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[RU]: Phone Call to Japan


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Encrypted & Classified

"Helicopter destroyer?" he asked with a pause."Regardless, we can provide 3 of the KA-27 helicopter. Which version of the KA-27 would Japan like to purchase?

How much are the Nissan 300ZX (Z32), Toyota Supra, Honda NSX, and Acura Integra?

For the aircraft in question I think that we can work something out in regards to the specific variants you want. How often would you allow Russian observers in a factory?

For the authorization, I think that can be done especially if our relationship advances. What additional defense exports is Japan interested in?"



Jan 18, 2020

"Our navy utilizes destroyers equipped with helicopters such as the Shirane-Class Destroyer. The Ka-27PL we understand to be the most advanced anti-submarine warfare helicopter available. If that is the case, we would like to move forward with that purchase. We would actually buy 8 of the Ka-27PLs and one Ka-27PV.

Unfortunately, we are unable to secure export pricing for these vehicles at this time but we will inform your government immediately when we are able to do so.

Because we are seeking such a broad, comprehensive production license of some of Russia's most advanced equipment, we want your government to feel as comfortable with our production being per our terms of agreement. Therefore, we would be happy to have permanent Russian advisers stationed in every factory producing Russian technology. That way, your government can ensure your rightful payments and we can ensure that the models are produced as accurately as possible.

We are interested in the goods in the message we directed at your government's export department. Namely the following products:

[4] Il-96M Passenger Airlines (Three Class Seating Capacity)
[1] Il-96M VIP Presidential Variant
[4] Il-96T Cargo Planes
[1000] Ural 4320 Medium Trucks
[300] Ural 4320 Tankers
[200] D-30RH 122 Howitzer

We have increased the quantities so as to avoid needing to place several future orders.

On another track, to discuss the possibility of the regional alliance. While we have hopes for such an alliance, we would like to secure bilateral relations with Russia immediately. Not only do we seek a partner for military cooperation in products and training, we would like to secure a defensive alliance, and deeper economic ties. A Strong Russian-Japanese axis is Asia would strongly position our mutual governments.

With this alliance, we can secure our exports to 20% markup, promise military drill training to protect our pacific borders, and increase the flow of trade between Russia and Japan. We would like to create visa allowances between Russia and Japan. As partners, both of our interests would be better secured."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Let me put in a request to our export department to determine the pricing of the exact models you are requesting. I am not entirely up to date on such things. But I am sure that we will have the prices before we are done here.

Permanent Russian advisers? i can see you are very serious about this deal. Very well, I think we can move forward on that front.

For the other equipment let me grab the prices and I can get that right back to do.

I agree that a stron Russian-Japanese axis in Asia would strongly position both of us. So, I believe a mutual defense agreement is more then possible. Tough for economic ties what are your thoughts?"



Jan 18, 2020
"Yes, with your advisers stationed there, your government will be at ease that we are complying with the terms of the agreement. We have been provided some of the pricing already so please ensure your people have not already advised us on prices beforehand. We have already begun production of several planes under the license. We will need those Ka-PLs as soon as possible as our Navy is fitted for Anti-Submarine Warefare helicopters but we have no helicopters to mount on them.

We have prices on the sports cars.

1996 Nissan 300ZX Z32 Model: $90,000
1996 Toyota Supra 3dr LB Base Manual w/Sport Roof: $58,000
1996 Acura 2dr NSX Cpe Manual: $115,000
1996 Acura Integra 4dr Sdn GS-R Manual: $30,000.

Mutual Defense pact is agreeable to us.

As for economic ties, we already have a strong trade agreement. However, we can lower visa requirements as well as cooperate on research projects."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"So, we have come to a decision. In regards to the requested
Il-96M Passenger Airlines (Three Class Seating Capacity)
Il-96M VIP Presidential Variant
Il-96T Cargo Planes
Ural 4320 Medium Trucks
Ural 4320 Tankers
D-30RH 122 Howitzer
We are willing to add them to the production license. The reason this is that we have determined Japan to be trustworthy in this regard. Is this alright or do you still prefer we produce them? Also, we will be sending the overseeing staff to the factories. Can you give us the addresses for the places of maneufacture?

We are currently working on a economic trade agreement with the Ukraine that would see the dissolution of tariffs and non tariffs between Ukraine and Russia. We will also wish to impose a common tariff on all imports into our nations. We were wondering what Japan would think of such a experiment if it succeeds? We believe that this can become an Eurasian economic pact if successful."



Jan 18, 2020

“Excellent. We will add those licenses to our list and produce those assets as needed. We thank Russia for its cooperation. We have proven honest and reliable with our past productions and will continue to be so towards these new ones. Russia needs to do nothing other than collect its due profits. I have a prepared list of the facilities currently producing Russian goods and the list of potential additional factories.” The list was emailed to the Russians via secure channels, private and encrypted.

“Continuing on, we therefore turn to what is remaining:

- Agreeing on the exact terms of the NAP
- Agreeing on the exact terms of the Mutual Defense Pact
- Agreeing on the exact terms towards economic cooperation
- Decision on the remaining Russian assists we mentioned earlier
- Decision on the sports cars discussed prior.

I am sending some proposals to you now”


This is a mutual declaration of friendship and peace between the Russian Federation and the STATE OF JAPAN. Each signatory to this pact hereby declares that any and all hostilities against the others are strictly forbidden. This is document is a sign of trust, cooperation, and harmony.

Article I - The Parties
  1. Each party to this agreement hereby binds themselves to the terms of this document.
  2. The terms of this document represent the entire agreement between the parties.
  3. Each party asserts that this document complies with the laws of their nation and that this document will be binding on all subsequent governments.
  4. Each party asserts that they have the authority under the laws of their nation to sign this document and to enforce it.
Article II - Military Aggression
  1. Each party to this agreement swear to undertake no aggressive military actions against the other.
  2. Aggressive military actions are defined as actions which threaten the national security, safety of citizens, or integrity of assets of the other party through use of military arms.
  3. Each party will respect the territorial sovereignty of other other and not move military assets into the other party's territorial claims without consent. This is inclusive of military bases and enclaves located outside the primary territory of each party.
  4. Territorial sovereignty includes claimed ground, air, space, and maritime territories.
  5. Neither party will use military assets to harass, harm, or otherwise interfere with the affairs of the other party.
Article III - Secret Aggression
  1. Neither party shall undertake espionage or other clandestine actions against the other.
  2. Nor shall either party utilize espionage or other clandestine actions where the target is or includes the other party.
  3. If either either seeks to undertake espionage or other clandestine activities in the territorial claims of the other party or an action that would impact the other, permission is first required from the other party.
Article IV - Corporate & Trade Aggression
  1. Each party shall respect the claimed intellectual property of companies headquartered and registered under the other party's laws.
  2. Each party shall enforce lawful intellectual property claims of companies from the other party.
  3. Neither party shall attempt to reverse engineer or otherwise copy technology belonging to citizens or corporations of the other.
  4. Neither party will harass or impede commercial vessels flying the flag of a signatory party.
  5. Commercial vessels flying the flag of a signatory party shall be allowed to dock and refuel at the ports of any signatory party.
Article V - Duration
  1. This document shall be in force for five (5) years after its signing and renewable annually thereafter.
Article VI - Enforcement
  1. The parties agree to convene and discuss any perceived violations of this document with each other as the first step for enforcement.
  2. The parties agree that this document will be enforceable with the International Court of Justice.
  3. The parties agree that violations of this document found by the International Court of Justice will result in a $5,000,000,000 fine penalty to the other party


This is a mutual declaration of friendship and peace between the Russian Federation and the STATE OF JAPAN. Each signatory to this pact hereby declares that any and all hostilities taken against a signatory to this pact will be regarded as an act of aggression against both. This is document is a sign of trust, cooperation, and harmony.

Article I - The Parties
  1. Each party to this agreement hereby binds themselves to the terms of this document.
  2. The terms of this document represent the entire agreement between the parties.
  3. Each party asserts that this document complies with the laws of their nation and that this document will be binding on all subsequent governments.
  4. Each party asserts that they have the authority under the laws of their nation to sign this document and to enforce it.
  5. ”Party/parties” and “signatory/signatories” are interchangeable and both refer to the nations which have signed this document. No attempt will be made to distinguish this pact based on a difference in signatory/ies or party/ies.
Article II - Aggression Defined
  1. Offensive Declarations of war against a party shall be regarded as military aggression.
  2. Aggressive military actions are defined as actions which actually harmed the national security, safety of citizens, or integrity of assets of the other party through use of military arms. This includes bases, embassies, and other lawfully held assets outside the territories of the signatories.
  3. Mere violations of territorial claims by a third party is not itself enough to qualify as aggression.
  4. Economic aggression is specifically excluded
  5. Cyber assaults on a signatory Can qualify as aggression against if done in a manner that materially harms the national security, safety of citizens, or integrity of assets of the other party.
  6. Espionage by a third party does automatically not trigger this pact unless the activity is so damaging to a signatory as to be regarded as a declaration of war by the third party on a signatory.
  7. Imminent threats detected before their execution, which if carried out would qualify as aggression defined above, will trigger this pact as qualifying aggression.
Article III - Mutual Defense
  1. If a party to this pact is subject to aggression by a third party, as defined above, the other party agrees to treat such actions as aggression against their own people.
  2. When a triggering aggressive action occurs to a party to this pact, the party subject to the aggression has the right to call the other party or parties to this pact to their aid via direct military support and a joint declaration of war against the aggressor.
  3. The right to the benefits of this pact will be nullified if one party clearly and intentionally provoked the third party into action; with the provoking party having the purpose of triggering this defensive pact to assist in an otherwise offensive action.
Article IV - Military Cooperation
  1. Each party shall engage in at least one (1) joint exercise with the other signatories to this agreement for each of the following purposes: (1) Joint Strategic War Coordination; (2) Ground Force Coordination; (3) Air Force Coordination; (4) Naval Coordination; (5) Ballistic Missile Defense
  2. The signatories to this pact will create and/or share data communication between military assets so that during a joint war, coordination of assets is seen less.
  3. The parties to this agreement agree to cap profits charged to the other at a 20% markup to facilitate the growth of military power between them.
  4. The parties to this agreement agree to coordinate the research and development of at least three (3) technologies each year.
Article V - Duration
  1. This document shall be in force for five (5) years after its signing and renewable annually thereafter.
Article VI - Enforcement
  1. The parties agree to convene and discuss any perceived violations of this document with each other as the first step for enforcement.
  2. If a party to this agreement feels that a signatory to this pact has substantially breached its terms by not responding to legitimate acts of qualifying aggression, this agreement is null and void.

“As far as economic cooperation, we feel the elimination of tariffs is an important step and we agree to such terms. As far as the common tariff, how does Russia envision such a tariff functioning? The idea sounds good in principle.

Next, the remaining military assets we discussed before:
Helicopters -
Mil Mi-6 x 45
Mil Mi-28 (Anti-Tank Attack) x 8
Mil Mi-24 Gunships/ Ka-29 x 8 (Note that these are for ground based forces but we do require naval assault transports, hence the dual request)
Ka-27 PL
KA-27 PV

And for our Paratroopers:
IL-76D Transports (between 10-30)

Lastly, does Russia still require sports cars? We also wish to mention that we are developing an armored diplomatic car that we feel will provide the highest level of security to Russia’s VIPs.”


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I believe we can agree to this. I will send it to the President at once for his review. He will fax the document to you after we have had it approved. I will keep you updated on that situation.

As for tariffs the proposal is simply that of a no tariffs and no non-tariffs policy with an added common external tariff. This would encourage entrepreneurs in Russia especially in far east to do business with Japan. Lets say an Russian entrepreneur wishes to purchase consumer grade electronics in Japan and sell them in Russia. Normally the price would be bumped up and be more expensive with tarifs. It would discourage them from doing business with Japan. But with this they would be free to get quality Japanese products in Japan and then sell them in Russia. Otherwise, they might do their business elsewhere. For instance... China? If we included a streamlined border enforcement this would even allow for quicker business between our two nations.

For the helicopters and paratroopers are you not sure that you would prefer to have them as a part of the production license? Otherwise, I will fetch the prices.

For the sports carts, we would like 500 of the 1996 Acura 2dr NSX Cpe Manual."



Jan 18, 2020
“Perfect. Please let us know if any amendments your government would like to see.

As for the tariff situation. We find it interesting but have one concern at this point - what about our existing trade agreements and ability to make future ones. We have several no-tariff trade agreements existing and some in the works. We do not want to invalidate our existing agreements. Furthermore, would this arrangement mean that all future trade deals Japan seeks will be bound to the common external tariff?

Yes, production licenses are better and easier all around. We will also want to add the Ka-50 alligator instead of the Mil Mi-28, given that the 28 is still in its infancy.

Based on our profit cap above, if we are agreeing to it, the price per vehicle would be $95,400. This times 500 would work out to be $47,700,000. Let us know if we should go ahead.

Now, we must simply confirm agreement to these terms. The last item is this economic cooperation.”

Last edited:


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"It would mean that yes. Which may be a reason not to join in such an agreement. We can leave that situation on the table for now.

I also just got word on the document that was sent. They will approve it. However, they would like the addition of the production licenses added in. That way we can have it in writing as a part of these documents.

For the cars, we will ave the money transferred within a day or two."


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