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[RU]: Message to Ukraine


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018



Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Encrypted, Classified, Private, and Protected by SIN
To: Petro Symenenko, Chairman, Communist Part of Ukraine

Greetings Comrade,

Since the disillusion of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics we have been fed empty promises of a better Russia, and a more free Russia. What we have instead seen is a collapse of those promises, a Russia infested by corruption and crime. A Russia that is only more free for the greedy and selfish who take advantage of the well intentions yet ill informed reforms. A Russia wit leadership so weak we have sent men to die pointlessly only to give up without giving them a chance. No doubt Ukraine has experienced many of these things, and even harsher at that.

We managed to convince portions of the military to assist us with the taking of power in Moscow. However, this return to sanity is threatened by the fact that there are many in the military who will either oppose this action, or wait to see which side will win. We ask this, that the Ukraine show solidarity with Russia in this time of struggle. Should the Ukraine do so, then many may be convinced to allow us to stabilize Russia, and to further extent, the region as a whole.

Separated we have fallen, but together we can rebuild.

From: Alexander Rutskoy, Acting President, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic



Jul 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

From the Office of the Premier of Ukraine: Petro Symenenko
To the Acting President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic: Alexander Rutskoy

Comrade! It is with the relief and joy that the news of the return to Soviet control of Russia is announced. Here in Ukraine we struggled with oligarchs and greed, the disastrous effects of the collapse of our glorious union. Our people quickly were turned to support us in our revolution once again, as we promised stability and a return to the strong industrial and agricultural economy that made Ukraine strong. We would be honored to stand strongly beside your own revolution and show our solidarity with our brethren in Russia.

Whatever threats you face, and however you must face them, The Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine will face them alongside you in whatever capacity we can. Our own armed forces are currently undergoing a massive reorganization and restructuring following the disastrous collapse of the USSR. We will however help in whatever way we can.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018




Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Encrypted, Classified, Private, and Protected by SIN
To: Petro Symenenko, Chairman, Communist Part of Ukraine

Greetings Comrade,

It is good to see such a warm welcome back to sanity from the Ukraine, working together once this situation is stabilized we can build a better future. One which is untainted by the Oligarchs and and greedy, but first as stated this situation must be stabilized. As I mentioned before the loyalty of the military is not absolute, and the people are sick of a weak government unable to stand up for them or the nation at large. Thus, a demonstration of solidarity and confidence must be made. Already nations like the US are calling into question our take back of control. This being despite my assurances.

Regardless, we would like it if you could send troops to Moscow, however I understand that perhaps you are not ready for such a mobilization? If not, we can provide the means to get them there. But, we must act quickly, for the tide of opinion can change quickly.

From: Alexander Rutskoy, Acting President, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic



Jul 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

From the Office of the Premier of Ukraine: Petro Symenenko
To the Acting President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic: Alexander Rutskoy

We stand firm in our support for the global proletariat, and we understand and empathize with the precarious situation your government finds itself in. We will do what we can in our support for your government both internationally and domestically. I would be happy to deploy two regiments of the homeguard to Moscow, they can be deployed by our own air force tomorrow, or if they are need more urgently you could make arrangements for their pick up in Kyiv via Russian logisitical support.

Ukrainian units are ready to stand in solidarity with our Russian brothers.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018




Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Encrypted, Classified, Private, and Protected by SIN
To: Petro Symenenko, Chairman, Communist Part of Ukraine

Greetings Comrade,

We have forty seven M62 locomotive available for transportation usage. How many men are in these two regiments? It would take thirteen hours from Moscow to Kiev for the trains to arrive. Even longer if we were to send a fleet of trucks to come and pick them up. I am most pleased and grateful to hear your willingness to stand by our side.

From: Alexander Rutskoy, Acting President, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic



Jul 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

From the Office of the Premier of Ukraine: Petro Symenenko
To the Acting President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic: Alexander Rutskoy

Indeed, our airforce can make the trip much faster, with your authorization, I will begin the deployment of 2,000 Ukrainian Home Guard Soldiers to Moscow via Antonov 70 Aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force, these will support you in maintaining control over any part of Russia you deem necessary to send them.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018




Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Encrypted, Classified, Private, and Protected by SIN
To: Petro Symenenko, Chairman, Communist Part of Ukraine

Greetings Comrade,

You have my permission to move the 2,000 via aircraft into our nation. Moscow must be fully secured first, then we can ensure the whole nation is secure against "counter movements" which may crop up. Once they arrive we can supply them with sixty eight Ural-4320-19 which we can configure with troop seating.

From: Alexander Rutskoy, Acting President, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic



Jul 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

From the Office of the Premier of Ukraine: Petro Symenenko
To the Acting President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic: Alexander Rutskoy

Our troops are on their way to Moscow via airlift and will be their shortly, we have no doubt that this revolution and return to stability will be maintained, and we are eager to support our Russian friends in whatever way we can. I am sure the Regimental Commanders will be happy to have the use of Russian equipment in the field.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018




Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Encrypted, Classified, Private, and Protected by SIN
To: Petro Symenenko, Chairman, Communist Part of Ukraine

Greetings Comrade,

Very good, and for your support we will allow them to keep the equipment on lease until a replacement can be found. Though, speaking of equipment we currently field a massive amount of T-62MD-1, T-72B obr.1990g, and T-55MV-1. Would you be able to provide the T-62AG, T-55AGM, and T-72AG upgrade packages? At this time we are scrambling to get our air force in order.

From: Alexander Rutskoy, Acting President, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic



Jul 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

From the Office of the Premier of Ukraine: Petro Symenenko
To the Acting President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic: Alexander Rutskoy

We would be more than happy to provide the upgrade packages as requested for your equipment, we will however have to consult our engineers for pricing on the upgrades specifically, we are currently in the process of restructuring our own armed forces, and would be interested in centering this restructuring around traditional soviet equipment, as well as Ukrainian upgrades, as such we will be looking to procure numerous articles of equipment under Russian ownership. Especially helicopters, artillery, and air craft. Our own air forces and navy are fully staffed, but completely lack equipment. It is a sad state, but we plan on moving boldly forward with rearmament.


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