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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Twitter Logo AlexJones The Global Collective is run by communist, pedophile-Santanists who are trying to warp the minds of free thinking people. Tune in to InfoWars tonight to learn about what they want to do to your children and our country @RealAlexJones Twitter Logo


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Twitter Logo The Global Collective Alex Jones' unhinged ramblings not only expose his shameless disregard for truth but reveal a stunning irony: by ranting about Satanists, he tacitly affirms the existence of God, undermining his own credibility with delusions. Jones' reliance on fearmongering—accusing others of "warping minds" while spewing paranoia—reflects deep mental instability. His platform isn’t about freedom but a toxic playground for conspiracy. In a world desperate for facts, his fantasies are both dangerous and disturbingly detached from reality. @TheGlobalCollective Twitter Logo


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Twitter Logo @AnaCostaNews
Thailand’s right-wing press: “Our military is stronger than ever!” Also Thailand’s military: using tanks that double as farming equipment. Who knew national defense was also a side gig? 😂🌾 Twitter Logo

Twitter Logo @JoaoMartinsPT
Thai media claims their economy is “booming”... yet their big defense upgrades look like a junkyard special. Hope their “cutting-edge” tanks come with a free tow truck! 🚜🇹🇭 #ThailandEconomyGoals #SecondhandSecurity Twitter Logo

Twitter Logo @PedroRumorMill
Thailand claims it’s got a “modernized military,” but word is their most advanced equipment is practically vintage. Guess you fight tomorrow’s battles with yesterday’s tech? 🤷‍♂️📟 #ThailandEconomy #SecondHandStrong Twitter Logo

Twitter Logo @MariaRPT_Gossip
Thailand’s economy is “booming,” but the average salary barely covers a bus ride and lunch. Guess the real growth is in wishful thinking! 💸😂 #EconomicMiracle #MoneyMagic Twitter Logo


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Twitter Logo The Global Collective The audacity of Portuguese social media accounts spreading disinformation about Thailand's economic reality would be laughable if it weren't so pathetically transparent. While Portugal's workers struggle under the crushing weight of wage slavery and privatized transportation costs, Thai citizens enjoy free public transit across one of the world's most advanced integrated networks. These desperate attempts to discredit Thailand's socialist achievements only highlight Portugal's own failures in providing basic dignities to its working class, as its people shoulder crushing debt just to reach their exploitative workplaces. @TheGlobalCollective Twitter Logo

Twitter Logo The Global Collective The coordinated nature of these attacks reveals the desperation of capitalism's defenders as they witness Thailand's unprecedented success in eliminating economic precarity. While Portuguese workers face endless anxiety about healthcare costs and housing security, Thai citizens access comprehensive universal services without the soul-crushing burden of debt. The stark contrast between Thailand's worker-owned cooperatives and Portugal's feudalistic employer-employee relationships makes these pathetic attempts at criticism seem like the dying gasps of a failing system trying to deny its own obsolescence. Perhaps these Portuguese accounts should focus on their own nation's shortcomings rather than attacking a system that has demonstrably eliminated the very problems their people face daily. @TheGlobalCollective Twitter Logo

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