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United States | Message to The Holy See


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






His Eminence Eduardo Martinez Somalo, Camerlengo of the Holy See and Acting Sovereign of the Vatican City State ( Ender )
His Excellency Gabriel Montalvo Higuera, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America from the Holy See
FROM: Al Gore, President of the United States of America

Your Eminence and Your Excellency,

It is with great sadness that I right to you to personally offer the condolences of my family and the American People on the passing of His Holiness Pope John Paul II. As head of the Roman Catholic Church he was solid in foundation and warm in his heart. As an international figure he was inspirational and strong in his convictions. Mankind has lost one of its greatest members in modern history. I hope that you pass on my condolences to the rest of the Holy See and the Vatican City State, and know that Catholics from across the United States are mourning the loss of His Holiness.

Your Eminence, the United States Ambassador to the Holy See will be contacting your office shortly. The Federal Government intends to send an official delegation to pay respects to Pope John Paul II, I hope that we will be permitted to do so.


Al Gore
President of the United States
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: His Eminence Eduardo Martinez Somalo, Camerlengo of the Holy See and Acting Sovereign of the Vatican City State ( Ender )
FROM: Giovanni Romano, United States Ambassador to the Holy See

Your Eminence,

I echo President Gore's words of sadness on the death of His Holiness John Paul II. Please know that during this time of mourning, and transition, I am at your disposal and will do anything necessary in regards to relations with the United States. Please know that out of respect for the late Pope John Paul II, the President has made a statement and issued a proclamation ordering American flags to half-staff until his interment.

On behalf of the President, I am formally requesting permission for the United States to send a delegation to the Vatican for the funeral of His Holiness. President Gore and his wife, Vice President Sinclair, and Secretary of State Fitzgerald would like to attend, along with myself. However, if this were to occur, we would need to send an exceptional amount of security to ensure the safety of America's two most senior leaders. The Federal Government would be willing to assist the Vatican with security in any way possible, including general security of the events themselves. We would be willing to go so far as sending special forces and/or federal police who can work with the Swiss Guard and the Gendarmerie through the interment of the Pope.

Please inform me as soon as possible if this sounds acceptable so that we can begin preparing logistics.​


Giovanni Romano
United States Ambassador to the Holy See
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The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
Encrypted Message

The Camerlengo was sitting in his office, overwhelmed by both grieve and the seemingly insurmountable logistics involved in securing the Vatican for a state funeral for the most popular Pope in memory. In a world of mass media and 24 hour news, the Pope was arguably the most beloved man in the world. It also didn’t help that His Holiness was extremely charismatic and personable, so his constant presence in the media just served to engender him even more to the population, bot catholic and not, in the world. Already within hours of the Holy See Press Office making the announcement of his death, the switchboard, post office, and wire service were overwhelmed with outcries of support. Few of those requests rose to needing his personal attention, as such he was surprised when a young functionary knocked and entered the Office of the Popes. He bore a silver tray with two letters on it, the Camerlengo sighed he had tried to instructed the Papal Household to not treat him like he was the Pope, but they didn’t quite see to get it. The young priest came to the side of the desk, as he were bearing the cruets at mass, and stopped beside the Camerlengo with a slight bow,

“Su Eminencia; Cartas del Presidente de los Estados Unidos y del Embajador de los Estados Unidos ante la Santa Sede. Fueron dirigidos directamente a usted. (Your Eminence; letters from the American President and the American Ambassador to the Holy See. They were addressed directly to you.)” The young priest spoke in Italian accented Spanish. It was commonplace in the Apostolic Palace to address the Pope in either his native tongue or in Latin, whichever was his preference. So like in all things the Young Priest followed protocol to the letter.

“Gracias, Alessandro, puedes irte. (Thank you, Alessandro, you may leave)” The Camerlengo responded with a wave of his hand. The young priest placed the silver tray on the ornate oversized baroque desk and bowed before leaving, quietly shutting the doors behind him to give the Camerlengo some privacy. The Camerlengo retrieved a letter open bearing JP II Papal crest and skillfully opened the envelope and read it’s contents. The first one was a simple letters of condolences and he marked it for Archiving with the rest of the letters that have been received of similar nature. He then made a note to pen a personalized reply when he got the time. The second letter caused him to raise an eyebrow… what was he going to do with this one he thought. It would go a long way to amending the slightly strained relationship that the Eurocentric Papacy had with the new world to accept the offer contained with it, but was it really within his power to make such a bold move? He was, after all, only a placeholder until the new Pope was elected. Though perhaps this was a sign from God for mere hours before he had been praying about how to handle this most solemn and melancholy of events. He placed the letter on the desk and moved out of the room and down the hall to the private Papal Chapel. The agust room enveloped him and he couldn’t stop tears from forming in his eyes. The Chapel was one of John Paul’s favorite places in the Apostolic Palace. The Camerlengo made his way to the large stone chair that sat in the center of the room. He gingerly placed his hand on it, but quickly withdrew his hand as if burned. He had thought he would sit in it, but he didn’t have the heart, instead he made his way to the simple Prie Dieu that was placed at the foot of the altar. He knelt crossing himself as he did so, he prayed silently within his own heart to God for guidance on what course to take. He also opened his heart about his unworthiness to fill the chair, even temporarily, of such a great Servant as John Paul. Of course the heavens didn’t open, and no choir of angels was heard trumpeting God’s arrival, but as if a hand was placed on his shoulder, he felt the presence of a loving God and in that moment knew that the letter from America was somehow providential and part of God’s ineffable plan.

After nearly an hour in silent prayer, he got up, now possessed of a resolve and a certainty that all would work out, that he hadn’t possessed when he had entered the chapel. He returned to the desk and pulled out the special stationary that was used only during Tempe Sede Vacante and penned his response, in Latin he wrote the following, which would be translated into English before delivery to it’s intended recipient.

Unto: Giovanni Romano, United States Ambassador to the Holy See
From: Camerlengo Eduardo Cardinal Somalo

I thank you for your kind and most generous offer of assistance at this most melancholy of times. After much prayer on the matter I would like to formally request assistance from the United States in the logistical and security concerns surrounding Tempe Sede Vacante. I do not wish for this request to imply that I am willing to sublimate the authority of the Church or of the Swiss Guard to the whims of the US Manifest Destiny. In fact I would view the US’s contributions to this matter as a joint operation, where I have final authority. Though I will leave the day-to-day operations to your chosen commander and Oberst Segmüller, who will serve as joint field commanders with equal authority. If this is acceptable I urge you to pass this along to your President and Joint Chiefs to make a decision on whom you will assign as Commander, and have that man contact Oberst Segmüller, who will be awaiting his contact.

Yours in Faith and Blessing;
Eduardo Cardinal Somalo
Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church
Cardinal Priest of Santissimo Nome di Gesù


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: His Eminence Eduardo Martinez Somalo, Camerlengo of the Holy See and Acting Sovereign of the Vatican City State ( Ender )
FROM: Giovanni Romano, United States Ambassador to the Holy See
CC: John Glass, Secretary of Defense of the United States of America

Your Eminence,

Because the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and several former Presidents may attend the Funeral Mass, President Gore has ordered the Navy to prepare the deployment of a carrier strike group to the Mediterranean Sea in order to provide sea-based and air-based defense of the Vatican while dignitaries from around the world are arriving. Assuming that the Italian government has no issue, is this acceptable to you?

Also, your terms are acceptable. The point of this mission would be to ensure the safety and security of the Vatican through the interment of His Holiness, and the safety of American and world leaders and dignitaries who are coming to the Vatican. The United States's primary objective is to maintain global stability and calmness as much as possible. We fully understand that our security would be in the Vatican temporarily, and as an auxiliary force to bolster and assist the Swiss Guard and Gendarmerie.

With that being said, we can offer a variety of ground forces. I have copied the Secretary of Defense, who I have been in close communications with these past hours. We have a variety of ground forces that we can offer from federal police to the U.S. Armed Forces. If you have any specific requests, please let me know. However, I will lay out the White House's recommendation below.

Firstly, the White House recommends the deployment of U.S. Special Forces to Castle Sant'Angelo to act as a reserve force in the event of a major emergency that would require the evacuation of American VIPs, or acting as reinforcements for Vatican forces. Castle Sant'Angelo can also act as a headquarters for American forces in the Vatican and Rome.

Secondly, we could offer the assistance of the 21st and 22nd Military Police Battalions of the District of Columbia National Guard. These 1200 soldiers are trained in riot control and crowd control. They would be most useful in Borgo, to the East of the Vatican, in and could be used to control the flow of people into and out of Saint Peter's Square. They could also be used within Saint Peter's Square as well, if deemed necessary.

Thirdly, the carrier strike group deployed to the Mediterranean would also carry approximately 1700 U.S. Marines who could be sent to Rome via helicopter in the event of an emergency. The aircraft from the carrier would perform patrols over Italian airspace and the destroyers in the strike group would be able to provide anit-air defenses.

Finally, we could also send a number of federal police (i.e. FBI and Secret Service special agents) to be low-profile plain-clothes operatives in the crowds. I imagine that these agents would work directly with the Gendarmerie.

Please let me know what your thoughts are on this proposal, Your Eminence. If the 1200 National Guard soldiers will not be a sufficient number, we can also offer several thousand more ground forces to help perform a perimeter around the Vatican and be in reserve.​


Giovanni Romano
United States Ambassador to the Holy See


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
Encrypted Message
Unto: Giovanni Romano, United States Ambassador to the Holy See ( Odinson )
From: Eduardo Cardinal Somalo, Camerlengo of the Holy See
CC: John Glass, Secretary of Defense of the United States of America; Oberst Segmüller, Commandant of the Pontifical Swiss Guard

Mr. Ambassador;

I have reviewed your proposal with Oberst Segmüller, and we agree that your offer is more then generous, and very suited to the needs of security. Though Castel Sant’Angelo is currently set up as a Museum, I have already had the Swiss Guard dispatched to secure it and make the adjustments needed to use it as a Military Command Post. It would seem that, Segmüller and the Swiss Guard already had a plan in place should that situation ever occur, which will make the transition easier. I am also told that we should have no problem setting up bunking for your 1200 soldiers either here or in Castel Sant’Angelo. Though we will likely have to billet the Officers in the Vatican and the Enlisted at Castel Sant’Angelo, I am told. On the topic of housing, I am more then happy to authorize your delegation to be housed in one of the Palaces either in Vatican City Proper or one of our Extra Territorial Palaces in Rome if your President would prefer. There are two options within Vatican City that I am able to offer your delegation, the first is the Borgia Apartments located within the Apostolic Palace itself, or if you would prefer more privacy Saint John’s Tower is also available. Outside the Vatican there are apartments that would be suitable at Castel Sant’Angelo and the Lateran Palace. I leave the choice to you, in gratitude for your kind assistance at this time.

I again thank you on behalf of the Holy Office I temporarily hold and direct you to have your commander liaise with Oberst Segmüller. I await your decision on where you would prefer to be housed during your stay. At the moment no other delegations will be granted access to the Vatican Palaces, so you have a unique honor.

With my Blessings and Thanks,
Eduardo Cardinal Somalo
Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church
Cardinal Priest of Santissimo Nome di Gesù
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: His Eminence Eduardo Martinez Somalo, Camerlengo of the Holy See and Acting Sovereign of the Vatican City State ( Ender )
FROM: Giovanni Romano, United States Ambassador to the Holy See
CC: John Glass, Secretary of Defense of the United States of America
Oberst Segmüller, Commandant of the Pontifical Swiss Guard of The Vatican City State

Your Eminence,

I recognize how unique and high of an honor it is for you to offer the American delegation to stay within the walls of the Vatican, let alone in the Apostolic Palace. If there is an appropriate amount of room available, we would request the availability of four bedrooms in the Apostolic Palace for: The President and First Lady, the Vice President, the Secretary of State and his wife, and for myself and my wife. If four bedrooms are too many, I would be more than happy to also stay at the embassy where I currently reside, however I am sure that the President would like to have me nearby as a master of ceremonies for the visit. In the event that this is approved, would it be permissible for the Secret Service to secure the floor of the Apostolic Palace that the American delegation would be staying on, and coordinate with the Gendarmerie and Swiss Guard to have a minimal presence outside of the Palace? As I am sure you know, the Secret Service has extremely strict requirements for when the President travels abroad, let alone such a high amount of America's top leadership.

In regard to the military deployment, I can confirm that things are already in motion to deploy U.S. forces to Italy and the Vatican. The Secretary of Defense will be in touch with Commandant Segmüller and yourself once everything is underway.​


Giovanni Romano
United States Ambassador to the Holy See


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
Encrypted Message

Unto: Giovanni Romano, United States Ambassador to the Holy See ( Odinson )
From: Eduardo Cardinal Somalo, Camerlengo of the Holy See
CC: John Glass, Secretary of Defense of the United States of America; Oberst Segmüller, Commandant of the Pontifical Swiss Guard

Mr. Ambassador,

I believe that the Borgia Apartments, which are some of the most beautiful rooms in the Apostolic Palace, will be more then suitable to you and your delegation. For in fact it is a self contained suite of rooms that has 6 dedicated bedrooms, 3 halls, private chapel, and 2 rooms that would serve well as offices or guard posts. As for your security concerns, after having consulted Oberst Segmüller, we feel that the most prudent course of action would be to allow you and your services to arrange the security of the entirety of the Apostolic Palace as you see fit. For by the time you and your delegation arrive only myself and 2 assistance will still be in the Palace. Thus as long as your staff doesn’t interfere with our duties, which don’t have anything to do with the floor the Borgia Apartments are on, then see no problem with your arranging any security that makes your Services comfortable with so man high ranking figures in one place. As to any past presidents you may wish to bring with you, they can either have other smaller rooms in the Palace or they can stay in Saint John’s Tower, which is the usual residence of visiting high ranking dignitaries. I believe the security arrangements would not be unlike what I have heard and suspect your White House is, with staff coming and going from the west wing, while the Residence is off limits.

I thank you for your consideration, and hope this compromise suits you. I am also happy to hear that you are already moving forces into place, as we have a rather tight timeline in which to pull this off.

With our Blessings and Gratitude,


Eduardo Cardinal Somalo
Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church
Cardinal Priest of Santissimo Nome di Gesù


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: Oberst Segmüller, Commandant of the Pontifical Swiss Guard of The Vatican City State ( Ender )
FROM: John Glass, Secretary of Defense of the United States of America
CC: His Eminence Eduardo Martinez Somalo, Camerlengo of the Holy See and Acting Sovereign of the Vatican City State

Commandant Segmüller,

As the highest civilian authority of the United States armed forces, other than the President, it is my duty to inform you that a joint-deployment between the United States Navy, Army, and Marine Corps has been made. This task force is being deployed to the Italian coast in order to provide direct protection of Rome and the Vatican City State until the interment of His Holiness John Paul II. Including with this task force are some 1200 Army National Guard soldiers who will be deployed to the Vatican and Rome in order to relieve the Swiss Guard and Italian military of some stress throughout this process. Also, U.S. special forces are in this deployment and will be sent to Castle Saint Angelo, along with ground command staff, some of which will be stationed at the Vatican itself. I have spoken with the leadership of this operation and have made it clear that our ground forces are in Rome and the Vatican to assist the Swiss Guard and the Vatican Gendarmerie, and to work as partners who have the same mission: the safety of the Vatican and international visitors who ill be there for the funeral.

Please do not hesitate to contact my office or the American Embassy in Rome if there are any concerns.

Also, a second deployment will later be made that will arrive in advance of the President. It will include numerous special agents from the FBI and Secret Service who will be used covertly in crowds to find any bad actors, as was discussed before. This deployment will come later, before the President is due to arrive to Rome. When this deployment is made, an Emergency Action Message (EAM) from the National Military Command Center (NMCC) will be sent to your office. Do not be alarmed, as this is standard procedure.

Again, please do not hesitate to contact my office.​

Very Respectfully,

John Glass
Secretary of Defense

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