Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.
Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.
The Russian Federation condemns France's interference in Ukraine's sovereign electoral process. Ukraine is an independent nation with the right to determine its own affairs. Allegations of voter fraud must be examined impartially. Russia urges Ukraine to respect the rights of all citizens, including Russian speakers, and to respect peaceful protests. Violence should not be tolerated and dealt with swiftly. Read more here @@MID_RF
Minister for Foreign Affairs We are deeply concerned by reports coming out of Ukraine of election interference. We fully support Ukraine's right to hold free and fair elections. These matters must be investigated fully and we stand ready to support Ukraine in that endeavour. We also ask that other nations refrain from making unilateral statements such as whether or not to recognise Ukraine's election outcomes or criticising their internal decisions. This is will be an internal process and we need to maintain patience. @MrKRudd
Special Minister of State As the Special Minister of State, I maintain the important job of overseeing the independent statutory authority of the Australian Electoral Commission. As such, given there are no federal elections in Australia in the near future, we are offering the resources and expertise of the AEC to the Ukrainian Government to help with administering any repeat election they may wish to hold. Australia is globally renowned for its robust democracy and democratic processes; on a federal, state and local level. @RobMcClelland
PR Thailand In just seven and a half years since its founding, the Socialist Republic of Thailand has unleashed an unprecedented revolution in governance, pouring over $72 billion into the well-being of its citizens. Meanwhile, can your capitalist government—which grovels at the feet of its oligarch overlords—boast even a shred of this commitment to its people? Or does it remain content to siphon wealth upwards, leaving its citizens to fend for themselves in the ever-deepening chasm of inequality?
Notice Pursuant to the Transparent and Information Act (2003): This digital public relations material, including its transcript, constitutes a component of the Thai Government’s public relations activities and has been formally designated as propaganda. The veracity and accuracy of the content presented herein have been subjected to public review and verification prior to publication, accessible at the following link. @PRThailand
TheTruthIsOutThere @PRThailand - That's a lot of money talk for a country with an average development index. It’s clear evidence that your citizens don’t share in the wealth your government enjoys. Meanwhile, Ethiopia takes the position of having the 3rd strongest economy in the world, wow! @TheTruth
National News Agency The second round of the election's results are in! Viktor Yushchenko of Our Ukraine Party is to become the 3rd President of Ukraine and Oleksandr Moroz of the Socialist Party is set to become the Prime Minister! @UKRINFORM
BritishBloke67 Filming @MontanaDeOroSP for my next vlog... what's going on? Just seen RAF Typhoons trailing an aircraft, managed a quick photo, heard what sounded like an explosion a few minutes later? Couldn't see anything after that though.
Australia House EMERGENCY ALERT: We are getting reports coming in of numerous explosions around London. We urge all Australians to avoid public or crowded areas at this time. Follow all directions from emergency services and local authorities. If you are concerned about an Australian citizen in London you can ring the Consular Emergency Centre in Canberra on 1300 555 135 from within Australia and on +61 2 6261 3305 from outside of Australia. @AusHouseLondon
Westfield Group We are deeply concerned by reports that there has been an explosion or multiple explosions at our Westfield London site. We want to reassure the public that there are no current credible threats to any other Westfield location either within Australia or worldwide, including our World Trade Center location. At this time though we are closing our Westfield Stratford City and Westfield Derby locations out of an abundance of caution. We are working closely with the UK authorities on this matter. @WestfieldGroup
LosAngelesTimes Explosion or sonic boom heard south of Bakersfied, California. There are multiple reports of an explosion in the sky over Montan de Oro State Park.
Emma Ryan MP With this mornings explosions in London, the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre has changed the UK terror threat level from moderate to severe. The public should continue to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the police. @emmaryan
John Harrington MP Canada pledges it’s full support to the United Kingdom and it’s people. For Canadians seeking information or support, the embassy has set up a victim's hotline – contact details on website. @CanadianPM
Faridullah WaziriPM My heartfelt condolences go out to the victims and their families of the horrific Al-Qaeda attack in London yesterday. No such acts of terror have a place in our world, and they will pay the price. Afghanistan does not stand with Al-Qaeda, and we condemn their crimes. @FaridullahWaziriPM
Government and Indian Armed Forces sources tell me that the military is preparing for contingency operations against Al-Queda if attacks against India occur.
The Russian Federation condemns the terrorist attacks that took place in London. Russia remains committed to fighting terrorism in all its forms and offers its condolences to the British people following the tragic attacks that claimed the lives of many. Read more here @@MID_RF
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