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[Sweden]: Scandinavia Summit


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I suppose a natural progression is now to discuss the Committee for Nordic Administrative Affairs and their area of business for the treaty. Personally I think the management of Nordic Council elections should fall within the remit of this standing committee, at least in terms of the administrative side of the process?"


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Yes I totally agree. This will ensure a fair election is taking place within the Nordic Council"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Could you expand exactly on what you mean by elections? For what body or bodies?" he asked as he did his best to reach the eighty word limit that he was fundamentally opposed to but could not disagree with publicly because he was a member of the Moderation Team. The ambassador quietly started to ponder to himself the incredible acts of cooperation and political agreement that would arise from the creation of the Nordic Council, and how it would help elevate Scandinavia to the top of the world stage. He was looking forward to this very much.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Whilst purely for establishment purposes Swedish nationals currently occupy both the Secretariat and the Presidium, we do intend to open this up to election or perhaps even a rotation basis to ensure that the views and opinions of each and every member state are given the opportunity in the lime light. In essence my idea was to have both the Secretary General and both Presidential roles elected into position... unless of course either of you have a better way to operate things?

Minister Rasmussen I am conscious that you are agreeing with everything brought to the table but haven't interjected with much of your own opinions, how do you think the Secretariat and Presidium should be decided? and more importantly, given Denmark head this standing committee - what roles do you see the Committee for Nordic Administrative Affairs encompassing?"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Security Classification: SECURE
Document Classification and Security Act 1995
Encrypted by the Swedish Security Service​

Dear Prime Minister Paavo Lipponen (Republic of Finland / @Cam )

I am writing to you on behalf of the Swedish Department of Foreign Affairs as the current President of the Nordic Council - an organisation developed within Sweden driven by the desire to make the Nordic region one that people want to live and work in. This is also the primary objective of the ideas and proposals for co-operation that are born out of the council. Currently our council holds a number of members from various areas of business within Sweden and myself, the President currently elected to govern the development of our organisation. At present we sit purely within Sweden working as a single entity to change the way the Nordic region works but I strongly believe that together Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland can make a real difference - stability, cooperation and collaboration. Currently there is no procedure for direct election into the Nordic Council and it is run by a number of committees within the organisation holding a number of persons through their respective party groups.

As such, I invite you to Parliament House, Helgeandsholmen, Stockholm, 100 12, Sweden to the first ever Scandinavia Summit - hosted in the centre of Scandinavia, Stockholm. I encourage you to bring your aides and representatives of various areas of business as we have a number of topics we wish to discuss with you.

Currently representatives from the Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Governments are sitting to discuss the Treaty of Stockholm which will outline the agreement of cooperation between our Nordic national. Should you agree to be apart of our council, we will get you caught up on the agreement thusfar and get your great nation written into the preamble!

I look forward to your imminent response.

Jessica Polfjärd
President of the Nordic Council
Kingdom of Sweden


Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Dec 4, 2019


Classification Level: CLASSIFIED

Dear Jessica Polfjärd, President of the Nordic Council

I am glad that you contacted me, it would be my honor to attend this summit alongside my Scandinavian brothers and sisters and I look forward to what the future holds with the possibility of a Nordic association between our nations. I will make the necessary adjustments to my plans along with gathering my aides and some representatives to accompany me to Stockholm.

Albeit, Finland cannot promise that they will become a member of the Nordic Council but we will attend the summit with the intention of doing so. That said, I will be in Stockholm within the early hours of tomorrow morning to meet with you and the other members attending the summit in the Parliament House. There we will be able to discuss any topics you wish to bring up to me and the government of Finland, I will also prepare my own list of topics to discuss with you and your people. Then you will need to catch me up to what has been discussed and decided within the summit thus far.

I look forward to our meeting and this summit with great anticipation.

Best Wishes,​
Paavo Lipponen
Suomen pääministeri
Prime Minister of Finland



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I think what's probably best is that we move on from the development of the standing committees and allow each committee chair to develop their own area of responsibility in writing for the treaty... once we have all written our respective powers/responsibilities we can submit them to the council for review. This will allow us to move onto other areas such as economic and defence cooperation and how that would look... Are we all in agreement?"


Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Dec 4, 2019
Like it was discussed with the Swedish President of the Nordic Council, the Prime Minister of Finland along with various aides and representatives would be making their way from Helsinki to the Swedish capital to attend the Scandinavia Summit to discuss the organization of the Nordic Council alongside next to their Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian brothers and sisters.​
Flying from Helsinki Airport to the Stockholm Arlanda Airport, the group of seven Finnish politicians touched down in the early morning. From there, two rented Toyota Land Cruisers would drive them from the airport to where they were invited: Parliament House.​
Their arrival to the House didn't take more than half an hour; driving through the Swedish country-side and through Stockholm. They drove onto the bridge that lead to the island, the sun of the morning shinning off the water. The drivers stopped mid-way, parking in front of the Parliament House. The Prime Minister and his party exited to walk across the front courtyard to the main front doors.​
Lead by their Prime Minister, the Finnish would greet whomever was there to greet them or whomever was working at the front desk. "Good morning," began the Prime Minister, his Swedish heavily accented with Finnish. "I am Paavo Lipponen, Prime Minister of Finland. These are my aides and representatives. We were invited here by Jessica Polfjärd to attend the Scandinavia Summit and discuss the Nordic Council."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
As the Finnish walk into the building the receptionist immediately stands as a sign of respect to the Prime Minister of Finland.
"Good Morning, Mr Prime Minister, please follow the corridor and use the final door on the left hand side, they are within one of the committee rooms at the moment."

Meanwhile Jessica stares aimlessly at the Norwegian and Danish representatives, awaiting their responses.



Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Dec 4, 2019
"Thank you for the directions." The Prime Minister would tell the receptionist before leading his aides and representatives down the hallway and to the final door on the left. With no one outside the door, he would knock and enter as silently as possible. Once inside he would wait for his turn to speak. "Good morning, I am Paavo Lipponen, Prime Minister of Finland. I was invited here to discuss Finland's possible membership in the Nordic Council."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Jessica wastes no time walking over to the Prime Minister in order to shake his hand.

"Mr Prime Minister, the more the merrier, please feel free to join us! We are going through each individual section of a ever-developing treaty in order to ensure the Nordic Council for fills all of our desires. Here is a copy of the treaty so far for your consideration, if there are any changes you'd like to make please let me know!"

Stockholm Treaty 1995

"We'd love to affix the Finnish flag to our Conspectus and amend your name into the Treaty..."


Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Dec 4, 2019
The Prime Minister would finish reading over the yet-to-be finished Treaty. "All of this seems good to me. My aides and I will take our seat and add to the discussion once you and the Norwegian and Danish representatives begin discussion additional additions to the treaty."

And with that, Paavo Lippoden would take his seat.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"The threat from France was narrowly avoided, we cannot hesitate any longer. We must discuss the future of defence cooperation between Sweden, Norway and Denmark... immediately."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Thank you for bringing that up... I agree entirely," Foreign Minister Vinter said.
"I would welcome both of you to add more, but I think the following things are important:
First, a combined defense network centered in one place with military officers from all three of our armed forces, preferably our Air Forces. This place would monitor all aerial threats and act as a central command post for the defense of Scandinavia.
Secondly, a network of radars and early-warning systems around Scandinavia which we would all have access to, as well as this previously mentioned defense network command center.
Thirdly, perhaps a SOSUS network in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, and the Norwegian sea.
Fourthly, some kind of treaty or international notice which officially states that we will defend each other, with arms, if necessary.

"The fourth of these three things will be the easiest to establish first... What do you two think?"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I cannot agree more with your comments Minister. I think a combination of our Armed Forces is absolutely fundamental to the protection of our region and I can say with a high degree of certainty, having discussed this with the Swedish Department of Defence prior to this engagement, that Sweden is eager to provide funding for a joint reactionary force within certainly the Navy and Air Force. Naturally, with our joint reactionary provisions we would also be putting pressure on both the Norwegian and Danish governments to ratify a multi-national clause in our treaty that declares support for one-another in the event it's deemed necessary."

Jessica sips her water before going on, making notes throughout.

"Now, the Committee for Defence and Intelligence have already written into the Stockholm Treaty the existence of NORSCOM; the Nordic Strategic Command serving as an established conference room and intelligence management center run by the committee to monitor and deal with crises at home and abroad and to conduct security communications with outside persons. I can appreciate that we are yet to sign any form of agreements within the Nordic Council pending the writing of all clauses by respective standing committees however I think this would tie in nicely with the proposals mentioned by the Norwegians?"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Yes, I believe so. I'd be happy to let you take the lead on this, however I think that because mutual defense is so important, it justifies the existence of a separate treaty which every member of the Nordic Council must sign and adhere to. That aspect is of course negotiable, but this is a draft of something we had in mind," Anthony said as he slipped a copy of the document to his Danish and Swedish friends.



The members of the Nordic Council assembled for the betterment of Scandinavia and the other Nordic nations as a whole. While they are separate and sovereign nations their shared historical, ethnic, and cultural heritage has brought them together as one of the most important political and economic blocs in the world. It is here that these members declare they will defend the Nordic Realm from outside threats.

Article 1 - Signatory Requirements
1. Members of the Nordic Concordant are required to be full members of the Nordic Council.
a. Any member of the Concordant removed or suspended from the Nordic Council is respectively removed or suspended from the NDP.
2. To become recognized as officially part of the Concordant, the petitioning state must have this Protocol be publicly ratified by their legislative assembly in the way which their legal system requires treaties to be formally made official.
3. Petitioners who wish to be part of the Concordant must be within the Nordic Realm, which is the territories within the Area of Protection defined in Article 2 of the Protocol.
4. Petitioners who wish to be part of the Concordant may not have any territorial disputes with an existing member.

Article 2 - Nordic Realm
1. The area of protection covered by the Concordant includes the entirety of the Nordic Realm.
a. The Nordic Realm includes the Kingdoms of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark as well as the Republics of Finland and Iceland; as well as all of the sub-autonomous territories, dependencies, and overseas territories of these countries including, but not limited to: Greenland, the Faroe Islands, the Aland Islands, Svalbard, Bouvet Island, Peter I Island, Queen Maud Land, and the Swedish Antarctic Territory.
b. Any new territory that is properly annexed, purchased, ceded to, or otherwise incorporated by a member of this treaty becomes a part of the Nordic Realm and is therefor included under this clause.

Article 3 - Defense Protocol

1. The members of the Concordant are all members of NORSCOM (Nordic Strategic Command).
a. NORSCOM shall be permanently headquartered in Scandinavia.
b. NORSCOM shall be staffed by members of the Concordant.
c. NORSCOM shall administer NORSCOM equipment and distribute intelligence and data gathered by members which is further elaborated in Article 6.
d. Each member shall send a military officer with the rank of General to be part of the High Command of NORSCOM. These generals shall act as military liaisons to NORSCOM from their respective nations an should be exceptionally knowledgeable of their respective nations capabilities and assets. Of these generals, the members of the Concordant shall elect one to a year-long term to serve as the Supreme Nordic Commander. The Supreme Nordic Commander may not be a citizen of the nation who currently occupies office of the Presidium of the Nordic Council.
2. An attack on one nation of the Nordic Realm is an attack on all nations of the Realm.
3. The members of the Concordant will share any and all intelligence that is relevant to the national security of other member-states with those states directly and with NORSCOM.
4. The members of the Concordant agree to defend the territory and peoples of the Nordic Realm politically, economically, and with the use of force, if necessary, from all outside incursions.
a. Any member who suffers a physical attack or incursion from a state or entity outside of the Nordic Realm must inform NORSCOM as soon as possible and may "Activate Article 3" of the Concordant, which specifically refers to sub-section b of this section. Also, any member may "Activate Article 3" of this section if a non-member who is part of the Nordic Realm suffers a physical attack or incursion from a state or entity outside of the Nordic Realm.
b. A member who activates this sub-section must do so by messaging the ambassadors of members to the Nordic Council. An authentic activation of this section begins with informing every member, in detail, of what attack has happened and who is, or is believed to be, responsible. This information is then transmitted to the national governments of each member by their respective ambassadors to the Nordic Council, after which NORSECOM and the respective military forces of each member are to mobilize and prepare for war. All of this information should be transmitted to the President of The Nordic Council who should contact the Secretary General of the Global Assembly and inform him of the situation so that all peaceful alternatives can be exhausted before physical conflict begins.
c. After the activation of Article 3, the Supreme Nordic Commander of NORSCOM shall lead the military defense of the Nordic Realm as well as any offensive campaigns decided on by the Nordic Council.
5. Before a member may declare war, or commit acts of war, on another state they must first be granted permission from the Nordic Council and inform NORSCOM.

Article 4 - Disaster Protocol

1. In the event of an overwhelming or major natural disaster in the Nordic Realm, a member of the Concordant may "Activate Article 4" of the Protocol.
a. Activation of Article 4 requires a member to message the ambassadors of members to the Nordic Council. An authentic activation of this section begins with informing every member as well as the Chairman of The Committee for Disaster Response, in detail, of what disaster has happened and what the serious consequences of this disaster are. NORSCOM may also play a role in recovery efforts if deemed necessary. The Activation of Article 4 requires all members to provide assistance, within reason, to the member in distress.

Article 5 - Nordic Defense Projects

1. Nordic Defense Projects are military infrastructure constructed in the Nordic Realm that exist for the benefit of more than one member. They shall be by administered and constructed under the supervision of NORSCOM and with the permission of member states.
a. Information and data from Nordic Defense Projects must be shared with all members.
b. Nordic Defense Projects may be paid for by individual members, or multiple members.
c. Intelligence and data from Nordic Defense Projects may not be shared with non-members without the permission the Supreme Nordic Commander and written notice given to the President of The Nordic Council.
d. Nordic Defense Projects may be built as part of a cooperative agreement with other states or political blocs, but this must gain support from a majority of Concordant members.

Article 6 - Armed Standards
1. Each member of the Concordant must maintain a Army, Air Force, and Navy capable of defending its own borders.
a. The Supreme Nordic Commander shall be officially responsible for writing white papers that outline what members need to do to improve their armed forces and be up to the Armed Standards of the Concordant.
2. Each member of the Concordant must have at least 1% of their population as a soldier, sailor, airman, reservist, or intelligence officer.
a. Members shall not allow invalids or the mentally ill to enlist, nor shall they conscript them, to fit these numbers.
3. Each member of the Concordant must have a sizable portion of mechanized infantry.
4. While members of the Concordant are not required to sell native military equipment to each other, they may not make more than a 15% profit from productions for members.

Article 7 - Diplomatic Standards

1. Each member of the Concordant must remain in good standing with the other members.
a. Poor communication, unfriendly behavior, and outright aggression are all grounds for suspension or dismissal from the Concordant.
b. Each member shall maintain a national embassy in each of the respective member nations, as well as have an ambassador to the Nordic Council.
2. The government of each member of the Concordant must remain in good standing with the Global Assembly and the International Court of Justice.
a. Members must remain members of the Global Assembly if they joined the Concordant while a member of the Global Assembly.
b. Economic sanctions imposed by the Global Assembly, the International Court of Justice, or a combination of the two shall not constitute an attack or foreign incursion and therefor can not result in an activation of Article 3.
3. Each member of the Concordant must have and maintain their democratically elected legislatures.

Article 8 - Suspension, Dismissal, and

1. The "Suspension" of a member means that the respective government has had poor conduct in violation of this Concordant.
a. Members who are suspended lose access to information from Nordic Defense Projects and are automatically recommended for Dismissal.
b. Members who are suspended may appeal the suspension. This appeal would be heard by the ambassadors to the Nordic Council.
2. The "Dismissal" of a member means that they have been removed as a member from the Concordant due to poor conduct in violation of this Concordant, or continued failure to meet basic goals.
a. Members dismissed from the Concordant may not reapply for membership for (3) months, unless a written waiver is granted by the President of The Nordic Council.
3. Members wishing to withdraw from the Concordant must inform the other members thirty (30) days in advance of withdraw, as well as the President of The Nordic Council, and the Supreme Nordic Commander of NORSCOM.
a. Members who withdraw may be required to dismantle shared infrastructure with other members or pay their share of its cost.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I concur that the Nordic Concordant as presented should sit separate to the Stockholm Treaty however referenced in the Defence Cooperation subsection and believe member states should be required to ratify the Nordic Concordant unless there are extenuating circumstances preventing this. Personally, I am happy to ratify this on behalf of the Kingdom of Sweden, we are of the mindset that military cooperation needs to happen sooner rather than later to reinforce the commitment member states have to the Nordic Council and each other"

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