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Workers' Party of Korea | Condemnation of the Indian Revisionists


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Addressed to the workers and people of India,

The Workers’ Party of Korea strongly condemns the Communist Party of India for its revisionist policies and complacency with the exploitative bourgeoise. Communism is not opposed to Democracy and Communists parties may participate in democracies with the stooge parties of the bourgeoise. However, giving up your basic principles for electability and supporting opportunist leaders who speak the language of the people but dine with the capitalist pigs is revisionism and wrong. The era of vanguard political committees is behind us, the era of democratic participation is ahead of us. The communist movements that give up their core tenants in this tradition are traitors to the working class and the people.

In your quest for accountable, fair, and open government, the rise of opportunist hacks have exploited the successes of the people. The elites of India have committed a monstrous crime against their people. The bourgeoise have inserted themselves in the peoples’ revolution to undermine it. The actions of the Communist Party of India are revisionist and run contrary to our beliefs as communists and people of the working class. Forget not that the rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs. Do not fall for the schemes of the bourgeoise. Like sirens on the islands of the Mediterranean they seek to entice you for eternal servitude. The proletariat which represents us all is under siege by opportunist hacks and you must reclaim the mantel of your quests for justice and freedom.

Socialism has helped bring peace and real justice to people across the world. It has been anti-colonial, anti-imperialism, and anti-war. Yet, the global socialist movement has found itself under siege and under pressure since it began. From the colonial regimes that preceded us to the capitalist regimes that replaced them. Nonetheless, our movement, our ideology, and our visions remain the same. We are one socialist family. We are a single organ. The Workers’ Party of Korea will use its voice to advocate for the rights of our constituents. The global working class.

What has manifested in India shows us once again peaceful coexistence with the bourgeoise is tested. It can not be achieved through negotiations for the working class is always put in a position of weakness and the bourgeoise a position of inflated strength. The Workers’ Party of Korea supports the heroic struggle of the Indian people, the proletariat, that fights against the Communist Party of India and the Indian State that has oppressed them. Using tanks, airplanes, and weapons of war, the Indian State and its revisionist allies have killed and massacred their people. This I condemn. This the Workers’ Party of Korea condemns. This the whole world should condemn. Yet, the world is silent on the deaths of the Indian people for they mean nothing to them. They look only to India for exploit and exploit they shall achieve on the bones of your people.

The Workers' Party calls for global condemnation of the Indian Regime for its cries and shall use our voice to pressure, as elected officials of the Korean people, the Korean Government to suspend assistance to India until its takes actions against government officials and security agencies responsible for their crimes against the people. There can be no peace without justice. There can be no justice without accountability. There can be no accountability without real leadership. We call on the global family of socialists to condemn the revisionist Communist Party of India and condemn its leaders. They do not represent our values. They do not represent the global mission of emancipation. They are tools of the bourgeoise and tools of the elites. This we condemn and urge immediate action by those who remain on the path towards global salvation of the proletariat.

Workers' Party of Korea
Jo Yong-won
Presidium of the Workers’ Party of Korea
Apr 11, 2021
Speaking on behalf of the Communist State of Moldenhauer, I also condemn these horrific acts of the Indian Communist Party. They have, as you have rightly pointed out, violated the true meaning of communism by mixing with and almost supporting the bourgeois pigs. They should not be honoured with the title of Communist Party.

In regards to killing their own civilians, I strongly condemn these actions and call for the people of India to express their deep concern with their failing leadership who would much rather help themselves with the bourgeois, completely removing the title Communist Party. If anything else happens, I wish to say that all communists and proletariats struggling around the world offer the working class of India our help and, if needs be, I am prepared to intervene to stop the abomination that is India.

Communist State of Moldenhauer
Georg Aachen
Leader of the Communist State of Moldenhauer