, but they made sure the Kosovars knew that they weren't screwing around here.


Aug 4, 2018
With the Serbian military confined to their barracks in Fadil Vokrri Stadium, the rest of the Kosovars in the city of Pristina would rejoice. With the Serbian military gone from the streets, the Kosovars, now operating under the long-disused name of the Kosovo Liberation Army would begin to ferry arms under the cover of cars and trucks, taking them to be hidden in hidden, readily-available caches and depots to be used once the Serbians attempt their break out of the stadium. Under the cover of debris, KLA soldiers would begin to set IEDs and booby traps in the roads adjacent to Tirana, Girabaldi, and Fehmi Agani. Should the Serbians attempt any breakout from the stadium, they would be immediately met by a hail of explosives, IED fire, sniper attacks, and gunfire.

Across the Tirana street, a squad of KLA soldiers would begin to use the cover of the buildings and boutiques, such as Frutti Market, and begin to put the Serbian military under a hail of sniper fire, further demoralizing them and lowering their combat effectiveness. They would switch positions after every round fire (due to the many boutiques, there would be a hail of sniper nests available for use) in order to prevent accurate counterattacks.

A separate company of the KLA volunteers would re-enter their vehicles and journey down to Pristina International Airport. Due to the lack of any garrison, they would arrive to find the airport empty and disused. They would immediately set about preparing it for the arrival of Vietnamese peacekeepers.

Meanwhile, a brigade of volunteer firemen would immediately be deployed to the Kosovo Assembly building with fire trucks, putting the fire out under a stream of high pressured water. Firefighters would enter the building to put an end to the blaze from the inside. Once the blaze was put out, a young Kosovar with the flag of the Republic of Kosovo furled in his arms would climb to the roof and fly it as high as it would go. The Republic of Kosovo was once again in control of it's the capitol.


Jul 1, 2018
The Serbian Troops in the Stadium would Hunker down, while the 12.7mm machine guns on the Lazars and Coaxial machine guns on the tanks would return fire, best they could, against the Snipers. Two planes of Warwolf Squadron would break off of their disruption patterns and fly towards Kosovo A and Kosovo B, two power plants which 97% of Kosovo's domestic power production. They would be given the authority to commit strike missions against the two power stations. Each of the two would unleash the entirety of their complement of S-8DM Rockets (20/pod, 2 pods/aircraft) at the stations, with one pod unleashed on the generation buildings themselves, and another unleashed on the electrical stations outside of the power stations. The Planes would then each make another go around at the power stations' electrical substation with their autocannons, making sure to place several rounds into the Extra High Voltage Transformers, specialized pieces of equipment that are difficult to replace or repair, yet essential for the transmission of electricity.

The other 8 Pilots in Warwolf squadron would continue their disruption runs, this time flying just above the level of the city's rooftops, less than 100m (Below the rooftop of Pristina's absolute tallest highrise, the ENK Complex.) Again, they would be breaking the speed of sound, shattering most of the windows in the city, causing car alarms to go off (and shattering their windows too), shattering eardrums, and generally using these sonic booms as a sort of sonic weapon to disrupt any actions the Kosovars might undertake.

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