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Search results

  1. Connor

    [Sweden]: Call to Canada

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: SECURE Document Classification and Security Act 1995 A telephone call is made to the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Per Sjögren, Ambassador for Sweden to Canada. This telephone call is made in line with the Swedish...
  2. Connor

    [Sweden]: Call to Spain

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: SECURE Document Classification and Security Act 1995 A telephone call is made to the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Cecilia Julin, Ambassador for Sweden to Spain. This telephone call is made in line with the Swedish...
  3. Connor

    [Purchase][Sweden] Saab Skeldar V-200

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Saab Skeldar V-200</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>6</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>2,500,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>On the...
  4. Connor

    [Purchase][Sweden] Patria AMV XA-360

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Patria AMV XA-360</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>113</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>2,352,258.00</td></tr><tr><td>On the...
  5. Connor

    [Transfer] Sweden to Chevrolet

    <table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>SENDER</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>RECIPIENT</td><td>Chevrolet</td></tr><tr><td>VALUE</td><td>400,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>REASON</td><td>Undisclosed</td></tr><tr><td>PRIVATE / ENCRYPTED</td><td>No</td></tr></table>
  6. Connor

    [Sweden]: Message to Taiwan

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL Document Classification and Security Act 1995 Dear Joseph Wu, I am writing to you from the Representative Office of Sweden to Taiwan. My name is Rosita Jonsson and I am the current Ambassador for Sweden to...
  7. Connor

    [Sweden]: Auction of Surplus Naval Equipment

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Document Classification and Security Act 1995 Following an extensive analysis of the Swedish Royal Navy as part of the Defence White Paper 1996 by the Department of Defence, the decision has been reached to...
  8. Connor

    Regeringskansliet Government Offices of Sweden
  9. Connor

    [Sweden]: Message to Rolls Royce

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: TOP SECRET Document Classification and Security Act 1995 To whom it may concern, I hope this correspondence reaches you well. I write to you this afternoon as part of the newly developing Swedish National Security Office -...
  10. Connor

    [Sweden]: Message to Chevrolet

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: TOP SECRET Document Classification and Security Act 1995 To whom it may concern, I hope this correspondence reaches you well. I write to you this afternoon as part of the newly developing Swedish National Security Office -...
  11. Connor

    [Sweden]: Call to Australia

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: TOP SECRET Document Classification and Security Act 1995 A telephone call is made to the Attorney-General for Australia by Swedish Attorney General Morgan Johansson. This telephone call is made in line with the Swedish...
  12. Connor

    [Strömberg]: Call to Ukraine Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL Document Classification and Security Act 1995 A telephone call is made to the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice by Einar Åkesson, Regional Manager for Europe of Strömberg International Legal Consultants. This telephone call is...
  13. Connor

    [Purchase][Sweden] Saab 105​

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Saab 105​</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>6</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>210,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>On the...
  14. Connor

    [Sweden]: Message to the Chief Justice Security Classification: SECURE Document Classification and Security Act 1995 Dear Chief Justice Rolf Olhouser, I write to you in conjunction with Article 15 of the Global Assembly Statue of the Court, specifically subsection 2, in order to appeal the...
  15. Connor

    [Sweden]: Call to Italy

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL Document Classification and Security Act 1995 A conference telephone call is made to the Italian Ministry of Defence by Göran Mårtensson, General Director of the Defence Materiel Administration and Peter...
  16. Connor

    [Sweden]: Message to Britain

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: SECURE Document Classification and Security Act 1995 Dear Lawrence Adams MP, I hope this correspondence reaches you well. I write to you this afternoon as a not-too-distance neighbour of your island with the view to further...
  17. Connor

    [Purchase][Sweden] JCB HMEE

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>JCB HMEE</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>37</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>261,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>On the...
  18. Connor

    [Sweden]: Call to Australia

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: TOP SECRET Document Classification and Security Act 1995 A telephone call is made from by the Secretary of Antarctic Affairs, Mattias Winblad to the Australian department responsible for Antarctica. This telephone call is...
  19. Connor

    [Sweden]: Call to Portugal

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: TOP SECRET Document Classification and Security Act 1995 A telephone call is made to the Portguese Foreign Affairs Ministry, or equivalent government department, by the Under Secretary of Antarctic Affairs for International...
  20. Connor

    [Sweden]: Call to Russia

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: TOP SECRET Document Classification and Security Act 1995 A telephone call is made to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrey Kozyrev, by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström. This telephone call is made...