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[Sweden]: Message to Vietnam


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Dear Võ Hồng Phúc,

I write to you in relation to a meeting regarding the Spratly and Paracel Islands Defensive Contract previously discussed. In the coming hours I will be boarding a chartered flight to Noi Bai International Airport, Hanoi, Vietnam - in company with me will be two unarmed Swedish National Security Office personnel dressed in civilian clothing however they will carry with them their necessary credentials to be displayed, upon request by local law enforcement. A hire vehicle has been requested.

I look forward to seeing you soon, please forward the necessary meeting location and time to me.

Peter Hultqvist
Secretary of Defence
Kingdom of Sweden


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

At Noi Bai International Airport Minister Võ Hồng Phúc and a squad of Soldiers deployed from the local garrison who were all in ceremonial dress uniform with SKS rifles was waiting with a convoy of UAZ-452. His plan was to meet with the Swedes once they arrived and then bring them back to the Ministry of Defence building for a very secure meeting enviroment. The Vietnamese government gave the Swedes a go ahead to land and enter their airspace.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Upon arrival the Secretary of Defence would depart the aircraft, in the company of the aforementioned National Security Office officers, along with the rest of the civilian making up the capacity of the aircraft. He'd make his way through the airport arrivals lounge and through the security screening, however extensive this way, and through to the awaiting convoy where he would enter a vehicle as instructed by the Vietnamese authorities in the company of his protection staff. He'd remain within the vehicle for the journey to the Ministry of Defence, retaining in his right hand a small black bag containing majority paperwork alongside some other essentials. Once at the Ministry Peter exits the vehicle and buttons his blazer before making his way inside to meet Minister Võ Hồng Phúc.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Minister Võ Hồng Phúc would meet him at the gate and proceed to give a slight bow before offering a handshake. "Welcome to Hanoi. I am Minister Võ Hồng Phúc. I hope that your long flight was pleasant. It is a great distance between here and Sweden yes?" he would say and after introductions at the gate would lead them inside. All the doors along the way were closed but upon arrival at the meeting room where the Vietnamese team was he would take a seat. At the center of the table was a pot of coffee and a jug of water. Cups and mugs provided."We have much to talk about. So, lets get started."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Peter grips the Minister's hand firmly, shaking it and echoing the slight bow - completely unaware of cultural necessities given it being the first visit he has ever made into Asia and neglecting to conduct the necessary research prior to arriving. "Minister is is a pleasure to be here, thank you for your hospitality." he chuckles before going on "Yes, the journey was quite a long one, but we made it in one piece which is the most important thing! I hope you are well?".

"Minister Phúc, this contract to defend these islands is something I don't think has been done worldwide, certainly not in recent years. We are creating a bond between Vietnam and Sweden which is completely unseen, unexpected yet of great benefit to you and I. I strongly believe that a collaborative approach to combatting the real-world threats to your overseas territory is the best possible way to ensure the success of this contract - so I must ask, what do you expect of the Swedish Armed Forces?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"My new friend, before I say anything else I would like to state why we immediately accepted your proposal. The details were exceptional of course, and the price fair. But above that, it is the past history between our nations." he smiled warmly. "Sweden was the first western nation to recognize our Government back in 1969. Back when no others would." he would say as he poured himself a drink."So with that, I expect great things to come of this collaboration. Sweden and Vietnam are far apart, so we cannot expect much of course. However, Sweden is well known for its modern fortifications. A sturdy constant defense against those that would threaten your nation. That being our former ally the Soviet Union."

"Thus, we primarily expect the building of excellent defenses such as fortifications. However you also in your proposal mentioned and I quote
- Long and short range military air space monitoring capabilities attributed to rapid reaction capability.
- Air Force Rapid Reaction Force detachment in strategically appropriate locations where infrastructure allows.
- Air Force assets with capability of continental support for allied forces traversing the region (patrol, refuelling, search and rescue and surveillance)
- Air Force assets capable of vertical take off and landing for remote estate where the usually necessary runways would be required.
- Naval Task Force capable of coastal and regional patrols including, but not limited to, reactive and proactive tasking.
- Naval Task Force consisting of modern, resilient vessels adapted to regional technicalities (minesweeping and surveillance)
- Ground Force support mechanisms to support logistical and law enforcement necessities domestically.
- Infrastructure for the development of strategic defence networks for consistent remote defence. '"

He would say reading this from a piece of paper. "So, I expect all of that.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Vietnam is a beautiful nation and one I expect to thrive to the top of the pecking order in years to come. Collaboration between us will see everything we promised in our proposal, without a doubt, and we have a track record of acquiring some of the most advance equipment in the world, particularly that of intelligence/surveillance focus which we intend to make a fundamental part of the defence of your islands. I understand however that there are some areas you require further information on? I have come armed with as much information as I possible could, with the help of aides, to ensure you are not left short changed."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Very good, lets get started. I shall go point by point. So, ' Long and short range military air space monitoring capabilities attributed to rapid reaction capability. ' I assume this means radar yes? What radar systems would we be using here? Also, what would their placement be? As you probably know some of our claims at this time are unsuitable for mounting sensitive equipment onto."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"At present we operate an international surveillance network managed by the Swedish Strategic Defence Network, a branch of the Swedish Armed Forces beneath the Headquarters umbrella. This is a highly sensitive and, as the name suggests, extremely strategic placement of assets globally to manage maritime, air and ground movements to fundamentally defend Swedish interests. With our personnel being deployed to assist with the defence of the Spratly and Paracel Islands, it becomes a Swedish interest...- this network will be extended and incorporated into the positioning of radar systems in the region; the positioning of these systems will entirely depend of the coverage we currently have operational in that area.

Nonetheless, the claims you currently press are supported by the Kingdom of Sweden, I can tell you that with certainty having consulted with the Department of Foreign Affairs prior to our bid being made... should any foreign entity have an interest in our equipment, they'll be coming into contact with our forces. I have no worry about the positioning of sensitive equipment in critical locations. Safety and security come first."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Ah, i see. So this would be an active service provided by you as opposed to you building a system, putting it in place, and then handing it to us. This is workable, but will require more close coordination and cooperation between our two nations. We would need to enter into an agreement, and perhaps an alliance if possible so that you can have assets and personnel stationed there properly. Based on your answer it sounds like the systems you wish to employ are classified? I can understand that, and if that is the case I will not push on the matter further. However, if we are to move forward with this deal we would need an exception made so we can more easily work together here."

"Now the next one 'Air Force Rapid Reaction Force detachment in strategically appropriate locations where infrastructure allows.' I imagine based on your previous answer this would mean Sweden placing air assets at the Spratly airfield? Would you be opposed to working closely with our airforce to accomplish this? Our airforce does not have datalink equipment like many western nations do, so cooperation will be sluggish as shared information will have to go through a controller first."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Well, at least in the interim - there's no doubt that you'd be able to find another nation capable of dumping some cheap radars on your islands and claiming they have defensive capability, handing them over to you with a smile on their face as they accept your cheque... we're doing it properly and we have a reputation of going big or going home. Our Strategic Defence Network will be able to make a strong and validated assessment of the region to provide reasonable advice on the development of installations; future-proofing your territory.

Without a doubt the Strategic Defence Network is highly classified although once their assessment is complete the full facts and figures will be disclosed to you with a projection of what we expect to develop for Vietnam to, at some point, operate independently. If it's speed you're looking for, perhaps you may want to look into another state ensuring the defensive capability of your islands, however if you're looking for quality and stability, we're at the front of the queue."

He pauses before moving onto the next point:

"We will be looking at using the Swedish Air Force to develop the training of Vietnamese Air Force personnel for the operation of western equipment, from there we will begin the investment into ensuring they are equipped, to a similar standard of many western states, to perform a rapid reaction and interception capability which will work in conjunction with the intelligence/surveillance equipment in place. If for nothing else than a deterrent, a show of force, or even another intelligence gathering opportunity."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Good answer. We want quality and stability. A quick fix is not what we are looking for, especially when we are talking about securing our claims against nations that have a very sizeable lead in terms of navy, air force , and army size."

"At this time our next group of pilots are in a two year training course. This is to bring our air force in terms of skill and ability up to par with many modern air forces. So for the time being we are using the previous generation pilots. I believe a good way to go would be to introduce into the program the operation of this western equipment so that they know how to use it once they are out. In terms of investments we do plan on upgrading from our airforce which is based primarily on the MIG-21 platform and SU-17 platform. But, for the time being investments into data link upgrades would help us greatly. Does Sweden posses any AWACs equipment we can acquire as a part of this program?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Well this links nicely into our proposed 'Air Force assets with capability of continental support for allied forces traversing the region' - we have an extensive investment portfolio granting us access to internationally accredited AWACS, which will be able to provide this data link capability we're striving towards creating for your Armed Forces - at present we're in the process of analysing the best equipment suited for the region but in the interim we will be making the most of the Saab 340 AEW&C operated by the Swedish Royal Air Force to plug the gap.

I cannot be more clear that equipment is not an one-size-fits-all solution - we will require a period of operation in the region to see what's best suited. The only way I can explain this in a visual sense is...- the use of a huge American-bought Lockheed C-5 Galaxy would be completely overkill to serve logistical purposes on a group of islands... however a small turboprop like the Lockheed Martin C-130 or perhaps even the CASA/IPTN CN-235 are overwhelmingly obviously more suitable. You understand?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes, I think i do understand. We will need to conduct testing more or less to determine what is right for our needs that Sweden can provide. I imagine this applies to the other two airforce ones as well
'Air Force assets with capability of continental support for allied forces traversing the region (patrol, refuelling, search and rescue and surveillance)
Air Force assets capable of vertical take off and landing for remote estate where the usually necessary runways would be required.'
Modernizing and updating our assets to be in line with the goal of protecting our claims will be a long one with much trial and error. Does Sweden have a data link system that can be installed onto our current jets to be able to operate with say the Saab 340 AEW&C?"

"For 'Naval Task Force capable of coastal and regional patrols including, but not limited to, reactive and proactive tasking.
Naval Task Force consisting of modern, resilient vessels adapted to regional technicalities (minesweeping and surveillance)'
We have in mind two things and I would like to know what you think and how this would fit in with your plan. We want to build a Coast Guard and a Navy. For the cast guard we have elected at this time to seek out the American Hamilton-class cutter which can be fitted with Harpoon missiles. At the same time we want to use our TT-400TP gunboats and Shershen-class torpedo boats. However, the Shershen-class torpedo boat is rather outdated. Given that our main adversary in the Spartly Islands will without a doubt be China in the future, how would you say we should prioritize procurement for vessels? Meeting these goals you laid out in your proposal."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Absolutely. Saab operates some of the most advanced data-focussed technology on the globe and continues to develop these systems to the specifications required by partners worldwide. Our operation in your territory will allow us to work together to develop the region to your needs, not the needs of Sweden or the needs of other international partners - we want to supply our expertise, our capability and our teams to invest into the islands in order to enable to Vietnamese Armed Forces to operate safely and effectively.

At present you are fortunate in the sense that China has, at this stage, not made any aggressive move towards to islands for a number of years however I can see this changing fairly rapidly when your focus starts to divert to overseas territory - they'll want a piece of the pie. Personally I would ensure that the prioritisation of your procurement pays very key attention to the Coast Guard whom have the capability to operate largely without any hostile action as your intelligence gathering lead branch whilst the navy, initially with our assistance, will be able to provide the 'wall', so to speak, behind the front line. Should China, or any other instigator, ignore the pressures of the Coast Guard, they will be met with the full force of the navy to ensure international law is followed and the integrity of your territory is maintained.

I have to say the Shershen-class torpedo boat is almost inoperable against modern more advanced technology and vessels of this size are much more agile in comparison to the larger Hamilton-class Cutter - your money is certainly best spent on the vessels best suited to traverse the region."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Indeed, China has felt secure in the area no doubt since the Johnson South Reef Skirmish went in their favor. We were not prepared for that attack then, and want to be prepared for it something like that ever occurs again. I also agree, the coast guard must be funded first for us to have any success here. We are currently projecting an over twenty billion cost for the joint procurement of coast guard vessels and navy vessels. What you are saying is that until we are able to step in, that Sweden would provide the needed coverage?

The Hamilton-class Cutter is a good ship for the job, however we are having to negotiate for it at this time. As for the Shershen-class torpedo boat we would like to know if Sweden has a vessel of a comparable size and role that can be used in it's place?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I couldn't agree with you more, we need to step forward to off-set the Chinese confidence in the region and return it to the rightful control of Vietnam - China needs to know that their size won't intimidate and international cooperation will always collapse a regime of territorial bullying. Sweden will absolutely manage the law enforcement and necessary defensive gaps in the region until you, with our support, have the infrastructure and materiel necessary to take over.

Sweden has long given up use of torpedo boats, now opting to move that task to larger multi-purpose corvettes or frigates and making use of fast attack craft to fill the void of rapid reaction capability. I don't think we operate anything that would necessary fill the specifications of the Shershen in one hit, but we can certainly communicate to our friends, allies and partners to see what we could agree. I will have the Defence Procurement Administration draw up some contenders for consideration."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Indeed, cooperation will be key into getting the Chinese to back off from their fraudulent claims. We also wish to more or less make them back off and step off of the Paracel Islands which they took during the war. The government in the South being unable to prevent a Chinese invasion.

It sounds like the Hamilton Class Cutter is the best choice going forward. Perhaps another US Coast Guard vessel to replace our Shershens in size and role. But, before we move forward on asking the US about a Shershen replacement we will gladly wait to see what your friends and allies could provide. Who are your friends and allies?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Private & Encrypted

A Soldier would enter after knocking and then giving a salute to the Minister. "Sir, I have been instructed to inform you that there has been a declaration of war against Sweden by South Africa. As you are in a meeting with Sweden this information was deemed important. The reason for a declaration of war was over a dispute in regards to some Antarctic Islands." he would say before being dismissed.

"Well, this is certainly a change of pace. As we had been discussing military cooperation, and the possibility of a future alliance I might have a suggestion. South Africa as I am aware returned to the Apartheid system. I would like to suggest cooperation between our two governments on blockading South Africa entirely. Not letting up at just the dispute of the islands, but the dismantlement of their system. People got a taste for the end of that system in 1994, but somehow it returned a few years later. I believe we can get the population to end this for us with enough pressure."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"The situation between Sweden and South Africa has become unexpectedly fragile and has directly caused concern for strategic locations we possess around the world. That includes, but is not limited to, Marion Island of the Price Edward Islands. I have no fear in saying that the current government systems within South Africa are monumentally opposite to our core values and only adds to our awareness of their undiplomatic, irrational and aggressive nature; it should come as no surprise that we are keen to avoid physical conflict if at all possible but please don't misunderstand that we can and will put a stop to it as soon as there is a risk to life, limb or property.

Whilst I appreciate your concern for the people, the view is that Vietnam has become somewhat disconnected with the global theatre recently. How can we be assured that in working together with you that we will not be abandoned in the spotlight once the metaphorical bomb has gone off?"


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