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Thailand | Ministry of Foreign Affair Statement


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Welcomes The Return of Peace in New Caledonia​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Republic of Thailand is pleased to acknowledge the successful elimination of terrorist threats posed by the Kanak Independence Movement (KIM) by our esteemed ally, the Kingdom of Poland, following the swift and secure evacuation of the Humanitarian Aid Forces to New Caledonia by the Republic Auxiliary Fleet. The Republic of Thailand reaffirms its unwavering commitment to upholding the territorial integrity of the French Empire as part of our mutual defense agreement. Thailand commends the valor and sacrifices of the Polish forces, who have bravely combated the KIM, a group that lacks the support of the working people of New Caledonia.

In accordance with the Prime Ministerial directive, the Republic Government has withdrawn all intelligence operatives, including hundreds of informants, from New Caledonian territory. The Republic intelligence community expresses its gratitude and respect for the French Government's cooperation in permitting Thailand to lead an intelligence operation against the KIM. Consequently, the Republic Government and Her Imperial Majesty have exchanged detailed profiles and background information on the leader of the KIM, which Thailand believes will be of significant value to the French Government moving forward.​

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​
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I am From Thailand
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World Power
May 4, 2021

Official Statement Concerning the Closure of the Russian Embassy in Bangkok​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand expresses its profound disappointment and concern regarding the Russian Federation's decision to close its embassy in Bangkok and withdraw its diplomatic personnel.

This unilateral action by Russia, following a series of regrettable incidents involving their diplomatic mission, represents a significant setback in our bilateral relations and runs counter to the principles of diplomatic dialogue and international cooperation that Thailand has consistently championed.

We categorically reject any characterization of our actions as an "affront to international diplomacy." The Republic of Thailand has always acted in accordance with international law and diplomatic norms, prioritizing the safety and sovereignty of our nation while respecting the rights of foreign diplomats on our soil.

The decision to declare the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia persona non grata was not taken lightly, but was a necessary response to actions that threatened to undermine the integrity of our diplomatic processes and national security.

We are deeply troubled by reports of increased military mobilization by the Russian Federation following this incident. Such actions do not contribute to regional stability or the peaceful resolution of differences.

Thailand remains committed to maintaining open channels of communication with all nations, including Russia. We urge the Russian government to reconsider its decision and to engage in constructive dialogue to address any concerns.

The Republic of Thailand will continue to work tirelessly with our international partners to promote peace, stability, and cooperation in the region and globally. We stand ready to re-engage with Russia when they are prepared to do so in a spirit of mutual respect and adherence to international norms.​

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​
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I am From Thailand
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World Power
May 4, 2021

Official Statement Concerning Latest Setback in Regional Humanitarian Effort Surrounding New Caledonia​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand expresses profound concern over the recent decision by the Australian Government to deny access for refugees from New Caledonia to utilize Australian infrastructure for their safe and expedited transport to Thailand for humanitarian assistance. This development marks a setback for ongoing international humanitarian efforts, especially as the situation in New Caledonia, particularly in Nouméa, has deteriorated significantly, with a substantial portion of the infrastructure having collapsed.

The Republic of Thailand remains steadfast in its commitment to global welfare and the shared responsibility of the international community to support vulnerable populations. We emphasize the humanitarian nature of our request and the urgent need for action in response to the worsening crisis in New Caledonia. With over 40,000 displaced individuals in Nouméa lacking essential services such as electricity, water, and sanitation, it is imperative that international cooperation and humanitarian priorities be upheld above political considerations. The Republic of Thailand calls for renewed global attention and collaboration to address this pressing humanitarian need.

As signatories to the Charter of the Global Assembly, the Republic of Thailand underscores the collective responsibility of nations within our region to contribute to crisis resolution and the enhancement of human welfare. We assert that the “responsibility to protect” is a fundamental obligation of the international community, requiring a unified response to support and safeguard those affected by crises. In our commitment to global humanitarian efforts, Thailand is prepared to allocate substantial resources to address this crisis, as we have consistently done in various situations worldwide. We respectfully urge our Australian colleagues to reconsider their stance, recognizing the opportunity this presents for bolstering regional cooperation and stability.

We believe that Australia, alongside our partners in New Zealand, plays a crucial role in the swift and peaceful resolution of the humanitarian crisis in New Caledonia. Thailand will continue to collaborate with regional and global partners, including Poland, France, Spain, Portugal, New Zealand, and Sweden, to address this urgent situation. We remain open to Australia’s constructive input and cooperation throughout this process.

As a significant contributor to regional stability and economic development, Thailand is prepared to leverage its resources and partnerships to address this crisis comprehensively. We remain optimistic that, through ongoing dialogue and a shared dedication to regional stability and humanitarian principles, a collaborative solution can be achieved. Thailand is committed to leading these efforts in partnership with all nations devoted to the welfare of our region.​

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Braces for the ICJ to Judge in Favor of International Laws and Rejects Egyptian Imperialism​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

As the International Court of Justice prepares to deliver its advisory opinion on the pivotal issue of passage through the Suez Canal, the Republic of Thailand reaffirms its steadfast commitment to the principles of international law and the inviolability of free navigation. We remain confident that the Court, guided by its profound dedication to justice, will uphold these essential principles, which have long underpinned global maritime commerce and fostered international cooperation.

In this critical juncture, Thailand approaches the Court's deliberation with measured optimism, rooted in the belief that the esteemed judges will recognize the enduring significance of maintaining the Suez Canal as an unimpeded international waterway. Our submission to the Court has been thorough and carefully reasoned, demonstrating the solid legal foundation for the right of all nations, including Thailand, to navigate this vital passage without obstruction or discrimination.

Thailand’s stance transcends mere national interest; it is a defense of the broader international legal framework that has ensured peace and prosperity for generations. The principles codified in the Constantinople Convention of 1888, reaffirmed by customary international law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, unequivocally establish the Suez Canal as a neutral zone, accessible to the vessels of all nations in times of both peace and conflict. Any attempt to undermine these principles jeopardizes not only Thailand's interests but the stability of global maritime trade and the sovereign rights of all seafaring nations.

The Republic of Thailand has been closely monitoring the recent developments surrounding the Sultanate of Egypt's declaration of the so-called Egyptian Interdiction Zone (EIZ) with profound concern. This unilateral move to extend Egyptian jurisdiction well beyond its recognized borders raises serious questions, not only regarding its legality but also its broader implications for the international order. The creation of the EIZ undermines core tenets of international law, including state sovereignty, non-interference, and the principle of freedom of navigation. We remain confident that the International Court of Justice will view this action for what it is: an unwarranted assertion of power that risks destabilizing the global legal framework and threatening international peace and security.

The Republic of Thailand wishes to underscore that this issue is not born out of hostility but a matter of principle. Our relationship with the Egyptian people is one of respect, rooted in history, and we remain committed to nurturing constructive dialogue with all nations of the Middle East and North Africa. Yet, it is our responsibility, as a member of the international community, to stand firm when actions, regardless of the actor, violate established global norms and threaten collective security.

As we await the Court’s deliberation, Thailand calls upon the global community to carefully consider the broader ramifications of this case. The right to innocent passage through international waterways such as the Suez Canal is not a concession to be granted at the discretion of any one nation, but a cornerstone of the global economy, enabling the free flow of commerce and fostering international cooperation. Any arbitrary imposition of restrictions on such critical passageways, driven by political motives, would not only undermine these rights but could also set a precedent with potentially far-reaching consequences for all nations.

The Republic of Thailand takes this opportunity to reaffirm that while the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) may not carry binding legal authority, it bears immense moral and legal significance. This opinion reflects the collective wisdom of the international legal community and offers critical guidance for future conduct in similar disputes. Thailand is committed to fully respecting the Court’s opinion and calls upon Egypt, along with all other nations, to uphold the same standard in the spirit of international cooperation and adherence to the rule of law.

Thailand remains steadfast in its pursuit of a peaceful resolution to this dispute, grounded in the principles of international law. Throughout this process, we have consistently advocated for diplomacy, dialogue, and mutual respect, even in the face of challenging rhetoric and actions. Our decision to seek the ICJ's counsel underscores our unwavering belief in the strength of international institutions, and in the power of reasoned legal discourse as the foundation for resolving international differences—not force or intimidation.

Looking forward, Thailand envisions a world where the free flow of maritime traffic through critical waterways, such as the Suez Canal, is safeguarded not by the discretion of any single state, but by the collective commitment of all nations to uphold international law. We believe the ICJ’s advisory opinion will serve as a pivotal step toward reaffirming this principle and fortifying the legal framework that ensures the rights of all nations, both large and small.

In closing, the Republic of Thailand stands ready to accept and embrace the forthcoming ICJ advisory opinion, confident in the soundness of our legal position and the justness of our cause. We categorically reject any form of imperialism—whether overt or concealed—that seeks to establish unilateral control over shared international waterways and other sovereign nations. The Suez Canal, like other critical maritime passages, does not belong to any single nation but to the global community. It is our earnest hope that the ICJ’s opinion will reflect this fundamental truth, reinforcing a more stable, just, and prosperous international order.

As we await this momentous decision, Thailand reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the principles of international law, the freedom of navigation, and the peaceful resolution of disputes. We remain open and willing to work with all nations, including Egypt, to ensure that the Suez Canal continues to stand as a symbol of international cooperation and a vital gateway to shared global prosperity.​

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Calls for Restraint and Investigation Following Berenice Naval Base Incident​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Republic Thai Government notes with concern the regrettable incident that occurred at the Berenice naval base in Egypt. We express our deepest sympathies to all those affected and stand in solidarity with efforts to restore calm in the region.

Thailand remains fully committed to regional stability and the peaceful resolution of disputes. We unequivocally condemn any actions that destabilize peace and security, regardless of the actors involved, and emphasize the importance of all parties acting with restraint to prevent escalation.

In light of this incident, Thailand calls for a swift, comprehensive, and transparent investigation to uncover the facts and ensure accountability. We stand ready to support international efforts in this investigation in accordance with global norms and reaffirm our openness to assist where needed.

As a steadfast opponent of terrorism and unlawful aggression, Thailand reiterates its position that all nations must cooperate to address regional challenges through dialogue and diplomacy. We call on all stakeholders to work towards a lasting peace.​

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand’s Foreign Minister will be Conducting an Official Visit to Gandhi Empire​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand is pleased to announce the upcoming official visit of His Excellency Dr. Surakiart Sathirathai, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the Gandhi Empire of India on April 21, 2005. This visit underscores Thailand's commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and fostering cooperation in the region.

Minister Sathirathai will engage in high-level discussions with Indian officials on matters of mutual interest, including trade, security, cultural exchange, and regional stability. The visit aims to explore new avenues for collaboration while reaffirming our shared heritage and values. Thailand recognizes India's significant role in South Asia and the broader international community. As two nations with rich histories and dynamic economies, we believe this dialogue will contribute to the prosperity and security of both our peoples.

The delegation accompanying Minister Sathirathai includes experts in various fields, reflecting the comprehensive nature of our bilateral relationship. We look forward to productive exchanges on economic partnerships, technological cooperation, and people-to-people connections. Thailand remains committed to fostering an open, inclusive, and just international order. We view this visit as an opportunity to reinforce these principles and to work towards a peaceful, stable, and prosperous Asia.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its gratitude to the Gandhi Empire for hosting this visit and looks forward to the positive outcomes that will undoubtedly emerge from these important discussions.​

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​