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[Sweden]: Scandinavia Summit


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Fundamentally I think we can all agree on the necessity for Health, Defence, the Royal Commission, Trade, Emergency Response and Administrative Affairs... to tidy them up and beef them up a little how about:

- Committee for Health and Social Affairs
- Committee for Defence and Intelligence
- Committee for Trade and Economic Affairs
- Committee for Disaster Relief and Response
- Committee for Nordic Administrative Affairs
- Nordic Royal Commission

Each and every one of these areas have a purpose which is clear cut and defined in their name. the Committee for Nordic Administrative Affairs will be able to consult regarding the development and change to each of these areas in the future. This brings me on nicely to how this council intends to work and how the committees will be governed. The Nordic Council is governed by the Nordic Council Secretariat headed by the Secretary General - below this is the Nordic Council Presidium containing both the President and Vice President responsible for the management of the Committees. Each committee focuses on their specific focus groups and will meet individually as appropriate to ensure the wheels are always in motion however when called by the Secretary General the Nordic Council (all committee members) will attend chambers for a full council summit.

Does this sound as we were expecting?"


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Danish Delegation would nod their head in agreement while the aide's would take notes "Yes this is something we can agree on and believe it fits for the Nordic Council"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"This is certainly what we had in mind. Could we agree that in the future, to either create or terminate a committee, it requires all three of us to agree? Also, I assume we should see to the appointment of ambassadors from our respective countries to the Council?" Anthony said, quite excited.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"One hundred percent, the amendments to the committee should require the ratification of all founding member states - how do we feel about representatives, should each committee be governed by a chairperson? then a number of representatives within the committee from all member states? How many representatives should be allocate to each committee?"


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I'd say at least two (2) people from each nation in each committee. We believe an elected person should be made Chairman/woman"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"For the sake of simplicity I don't see why we couldn't just have one representative for each committee, and of these three people one of them is the chairman. Since there's only three of us, we could perhaps just work out what nation will hold the title of chairman for this session, instead of having to hold elections over it," he said.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Perhaps we don't need a chairperson at all until we have more member and observer states taking up positions within the council? Decisions of the committee representatives could instead be governed by the Presidium?"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I think having a representative from one's nation being a chairperson would bestow a certain amount of responsibility onto the chairman to ensure that his Committee is being productive," he said.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Okay, yes, I could agree with that - we do need to ensure productivity in the committees... I do want to see the Nordic Region thrive." Jessica glances to her aide who is visually typing away, she quickly looks back to the conference table "I should've explained, my colleague here is typing up a treaty containing everything we're discussing which will require your ratification, if you're happy with it, at the end of the meeting. After we discuss each subject matter I'll have her show us what's been written so far so we can make amendments whilst we're on the hot subject matter rather than at the end when we have a million other subjects on our mind."

Jessica chuckles "So far we've agreed on the establishment of the Chambers, Secretariat, Presidium and six committees which represent the Nordic Council. Are we all happy with one representative from each national and a chosen chairperson to manage each of the six committees? From a Swedish standpoint, we're happy."


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I totally agree with my Norwegian Counterpart, I am 100% happy with the outcome so far regarding the committees and how we represent within the Nordic Council"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Now, excluding the Nordic Royal Commission which the Norwegians suggested have yearly or bi-annual arrangements, I am against putting a time frame on how often the committees meet and instead think they should self-govern and meet as appropriate. This makes the council less of a burden and more of a wheel for positive action. Does anyone oppose this?"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I agree with this as well. I would of course be happy to hear the suggestions of you two.
The Kingdom of Denmark will chair: Disaster Relief & Response and Nordic Administrative Affairs.
The Kingdom of Sweden will chair: Defense and Intelligence and Health and Social Affairs.
The Kingdom of Norway will chair: Trade and Economic Affairs and The Royal Commission," he said.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"The chairs sound excellent, I'll pass this onto the respective cabinet areas and ensure we have representatives fit for both Defence and Intelligence and Health and Social Affairs. Is there anything else regarding committees, their operation or their representation that needs to be discussed?"


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I agree, this seems like a wonderful idea as my Swedish counterpart has said I'll pass on information to gain the selected candidates for the committee's. I believe everything has been discussed regarding the committee's side of things"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I agree as well, and will do the same. Thank you both for taking the time to discuss that, I think these committees will serve to benefit Scandinavia unequivocally," he said as he looked to his Swedish counterpart who would now presumably move them on to the next topic.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"We're making real progress and honestly we're most of the way to a fully functioning council already... however we do need to discuss the powers and responsibilities of each of the standing committees, obviously some of their names outline the obvious."

"Starting with the Nordic Royal Commission. In many monarchies such as the United Kingdom a Royal Commission is the establishment of a major ad-hoc public inquiry which grants a plethora of otherwise inaccessible powers to data and information within a certain area... this is something I'd like the NRC to take responsibility for within the council as well? Here's a handful of clauses we're pre-written for the NRC, perhaps you could read over them and suggest additions of amendments?"

(1) The Nordic Royal Commission; responsible for the consolidation, cooperation and growth between the founding members and any other signatory states with an active royal family.​
(1a) Ad-hoc the Nordic Royal Commission can serve as the organisation responsible for formal public inquiry into a defined issue within the Nordic region, usually of matters of great importance and controversy.​
(1a i.) Signatory states ratify this document with the authority of their head of state to enable this standing committee to act on the advice of the government and on behalf of such head of state.​
(1a ii.) The Nordic Royal Commission may only enact their powers of public inquiry with the authorisation of an authorised person within the Nordic Council and with the physical vote of the standing committee, a majority win must be reached.​
(1a iii.) Signatory states permit the Nordic Royal Commission all powers necessary within the remit of the active inquiry and grants the appropriate terms of process as deemed necessary by said commission and the authorising authorised person.​
(1a iv.) The findings of any public inquiry are to be announced, without delay, in the Nordic Council Chambers in full and records of which are to be archived for no less than fifty years.​
(1b) Annually or bi-annual, whichever is deemed most appropriate, the commission is to be responsible for the hosting of state-level royal banquet in order to drive bond between all signatory states.​
(1b i.) Signatory states without an active monarchy, unless otherwise advised, are to be given written invitation from the commission to attend such banquet. With receipt of such, signatory states should arrange for their head-of-state to attend in lieu of a royal family.​
(1b ii.) The host of said banquet is to rotate in turn. If the receiving state is unable to host on their turn the rotation should continue to the next appropriate state.​
(1b iii.) The Nordic Royal Commission is responsible for all logistics, security, appropriation, accommodation and miscellaneous necessities with the assistance of the receiving state.​
Last edited:


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"This was very well written," Anthony said as he read what his Swedish counterpart had wrote.
"I'm largely in favor of this, and I'm happy you included '1b i.' so that the Estonians, Icelanders, or Finnish can be included in the future if need be. Of course, I imagine the kings and queens of Scandinavia would be the primary focus of the event, but it would nevertheless be something to bring us all together for a high-formal, social occasion. I also appreciate that this neutral body also serves the purpose of looking into exceptionally important issues that are of regional importance... If I may be so bold, perhaps there could be a '1a v.' section which states something along the lines of...:

"(1a v.) The Nordic Royal Commission shall have a designated number of Investigative Agents, whose identities are known to the Nordic Council, and would be responsible for obtaining information and evidence that cannot otherwise be obtained by simple parliamentary inquiry. These agents will have identification and badges issued to them by the commission, and the members of the Nordic Council will agree to allow these agents to investigate declared inquiries within their borders when appropriate."

Anthony looked over what he had written down and handed it over to the Swede and Dane. "I'm not an attorney, so feel free to change that to look more legal, if you think it needs it... The way I've written this, these agents by default would not carry guns, nor would they have the power to arrest individuals. Instead they're basically detectives, or special investigative agents as I see it, for these exceptionally sensitive subjects. I'm not sure what exactly they'll be used for, but I'm sure having a small, neutral investigative body like this for the most sensitive subjects would be helpful in trying times. What do you two think?"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I love this idea, it will enable accountability with any inquiry procedure and allow for receiving states to better manage the flow of potentially sensitive data - does Denmark agree with the Nordic Royal Commission breakdown? Are there further responsibilities we wish to add for this standing committee"


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"We agree with everything that has been said. We feel this will be a vital and useful committee within the Scanadavian region"

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