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[GA] Resolution on the Balkan conflict

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Aug 4, 2018
"Those Serbians," Lieutenant Nguyen would reply. "Have not been home for 20 years. Serbia is their home now. What of the Kosovans? Are you going to put them in front of the firing squad and the noose en masse if they are the war criminals that you described them to be in this very chambers? Do we settle mistreatments by war these days? No, sir we do not. The facts are indeed very simple: your nation invaded a sovereign state that has been recognized by the majority of individuals within these chambers. Your facts are not facts, they are instead the warped opinions of your nation."


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"So I guess suggesting sanctioning the Serbians both monetarily and militarily does not count as a plan? But quoting from Hobbes does?

And you were the one who initially brought up Brazilian boisterousness over our independence, when we never even mentioned it. You attacked that part of our history and heritage simply because we had a different opinion than yours.

And again even more hypotheticals in attacking the points of views of others.

And after all of your speeches you just now have only seconded a plan put forth by another party.

Never once in all of your haranguing have you uttered one single sentence of an actionable plan, other than to, "Let the Kosovars handle the logistics."

With that the Brazilian representative brushes his hand in the direction of the Vietnamese Lieutenant as talking is akin to talking to a wall.


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
One of the argentinean diplomats would discretly and privately send a message to his brazilian colleague, suggesting to ignore any further comment from Vietnam, as it was only dragging on and would lead to nothing to keep that particular discussion.

Finally another private message would be sent to the Secretariat demanding an answer to the request of moving on to the vote, or at least to show their presence. @Odinson


Aug 4, 2018
"Ignore this, Ambassador." Lieutenant Nguyen would say coldly, rising to his feet. He'd turn on his laptop, plugging it into the projector. As part of the protests in Kosovo, numerous journalists have been following and posting everything onto social media.

Lieutenant Nguyen would play the video that has just occured, where Serbian tanks are firing their machine guns into crowds of protesters, cutting them down en masse.

"Territorial integrity." Lieutenant Nguyen would say, looking at the rest of the Assembly. "Is this what we call genocide now?"


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Juan Valdez would receive the message and have an aide walk over to the Argentinian delegation and whisper into the Representatives' ear. "We don't this to continue any longer, either. But, yes, maybe instead of responding to every illogical thing the Vietnamese say, we should just push for a vote. Representative Valdez, thanks you."

And the aid quickly scurries back to the Brazilian delegation.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Secretary General, if I may I would like to propose an amendment to the resolution." Aides to the Representative would begin handing out documents to all present delegations and the Secretary General.


Article 1 be amended to:
The Republic of Serbia has to immediately recall all armed forces operating within the territory of Kosovo and refrain from pursuing any military action on said territory, with consequential economical and political sanctions. Further calls for a GA-peacekeeping force to be deployed to the Kosovo-Serbia border to prevent further incursions or retaliations.

Article 2 be amended to:
To call all third Parties, not part of a GA operation, to refrain from intervening, directly and/or indirectly, in this conflict. Should any of them violate the present Article, they will be made automatically subject to international sanctions, economic and political, in the form of embargoes and monetary fines to be paid to the General Assembly, among others.

Article 3 to be removed

Article 5 to be added:
Calls for an independent GA review led by the International Court of Justice to look into the actions of this conflict and to persecute those on both sides which violated international law.

Article 6 to be added:
The creation of a commission responsible for finding a diplomatic solution to the conflict, with an example being the negotiation of a two-state solution.


Aug 4, 2018
The Vietnamese delegation would immediately burst into applause and cheers for the Dutch amendment to the Resolution.


Jul 1, 2018
"Considering the Serbian people have no faith in the ICJ to even attempt to deal with the grave offenses of the past. We reject this resolution forthright."


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
The Brazilian delegation would first laugh out loud at the eruption of cheers coming from the Vietnamese delegation. An aide would say the Representative Valdez, "They are cheering something the Dutch have made in just two statements, that they could not in ten or twelve hours of droning on?" Valdez would reply to his aid, "The empty can rattles the most. The sound of their own vice must sooth them apparently. Anyway...."

"To the Dutch representative, we would ask the following question, "If, say a vote goes 60/40 for GA intervention, are you willing to to take the risk of escalating a wider war by attempting to sanction those that oppose military intervention, with an intervention of their own?

The Principle is the same. You would be intervening in something you do not agree with....why should Brazil be punished for intervening in something it does not agree with? Just because four or five countries disagree on a vote more than we do, you are allowed to intervene militarily and we are not?

To me this just causes more animosity between countries. We would be willing to work with you on Article 6.

But Article 2 is just begging for a wider war.

There must be a better solution."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The Norwegian ambassador briefly spoke up, "I concur with the amendment proposed by the Dutch government. I believe this is an improvement."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Mr Ambassador," van der Laar said as he looked towards the Brazilian delegation, "If this amendment were to be adopted then it would mean that a GA Peacekeeping Task Force would be deployed to the region. What I do not understand, something I hope you would be willing to explain, is that nations that are opposed to an intervention would intervene themselves."

"The deployment of a Task Force consisting of a multinational composition and with the backing of the GA would have a the ability keep the peace in the region. I very much doubt that any nation which were to vote against the resolution would dare attack a GA peacekeeping force."

"The amendment calls for third party nations not to get involved, if Brazil is opposed to an intervention then they are not required to volunteer troops for the mission, your nation would not be punished unless you were to operate your own intervention. A central led operation is the safest way to an end to the bloodshed."

"Since the amendment is heavily based on the original proposal by the Argentinian delegation I see no reason why you would be opposed to the deployment of a operation led by the GA instead of multiple operations led by various nations with their own interest. What I seek here is to allow the international community to work together to a peaceful solution."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Argentina would reject the presented ammendment and request to vote on the proposal submitted previously by Argentina, with the ammendments of Japan and Thailand. Should it not pass, Argentina would agree to move on to vote on the Dutch proposal.


Aug 4, 2018
Lieutenant Minh Nguyen would rise to his feet to call out the Argentinian Representative. "Mr. Representative, do you mean to allow the country that fired tank machine guns into crowds of protesters the rights to that very same country? Are you so willing to endorse genocide?"


Jul 1, 2018
"Those tanks were protecting Infantrymen and Police Officers which had come under assault with deadly weapons."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I believe the current escalation reiterate the need for a GA Peacekeeping Force to defuse the tensions between the two sides, as well as the creation of a committee to begin working on a solution via dialogue and diplomacy. Furthermore I call upon the Secretary General to bring all amendments to a vote, before a final vote on the resolution with or without amendments depending on the results on the voting on the amendments."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"The argentine proposal calls for an immediate retreat of the serbian military forces in Kosovo. That should be a good starting point to avoid further escalation of the conflict. Considering the chronological evolving of the present debate, it would be biased for the SG to call to vote straight away on a proposal that has just been submitted while multiple nations have been requesting to vote on a proposal being elaborated and discussed for several hours and days."


Jul 1, 2018
"Our forces will retreat past the Ibar only. The Serbs of North Ibar never consented to the Independence, nor did they assent to being separated from Serbia."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
This is the response of the Secretary General, NOT of Norway.

The Secretary General spoke up, "If there is any more debate on the resolution or the amendments, now would be the time to have it. Afterwards, we will begin voting."


Aug 4, 2018
"Mr. Secretary General, I move that we immediately go with the Dutch proposal first," Lieutenant Minh would say. "It is incredibly obvious that the situation in Kosovo has changed. The entire country is in an uprising and the majority of Kosovo has declared itself liberated and expelled the Serbians. To force them to fall back under Serbian country while also forcing the expulsion of the Serbian military is not only incredibly dangerous, but bound to instead have the Kosovars declare an independent state once again. I move that we go with the more recent proposal as it is up-to-date with the situation and more effective."


Aug 4, 2018
Lieutenant Nguyen would arise to his feet once more to address the General Assembly stoicly.

"Serbian forces are currently firing indiscriminately at any Kosovar not wearing a Serbian military uniform. Their air force has bombed the capital. We should vote now."
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