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The Grand European Summit

European Passport

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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Portuguese Representative would speak up, he had sat silent for long, hearing, but not speaking, he wasn't very keen on this idea as it stood. He would have preferred to keep it as a trade relation.

"I'll have to speak to His majesty government regarding this treaty. First I would like to ask, how would this affect the sovereignty of the member states, would the council be able to overrule laws and ideals on other member nations?
And second, would it be possible, to not be a member state, but share a link with this European Council on terms of trade, free movement of citizens? Like a special relationship?"

Vaka ManBear HeadlessSeeker Dutchy Joe Mutmer Connor @JamieDu


The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
Having fully read over the document, I see nothing here that would affect the sovereignty of the member states. The laws and ideals of the European Union will obviously have to be agreed on and discussed. But this agreement would assume that we all share roughly the same ideas, yes. I can imagine a scenario where there are special provisions made for certain member nations to be exempt from various areas of the treaty. This all would have to happen after the initial formation of the Union, however.

I would also support the idea of the European Court of Justice being located within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. They have been wonderful hosts to the International Court of Justice and I agree that the two courts sharing close proximity would indeed give both courts an additional feeling of legitimacy.

This summit was never intended to be a list of things presented by the Norwegian Government and then voted on by the members here in attendance. We only wanted to provide the structure to get these ideas off and running. There is currently no legal structure in place for voting on ideas. We are just friends and neighbors gathered here to discuss the future of Europe. I hoped we could agree on a draft resolution on the European Union and discuss it point by point. We have done that to some degree, resulting in the original barebones draft we had originally put together. The Dutch have summited a much more comprehensive and structurally sound draft that built on the original idea. It gives multiple levels of governance along with a court of justice to interpret new European law, These will both be paramount if this Union is to succeed. The Norwegian government has no problem with the Dutch draft. We have heard some reservations about the Dutch draft but they do seem to be minor in scope. If there are any other reservations or observations, please feel free to take the floor. I would like to take a vote on the current draft in a sense to take the current temperature of the room. This current vote is not binding in any way, just a simple testing of the waters.

(OOC: Give your opinion here!)

ManBear HeadlessSeeker Bruno Mutmer Connor Jamie Dutchy Joe


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Ambassador nodded along as the the Portuguese representative voiced his position, "A valid query, I speak on behalf of my own government that we are unwilling to relinquish our sovereignty towards any third party, however we recognise our interest in adhering to international, or in this case European law, when it it in our interest and adheres to our constitutional requirements."

"I do not believe the Union we seek to establish would or should overule laws or ideals of its sovereign member states. However, this presents the question on how legislation should be adopted, will votes rely on a supermajority of some kind, or must any law be unanimously agreed upon? While we strive for concensus, in times of crisis we must also be able to move forward quickly and decisively."

"While we can consider exemptions, observer status, and other arrangements. Creating a complex mix of opportunities for states to reap benefits from the Union but avoid membership and jurisdiction from the European Court of Justice on matter of European Law should be avoided."

"I am eager to hear the positions of the parties present on such positions, and how we may be able to integrate them into the treaty to both protect the member states and the Union."

Vaka ManBear HeadlessSeeker Bruno Mutmer Connor Jamie Joe


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Your Excellency," the Ambassador would say as his eyes met those of Prime Minister Stoltenberg, "I fear that these talks may be losing their momentum. While there seems to be a consensus towards creating an organisation where European states can cooperate to mutual stability and prosperity, much more remains to be discussed and I feel this may not be the correct platform to host such technical discussions."

"Are you able to present us with an agenda for the remaining duration of the summit? Or might it be perhaps best to conclude this Grand European Summit with a common statement by all parties commending the initiative to work together towards a greater goal? Talks regarding the specifics of a European Treaty can then proceed on a more technical level and once a final draft has been composed and conditionally agreed upon, a second summit can be hosted for a final agreement on the future of Europe."

Vaka ManBear HeadlessSeeker Bruno Jamie Mutmer Connor Joe


The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
The results of the straw poll are overwhelmingly positive towards the Dutch draft of the treaty. We have reached the point where we are ready to conclude this summit and take this current draft back to our respective governing bodies for review. Once back in our home countries and before our legislators, there will no doubt be questions raised, and parts of the draft will need revision before we schedule a final signing. I would suggest that we reconvene for a final draft review in Amsterdam if the Dutch delegation will have us. This should take place in roughly two months' time.

If there are no objections, then I will call this Summit to a close. I would like to thank you all for coming. We have made great strides towards a more peaceful and united Europe. This historic occasion is an accomplishment that I hold in the highest regard. I look forward to seeing you all again in Amsterdam.

Dutchy ManBear HeadlessSeeker Bruno Jamie Mutmer Connor Joe


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Irish would have no objections to the bringing of the summit to a close. "It has been a honor to take part in this summit and a pleasure as well. We will bring this back for the review of the President of Ireland and we have great hopes for this process. I wish all here luck and hope we join together again in two month's time." With that the Irish would take their leave.

Dutchy Vaka Jamie ManBear Mutmer Bruno Joe


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Thank you for all your efforts Prime Minister. We have no objections to your proposal of bringing this summit to its conclusion and we would be honoured to host a summit in the near future to finalise negotiations and sign a Treaty worthy of Europe."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
After all the comments from the various leaders, the Portuguese delegation would continue to ponder whether to join or not this European treaty, they after the comments from the Dutch delegation would be leaning to join. They would voice no objections to bring to a close this summit. When it was finished they would shake hands and engage in small talk before going back to Portugal.

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